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If Holland wants to take dicks up the ass in the next Spider-Man film then I'm all for it. Didn't Garfield also say something like this?
iirc Marvel literally has a twenty-page guideline on how Peter Parker has to be portrayed and one of those points is that he has to be a straight white male.
You know this gay boy has been bummed up the rear hundreds of times by his producers lol. Quit larping faggot.
>Caring about what a jester has to say.
I piss on this "man's" opinion if this is real.
Damn, one minute you're living life, the next you're burning in hell... it is true!!! (there's no Hell on Earth tho)
I want pictures of Spiderman getting raped by old fat men
>make one MCU hero gay
>choose it to be the ugly unsexy twink
Fuck NO! If you're going to make a gay hero in MCU, choose someone gay men actually want to fuck.
>I'm all for it.
Banned by Stan Lee
I'm gay and I would have sex with Tom, we're practically the same age.
>100% of characters should be gay because 5% of people are gay
amazing take
It is also not known that reporters would push actors to say something they can headline out of context later.
Never has anyone heard of such a thing.
Holland was probably molested as a child actor. That's why he's the same kind as Ezra "dicks are cool" Miller
Hypersexual young men
>actor is asked whether it's possible for Spiderman to be gay
>"well, it's not for me to decide, but I am open for that idea if it goes that way and Marvel movies have included more and more diverse cast"
Speak for yourself bitch. I'd ream Tom
Shame Stan the man's not alive to shut him down like he did Andrew Garfield when he raised the same retarded idea.
Based Stan
Only if they cast me as his gay lover
>gays can be persecuted by straight people in comic books
>black people can be persecuted by a pokemon character not being as black as the canon
>but a straight man can't be persecuted by changing the canon of established characters for wokepoints
spidertwink wants a gay spiderman?
i think toms projecting...
Captain Marvel should fuck him to heterosexuality
I'm waiting for someone to tell me why this is news worth caring about.
I doubt we will be seeing a real spider-man movie anytime soon regardless
Tom Holland does a great job method acting a yappy twink nerd
>But I shoot web from there!
You know, my problem isn't so much Holland saying there should be a gay Spider-Man ad much as that he got asked the question " should Spider-Man be gay? From the media"
>Twink tells Hollywood abusers that he's willing to spread for roles
>Oh, you like that, huh? WEB comes from there
Nah, we're having Bryan Singer kino tonite, pal!
Venom should be the Avengers' first queer hero.
If i remember it right, Stan himself told him to the face that shit is retarded, no?
See That was in response to Andrew Garfield and Marc Webb pushing for Spidey to turn bisexual in The Amazing Spider-Man 3. This Holland thing is only a day old.
what's simple about being a straight white guy?
Threadly reminder that even though Hugh Jackman is a closeted faggot he didn't insist that Wolverine be a faggot like him.
Jackman's quite religious IRL, which probably explains why he's still in the closet.
To be fair, homos in Australia get fed to the dingos.
He looks so happy, lads. Let him be in his natural state.
But into the spiderverse 2 is coming soon
Is this real? i know he did that crossdress dance thing on MTV
nah hes not gay, im sure he said he never really wanted to be an actor andjust do stage play and musicals
with a career like that youve got to abit a camp
like that last movie he did
Is this real?
nigger I am literally on acid and I can tell thats shopped
>Into the Spiderverse: there's lots of spidermen - woman spiderman, anime spiderman, cartoon spiderman - everyone can be a spiderman
>Tom Holland: SpIdErMaN iS gAy
Hugh is bi. It's why he always coyly denies the specific gay rumours and says he loves his wife
Same energy.
that middle left picture
Still a better ass than Brie Larson.
You might think you are being funny and clever, user but kill yourself please
Yeah man a straight white guy is so passé and boring. A gay white guy is totally more interesting, because reasons, reasons that have nothing to do with corporate exploitation of LGBT to make a dollar or celebrities using LGBT to make some kind of statement on our behalf while not being LGBT themselves or just letting the actual LGBT actors do their thing.
>I can't read and am a cock gobbling faggot
Nice take
worked and seething
He shoul be a lewd loli
How about when you explain why anyone should give a fuck about you.
Everyone, regardless of orientation, gets fed to dingos in Australia
Only if he and Ned hook up
Oh man I love this website, www dot blank white space with a picture and a headline dot com.
They can literally just throw a gay spider-man in Spiderverse and everyone would have what they want.
He only saying that because because he has to.The LGBT community is mentally ill and the faggot mafia has been known to destroy. We need to start killing them to save the world.
With so many people wanting to top this twink I'm here for it.
Just admit he's so fuckable.
I disagree. He looks like a high school kid to me.
I mean I know that's the point of Spiderman. Spiderman was never sexy hero like Cap or Ironman.
I was always thinking these guys which were claiming that gays want to destroy normal marriages and heterosexuality were nuts. I've changed my mind a bit on that and I'm more open now to listen to Nazis and such people. Not my fault. Blame yourself, and calling me names or threaten me won't make it better. I'm not really falling for that shit anyways. But Ceasar (EVS) got it right: SJW must be annihilated (metaphorically speaking, I guess).
Based. Call out white gays and their boring asses
Well, I say Tom Holland should be gay if he likes cock so much
I'm hoping they do a time skip for the next movie and recast Holland. The guy is just so tiny and is gonna be playing teens for the next decade.
Most likely fake, but if not the little faggot should step down and let a gay POC take the role.
But of course he wouldn't because he honestly would not have a film career outside the MCU.
>gay people sometimes show up in media
>that supposedly made you into a nazi
user, it sounds like you’ve got a lot going on. Get a therapist.
>all that slurping on Iron Man’s dick has had unexpected side effects
Oh well.
>When asked directly about the possibility, 23-year-old Holland told The Sunday Times: “Yeah, of course! I can’t talk about the future of the character because honestly I don’t know and it’s out of my hands.”
>He continued: “But I do know a lot about the future of Marvel, and they are going to be representing lots of different people in the next few years. The world isn’t as simple as a straight white guy. It doesn’t end there, and these films need to represent more than one type of person.”
>Holland’s remarks also fit with those of Marvel’s production chief Victoria Alonzo, who has said Marvel is committed to a diverse cast of heroes, including a gay superhero.
>“Why would we only want to be recognized by only one type of person?” she told Variety earlier this year. “Our audience is global, is diverse, is inclusive. If we don’t do it that way for them, we will fail.”
This. Tom is ugly
You’re ugly stupid bitch