When do the new young justice episodes drop Yea Forums

when do the new young justice episodes drop Yea Forums

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Tomorrow around 7 am eat is when I watched them

Midday americuck time

>When I watched them
Are you a time traveler?

I meant when I watched the last batch

We're onto you, Thawne.

How many hours left?!

Oh shit. The second half of the season is coming out? That snuck up on me.

I think 1 hour if my news is correct.
Why are they releasing them on Tuesdays and not the weekend though?

Because Swamp Thing is technically still airing during Fridays.

Stupid Swamp Thing, denying me comfy Young Justice weekends.

Is it time? July 2nd 7am EST.


Is anyone streaming for us filthy yuropoors? None of the ones from the first half seem to be active at the moment.

They were ripped pretty quickly last time around so hopefully someone does that.

10 minutes left.

My hope as well

Should be out now.

Post torrents or megas you absolute benevelont niggers.

Do we have a Reddit troll with a DC Universe subscription who can confirm?

Nobody watches this garbage so expect rips when it comes out on Netflix.

just came out. Gotta wait a day or a few hours for rips.

>a day
just end my life famalam

It is usually just a few hours

Can confirm, watching it at work right now
Guy is best Lantern as always


Only 3 episodes today then weekly episodes until the 27th of August and then we get the last 3 in one go too

Pic in case you need proof

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Watch Young Justice Influence - Young Justice - s3e14 on DC Universe.png (1200x675, 667K)

They're not doing 3 at a time anymore? That's going to hurt the pacing.

>he actually pays for this

WB realized a tv show like this is their cashcow instead of their live action bait. So they are gonna milk this as much as possible.

I don't think the season was designed with 3-episode arcs in mind.

>Halo is non-binary
Can't wait to see /pol/ infesting these threads.

Doggo sleepy

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>We use fictional countries like Rhelasia, Markovia, Qurac, Byalia, Vlatava and others as stand-ins for real countries.
The American mentality about Russia hasn't changed a bit.

Still no gay Impulse

mega when?

In the show's defense, it's hard to justify a stand-in for a major superpower country, just like it'd be silly to have a stand-in for America or China

Truly the best dumbass there is.

Well Halo's a sentient computer inhabiting the body of a girl.

I don't think Mother Boxes know or care what love is.

Motherbox definitely cares about love since she's been thirsting after the royal D

Plus, some other real countries have appeared as well. As far as I remember, the UK, Spain, France, Switzerland, Jamaica, Taiwan, Argentina and a few others have been confirmed to exist.

Reaction after just episode 14-
Not feeling Guy. Too much goof, not enough toughguy. Maybe we'll see that side when he fights. Batman tbatb had guy right.
Superman's voice feels off.
No sound in space. Huge marks for that.
My memory's terrible. I forgot that Tara had been rescued. I barely remember the state of affairs before the break. I was hoping for a recap at the beginnin of the episode, but no. Did the show ever do that?

Potential stream in a few minutes

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Is Superman going to do something sometime soon

Of course not. This is a teen drama with a superhero veneer, not a superhero series!

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why do i have to register shit?

It's a shitty website. The stream is live, but I gave up after it kept crashing and lagging on me. Just wait for the mega I guess.

Do you have to register ?
Just use twitch or something so I can pipe it to mpv.

Halo gets Boomer'ed

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Watch Young Justice Leverage - Young Justice - s3e15 on DC Universe.png (1200x675, 767K)

What's with the sound?

I'm not the streamer, I found it by chance.

>Rocket Reds recognize Beast Boy as Tork


Digger actually gets to show what throwing boomerangs real good can do? Nice.

>Rocket Reds
Any chance we get Trinity Blue?

Only because I love you DCbro
The new Rocket Red had a suit up sequence that reminded me of Pacific Rim suit up scene, only more like The Surge

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Watch Young Justice Leverage - Young Justice - s3e15 on DC Universe.png (1200x675, 1.09M)


More doggo sleepy

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-02 Watch Young Justice Leverage - Young Justice - s3e15 on DC Universe(1).png (1200x675, 586K)

waiting for unofficial stream like a bitch boy

>the scarab is still a cunt to Jaime

>Artemis' mother ships Artemis and Will
What the fuck

Any links?

>Who is watching the Watchmen?
What's up with the throwaway Watchmen references DC has been making since Rebirth?

From all accounts Weisman really likes Rebirth

So you're saying Wally's coming back.

