Is there anybody from Yea Forums that can EVEN beat One punch man?
Is there anybody from Yea Forums that can EVEN beat One punch man?
Droopy or Popeye.
Timmy Turner
Can he defeat Milo Murphy?
Cosmo and Wanda, I wish Saitama couldn't punch!
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Superman? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Post-Crisis Superman. I'm not talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman either. Hell, I'm not even talking about sundipped Post-Crisis Superman with his mental blocks unlocked with the Torquasm-Rao and Torquasm-Vo Kryptonian martial arts, equipped with a GL ring, a perfect Jimmy Olsen, control of Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex Luthor and Batman’s DNA implanted in him so he has 24th level intellect while being an expert in all fields. I’m also not talking about blue sundipped instant lobotomy enraged Post-Crisis Superman, with the White Lantern Ring and his original silver age powers and a Helmet of Fate on his head, host to Parallax and wielding a Sword of Superman because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Jimmy Olsen (that can use Silver Age Powers), control of both Titano and a Sun-Eater, with Lex and Batman’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, sundipped Krypto guarding him and nine mini black holes floating behind him, entered Prime One Million Mode, casting galaxy wide Superhypnosis to everybody and used Super mindcontrol so he can steal their powers. I'm talking about blue sundipped for 10^10^100 octillion years enraged Prime One Million Pre-Crisis Rebirth Cosmic Armor Thought Robot Strange Visitor Superman with the White Lantern Ring, Helmet of Fate, Silver Age superpowers, instant prep, 24th level intellect, retcon punch, Miracle Machine and host to all emotional entities, three swords style w/ Sword of Supermans, casting Skyfather Jimmy Olsen as his servant, control over all 5D imps, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Mandrakk and obtaining the Demiurgic power, fused with the speedforce, with Endless concepts implanted in him and having rewritten the Book of Destiny while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered 127 martial arts.
I love that Yea Forums is allowed but not comics like homestuck.
He stomps him
What's even funnier is that you can't make a Yea Forums thread on Yea Forums
Usagi and Goku can both beat OPM.
So can Dream of the Endless.
Super Man cannot do shit vs Dream or Death
nippon steel retards actually being held responsible for there invasive bullshit? nah.
What's worse is we can't post Yea Forums stuff on Yea Forums to bait and shitpost them. Those threads get deleted immediately and these threads are left alone.
Both are significantly higher tiered than Him so i guess
Saitama's schtick is that no matter how you attack him, he'll feel little to no pain and can easily knock you out with one punch.
Superman ain't gonna do shit against him.
Sure. It just has to be something that isn't combat or physical fitness related. He bombed the written exam, sucks at video games, and doesn't really have any skills that aren't punching monsters.
Squirrel girl, maybe.
Bugs Bunny.
Cartoon character have always had powerlevels that place them in godhood.
I bet he could get the drop on him after browsing a pictures folder filled with extremely powerful waifus
dr strange.
His name is caped baldy you faggot
She could
In the webcomic, Saitama admits that it actually took him more than one punch to defeat super saiyan alien man. In the very next battle, his comment is “Aww man, back to one punch”
Thats because he had a regen factor. Every hit on him, even his normal punches, blew him to pieces each and every time.
AlsoGo back to Yea Forums if you wanna talk anime shit.
>conclusion:Yea Forums is a subset of Yea Forums
Stop putting Saitama in fights. Having him in a fight and lose ruins the goddamn joke of his character and makes you a humorless autist like seth or robot.
If you can't find value in his character besides "hurr he can totally beat up Superman because" then you are part of the fucking problem. The same goes for the autists who try to argue against him saying how his feats aren't very impressive against whoever the character your pitting him against is.
