Having Abomination back through Rick is okay, but when are we getting Blonsky back for real? He's in Hell right now, being an unstoppable beast, and TOBA could really find use in someone like him.
Immortal Hulk thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Preview of the issue coming out tomorrow
Hey look it's the narrator from the Hell arc
I'm hoping that ever since Ross died Blonsky's been fucking him up every second in Hell as revenge for filling him with bullets.
>Having Abomination back through Rick is okay, but when are we getting Blonsky back for real?
Does Blonsky even have any personality traits?
He's a communist and jealous Bruce gets to at least have a human body while he's stuck being a freak.
I'm pretty sure we aren't going to be seeing Blonsky unless he's coming to beat the living shit out of Hulk for Issue #33 (Legacy #750)
*seeing Blonsky for now
>but when are we getting Blonsky back for real?
Supercharging Bruce with gamma rays resulted in a double asura, i'd say Blonsky ragaining a full body isn't so far fetched
Doc Samson
>Old Goat
Either Cho or Blonsky
>My sister's idiot child
>Jenny She-Hulk, natch
>your wife
Not certain on delinquent or copycat
Copycat must be Blonsky as he is the first "other" Hulk.
Probably never. Ewing only brought in the current Abomination because Bennett wanted to draw it.
Should Col Ross get a new, nightmarish persona?
I'm honestly hoping Leader or Guilt Hulk show up sometime soon.
Bennett's already confirmed to be working on a new Leader design so lord hopes it can be good.
The Leader is pretty much a certainty, but we don't know if Guilt Hulk will make his appearance again. Ewing could surprise everyone and do a similar scene of the Mindscape, but using all the past Hulks in the Below instead.
>a new Leader design
Dear God.
I wonder if he can top this though.
Variant covers for Immortal Hulk #21, by Lee InHuyk...
Thunderbolt Ross version of the same variant, and...
Wrap-around version. This is gonna sell like hotcakes I bet.
Anyone have non-repreview spoilers?
Ross didn't have a mustache as Red Hulk though
I wonder how the Red Hulk is going to fit into all this Green Door/Gamma shit.
Here's your new Leader bro.
Right, then that's gotta be Maverick.
Not quite, but Ewing posted this a month ago in his tumblr, tagged as "geburah or golachab". According to Wikipedia:
>Golachab is the Qliphah corresponding to the Sephirah Geburah on the kabbalistic tree of life. Its name means the ‘Burners with Fire’, and the image of the demons associated with it are of enormous black heads like a volcano in eruption.
And there were many other posts regarding Cobalt Man. Maybe he'll make a reappearance?
How's Ewing gonna throw a horror spin on him?
"Fire" definitely describes Ross
Maybe his flesh will be grafted into the suit, burned into it so it can't be removed.
But the post had nothing to do with Ross.
General Fortean becomes the new Cobalt Man
Sorry, missed where it was specifically tagged with Cobalt Man.
If another Mindscape arc occurs, we'd maybe get Guilt Hulk as an antagonist. Besides, the two Mindscape arcs that resulted in Professor Hulk being created and Devil Hulk appearing were both because of him, and Ewing did reference the issue when Devil Hulk first appeared, which also had Guilt Hulk in it.
And as we know, Bruce's guilt is only growing bigger and bigger every day...
And what sends you to Hell in the first place? Guilt.
>Hulk gets sent to Hell again for whatever reason.
>Guilt Hulk's taken over his body.
>Abomination is trying to kill him over and over.
>And there's only one man with enough power to stop him.
But the Stare never works.
It's like Iron Man and -buster armors.
So I guess Ross will come back in the Absoloute Carnage tie-in? He's currently dead but he was a symbiote host as Rulk. Maybe he'll finally get his stache
woah what the fuck why is it so blurry
Previews are always in lower quality while the balloons are in high quality, I am unsure why but it always happens.
it is a preview, it depends on where OP saved those pics from, most of the sites that host the previews have low quality pics
Copycat is Sasquatch/Langkowski, otherwise everything else checks out.
