This is objectively the best X-men comic since Claremont

This is objectively the best X-men comic since Claremont

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What about Whedon’s?


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100% truth

I love recurring Jubilee jokes

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And now my favourite

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I unironically love the paneling

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Maybe someone will dump more

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facts my dude

That's incredible. I love how Jean looks like Quinn from Daria

>Storm's speeches
holy shit I'm dying

>It's a beach episode

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Handle it better than the comic

I'm so fucking horny

Holy shit this is the best X-Men run I've seen in years
More please

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It's funny because is already a fucking bitch in the real comics but these play it up as part of the laugh.

Jean's bitchiness is really attractive.

Now you know what Scott sees in her.
The hatesex.

I get that it is a gay joke-
but why is he snow?
Or is he fog?

Read a comic and find out.

his sweat froze like snow

Jean is the worst

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This isnt official, right?

No, he somehow sells his comics tho. But Marvel hired this guy to draw a few pages in Bendis X-men.

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this stuff is gold

these are great, I like the jubilee jokes. How many pages of this are there? How does the guy sell this without Marvel putting an end to it?

I think there are about 50 pages. I dunno how he manages to sell his stuff

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God I wish Hickman used twitter more so I could ask if he was inspired by these

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Unironically a better x-men comic than anything Marvel has put out since Disney acquired them.

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wait why everyone hates jubilee?

Why does it look like a generic hipster webcomic ?

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She is pathetic

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same artist

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>Why does it look like a generic hipster webcomic
See also: >he somehow sells his comics tho.
>Marvel hired this guy to draw a few pages in Bendis X-men.
set them cogs a turnin', son

thanks for all these

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Probably because its a generic hipster comic version of X-Men. What the fuck do you want, Jim Lee drawing Jean and Storm not being able to order lunch?

Oh god I'm dying

You'd at least need someone with one of these to replace Jubilee.

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This is good stuff. And only barely less sympathetic than the usual X-men.

I can see it. Drawing a lot for the comic isn't worth putting the extra effort for how much you draw. Doing one piece is where you can really put effort.

The art is very complimentary to the material. That's what's important.

that made me have a good laugh


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where's wolverine?

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this is just too good

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i mean at morph's funeral

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>Prof. X dressed as Picard
I love it.

is this a freaking friends reference?

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dammit, it got me again.
This comic has been 10/10 so far

Thank you so much for this, OP.

All New X-Men 25
Posting this during what seems like a break in OP, pardon me if not.

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wheres Scott?

Dumped that bitch like a bad habit, hopefully.

I can see this kind of art becoming official house style in a few years

It was written by Bendis, who missed the entier point of the webcomic. Anyway, here is Max Writter retconning Wolvie x Jean

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ok, thats a downgrade to a formerly good comic

Sorry to end the storytime on somewhat low note but I think i posted all my favs. Would be cool if anyone decides to dump more

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>It was written by Bendis, who missed the entire point
that's it.
that's the legacy.

giving what back?

I don't get it either

She read his lewd thoughts and plays along, embarrassing him to the public in process

He should have disregarded Bobby being gay. That is Bendis bullshit that is not canon.

Who cares? It's a funny gag, really not that serious.

>prof x. picard
>chicken suit phoenix

Classic but I laugh everytime. It's just too good.

>He should have disregarded Bobby being gay. That is Bendis bullshit that is not canon.
I agree with you that (((they))) should not have made Iceman gay.
However, I think we can all agree, looking back over the history of the character that Bobby Drake was always pretty fucking gay.

And it was all Jean's fault.

>who missed the entier point of the webcomic
What is the point then? I haven't read any classic X-Men so I don't know.

I'm saving this

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Well the book is based on his roommate actual relationship.(not sure if they were still together) after that it kinda pokes fun at the over drama of the 90 animated series
>Gambit being a homeless thief
>Storm need to do a monologue before she did anything

In the first X-Men comic, when Jean showed up Angel, Cyclops, and Beast all checked her out through the window. Iceman didn't. Its either a good enough clue of his sexuality despite all of the women he kissed over the years or he's the one X-men who doesn't have a thing for red heads.

This was pretty wondeful, thanks OP!

>he's the one X-men who doesn't have a thing for red heads.
Pretty sure that's what made Jean target Iceman for the gay conversion.
"Bobby doesn't find me attractive? Must be gay, I'll just help him along."

>he's the one X-men who doesn't have a thing for red heads
that's one heck of secondary mutation.

>I agree with you that (((they))) should not have made Iceman gay.
He was about to come out since 90s, so stop qith it is jean fault

>"Bobby doesn't find me attractive? Must be gay, I'll just help him along."
That sounds like an incredibly Jean Grey thing and strangely appropriate to this thread.

>Jim Lee drawing Jean and Storm not being able to order lunch?

I see the appeal, but I don't have a taste for the art, which is weird, because I like stuff reminiscent of Neely and shit like China, IL

Bobby was still in the "Ah girls who needs 'em" phase. Stan definitely did not write him as any kind of gay.

Thats funny

>not cat eyes
1/10 immersion ruined

KEK! loved this one

What a victory

my god, I love everything about this page

I think the best part of the comic is Scott's non reaction. He's just done with Jean's shit, but doesn't want to start a fight.

Of course. 10/10

This was before bendis.

The ol double-twist!

This cover basically summarizes the past 35 years of X-men in a nutshell.