Just fucking stop it.
any autistic morrison meta written character
How to make successful thread on Yea Forums
>be a retard
>post anime thread
>attract faggots
>stays frontpage
anyone who is capable of not getting physically punched
so lots of people
>conclusion: Yea Forumsutists are cancer and get special treatment from the moderation
>t. Butthurt fag
Saitama doesn't work well for who would win debates because he's never been strained
It's like asking which is bigger an unknown number greater than 10 or 100, you can't answer it without lots of guesswork and assuming
Yea Forums moderation is pretty decentlyish, meanwhile Yea Forums is Yea Forums tier.
This is a parody show of a character who can beat anyone .
>anyone in his universe
Yea Forums actually has fast moderation compared too Yea Forums, wtf are you talking about? we just have one jannie who does nothing but autistically stalk new cartoons threads and delete anything even referencing lewd things, and the one mod who still gives a shit but fires off the delete button at cartoon threads for having "furry" characters in the op.
Wow can't believe you faggots fell for this bait
No, that's the point of the character.
Oh yes, sure I like my 20 smash threads with my 10 /pol/ threads on the side while one videogame thread that had threads for 3 days straight needs to go to /vg/ because its a general
Why does Yea Forums have two boards dedicated to anime
Saitama cannot do anything vs Darkseid unless Darkseid allows him to.
All boards have anime threads
still a faster reaction time than leaving /pol/ shit bait up for days and taking 5+hours to literally do anything, also the mods know the Yea Forums user base is shit, why the fuck do you think they filtered onions post god of war spam?
>Yea Forums userbase is shit
Just ban people jesus christ, I know about resetting ip but holy fuck actually ban people for months if necessary. I got a ban for a week because I complained about smash threads because mods were deleting a videogame thread because "we had the same thread for a week".
>Is ther anybody that can even beat a joke character who is supposed to be OP according to its lore?
Gee Idk.
Reminder that its against Yea Forums's rules to post non anime images on it and can get you a perma.
However, anime images are allowed all over the site even if the board has NOTHING to do with it, like /diy/ or /toy/
Whats the point of Yea Forums then?
can saitama kill himself with one punch?
That's going to be the ending.
Replace him with O.P.M and you have your self a match.
Saitama's power is unironically measured by his dedication and fighting spirit and his overall honesty towards his hobby/passion. The only character who can truly beat Saitama is one with even greater determination than he has and their fighting spirit has to be an honest one.
So you're saying Christian Weston Chandler could defeat Saitama.
Chris Chan would be a monster in the OPM-verse not joking.
Draw it.
So we can just send him back to Yea Forums to fight Goku.
I still dont know if the speech was a bunch of stupid bullshit like saitama always does or actually some deep thought provoking revelations to garou.
If you stuck him in a mech designed by Bofoy that was controlled via gamepad.
Who could beat him?
Goku does not follow the same training philosophy as Saitama
Isn't Saitama a lazy slob most of the time?
Apparently he works out every day even after he became the One Punch Man.
Only because there's nothing much to do at his level. Sure, he still goes out to patrol and protect people, but he's not particularly pleased with it since nothing is strong enough to bother him.
At least those mods allow their boards respective content.
Yea Forums mods will delete threads about comics and cartoons they don't like.
Yea Forums is so fucking autistic that Moot needed to make several containment threads to keep Yea Forums from going to shit
That's why we have several very specific boards for porn but majority of the /d/ shit got thrown onto /aco/ without even a board to deal with that
That's why we have a board dedicated to posting cute anime boys and cute anime girls
That's why we have a board specifically for mecha animes
That's why we have a board specifically for just japanese shit in general
Meanwhile it took years for Yea Forums to get /aco/ which was immediately shat on when /d/ mods who were just itching to put their western /d/ shit somewhere, essentially hijacking a board that wasn't for them until /trash/ was created
And /aco/ was limited on what it could post, you couldn't post furry even though that's majority of what Yea Forums beat their meat too
Christ chan stomps 80% of all anime universes
As long as the goal is defeat and not any kind of physical harm, any reasonably intelligent character could totally outsmart him and make him think he lost.