Reposting this re: "emanations", which will factor in tomorrow's issue:
>Emanationism is a cosmological theory which asserts that all things "flow" from an underlying principle or reality, usually called the Absolute or Godhead. Any teachings which involve emanation are usually in opposition to creation ex nihilo as emanation advocates that everything has always existed and has not been "created" from nothing. (It's also) a transcendent principle from which everything is derived, and is opposed to both creationism (wherein the universe is created by a sentient God who is separate from creation) and materialism (which posits no underlying subjective and/or ontological nature behind phenomena being immanent).
In simpler terms, unlike particles or waves (radiate or depart from the source), emanations branch from the original source, like roots from the tree. So in the case of TOBA, all of His influence is also part of who He is (hence what Brian Banner says, "I am myself, but I am also Him"). This is the "third form of energy", a force whose power is only diluted by the distance from the source, but it's intrinsically tied to it.
I said the same thing a thread or two ago. We're totally getting a Cobalt Man inspired by the movie Virus.
Also is it me or Cobalt Man feels kinda like a character who belongs in 2000AD? Given Ewing's background it makes sense to use him.
He definitely seems right up their alley, given how many programs feature armored radioactive mutants.
im going to eat some chicken thighs and drumsticks while pretending im the hulk eating red harpy betty's ass
I want Ross to come back as a burning corpse
So like the Inhuman Torch, but with red electricity? I can dig it.
>Rick gets separated from Abomination somehow
>Shadow Base has only one half of it left, but it's still strong enough to put up an even fight against the Hulk
>Then TOBA comes in, spreads it's magic gamma bullshit, then Blonsky takes over and runs off after the Hulk penetrates Fortean with his five foot gamma cock
>Fortean ends up going "A MAN'S GOTTA DO IT HIMSELF" or some shit after Abomination gets it's shit torn apart
>Turns himself into the new Cobalt Man, but shit goes awry and his flesh gets fused into the armor and shit just gets worse from there as he slowly goes insane trying to kill the Hulk
>THEN Red Hulk comes back, and he's fucking pissed and also a host for TOBA or something
>That ending
Maybe that's what the final page that's been rumored already is gonna be about.
This week's ish was real good boyos, you're in for a treat.
>Fortean gets SMASHED.COM like Bushwacker, but this time, it's times 10
>A literal fucking mountain of Hulk body parts crushes Fortean to death
>Final page is actually Tony Stark standing on a mound of rubble and pointing at the Hulk mountain like:
>"Bruce Banner, you're under arrest!"
>The Avengers have to fight Hulk in his Final Fantasy final boss form
>Rick Abomination
Never ok.
That's why you have to
help him
kill you
So he can go back to his regular self, now with glow-in-the-dark eyes and puking powers.
God, it'd be fucking majestic if Ross came back JUST to shit on Fortean. Even better if he doesn't recognize him.
Oh fuck, I'm actually staring to get hyped.
>They throw everything they have at the Hulk AGAIN to little effect
>He gets so worked up he goes full Burning Godzilla and melts down
>There's no remains whatsoever, just a crater
>Months later, everyone agrees never to speak of this event again, despite being on edge for the Hulk's next appearance
>Meanwhile in the Ukraine, radiation levels at the Chernobyl site have hit an all-time low
>Concurrent with reports of a mysterious creature spotted entering and exiting the site...
Dracula is living in Chernobyl now.
Y'all are gonna like the last page.
Is it weird that I want Ben Grim and Logan to show up in this? They both have history with Banner
please draw pedo stache and goatee to his face, user.
Well, that's an interesting development.
Spoiler tag that shit, dude.
Also, Carnage teaser is actually relevant this time.
wonder if he'll still have his new waifu
I wonder if she loves him for BIG, VEINY, GREEN, HAIRY, THROBBING brain of his.
I saw nothing, I don't know shit, fuck everything, nothing happened in this thread, move along!
Goddamn it why isn't it ripped yet.
I'll post it. I'm literally just screenshotting pages from the marvel reader, so bear with me.
Continuing from where the preview left off...
>Bruce Banner of Earth
There is great RAGE in you
Thanks user!
Are you seriously storytiming it right now
Sorry, slipped up there, I'll spoiler it from here on out for anyone who might prefer reading it in a higher-quality storytime later
No, I don't want spoilers! But thanks for reposting it the proper way.
