Instead of seeing Far From Home, just play the PS4 game again. It’s a far better take on Peter Parker, and they’re adding the new suit anyway
Instead of seeing Far From Home, just play the PS4 game again. It’s a far better take on Peter Parker...
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I hope it's ok that I plan to do both.
Both the new suits, actually.
Well I might just see it just for Mysterio
It is but OP will cry about it anyway because DIZNEE BAD
If I could go back in time and prevent TLJ from raping his childhood like the scene from Irreversible, I would. Even though that dead-horse franchise stopped interesting me decades ago.
Actually I can understand why people would see this. You can still have a fun time at the movies and still acknowledge the film is off material
>Stark Suit
>Iron Spider
Does he have 4 suits in the game or am I missing any
>No TASM suits
I know it's pride month, but why is Insomniac so gay?
You forgot homemade
Just REEEEEE about it until your get it, it's proven to work
There's not enough people to do that for TASM suits
We don’t really need it. There’s enough slightly different versions of the regular 616
Why does it have to be Disney bad and not just strong, negative feelings about this interpretation of an iconic character? Has Yea Forums really pivoted towards disney shilling in the last few years or what?
And all those variants are shit compared to TASM 1 suit. I'd even say TASM 2 should've replaced the Homemade suit.
It's SJW trash and that Peter is a cuck faggot
but i don't have a PS4.
Stop autistic. Have sex
Go dilate with your mega baddragon
>pride month
That was last month.
Stop projecting
The home made was a bit different. Though that’s a misnomer considering Pete’s original costume was home made.
They have to save some suits for the sequel, we have the two ASM suits, the black suit, Ben Reilly’s suit and the captain universe variant. What else
When is the suit getting added? I love black and red spidey. Feels more ditko.
Now. They're part of the update that came today.
Kaine's stealth suit, Unlimited suit, maybe throw in Noir W/ hat and overcoat, Spider-Cop, Superior suit, 67 animated suit.
I would love it if the sequel just started with all these suits for unlock
Doesn't matter how good it is, I'm not buying a PS4 for one game.
Personally I'm hoping all the suits from the first game will make it to the sequel. Just keep adding more and more suits. You can just remove the powers from the old suits and have them be skin options.
>One game
Wasn’t Kaines stealth suit included in the first DLC? Or are you talking about his blue suit from the 90s?
I have Xbox for every multi platform game.
Nvm didn't realize this was a ps4 game. Eh wasn't a fan of Dark Souls anyway.
Still just two games, and there's no way of knowing if I'd actually enjoy Bloodborne. I only played two games on my PS3, and I still regret getting it. I haven't gotten a system I didn't regret since the PS2. If I do buy a current system it'd probably be a Switch now that Spyro is going to be on it. I've always been curious about Mario and Zelda stuff.
Oh wow, hype.
I still need to play the DLCs.
Garfield suit 1 was complete shit
You’re not missing much sadly. Great game, but the DLC is a tacked on unfocused story. Hammerhead can’t carry it
Not a big deal, I'm in it for more gameplay.
The main game gave me a great story so I'm satisfied on that front.
Expect a headache from new enemy types, such as gattling gunners and energy shield guys with jet packs
TLJ is absolute trash along with the rest of the ST. And I don't hate MCU Spidey or other disneyshit
liking the new suit
It's literally just the Big Time suit with red lights instead of green.
is they didnt have a problem with the TASM movies they should have no porblem at all with this one
there is this game if you are a Marvel fan
Cope more
I give it a one in five chance of being good.
> Mobile game fans
hey... play sum mahvel babyyyy!
Mysterio is a disgruntled Stark employee who wants to be the new Iron Man in this movie so I can't speak for you but I knew for a fact that I wasn't gonna bother when I found that out
I would skip the Switch, Nintendo after the Gamecube has been shit because they make the games toddler-easy now, they have nothing to offer an adult. I suggest N64 if you want a true Nintendo experience
PS4 is better than PS3 actually but still probably not worth getting
the new Iron Man is synonymous with the new biggest hero of Earth which is something Mysterio would want
If this was the first bit of Iron Man in this series of movies I wouldn't really mind. Throw it in with everything else and especially the fact that Iron Man was already used in Vulture's origin though...
this,you either had to be to stupid or just making shit out of your ass to not get this, its 100% on character
some shots looks good
Then buy one
>samefag who never played MUA before
I want the sequel to this game where Spider-Man fights Carnage the right way and also they should bring in some new villains and even some rare villains from comics.
I'm so fucking tired of squabbles between Spiderfags and "muh best version" (which not so coincidentally is never a comic version). You guys make me embarrassed of liking Spider-Man.
On a related note I'm tired of vydiafags invariably overpraising vydia versions.
Is it weird that despite me loving spider-man that I just accept the MCU movies for what they are? This is like the third incarnation of spider-man and I'm fine with it being different as long as it's good. I personally blame Sony for fucking up the license so bad this is what had to happen.
Can you not read or something? It's very much the opposite, where implying a new Disney product isn't literal rape is frowned upon.
Spider-Man fans are the most entitled
looks good
>Eh wasn't a fan of Dark Souls anyway
Honestly Bloodborne is superior to DS, but there's no guarantee that you'd like it either
Goddamn, that's sexy. I'll have to do another playthrough.
Insomniac, please stop adding suits. Save them for the next game or you won't have any good ones. Not that this one is good, but the Bagman, FF, Raimi suits were simply wasted.
Both of these suits are dogshit compared to the Webbed Suit.
Webbed suit is dogshit with its raised webbing and fixed eyes
I hope you eat glass by accident
Symbiote & Superior suit will be enough to carry the sequel
So you're a moviefag?
Unless you're a spectacular fag at which point you are in fact my nigger
>never a comic version
A comic version? Like a comic version that sold his marriage to the Devil and it still is not dealt with and may never be? That comic version?
user I think Insomniac is based enough to have all of these suits carry over. They've proven to be that committed
Here's hoping they have this as an unlockable.
lol, why is spider-man wearing batman’s first suit from batman begins?