Raimifags had to beg Insomniac for their one suit

>Raimifags had to beg Insomniac for their one suit
>Insomniac adds 2 FFH suits which no one asked for

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>The Marvel published game is made suits for the new Marvel produced movie
What a shocker

>which no one asked for
the suits at marvel asked for it. shilling doesn't need public opinion.

Because Insomniac like everyone knows who the best Spiderman is

That's why we also had 2 Homecoming suits AND Iron Spider

I wanna see the Red/Black in action

The black and red suit looks better here than in the movie


The top pic looks dumb. He's going to swing looking back with that arm in his back.

Probably because Holland is a manlet and can't fill the suit out properly.
Reminder that RDJ chose Holland since he was shorter than him and Holland is already 22/23, he ain't getting much taller. Hopefully he'll broaden out as he gets older

he can do a backflip which is cool, also i find it funny that the actors are lying to hospital kids about mysterio being a superhero

>Best anything
Fucking summer never ends.

Oh yeah, he's super athletic, did a lot of dance etc. when he was young but it just sucks that Spidey is probably gonna be shorter than Wolverine

You don't speak for everyone.

That's true, I was surprised to hear that the actors 23, was hoping he'd grow taller as he keeps up with the role, guess he can broaden out at least though

Finally, I get to feel like Disney's Spider-co licensed with Sony and subcontracted Insomniac-Man(TM)

>Biggest franchise in history
>Most successful franchise in history
>never had a bad movie
>a billion dollar movie every year
>THREE billion dollar movies this year alone

Maybe someday they can get around to adding an ass.

so transformers by Bay is the 2nd best movie franchise ever according to your retard logic?

Stan Lee: "What I like about the costume is that anybody reading Spider-Man in any part of the world can imagine that they themselves are under the costume. And that’s a good thing."
Insomniac: 'Let's make him white."

>ones an addition brought on by actual fan appreciation and desire
>the other is an addition made purely for advertising a film people don't have much interest in.
Fuck off shill.

>for advertising a film people don't have much interest in.

>people don't have much interest in
Alright time to go back to your retard farm

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found the faggot

I don't give a fuck about MCU Spider-Man, but it's nice that they're adding more free suits.

No you fucking moron it's Star Wars which is another franchise owned by Disney that you retards fucking hate for no reason other than MUH SJWS

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Don't you have to run damage control on your latest "kino" that's bombing

? your response makes no sense retard


>success is measured by only monetary gain
I guess we have to talk shit about spider verse then huh?

Go fuck yourself, I'm going to rewatch Spider-verse rather than seeing your MCU garbage.

nah they are both shit its a fact and you are wrong the top is still pokemon hello kity and pooh in that order get fucked kid you lost

Oh so THAT'S why Detective Pikachu became the highest grossing movie of all time

>Stealth suit
>Leave fingerprints everywhere

Also, I'm sure the Raimi suit was always intended, the fan outcry and eventual release just meant that they could now spin it as "listening to the fans," which earns more gratitude than "this is what we always intended, we just weren't allowed to talk about it."

this kills the MCU fag

Attached: MCU-killer.jpg (640x407, 43K)

Didn't some developers get pissed off

Cool to see the devs still putting out free content, sad though that most of the DLC stories were outright bad, but the costumework is A tier.

God those suits look like shit.

>the top is still pokemon
I never got this. Pokemon includes games, toys, anime, merch. But for Marvel the films are counted only, the action figures and toys make a shit ton and combined with the mcu, probably more than pokemon

>Zoomerfag detected

Why are there so many dark suits in the game?

marvel counts all even the sony films

>But for Marvel the films are counted only, the action figures and toys make a shit ton and combined with the mcu, probably more than pokemon
Yeah I doubt that. I see more kids with mine pcraft and fortnight merchant than I do with Marvel. Outside the movies the MCU really doesn't seem to have much compared to other merchandising franchises like Star Wars or Pokemon.

if you want numbers the pokemon card game alone beats out both marvel games and merch combined
Card game – $10.853 billion
Merchandise sales – $5.43 billion
Home entertainment – $5.254 billion

What a fucking retard.
I came in here to laugh at you, op. Goddamn, a whole thread died for this bullshit. You're so shit, op. Never post again.