I still saw the title though, I simply scrolled down as if someone had posted a gore picture, no big deal.
Damn man, it's been so long since I got hyped over a comic.
I'd still tap Red Harpy.
>hyped over a comic
>over IH of all things
This will be my final post on Yea Forums.
How can anyone think that this is scary for real ? How can anyone take seriously a horror book with the Hulk as a supposed to be frightening monster ? How can anyone see the Hulk as frightening for real in this book ?
"Ouh, the Hulk is smiling, so unsetlling, this is so scary guys..." why are you lying to yourself like that ?
You guys are just forcing onto yourself the new fade there will be in this hivemind of a board, with the blandest, tamest, most classicly safe comic book there can be, while your selective outrage is shitting on King's Batman for things that would be praised if they were written by someone else, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO you have to shit on it even if it's good because the hivemind dictates you to do so !!!
No wonder you can't get laid, but guess what ? I got a girlfriend now. For the first time of my life after 24 years I finally got a girlfriend, and all that nerd fuss has become so irritating since.
I'm just leaving for good now, I had plenty of fun with that board but I'm done. I wish you to get girlfriends to, maybe it will open your eyes about the hivemind that is destructing your self, but sadly, the hivemind is probably keeping you away from being able to seduce anyone, so you're most likely trapped in a vicious circle, and sadly, there is no Savage Dragon to save you from it. I just hope that this message will maybe help you to think by yourself a bit more and to get a girlfriend to.
Enjoy your book.
Is it happening? The storytime has begun?
God I love you.
So is this couple therapy now?
>cleaning herself with her tongue
No boner stop
Man, Fortean is such a creep. I am happy that Ross was unavailable and we got him instead.
See you next time, user.
basado y gammapillado
I remember people talking about this a while ago, didn't expect it to actually show up
Just look at her body. She's gorgeous.
There's nothing better than a warm cup of coffee and a comfy story time thread. This is why i love this shitty, thumbrler/reddit faggot infested, hole dilatin', fake outragin', scottsman postin' board.
Engage in sexual intercourse, dear user.
They just don't make the wagons like they used to.
Well that was a lot easier than I expected.
That's a very phalic explosion.
Thanks for reminding me to make coffee.
Oh no Hulk killed people! And that's terrible!
Uh oh
That's it, last page is a tie-in for the upcoming Carnage event.
SO, who's the guy Bruce beat (maybe)?
soldiers dont count
So that outer skin is Blonsky then?
I already did that to my hand, thank you very much.
Why is Superman in there?
That guy escaped though
yes he did which is why i remembered to save that page
never killing was always canon to hulks who have banner present
What killed the hype?
some retard storytiming it in a non-storytime thread
>Carnage event
Why though?
Because Maximum Carnage wasn't enough Carnage
You, user. It was you. And Yoshida-san and his katana are coming for you.
Is this the new copypasta? Next up you're going to say
">33 posters
Aren't you?
>"Geburah, or Golachab?"
Guys I told you, I told you dogs!!! And I see a blue guy down there, is it him? Cobalt Man?
I wasn't going to but now that you mention it
>127 posts
>only 33 posters
Oof. Dead series, dead fanbase. Guess this is one flop that didn't rise during the night. Ba-dump TSSH
Seriously speaking folks there's no hope. This month's sales numbers will show IH taking a very real dip, the new issue is just retreading old ground (Banner's dad AGAIN, fighting Abomination AGAIN, niggress reporter checking Hulk's privilege AGAIN) and with the novelty wearing thin we could be looking at one of the last issues ever. Unless Ewing can come up with something new that we haven't seen a hundred times before (and looking at Red Hulk coming back, that's not bloody likely) this series will be cancelled before summer ends.
Yep it's the same guy. How come you're up so late? Or so early? Either way you being around in this thread just shows desperation and an obsessive commitment to your ridiculous cause. Take a shower, go outside, smell the flowers.
Fuck right off.
Aaaaand God speaking directly to Banner.
You're right. Exactly the same as before.
Some dumbass bitching about a comic that everyone likes.
See you next month.