>It was written by Bendis
Bendis wrote some of this? Well that explains why the guy is able to sell this still

The author was a guest artist for special issue of ANAD x-men, Bendis wrote little scripts for each artist

Not really a unexpected twist. (God, I hate funerals too)

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>Scott... I hereby declare you gay!

this version of Scott is just too pure

that's why she's with logan now.

I'd pay for a monthly slice of life gag book that Marvel or DC put out. Just one-off pages or short 3-5 page comics.

You can smell Marvel Editorial in this, god they managed to make it boring too.

>Stop it
>She doesn't

Psychics are assholes in the comics but if they played it up like this it'd be funny.

That is so Raven.

well it is built more around the 90s Scott than current

Bro, just run to the store and get the feta yourself.

I would totally love this sort of comedy applied to more characters

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What makes you think any of this cares about canon?

Standing in the shadow totally makes Batman cool. Bitch is just envious.

Last panel

Being Al is suffering

You are such a pathetic faggot user. Just kys.

Scott is wholesome.

Most of your heros were made by jews

If Stan Lee was alive, would you break into his room and tell him how the filthy kikes ruined Ice Man?

Reaction image needs text.

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/pol/tards can’t into 20th century American history. They think Jews “took over” the entertainment industry and ruined all their favorite media or something, when in reality Jews invented all their favorite media in the first place.

this is objectively 1000000000 times better than any X-Shit Marvel ever smeared on the wall.

But Isreal is the best country in the middle east. Should their priorities be more anti-muslim?


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this but unironically

saving all of these to remind myself to buy them later, this is fucking great

These are fantastic, but they make me a bit sad too since now I'm yearning for the golden days of the Xmen comics which has long past.

So why did Scott Lobdell always turn down the easy virtue-signally points he could have got, and insist he wasn't writing Iceman as gay in the 1990s? Why did he mock Bendis for retconning Bobby into being gay?

The artist has a website you can purchase them from, I looked it up a bit ago.

2 books, 30-33 pages each, $20: bit pricey but I think I read he draws something in each one and these are hilarious.

Surly Wonder Woman/Wonderella is great.

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I love seeing more Scott. This Scott and Jean dynamic is great, especially since most iterations of Scott I see kisses the ground Jean walks on. In this he calls her out on her crap

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Why are you posting a totally unrelated image in a storytime thread?

>Why are you posting a totally unrelated image in a storytime thread?
I think he's being meta
the post complaining about pol fags being off topic is the off topic post in this thread

>We'll never get an official X-men SoL comedy where they finally won and now live their lives as B-list celebs with god like powers and act accordingly
Fuck this gay Earth and fuck Marvel for not giving this guy X-men 90's over Chris Sims

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What program would I need to make drawings like this as well?

This predates Bobby becoming gay in the comics by years


fully agreed

i need a more computer savy person to get the two bottom storms for a reaction image

wonderful. this guy seems to really get Jean

>Storm shouting all her lines

fucking hilarious

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fucking golden

Can we just make this Jean's canon personality?

Anyone else reading all of Jean's lines in Master Shake's voice?

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We could try to meme it into existence.

It's a mythology gag. In the early issues, Iceman looked like a big puffy snowman whenever he iced up. As he gained more control over his powers, he shifted to the more refined "ice statue" look.

In short, he lost his cool.

isn't it already?

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so good

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This is legitimately a great idea for a MAX series.

forgot to crop

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man, the art in porn comics really has reached new standards in recent years.

why won't anyone stop her?

bruh is she naked here

I need more Jubilee abuse in my life

at this point the only difference is how others react to her

cant believe we even got a shadman out of this, what a good quality thread


> Marvel comics had been shit a long time, blames Disney

you idiot

Death is for the NPC mutants Scott.

Probably off panel cheating with Jean.

This predates Bendis. "Iceman is gay" is not something that Bendis invented. It's just something that he made canon in a very hamfisted and poorly done way.

wow....first time on Yea Forums I hear of this shit. I mean, I know Bendis is prone to stealing things but this seems really weird.

Okay. I need to give this man money and own a book of this. Holy shit this is gold.

Like we all know morph sucks. We saw the TV show. Then bam. There he fucking is outta nowhere. Literally some of the greatest writing.

Again, it was never canon. It was just one of those dumb fan theories that had been floating around since the usenet days. The fact that Bobby had a bunch of failed relationships was a plot point for the character for a while. The point being that "Bobby has commitment issues" but some people read that as "well, clearly the problem is that he's gay and that's why his relationships all fail." That plus the whole "bobby was the only one that didn't have the hots for Jean." in O5 X-men.

no what I mean this is the first I heard that bendis went to fanfic for ideas. He pulls ideas from everywhere else so...why would this surprise me still does

I mean, this is a version of Scott that has been with Jean for a while. As much as Scott worshipped Jean, it sure as shit didn't stop him from cheating on her.

yeah, under those clothes

I swear, American are all Amish on this board. They see so much as a knee and they suddenly make it porn somehow.

Because she's naked, and also a minor?

Sorry we're not degenerate like you europoors.

that's how the African Goddes establishes her dominance over beta females

>but wearing clothes
how are you puritans so fucked up? naked is not clothed

Is anyone else hearing the psychic sound effects from South Park in this scene?

Scott is literally a boy scout


where do i order this wonderful stuff

damn jean is such a bitch on wheels i love it

is colossus an npc or does hit metal form stop mind reading?

the comedic timing and pacing is impeccable.

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He was the youngest x-men at the time and didn't even go through puberty yet when that happened.

that's no exuse hon

This is the greatest x comic I have read in over a decade. I'm legitimately delighted!