She's an alien supercomputer inhabiting the corpse of a Muslim refugee, the FUCK is she supposed to identify as?


Wally's dead. Time for fuckers to accept it.

Yes, and?

Somebody gibe link before I piss miself

>Static can't get a girlfriend

This has been a thing since the playdate episode and Will awkwardly denied there was anything between them despite them being two young singles living in the same house.

Why are you surprised? Weisman is your typical liberal.
A real leftist wouldn't give a shit about Russia and mock the liberal created controversy like Chapo Trap House does.

Love is not lust.

>hating on Russia makes you liberal now
The fuck happened to this country?

>Static finally comes back
>he's cucked in every possible way

Monkey's paw. Also, did that imply Impulse and Dorado are gay for each other?

Didn't Wiesmann himself confirm Bart is gay in this incarnation?

Dorado is clearly getting Windfall pussy

No he is Jewish. You think anyone who has been taught about the Pale of the Settlement or knows about US refugee visas for Soviet Jews is going to have a good view of Russia or the USSR?

Liberals think Russia meddled in the election (they didn't, and even if they did, the US already did it with Yeltsin anyway), conservatives dislike Russia because they essentially see it as USSR 2. Leftists don't like Russia either but they silently support it because they see them as the only guys countering US imperialism (alongside some other countries like China, Cuba, Iran or Venezuela).

Doomsday Clock

Episode up anywhere?

>Liberals think Russia meddled in the election (they didn't,
They absolutely did. They stopped just short of changing people's votes but they had a targeted operation designed to essentially trick people into voting for Trump (or at the very least, deny votes for Hilary). To say that they didn't is putting your head in the sand, user
>the US already did it with Yeltsin anyway)
Source? And that in no way gives Putin the ok to enact his own disinformation campaign

>bullshit debunked nonsense
Kys liberal.
inb4 you accuse me of being on the right

Maybe they are in a poly relationship
Would be interesting

>They stopped just short of changing people's votes
They did manage to hack into machines in some Florida districts, the Mueller report confirms this. So that's not off the table.

can we get more screenshots atleast if not a mega

Hahaha no way. I was bullshiting when I said that a few times. Can't wait to watch it.

>unirionically uses kys meme
>I-I'm not on the right, honest!

Enlighten us, then

Based trips.

If they are, they should've made it clearer. Either way, RIP Bluepulse.

torrent when?

I'm surprised Psimon does like Devastation. I guess she kept raping him every day, until he liked it.

>I don't think Mother Boxes know or care what love is.
New Gods have the whole hippie shtick going on so I'm going to say they probably do

What about TIME literally saying so? (Do you even know what Operation Condor was?) The russian parliament was against implementing neo-liberal policies. Yeltsin decided to bomb the parliament, this allowed Putin to rise in power.

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its been 5 hours. Someone fucking leak the mega already.

If you hadn't used "it's" I would have considered to possibility you enter r/ChapoTrapHouse.


Yeah, where is it??!

real talk

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Fuck off dumb phoneposter.

Regular users don't get it till later. Beta users get it early in the morning

Just learn to wait.

Fucking reddit is invading our thread. And no I don't mean politics bullshit.

Why is it taking so long is the episode out yet ?

Daily Reminder Vandal Savage's dick is thr most powerful weapon in the multiverse.

Not even. He was just being the nice counselor. I bet your the type of guy that thinks your therapist is hitting on you.

God that was gay as fuck, Spic Spike's hug with Bart.

I for one am glad Bluepulse is dead. It was overkill, but it needed to be done.

>He was Gengis Khan

By this logic, we should be getting a ton of meta humans from Asia.

So I'm assuming Gar in this universe is an actual ladies man compared to him being a pathetic creep in the comics.

We probably do, but you know how closed off Asian countries are.

RIP in piece. Th-There's still a chance for Bart to be gay, r-right?

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Just wait for the inevitable episode with China, considering we already have one with Russia.

I wish we saw more of Apache Chief. El Dorado here is fucking boring.

>Beast Boy is a pathetic creep in comics
>Yet he still managed to fuck Yea Forums's (and like, half the internet) favourite waifu

Kinda curious what Cassandra's powers are.
Same as Scandal?

Give me spoilers about Static, does he do anything in the new episodes ?

Nope. He was only in the third episode and realizes he's the only single guy left in his friend circle

Too busy fucking that qt Japanese girl and bumming around his mom's house.

She isn't my waifu and Gar didn't fuck Raven until the late noughties.