Basically, Yea Forums kept on flipping it's collective shit on Gundam Seed.
There's a shit ton of characters with regen. Like, almost all JLA members.
Goku abandons his family often to train. Although in Super he's actually shown to stick around and do work and run errands so it's not that bad. But Goku's primary purpose in life is to get stronger, which negatively impacts his character because he's one dimensional in that aspect. On the other hand Vegeta actually ditched training because he wanted to be around for his daughter's birth. Vegeta actually balances training with knocking up Bulma and being around for her.
I can't imagine his training doing much for him anymore.
Though there's something to be said for him growing stronger all the time just from fighting monsters.
I can't wait for death battle to put Baldy into the ground like they did Failure X.
>Failure X
Alien X. Ben 10.
Yeah but why the nickname for it
Because Green Lantern kicked his ass after his fanboys bragged it would be an easy victory for Ben.
But why just X and not the other ones with pre fight trashtalking
Literally anyone, since he's a comic relief that can't even kill a mosquito.
It's not so fun when the "rule of comedy" works against the sacred cow, is it?
user Yea Forums was a weeb board, Yea Forums still is a joke nothing more.
He bout to whoop yer ass
A bunch, because superpowers in Yea Forums media are more varied than just 'punch harder'.
Anyone who remains intangible completely negates everything Saitama can do to them.
There's people who could just teleport his caped baldie ass to another dimension.
Saitama really is just a generic overpowered MC, not only stronger than everyone else but more 'moral' too with a 'common sense wisdom' despite not being particularly intellectual. This series should never have gone beyond a couple of random oneshots.
Literal episode ending buttons on Megas are more than enough
Worst meme ever desu
>copy/paste into Google
>no results found
I'm confused am I supposed to read this left to right or what
I bet she can.
Determination isn't what powers Saitama.
Determination is what GOT him his powers, but he's gotten apathetic and sometimes even completely demoralized to the point that King has to encourage him.
And it means nothing to his power level.
It's like you are confusing him for Metal Bat, who DOES work on the principles of spirit and determination.
down to up right to left
Power wanking and having death battles with OPM misses the entire point of his character and the narrative purpose of his setting. In a world overflowing with power level fags, popularity fags and other so-called heroes who serve as stand-ins for a fanbase more interested in appearances than anything else, Saitama only cares about having fun and saving lives. It doesn't matter how powerful or popular he is, he still goes out there and saves lives because that's what heroes are supposed to be about. The whole story is meant to be a middle-finger to neckbeards who obsess over who can best who and casuals who only care about which heroes are most popular/strongest.
Give him a girlfriend. He gets kids, loses his workout routine, gets a regular job. Then is just a normal guy again.
Yes, Japanese write left to right, so their books and Manga are supossed to be read in that way
Sup f/a/g
she can
In both cases any reality warper.
The ones who could, would befriend him instead. Take Freakazoid, for example.
Any reality bender /toonforce ect
No, because he's a satirical character. He exists just to destroy monsters with one punch. He even has his built in governors of not being quick to punch, and typically only being forced to fight against non-monsters who are quick enough to get out of the way of his punches. He might as well be fighting Bat-Mite or Mxy, or Sandman characters that are more conceptual than physical.
>That psychotic alien that genocided whole planets, tried to destroy our world and murdered all my friends that are like my family came back!!!!
>I can't wait to ride his dick like a mechanical Bull.
So exactly how much crazy Bulma is?
>A mosquito that Saitama is trying to swat lands on Timmy's cheeks.
>Timmy proceeds to be slaped into a fine red mist by Saitama
>Wanda is horrified while Cosmo remarks "He wished for no punches, slaps were fine right?“
Didn't he job recently?
If you mean the final battle at the end of S1 he had "indestructible" armor Saitama takes out in one hit
>Centuries before LOSH time let alone DC 1 Million time where he reaches his peak
>Trapped for hundreds of years via a Firestorm fusion with god-emperor Lex Luthor
This is how stupid you are.
