Did you guys know this?

Did you guys know this?

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>Based RDJ

Fuck, i thought it was one of those fake improvised memes, like "Shinji Masturbation was improvised"

Why didn't they just use the stones to bring Tony back?

The stones can't undo their cost
I.e thanos' arm gamora and widow

because he's iron man, not stones man

That was funnier in your head, wasn't it?

NO he didn't. He said Owie zowie

The stones couldn't undo his arm cause they were destroyed.

In another 10 years to kill the beyonders:

Did you get this from one of them Instagram that post garbage "facts"? Downey improvised the Liar rant.

Jeff Ford came up with the idea of the "I am Iron Man" line, Downey didn't want to say it initially and Joel Silver convinced him to.

>"Tony used to not say anything in that moment. And we were in the editing room going, ‘He has to say something. This a character who has lived and died by quips.’ And we just couldn’t, we tried a million different last lines. Thanos was saying “I am inevitable.” And our editor Jeff Ford, who’s been with us all four movies and is an amazing storyteller, said ‘Why don’t we just go full circle with it and say I am Iron Man.’ And we’re like, ‘Get the cameras! We have to shoot this tomorrow.'"

>It’s an interesting story. I had dinner with [Robert Downey Jr.] like two weeks before we were supposed to shoot it. And he was like, ‘I don’t know. I don’t really want to go back and get into that emotional state. It’ll take… it’s hard.’ And crazily enough, Joel Silver, the producer, was at the dinner. He’s an old buddy of Robert’s. And Joel jumps in and he’s like, ‘Robert, what are you talking about? That’s the greatest line I’ve ever heard! You gotta say this line! You have to do this!’ So thank God that Joel Silver was at dinner, because he helped us talk Robert into doing that line.

>Facebook trivia image
>MCU shit that belongs on Yea Forums

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it is fake. it was from a gag by jackfilms for a"fake facts" video where he creates and encourages these images to be spread around

actually this is wrong according to the directors themselves.

I find it stupidly hard to believe that they didn't have this line prepared for fucking years. It seems so obvious. Like, you would have "I am Iron Man" as Tony's last line before you even figure out how the fucker is going to die.

thank god
But also, there is a reason why it works, and it's because there are literally hundreds of bullshit "improvisation" claims like this on the web. "Did you know that the tunnel scene in the willy wonka movie was improvised?", "Did you know that Indiana Jones shooting the sword guy was improvised?"
Fuck, I'm sure there is somebody out there claiming that Marvin getting shot in the face in Pulp Fiction was an accident, but the director liked it so much, he put it in the final cut.

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I meant before he destroyed them

Reality is often stranger than fiction.

This is wrong. While editing the movie the editor suggested the line and the Russos had to beg Robert to grow the facial hair and come back for a final pick up, Robert was reticent to the idea but obliged.

I thought Thanos skinny arm was due to him using the stones to destroy the stones.

Eat it, Barney!

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Nah he had a mangled arm at the end of infinity war not as mangled as endgame but still

Damn it. That would have been amazing.

why not just wish you're immortal then?

better idea, why not just grab any Tony from another timeline? if Strange's one shot claim isn't bullshit, that one will be screwed anyway if he stays there.

How would you convince him to come? "Hey, everybody you know and love is going to die, so why not hop over here and be a replacement for our dead guy!"

Sounds retarded and baseless

>Hulkie puts on a new glove
>Brings Tony back

>But I stil cant bring back da black widow causeeeeee lol

Hop to the time before the black order drops on earth, tell him if he doesn't come he will die. tell him he has a family and Pepper wanted him back, simple.