The "what killed the hype" thing has been a shitpost for ages in the Shingeki no Kyojin threads so it may have come here from Yea Forums
That explains it... I do remember someone using smug loli pics in the early IH threads trying to mock the fanbase and claiming it was going to get cancelled too, so it might be the same person. Switching the tactics a bit, but the scent remains.
Would you?
Just keep in mind this won't disrupt the main book, as it's a one-shot disconnected from the series. So we should be able to ignore it if needed, even though according to the credits here , it's gonna be written by Ewing too, so maybe let's not skip it.
As long as she keeps her talons away from me, sure would.
>yfw She-Hulk had to die in order to get Blood Harpy
Goodbye Jen, welcome Betty!
Ah thats not so bad then.
>he doesn't want to be picked up in big talons and taken water-skiing like in Rescuers Down Under
Is that fucking Mr. Immortal?
You know, I think it is. The colours, the hair.
Is the implication that Bruce will be the last man on the destroyed earth after killing Mr. Immortal?
Immortal Hulk, floating in the vacuum of space forever?
What a great fate to look forward to.
Well fuck
It would seem so.
I think it's just Hulk having accomplished his ultimate goal -- the extinction of all human life.
At last puny man leaves Hulk alone!
In a literal god damned heartbeat
Who would be on top? How much does Red Harpy weigh?
Assuming she doesn't have hollow bones
A hulk physiology (raw muscle and increased stature)
Wings muscular enough to propel said hulk body into the air for long periods
I'd say she'd weigh a fuck-ton
So when she's on top (and you know she will be) you'll be ground into the ground?
>Wings muscular enough to propel said hulk body into the air for long periods
Not just her own body, as you can see in she's strong enough to lift off with the Abomination clinging to her without much issue.
So does Devil Hulk want to protect all of Bruce's personalities? That's interesting considering how most of them are at odds with each other.
this is the most interesting story from hulk in ages, however i dont dig the idea of a Hulk Force
A Hulk Force? Don't be silly. It's just radiation. And you know what radiation is like. It does whatever!
Poor Rick-kun.
Oh, this is interesting. The Devil-Hulk taking a kind of protective big-brother approach to the savage Hulk. I can dig that dynamic.
Huh I would have figured that Fortean's creepy crush on Betty would have had him at least make Abomination not auto-target her.
I thought of that first until user said that was Mr. Immortal
I'm not sure, is this foreshadowing things Hulk/Banner are going to do, or talking about things they've done already? Like Hulk was the Horseman of War briefly, and the second bit sounds like it might be talking about the Green Scar, but I'm not sure about the rest.
Like is he talking about Nul for the "best of myth" and is Ewing actually fucking referencing Kluh from Axis? And the next bit "the thing in the tube and the thoughtful man" I don't get at all.
>the thoughtful man
Leader, got to be.
>The Thing in the Tube
Rickbomination. Literally kept in a tube until Fortean needed him.
Is this the next issue since Harpy Betty ate Hulk's heart, or did I miss something?
It is, you missed nothing. The pacing is just terrible because Ewing can't write for shit.
So is Ross just gonna double-die because this is Carnage's show, or is Cletus gonna bite off more than he could chew?
>Ross' body turned into a Carnage-Hulk, literally just a corpse being puppeted by Carnage.
>Then shit gets WEIRD. Cletus gets a glimpse of Gamma Hell/The Green Door and be terrified
>Hulk gives a vaguely creepy speech/threat to Cletus after tearing Ross apart and leaving
That's how I think it'll go.
Isn't Gamma radiation like poison to symbiotes?
When was this established? When I was a kid they only cared about fire and loud noises.
I distantly remember Venom trying to possess Hulk and then immediately jumping off, burning.
Venom has also bonded to Red Hulk before, in the Circle of Four storyline.
You may be right, but that doesn't mean it matters.
It's interesting that Brian Banner isn't gleefully smiling here, which goes to show that he isn't JUST a convenient interface for the One Below All.
Kind of disappointing that we didn't get weirder with Betty eating Hulk's heart, but this works better to keep things moving.
Storytime of the latest chapter
Red Hulk also had that extra burning radiation aura, so that might come into play.
I dropped Hulk cold after the Red Hulk mess, but this is making me want to start reading his stuff again.
Yes. You probably should.