Imagine if Dragon Ball goku was forced into a fusion with Yamcha where Yamcha dominated until the fusion was broken. Now imagine you called this jobbing for Dragon Ball Super Goku.
Electric Warriors might not even be timeline canon. Even if it is, it involves a Superman wayyyyyyy before his peak. It's before LOSH. It's before he enters the 5th dimension and makes Mxy his bitch. It's before he enters the sun. It's before he farms his power out to a dynasty.
When you see Superman in a gold costume you have to remember it's what he wears for aeons until DC 1 million.
Yes, a missed discount will DEVASTATE him.
>Electric Warriors: Sometime between now and the 30th century
>Legion of Superheroes: 30th-31st century
>DC 1 Million: 853rd century
You're looking at a Superman who hasn't had at the very least 823 centuries of leveling up in the sun that got trapped by a Firestorm matrix created by the greatest criminal genius of Earth.
It's not jobbing. The people that push it as jobbing are salty Gokucks that can't understand context and latch onto anything to try and take Superman down a peg.
That unpublishable trash isn't Yea Forums and will never be Yea Forums.
This. I've seen better capeshit on tapas of all places. Worm is Homestuck tier. If you like it, you're retarded.
I bet Saitama actually is a fucking virgin, he was a loser salaryman before getting /fit/ afterall.
Sitama is just depressed power man. Hensforth they would always tie in a fight, but power man's mastery of words would let him befriend sitama.
Lex stole Firestorm's powers and chained Superman in the sun with atomic Kryptonite for centuries so he would power down. So yes I suppose he did job to Lex.
Fuck you Yea Forumsck sucker
That actually limits his power. By a lot.
How is that jobbing?
Saitama himself is a loser, since he cares so much for fighting evil 'as a hobby' and is so careless when it comes to actually helping people.
He's still too much of another manga protagonist with a fightboner, just more overpowered than average, instead of being a mature enough guy to understand there's more to life.
Still at least he's not a literally brain-damaged cunt like Goku, yeah. Fuck THAT monkey asshole.
How is calling out Worm for being trash coping? I'm telling you like it is. The setting, characters, and plot are laughably bad. Like JRPG levels of bad.
I can't wait until Death Battle kills this overhyped meme character like they did Failure X.
He got some pretty hefty redemption from her, so I suspect the sex made things better on both their ends.
and that's a good thing
Worm is fucking terrible, its fanboys are as obnoxious as Goblin Slayer's, they spammed every board on Yea Forums with about equal intensity.
It's not nvm.
You're not telling anyone anything. You're just sperging out with your shitty opinion like you do whenever Worm is even remotely mentioned. You're like the Barneyfag of Worm, only somehow even less amusing.
fucking f/a/ggot
Yea Forums is a terrible board, they spazz out about "offtopic" but as long as you post some kawaii uguu the worst of shiposting spam is allowed.
The only OPM matchup I'm remotely interested in is Tatsumaki's thighs vs. my head.
Its not just one person that thinks your favourite web novel is a bad series.
If you can't take hearing that don't bring it up unwarranted.
>Failure X.
>Not Fail-ien X
Come on it's do obvious dude
>Clark started wearing gold in the 2-something century and kept wearing it for 820-something centuries
Holy shit I guess he really liked the way it looked on him.
Are Goblin Slayer fags really that bad? I mean Wormcucks are infamoulsy insuferable.
I dunno, some dumb iteration of Superman being a God, Superboy Prime, Darkseid, or any of the Eternals and people who can warp reality.
>Its not just one person
But it is. Hardly anyone else is going to claim they share your samefagging autism crusade against Worm. For a number of reasons, principle amongst them being that it's fucking embarassing.
Like so.
Not only Yea Forums but /tg/ were awash with that garbage for months at the least.
