Was Gwen better when she was just a tragic element of Peter Parker's backstory (the girlfriend who he could't save)...

Was Gwen better when she was just a tragic element of Peter Parker's backstory (the girlfriend who he could't save), or has she been redeemed by Spider-Gwen?

Attached: Gwen.jpg (827x643, 148K)

Spider-Gwen might as well be a new character, She has NOTHING in common with original Gwen other than name.

Dead people should stay dead.

I love how fully covering suits give the artist a total excuse to draw a naked woman.

Attached: spider_gwen___001_by_nicolau_nt81-dd575oy.jpg (752x1063, 134K)

>Was Gwen better when she was just a tragic element of Peter Parker's backstory (the girlfriend who he could't save)

>or has she been redeemed by Spider-Gwen?
She never needed redemption before this whole Spider-Gwen and Gwenpoole nonsense. Literally the only thing good Spider-Gwen has going for her is the costume design. Beyond that, she's worthless.


The only reason she exists is the costume design.
No one wanted to tell the tale of an alternate universe Gwen.

There was nothing to redeem. Theres hardly a relation as stated above.

She’s Gwen name only, and it’s rather disturbing what Marvel is doing trying to phase out old Gwen

they're two characters. i'd like to see what actual Gwen Stacy would've been like with spider powers, though.

Sad part is they don't even try to connect the two, when there is so much potential. I like Spider-Gwen (at least before she basically lost her own setting), but not having them reference canon Gwen more is a crying shame. We only got one comic panel about it, Spider-verse didn't even touch on it. Just feels like a waste, like there's nothing to this character anymore beyond her appearance.

Attached: spiderooges.png (1024x684, 928K)

They're really two different characters who just happen to have the same name. They are what their writers make them and good writers make them interesting.

Slott used it.

But he's Slott.

for a moment, i thought that was from the current show.

>She never needed redemption
>There was nothing to redeem.
I hate summertime.

Attached: gwen goblin.jpg (620x971, 595K)

I seperate the two completely, it's the best way to look at it. The stilized and fun art from Spider Gwen appeals to me and I like some character dynamics, even if they're underused or poorly executed. It's a 6/10 comic which works fine enough as itself, separated from 616 gwen.
And yes that arc when they do the opposite is shit.


She was BEST when she was alive and she and peter were hanging.

This is correct.

They are completely different characters. One is an alternate universe Spider-Man. The other is a former love interest to Peter's whose death still hangs over him.

Spider Gwen is fucking shit, what are you talking about. The only somewhat good point of the character is her suit. Her personality is shit, her comic is shit, her relationships are shit. hell even her newest "Venom" costume is so shit they had to switch it back to the original one

The unspoken truth is exactly this, Spider Gwen is so vastly different from Romita Sr's Stacy that they might aswell be two separate characters. Spider gwen being gwen stacy might aswell be a reference at this point. It's saddening to see how far marvel has gone with this stupid gimmick, with other characters like agent venom and shit. I wonder when we'll see Miss Plum make a return as the wondrous "roly poly princess"

Attached: missplum.png (216x460, 163K)

What’s worse this or school shooter peter?

>hell even her newest "Venom" costume is so shit they had to switch it back to the original one

She's back to wearing an ordinary costume?

No she still has the "Venom" one, just that it has the form of her first costume now

Gwen actually mentions something about 616 Peter intentionally ignoring her in Clone Conspiracy.
She wants to get to know 616 Peter. He is the one that doesn't want to talk to her.

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The sad part is that they could have really made Spider-Gwen a true AU Gwen if they'd just had her be the classic style gwen at the start and then transitioned into becoming a hero when she got the powers.

But of course the creative team being hacks they just made her be a rebel grrrrl with a girl band and shite even BEFORE she became Spider-Gwen

I mean those are a turn on for me so I was okay with that

I think the problem was that they didn't actually give her anything creative to cement her character. They gave her backstory but no actual ongoing story. It's kinda like how they gave Miles no story or personality in his own ongoing.


