Which was the better of the two?

Which was the better of the two?

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in terms of time travel that makes sense?
anything is better than endgame desu

I only like the x-men.

DOFP is my fav CBM ever.
Nuff said.
X2, Logan and TDK are also kino.

As far as pure spectacle goes, Endgame objectively beats DOFP no contest and anybody that disagrees is a faggot. But when it comes to the story, pacing and consistency in time travel rules go, then DOFP beats it pretty easily. Endgame still is ultimately the better movie because they didn't give us fucking dark phoenix in the end.

Days of Future Past by a country mile. It's the best X-Men film and we'll never get one as good as it ever again.

Pretty much this
Parts of Endgame's plot actively piss me off, whereas I get through dfp pretty smoothly. But Endgame beats the shit out of it in sheer action and visuals

Pure spectacle doesn't make a great movie, honestly. And I'd totally disagree if it wasn't for the final 30 minutes.

Endgame by a fucking mile

DoFP. It had better spectacle. Fighting the sentinels were cool and Magneto lifting the stadium was great. End Game doesn't really have much. The final act with Captain America using Mjolnir and a few scenes were good but the end battle lacks urgency. It's filled with pandering that makes people eye roll and slow character moments for some of the returning characrers. Dr Strange vs Thanos blows away all the fight scenes in End Game.

Days of Future Past can actually be watched without the other 23 flicks, so I'll go with that. It's retarded to judge it any other way.

I don't want to, but I agree.

>> Infinity War = The Dark Knight
> Man of Steel
> Endgame
>> Winter Soldier = Civil War
> Days of Future Past
>>> Guardians V1 = Guardians V2 = Age of Ultron
> Doctor Strange (maybe)

People love being contrarian here but it’s true

Lets put it that way: I'm not hugely into superheros, I don't like this metaphor between mutants and 'races' or ethnic groups, and I still watched Days of Future Past several times so far and seeing it her makes me wanna watch it again. The other one had such a bad press, I didn't try it, I'm going to watch the Anti-Cheese-Cut (Torrent of course) anyways.

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I'm surprised people like Infinity War so much. Dark Knight is great though. The dialogue is good, every scene is interesting, the human factor is there (endangering civilians to use against the hero and organized crime) and the only critique I can muster is that Joker makes everybody around him act like an idiot when the plot requires it to. He even managed to trick Bruce into going into an apartment with a brick with just a bullethole.

You're an idiot if you think people don't love the MCU over anything else on this board. Actual fuckin goblin, go back to your home board.

Wolverine > most avengers

It’s been fucking 10 years and I still don’t get the brick and bullet hole thing am I retarded?

X-Men, not even a competition.

Endgame easily. Come back in another decade, maybe Fox will have worked out wirework by then and fans won't have to go easy on them- oh wait.

It's fake science and is complete bullshit. You can't get a fingerprint by reconstructing from bullet firings.