And even every other board you would get repeated shitty threads of
>lol goblin slayer tho
with the thinnest of justification if any.
Saitama is careless because he doesn't need to care. He wanted to be strong enough to help people and accidentally ended up the most powerful being in his universe by a very wide margin, so even superheroics turned into a chore. Now, he could be doing a lot of other useful shit with his powers, but the entire point is that he's apathetic, bored and depressed as a result of being handed ultimate power for very little effort and no reason whatsoever, and his decision-making is handicapped by that. That's the whole point of the character besides the jokes.
I don't like being a powerlevelfag, much less for OPM but it's canon that his "powerlevel" is passively increasing.
Tatsumaki is his girlfriend.
Yeah, much worse than Yea Forums where you see shitposts everywhere but no cute girls.
Do you really assume anyone who disagrees with you is the same individual.
That’s just in the manga (which the anime adapts), which misses the point. In the webcomic, he doesn’t need peptalks.
Saitama doesn't deserve a girlfriend being dropped in his lap, he's such a shitty protagonist.
All of them are trash, how much longer is ONE going to drag the webcomic out? How many more filler scenes is Murata going to insert into the manga? How much worse is the animation in the anime going to get?
I assume the same autist who is known to both samefag, reply to himself If no one else is doing so and targets any thread even remotely mentioning Worm to be the same faggot, yes.
Its just as likely you are replying to yourself then, that you post the image of the protagonist of that series and then reply dismissively to yourself to start a one-man argument.
Tsunderes are never dropped into anyone's lap though and Saitama made the first move by hugging her.
It's better than Watchmen, at least. Now Ward, Ward is a fucking letdown.
Jesus Christ Wormfaggots are delusional. No wonder you like the series so much. You are mentally ill.
Webcomicfags could only be more pretentious and obnoxious if they referred to it using whatever the Japanese word for webcomic is. I'm honestly surprised they don't.
>hurr controlling bugs is such a useless weak power
What kind of idiot wrote this.
What IS the Japanese term for webcomics?
Mysterio, nightmare
I never posted the initial image, but it's cute of you to give me so much of your oh-so-valuable time.
>You are mentally ill.
Pot meet kettle.
They might not even have one. A Japanese person can get a publishing deal by sneezing. There's virtually no such thing as an amateur, unpublished creator over there.
I will agree that Ward is pretty damn disappointing. I chalk most it up to Wildbow not slowing down on his grimdark boner and completely fucking over any possibility of a happy ending for anyone and anything in the setting.
The same idiot that treated tensile strength as a power level.
I hate writers that take an obviously broken power and act like the character is a super genius for figuring out how broken it is.
"I can control heat. That means I can create a fire INSIDE your body!" gets no points.
Ward was even more grimdark? What the fuck did he do?
Nah, it’s stupid. Being able to generate heat does not mean you have the fine control to create it on a moving person or ability to create heat somewhere you can’t see.
John Egbert. You can't punch something you can't touch.
This. If anything, outright fights would be the least interesting thing a Yea Forums crossover with OPM could be. Dealing with a problem that's different than his usual foes or just literally any other plot could actually be fun.
Victoria and her team (Breakthrough) are all extreme levels of fucked up, with several members basically being villains in all but name and at least one stabbing everyone in the fucking back with little hesitation. Victoria is still a blob monster via her barriers she creates and is suitably traumatized because of the fuckery Ajy put her through. Amy herself is completely and utterly insane and gets worse the more we see of her and her new villainous crew. The Undersiders are a bunch of dicks, with Tattletale being completely jaded and broken nowadays. Halbeard/Kronos is suffering a fate worse than death, Teacher is back and has Contessa, Dinah is playing everybody like a fucking fiddle, and everyone is just a complete and utter asshole no matter where you look or how far out you go.
Has Marvel offered them a writing position at the company yet?
REMOVE Yea Forums!