Bitches about not getting laid. His comment is what is setting off the speculation about El Barto and El Dorado being El Homos.

Sounds like a typical Indian. Weisman is pretty good at getting this representation shit right.

>speculation about El Barto and El Dorado being El Homos
This fanbase can be such a semen gargling group sometimes

Why? It actually makes sense. Only fucktards thought Bluepulse was canon anyway.

My problem is with people speculating the fuck out of each and every single little thing. I mean, I'm guilty of it too, but I like to speculate about how Darkseid is going to stab Vandal in the back, not who's gonna suck whose dick behind the bleachers

Could anyone please give the mega link to these episode.

Anyone with the metagene really.

Bart kissed Ed on the cheek. How did you all miss that?

>but I like to speculate about how Darkseid is going to stab Vandal in the back

God, I hope they don't go that route. The setup introduced in Vandal's origin episode seemed really interesting. Way more than The Light treating Apokolips as Reach 2.0.

Mega! Mega!

None of us watched it. It hasn’t leaked yet

Where the fuck is Immortal Man though? On one hand I know it's possible (likely) for it to just be Weisman lionizing Vandal but on the other hand Vandal claiming to be the sole glorious ancestor of all metahumans and conveniently erasing his rival from the historical records would fit. It'd be a bit naff to introduce him this far in but a man can dream.

Isn't that how you greet Argentineans? I'm not from that faggot country, but pretty sure they do that.

Last time Vandal was on screen he was either dropping Cassandra off to Slade at Santa Prisca or in the space station killing the bear lady

Most of Europe and almost all Latin America does it, it's pretty much just Americans who think it's weird

>Karabast, girl.

When will Zeb Orrelios join the Justice League, Weisman?

Speaking of the Reach, they're apparently coming back in next week's episode.

Because it is, you fucking faggot.

Nah, it's a sign of respect. Something Amerifatsos don't know about

If a peck on the cheek immediately leads your mind to buttsex that's not our fault user

More Jason when

>The setup introduced in Vandal's origin episode seemed really interesting. Way more than The Light treating Apokolips as Reach 2.0
That stuff is just Vandal's delusions of grandeur, within that same episode we see that what Darkseid actually wants is the Anti-Life Equation. The LIght THINKS they can keikaku Apokolips while being kept in the dark about their actual purposes or magnitude of power, essentially as Darkseid's useful idiots

Argentinean here.
Yes, it is.

>getting out keikaku'ed by Darkseid
Geez, that's a scary thought

This show is essentially just seeing who can keikaku harder.

Poor Virgil, they need to introduce Frieda or Richie so he’s not single and gets laid.

Press F to pay respects.

I'm here for Bart getting banged by Ed. I hope Che is rolling in Hell over this.


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Just get DC universe if you care that much. They need every subscriber they can get.

The bear story lady was another one of his daughters and far as we can tell she had nothing going for her, especially considering her mind was so far gone Savage mercy killed her. She might have gotten some longevity genes from daddy since it was unclear just how old she was but I guess full blown immortality skipped her generation


When Yuropoors beg their master for more semen to slurp.

ive sucked one dick today im willing to go down for another

Goddamn it this same shit with Mega taking forever happened with the season premier.

I will literally pay anyone 20 dollars to upload this shit already.

>Static calling himself the 7th Wheel
Whelp, Greg went in for the jugular.
Seems like, unless you are Ollie or Dick, white men on this show aren't allowed to fuck white women.

canadian can't get DC U if I wanted.

>Not available outside the US

Is Rabbit a reliable streaming service at all?


any of you guys have a link that has the new episodes? non American here

Desktop emulation, so yeah.

The UI sucks and for some reason it bugs on firefox/chrome of certain people, but not all.

Most of the time it works decently. Use it since 2015.

Cool. Does it allow me to stream my local files or only websites?

To stream from your pc or browser, you would ned to user their extension and config how it works. Otherwise, only inside the emulation.

White men only fuck asian, brown, black or space chicks.


You can't currently share your desktop on Rabbit, but you can share anything you have opened in Chrome using the Share Extension.

If you have a document or movie saved on your desktop, you can upload it somewhere online (like Google Drive!) and share it on Rabbit with the Share extension."

Or in Bart's case, other "white" men.

Attached: argentina is white.jpg (800x450, 44K)

Cool. I was debating getting a Mega account and start streaming some stuff for shits and giggles. Rabbit might do, but I prefer having stuff on my physical hard drive.

