With most of the main books being written by terrible hacks like King, Bendis and Snyder. Let’s discuss about the books that are not shit right now.
>GL being better with each issues, with no rainbow bullshit or universe-ending threats to be found >Hawkman finally fixing the fucked canon by announcing that EVERYTHING IS CANON and just featured to multiple different stories of him in different lives >Dial H have both good writing and an amazing artist managing to mimic different types of art constantly making thing a joy to read >Silencer, Wonder Twin and The Terrifics are still great despite selling like crap right now >Fraction’s Jimmy Olson book >The new Joe Hill inprint and the Last God looking very promising
>Fraction’s Jimmy Olson book Wait...It's out? Or is OP full of shit?
Tyler King
Do the Lucifer and The Dreaming runs count now that DC's apparently killing the Vertigo brand? It's saddening because while they were mediocre to frustrating until around issue #6 or so, they made an incredible turnaround after that. The Dreaming much more dramatically than Lucifer which had more consistently better quality but lower highs as well.
And yeah, GL is blowing everything else out of the water by a huge margin. That said I wouldn't say there's NO universe-ending threats considering Controller Mu's strange matter bomb and how buff adult-form Sun Eaters must be, it's just that they're subsidiary to GL being A Green Lantern Story. Like fuckin' Xeen Arrow show up but he's just kind of...there, as much of a person as an incomprehensible eldritch giant can be.
Connor Brooks
Hawkman is terrible. Stop shilling.
Isaac Cruz
Doom Patrick's new season and Far Sector should be good, so should be Ellis' Wildcats. I'm enjoying Lucifer too. Giffen and Lemire are writing inferior five. This is the unofficial synopsis according to Lemire: >Set in the DC Comics continuity of 1988, Inferior Five follows five strange kids stuck in a small town in the wake of DC's "Invasion" event (which was published in 1988 and co-written by Giffen). The kids work together to try and escape this nightmare of this town, which is part "The Prisoner" and part "Twin Peaks", but all set against the backdrop of the book DC was publishing back in the 80's. >Keith is co-plotting and doing the art, and I am scripting it. And I am also writing and drawing 5-page back-up stories in each issue featuring the character "The Peacemaker". These back-ups are connected to the main story and will all come together (I hope!!) in the end. It's 12-issues and it is as crazy as it sounds. So buy it. It is unlike ANYTHING else DC and Marvel are publishing, I promise. It is available for pre-order from your local comic book store now, so ask for it or no one will order it! Lemire will also be writing a couple of black label books. According to him, both are some of his favorite characters and the artist will be someone who is known for drawing the character, but hasn't drawn them in a while.
Ayden Jackson
Priestroke also continues to be a rain of sunshine.
Cooper Nguyen
>Lucifer and the Dreaming made turnarounds Wait really? I stopped reading it after #3 because nothing was happening. Better start reading it again I guess, too bad the people on Yea Forums loss all interest in storytiming them.
But no, both of those books are not the reason why DC cancelled Vertigo. It was because the last relaunch was a complete shit show with multiple terrible books like Goddess Mode trying to get sales only through hate and controversy alone (which luckily the average comic fan is more intelligent than the normal Yea Forumstard and ignored it like it deserves) and Border Town’s writer being a fucking sex predator. While the Neil Gaiman having a separate imprint did hurt Vertigo, it’s not the final straw. Fuck you it was good.
Sebastian Powell
All of these are fucking good books that DC should be strongly advertised. But instead the editorials keep shilling the same fucking dogshit from Bendis like they’re selling (which thankfully are still crashing and burning in terms of sales) or next the dumbass Batman wank.
Hell even Morrison’s book didn’t even get a tiny bit of recognition from DC after it got launched while Young Dogshit keeps getting shilled all over the place. That book only survived because of Morrison and its quality alone.
The fuck is up with those elongated bodies and gibberish in the last panel?
James Cooper
That's Xeen Arrow and Xeen Lantern. Its a Silver Age thing.
Bentley King
>>GL being better with each issues, with no rainbow bullshit or universe-ending threats to be found
No fuckoff. Rainbow lanterns was good.
Bentley Bennett
I don’t even want to know any more. Rainbow Lanterns would’ve been great if they marketed/merchandised the SHIT out of it. Kids fucking love identifying themselves with simple themes and colours, Cereal Man should’ve just added an app game or w/e to the whole thing.
Christopher Brown
Those guys are Kirby’s creation. One of the only time Kirby tried writing street level characters in DC and that turned into your typical Kirby-esque cosmic goodness.
Rainbow lanterns are only good when they are used correctly. Like using the emotional spectrum to expand the universe, have new and exciting members with cool backstories, and have them interact without straight up fighting or united against another big bad. Dex-Starr, Saint Walker, Arkillo and Larfleeze are how to do rainbow lanterns right, too bad most other characters from different corps aren’t developed as well as that and just get played out. I just want to see more of the Dominators again. Seeing them get turned into a joke and then killed off by Bendis’s Rangoon Zorg pissed me off. Yeah I’m hopeful as well, the art sold it for me.
Huh, wonder if we'll be seeing L.E.G.I.O.N. (or at least hints of them) in that since they were introduced during Invasion and were partly created by Giffen.
Aiden Miller
I'm looking forward to seeing more Sinestro when the fuck does the next issue come out
Jordan Allen
Zachary Moore
>Hawkman finally fixing the fucked canon by announcing that EVERYTHING IS CANON and just featured to multiple different stories of him in different lives Venditti's Hawkman has been terrible.
Daniel Allen
weird way of mistyping (((Bendis)))
Cameron James
Literally the only good one in that list is GL. And maybe Jimmy Olson when it will come out.
Josiah Thomas
The Jimmy preview in that leviathan bundle was good.
Nathan Garcia
How many books is he writing right now? Can he be stopped?
books I am currently liking from DC >The Dreaming >Lucifer >Green Lantern >Dial H >Wonder Twins >Pearl (hey Bendis did something not shit again, mark it on your calender) >American Carnage >High Level *except the one issue that had nothing to do with the plot and was just a pointless political rant
Daniel Baker
fuck, forgot to add >Martian Manhunter >Wonder Woman GWW is doing some great work with Wondy. I'm impressed. But it's one of those cases that if she has a good artist the book is great, when she has a subpar artist is just doesn't work well
ya, idk what it was that made Lucifer and The Dreaming so slow to start. But everything from the art to the storytelling and even the lettering suddenly snapped into place at issue 6 for both of them.
Matthew Taylor
after Federici left Aquaman and disappeared for a while I thought it was another case of DC losing a great artist, like how they lost Ferrerya. But I'm interested in this book, if has a very eurocomic look.
Easton Hall
>i'm an eleven year old girl who hacked into the green power battery and now i'm a lantern!!!! even if i didn't know this was written by bendis, i would have suspected, because he's used that trick a dozen times and IT'S STILL REALLY FUCKING STUPID ON EVERY LEVEL, GOD DAMN IT!!!!
Brandon Allen
Well, he's writing >2 Soupman books (AC, Soupman) >2 Wonder Comics books, the latter being a "season one" that will return next year in order to avoid cancelation (Young Justice, Naomi) >All of the 4 Jinxworld titles, some of which like Naomi are returning next year >Event Leviathan and LoSh So around 10 books
Nathan Adams
And complained when he was writing 6 books in Marvel. Oh the fucking horror.