Wildbow probably wouldn't take it even if it was offered. Ward is the kind of shit that only a *really* bad end future could end up creating.
>Who could defeat a gag charachter in a fight?
The joke is literally that he can punch ANYTHING and win in a fight. He could probably pull off a punching reality against a reality warper. He could punch magic against a magician. Any time he is in a death battle situation the only concern is how can it be written so that it is funny.
We've seen him punch things and it failed to end a fight.
That would be great episode
Reminder that the more over powered someone is, the higher chance she has at beating them off screen.
Which is why Squirrel Girl is always the best answer in these threads, even if they really shouldn't be fighting.
The one time we know he actually put real effort to quickly end a fight he disintegrated his opponent.
If it's funny then he loses. Saitama has a much faster reaction time than Bang yet loses to him at a game that is dictated by reaction times and he lost because it was funny.
>Dinah is playing everybody like a fucking fiddle
Coil was one of the best things about Worm so this pleases me greatly.
I believe it's a heavily edited Naruto copypasta.
It's always stupid bullshit.
I interpret OPM as an elaborate deconstruction of anime/magna bullshit. People assume Siatama's words must mean something, because he is the main character, and because he is bullshit OP. The truth is he is an average dude with bullshit OP superpowers. He isn't particularly wise. He's a stand in for the reader, the people who make or break an anime series by watching/reading their stuff of course the reader is bullshit OP, without them, the story is meaningless.
>People spurge out so much at the mere mention of worm
Except in the end he was holding back. He only humored Boros because he sympathized with the idea of being too strong to be challenged. If Caped Baldy wants it dead in one hit it's going to die in one hit.
Is Taylor still dead?
Can Saitama defeat Yea Forums's greatest villain?
She's on a sealed off Earth either staying with her dad, or is in some kind of brain coma and may or may not be slowly dying. Or it's all a Shard-induced illusion that she's dying in. Wildbow is being intentionally ambiguous beyond her being in a closed off Earth.
Doubt, he's still human. This guy, however.
KEK the force of superman's eyelid opening one shots Caped baldy into oblivion
ahem *whipcrack*
Worm fags are so annoying constantly shilling their fanfiction
The Vs. Battles tiers are complete horseshit because of things like taking Donkey Kong punching the moon out of orbit in a video game completely seriously and declaring him (and anyone who can match him) on the level of gods as a result. It's farcical.
Why do you guys have such a hate boner for worm?
>"considering feats a character does in how strong they are is bad"
no argument?
Simon is fodder
Boros states that Saitama was holding back. However, Saitama does not say anything at the time, and later admits that “He was strong, the strongest I have fought” just a while before his next fight where the “Aww, back to one punch” line comes up. He never makes this comment for anyone else.Even when he fights Tasumaki.
Boros was nowhere strong enough to beat Saitama or even match him, but evidence points to Saitama genuinely needing more than one punch to beat him and Boros being stronger than anyone on earth.
>stop doing a thing you like because it triggers me
any of them
Yea Forums is an anime site
Unironically dilate.
Mental illness and envy.
Seen as how most monster are born from either being autistic neets who are rejected by society, Chris would be a god level threat
i can think of Two
depends who gave saitama his power and what their power standings are against others is. Web comic spoiler - a character referred to as "God" gave a strong dragon homeless emperor his power and took it away also, so if the same or a similar entity did the same for Saitama then that gives you a power scale reference
What type of monster level would shad be?
First question: Would anyone agree that Axe Cop is the Yea Forums equivalent of One Punch Man?
Second question: If the answer is "yes", then which way does the battle go?
Both are shit
So, you're saying "yes" to the first question?
>tfw I recognize almost all of those concepts from across DC and Vertigo
So would dobson but he'd defiantly be a jobber
Batman thug level, a random cop could take him out
>Kills Yea Forums
how did they do it?
Friendly reminder to everyone that CWC is being the computer god of the metaverse and there's nothing we can do to stop it.