Black Widow

Let’s have a Nat Thread, since she’s getting a movie and all.
>Best Costume
>Best Origin
>Best Ship
>Best Characterization
>Best Mini/Run
>Best Role

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is she the biggest slut in the MCU? Which avenger hasn't she slept with?

I love all her ships but I'm partial to IronWidow. Something classic and tragic about them, a doomed romance.

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Falcon, Rhodey, Wanda, Thor. Maybe Carol, but it definitely seemed like they had fucked during the timeskip.

>>Best Costume

No contest

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Not OP but Favorite Artist for her?

> Frank Cho...

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These thick fucking legs!

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So we’re just going with “the things I fap to while fantasizing are now canon” huh?

So Nat fucked Janet? Damn that's hot

The only person Jan doesn't sleep with is Hank. Forever cucked.

I really like the Noto drawn series. Also, enjoyed the new mini because it wasn't about the Red Room at all. That needs to be retired, instead of every new writer trying to pull more skeletons out of its closet.

Y’Know Tony, if you liked it, maybe you should’ve put a ring on it...


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>Best Ship
Her and Cap

What super powers does Black Widow have?

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Someone colored a bunch of Samnee arts.

How does it feel to be fans of the worst ship?

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Very fine.

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>implying that’s the only thing I ship

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They should really up the SUPER in super spy. New costume would be nice too

>Best Costume
Grey suit, short hair.
>Best Ship
Carol x Nat

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Yup, I’ve always felt she need to be more Splinter Cell-Like instead of just a lady in a catsuit.

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Here’s my unpopular opinion: It’s stupid to have her be both a field agent a “seductress”, because one cancels the other. This isn’t real life where operatives are mostly unassuming people who sometimes fuck for info, the MU has super-secret spies with goggles and crazy tech and shit. If she’s an infiltrator and the like, she needs to be in top-Tier shape, with short hair and will likely suffer bruises and have scars. She can’t be a “seductress” then, who’d need longer hair and a completely smooth skin.

How about Skrull Nat?
nice. Maria Hill is great, love Smulders

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Someone post that other Widow design, the one Dima Ivanov drew

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Tony fucking anything that moves (of age, of course) is my jam.

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Since when does she smoke?

This is great

BuckyNatfags are pure cancer and should be ashamed of themselves.

You can’t enjoy anything if you look at the fandom.

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I don’t care about the fagdom. The concept and ship itself is shitty.

>Tier shape, with short hair and will likely suffer bruises and have scars. She can’t be a “seductress” then, who’d need longer hair and a completely smooth skin.
Hasn't she a knock off version of the SSS? I always assumed that it always helped her to be without any scars

Not completely. Waid actually did it okay, I always had the feeling that Brubaker was (not sure as who) self inserting in his run, tho

Yeah. The "Red Room" thing (the procedure that made her infertile) is heavily implied in the MCU (and I think outright canon in the comics) to be a low-grade knock-off SSS thing.

>Best Ship
If we're counting males, Only Matt or Clint. I'm more open minded about girls though
>Best characterization
Not saying it's the best, but I love EMH Widow
>nice. Maria Hill is great, love Smulders
She's fucking beautiful and could even make an competent Maria if they only cared to give her actual screentime

IronWidow's garbage and Tony doesn't deserve Nat.


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I didn't know I missed thought bubbles.

>Tony doesn't deserve Nat.
Their personalities are fun to mix and clash with, but you're right
>who does he deserves then

Abbendum: I love Tony but he's stuck forever being a bachelor wanting children of his own so he plays mentor and pseudo father figure to other kids.


>t.Salty Buckyfag

Bend your mind and dick at her absolute whim

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T. Meta aware! Clint

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I'm a Tonyfag and I don't give a shit about Bucky.

>I like the character sure, totes!
>I just don’t think he deserves a hawt Russian babe
>it’s because I like him trust me!