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I like how he has a suit for every occasion.

>Not liking popular things makes me special

Those suits are still pretty cool, even if you hate MCU spidey

I love how you can equip the iron spider legs on any other costume

>movie accurate costumes
>based insomniac
>redesign all the comic suits
>good fuck those comic designs

What’s with the double standard

Red and black will always be a kino color combination, the shield suit would be better with fully covered gloves tho

Some of those are improvements anyway, Scarlet Spider for example looks pretty damn sexy with the added textures, so does the original costume and a lot others, what exactly looks bad for you?

>it's popular so that means is good.

I know you're joking but in case any underaged summerfriends don't know - Marvel games always contain a great deal of shilling for the MCU, especially newer movies. A lot of events in the mobile games are centered around what ever movie is about to come out.

Raimi spiderman is the most popular one on cinema, that also makes it the shittier one then

I hated when Marvel vs Capcom was still a thing and because of license drama or some shit, we never got the movie costumes on the marvel characters, especially when the mobile apps are always being updated with those

>it made a lot of money so it’s the greatest
I guess Avatar is literally the best movie in existence, then.

not an argument, hipster

Didn't they say they wouldn't add the Far From Home suit?

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>tfw still no Venom DLC

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>those suits
Whelp, time to boot up my copy of the game.

Venom is being saved for the sequel. On that note they better not fuck the black suit.

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>The sequel is almost surely coming out for the PS5 and I'm a poorfag in a country that taxes videogames up the wazoo
Fuck me

Mysterio probably will be too since he's at a high popularity now and wasn't in the first game

Most of the people playing the game are normies with no investment in comic books.

Comic Iron spider, it’s supposed to be a kind of sleek metal not metal platting

Classic armor spider is another one where they fucked up the design this time just cause, it looks perfect texture wise but the design is wrong

Manga spidey just was a surprise but again they made it more like a bootleg version then the real one with the wrong colors and details

Now this would be fine if the movie costumes were not 1:1 recreations why have them be perfect then they fuck the comics

No, they never said that

No costume got it as bad as classic 2099 and Bagman.

You were never getting movie costumes anyway they specifically redesign the comic costumes to look more in line with the mcu iron man is literally his mvc3 head on avengers 2 Ironman, funnily enough spider mans costume was given the holes in the eyes of the mask like asm 2

do you retards ever not complain?

Bagman sucker and fuck all the faggots who praised them for including it that’s not how it looked

Stealth > Noir

So is this movie destined to be the first Marvel flop? hope for a good movie anyways


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>Raimifags had to beg Insomniac for their one suit
>Implying anyone listened to them because it was going into the game regardless, but it ended up as a late addition due to legal stuff with the costume designer

Probably it’ll hit 800 million

This game is still relevant? Not that it's a bad game, I'm just surprised. This game was really only good for one playthrough. I wish more DLC was rolled out to keep fun going, especially with the new suits coming out.

Yeah it's probably only going to just barely make a billion

This is the closest were ever getting to the Alex Ross suit, isn't it? I wanted that suit out of all the suits.

Pretty sure the one people begged for the most was the Amazing Bag-Man and it got there. The Raimi suit got there too but it was going to be there anyway.

MCU Spidey is there because Sony is involved with the movie and they're promoting it, don't be a retard.

>three billion dollar movies
Lol stop being delusional, it's 1 billion for Panther and Captain Marvel and two billion point something at the least with Endgame. Don't think it will even beat Avatar's record because it pissed off people with it's shitty CGI scenes and my theater already took it down because it wasn't drawing in enough people.

No, that won't happen for awhile. But the wheel for it is already in motion since the recent Endgame stunt with the cheap CGI Hulk already pissed off fans especially since nothing substantial was added and they made a big deal out of nothing. Even the most hardcore pro MCU boards were angry about it enough to kill the hype for the movie beating Avatar for some people.

I guess we have to see how Eternals does and how much shit the MCU can still get away with. Especially since some of the fan favorites are leaving. Most people that love MCU that I know are mostly sticking for Thor, Panther, and one of them also because of Captain Marvel.

Holy shit retard learn to fucking read

It said "three billion dollar movies this year" as in three movies that made a billion dollars