This, what's more insulting to me however is how they've shoved her and miles into every fucking facet of marvel-dom now. It makes me almost sick to look at her, or anything spiderman related at this point, because it's so fucking pervasive.
Oh man, her relationship with miles is realluy heating up!

The fact she's already totally different from the get-go makes the AU aspect of it less interesting tho. It's not a "What if the spider bit Gwen?" story. Which is what it should have been.

Someone in another thread described the Latour/Rodriguez series best: they wanted to universebuild but didn't really worldbuild that well. Instead of seeing how Spider-Gwen dealt with day-to-day things and getting a better idea of what she does, the series started showing off how different the universe and characters are compared to the mainline and it didn't feel like the characters got developed that well.

Fuck that. That’s the type of shit for one off what-ifs. Gwen works better as her own character rather than Peter’s occasion guilt pang and that’s all she’ll ever be.

You know what, they need to make Spider-Ben

Their different characters who share the same name

Costume on the right looks like it's body paint rather than a suit.

Why can't western artists draw fabrics?

Acting like fucking your boyfriend's best friend's dad (who is also your ex-boyfriend's dad) is in any way forgivable.

Woah, not without making Peter's Dad.... Night Spider.

Attached: NIGHT SPIDER.png (1093x829, 90K)

Oh God.... I didn't realize how much I want this.

>Why can't western artists draw fabrics?

Because it's a stupid complaint

Yeah I was disappointed at Spiderverse Peter not even blinking at the idea of running into a non dead, superpowered Gwen. I guess it would've been too difficult to explore as a subplot or something but a small nod to it would've been nice.

So what spider-person would Peter's mom be

As a scientist he would immediately think "That's not my universe's Gwen" so not really a huge need for a big emotional reaction. You're right though that he should have been curious on how she got superpowers but I guess it would have bogged the plot down having to introduce a Peter/Gwen connection and backstory when the movie didn't really need it.

idk make one up

Wasn't his emotional reaction to ignore her completely?

Makes sense.

I'm conflicted. I think that Miles and Kamala had the best chemistry and should have been pushed as a couple. On the other hand MOVIE miles and Gwen have good chemistry and watching fags like you sperg out hard over this shit gives me life!!

Night Spider - Sun Spider

>watching fags spec over it gives me life

Spotted the zoomer

See that wasn't that hard was it?

I think that's the thing, Miles/Gwen works in the movie because the movie set their relationship up believably. That didn't really happen in the comics, they hyped up a Miles/Gwen relationship, but it came off forced, like as if it was done because they heard the Spider-Verse movie might do a Miles/Gwen pairing.

Plus Sun Spiders are actual animals. Not "real" spiders but who keeps track of that?

Shit now I'm trying to picture a spider-person in a suit based on this. creepier than expected

Attached: sun spider.jpg (700x475, 110K)

Attached: friendly_neighborhood_spider_gwen__by_blackplague1348-d9rj5qw.jpg (745x1071, 128K)

Another name for it is the camel spider

Someone explain why the fuck Marvel hasn't retconned this

>that goblin face

OMD was suppose to retcon this.

Peter meeting his mom from an AU where she got powers and wore a suit based on this would be interesting.

Maybe you should try reading the Romita Sr. Comics when she was neither of those things. Gwen was a fun character in her own right and its lame that shes only remembered for dying and for some modern OC character that doesn't act like Gwen AT ALL, just shares her name.
Are you people even aware she was a self insert of Stan Lee's wife Joan?

The movie barely needed or used Gwen after Miles meets Peter. She's a plank in terms of character. No wonder Peni's more popular

I'd read about it

imagine fucking her with the costume still on

Night Spider in all honesty sounds cool

You just know

>set their relationship up believably
You high?

>Was Gwen better when she was just a tragic element of Peter Parker's backstory (the girlfriend who he could't save)


I think the question OP failed at asking is: Was Gwen Stacy a good character before she died?

I firmly believe she was kinda below average, but acceptable enough.