>You don't like my ship so that means you don't like the character!
Stay mad.

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You literally said “doesn’t deserve” you colossal faggot, implying he’s not good enough.

T. Clintfag

Learn how to properly post, faggot. And I couldn’t give less of a shit about HawkFag. Archers are fucking dumb, especially in Capeshit.

Yeah, because I'm not a delusional characterfag like you are, Starkfag. You can like a character while recognizing their faults and knowing they're not good enough for someone or something.

>the supergenius billionaire is not good enough for a spy who may or may not be a barren slut
What kinda logic is this? Also
>everyone I don’t like is one person

>the supergenius billionaire
Who also gives himself more problems than good moments, is most probably to cheat on you, and gives Doom a run for his money on his bad days
>for a spy who may or may not be a barren slut
Definitely not barren

>Best Costume

The Secret War costume with the thigh-belt full of Widow’s Bite canisters.

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Refractory period manipulation

He’s never done anything of the sort. It’s always the thots that cheat on /him/.
>not barren
Depends on the writer. And she’s also been portrayed as a seductress slut who’s taken miles of dick.

>Best Costume
Classic catsuit
>Best Origin
Original one
>Best Ship
One and only
>Best Characterisation
Elegant spy using her powers for good, after being given a second chance. Not a murderous assault bot.
>Best Role

So glad more people see the light.

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>Black Widow
>mommy gf
is such a thing even possible?

And of course, Best Mini is Web of intrigue.

Well, she did always wanna be a mommy...

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I always got the impression that she was sent to high profile targets and played hard to get. By the time they were about to fuck her, she’d have dropped the pretense and started the “interrogation”. She’s more of an operative than a seductress. Isn’t that the main difference with Yelena?

Tony>Matt>Hercules>Alexei>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>clint>>>>>>>>>PHYSICALLY PAINFUL>>>>>>>>>>>Bucky

Essentially, you can't ship Natasha with a soldier/spy. It's ridiculous. You have to ship her with someone who is more "human/normal/civilian" to have an actual relationship. You need someone that'll demand of her growth and an actual, functioning (somewhat, this is comics, after all) relationship. Someone who just tolerates her issues and rolls with them (or shares them) can only be a short-term thing.


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Nat’s not a carpet muncher!

how do you think jess got pregnant?

jesus, when you are doing an ass shot and framing it from between the legs, that is usually your ass shot, but holy shit black widow!

fuck off, Green Arrow is based!

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She is my Avengerfu.

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Because of a donor.
>inb4 hurdur
It’s supposed to be Carol in “your” circles, faggot.
>Commie Arrow
I’ve lived around his kind my whole life. He’s the scum of the Earth.

Don't bump a thread just to be an idiot.


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No, yurishit isn't good either.

Well I disagree.

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redpill me on carol/nat

>n-no, people don’t like muh Lesbian ships!
>f-fucking goddamned idiots!
Damn user!

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I'm bothand

>n-no people don’t like muh archer
Fucking Hell you goddamn faggot, people can dish on whatever character they like. This isn’t even a Commie Arrow thread.

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Based tier

Not bad tier

Shit tier

Which is why we shouldn't keep talking about arrow.

>not even listing Herc
>bringing up mcu/au stuff
Yeah, did you enjoy the wikia article on Natasha, tumblrfag?

isn't buckynat canon?

All of the main ships have been canon at times. Like most comic ships. There's not "one" ship, she has been with several people over periods of time. Bucky just the most recent one. So no, in no way is it more canon than another one.
They have broken up anyway now. And in a very obvious way that showed why they didn't fit together anyway.


Why isn't she a Spider-Man character? Better suit design here.

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Because she’s a spy and the Spider Moniker is just that, a codename. Jessica Drew is literally the “Spider-Side” version of her these days. God, you Spiderfags are pathetic. You just want everything.

You’re right. He doesn’t deserve to be stuck with a Russkie slut.