Episode 14


It'd make sense if Ed was greeting Bart that way. But Bart is the one who did it.

Condiment King and Golden Glider confirmed for Twitter shitposters.

Episode 15


He has been known for doing cultural shit of others, as seen by his friendship with Jaime. He is culturally retarded. Ed knows that shit doesn't fly with Americans, but Bart doesn't. However, the actual damning evidence for their relationship is what Virgil said.

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>Yea Forums doesn't have $8 to support western animation

why am I not surprised.

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Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Until I see my favorite characters animated, I ain't paying a dime to DC.

>Until I see my favorite characters animated

Can someone upload it to daily motion or something

Well actually two of them already got animated but only as infant, the other two are queers and teens so you connect the dots. Also missing my two daugtherus who are teens (no not those whores Raven/Starfire).

Oh and old JSA and most of Infinity Inc (blah blah flashback excuses and cannot exist or another Earth whatever), I won't tell you the others. You just have to guess.

>Oh and old JSA
They all showed up in flashbacks and Garrick had like 2 episodes.

>flashback excuses
I really like how you ignored my post.

Every Weisman show is about who can Keikaku the hardest.

DCU is not available outside the US. That's why everyone's asking

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That's Leonard, not Lisa

ICE, as in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement?

We need Codiment king to make an actual appearance.

>Halo trans Robot
Okay, slow your roll YJ, just be cape shit for a little while.

No, just Captain Cold making an ice pun on social media.

I wonder what The Supervillian social media landscape is like.

>Joker posting shitty meme on DISCORD!

Which villain do you think has the most followers.

Joker was behind the Gordon memes all along.

Poison Ivy probably has one of those nature thot instagrams with 12 million followers.

I have been to Cordoba and Bueno Aires, and Argentineans don't kiss that way.

Perdita is best girl right?
>Takes horse cock on the reg

Why do i see bullying to Argentina even in Yea Forums? Will they beat Brazil today?

Their only superhero is a faggot. This is the representation that Latinos love. Faggots that look like them but none of the shame of it being from their country. Tough break Argies.
Falklands are still ours.

>Falklands are still ours
We found the chilean.

That episode doesn’t present it as delusions at all, what the hell are you talking about?


move to the US then.

Why the fuck is a .exe included in the torrent?

Gib green card and security clearance.

You weren't dumb enough to download anything a guy posts on Yea Forums, right?

Cheers user, when will 15 be up?

Probably malicious software if I had to guess.
Don't run it, obviously or better don't even download it.

Rarbg started putting those DO_NOT_MIRROR.exe into their torrents to fuck with people who use bots to hit-and-run

>Livewire being a Juvi slut
All I could ask for really.

Yes it does. Vandal doesn't (or at least didn't at the time) know about the equations.

>Will they beat Brazil today?

>Operation Condor

The next time a lib cries about russian interference, show them this:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor

Pretty nice portrayal of Guy. Both an idiot and doing his job quite competently, we don't always see that.

Guy is one of the few Green Corps members I consistently like, he isn't up his own ass about how important the lanterns are but does his job and does it well.

Any recs for Guy?

Well it was certainly nice of them to confirm that the end of episode 13 wasn't a fake-out and that we ARE doing Judas Contract yet again.

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who /guy/ here

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And yet Terra hasn't had a line of dialogue in 3 episodes.

I'm so sick of this story line

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>they killed Halo again
the best running gag in this show

Did Luthor sound different to anyone else? Apparently it's the same voice actor but it's like his voice was a bit different and he had a hint of an accent.

When he does the interviews he puts a positive lilt on his voice. When he is with the lines he drops the endings to make his voice more menacing.

i should draw more lewds of her

True but I was actually thinking of the public appearances scenes. For example, I thought he sounded different in episode 2's (if I remember correctly) UN scene than he did in episode 14's.

I might have just misheard or I might be misremembering but I thought he sounded different.


There is gonna be a twist.

the twist is there is no twist.

The twist is there is no twist.

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>When you're able to use a character called Holocaust without any restrictions by the network
How many more times will we see him?

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The twist is Terra was dead all along and Slade is allergic to water

You know holocaust was a word long before Hitler made it a thing, right? Just means "severe devastation by fire" or something of the like

Yes, but do you think that CN would have let Greg appease his autism to use whatever characters he wanted?

expect some soon my friend

I really hate Deathstroke's redesign.

He needs the ponytail back.

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>Mueller report confirms
Is this the same Mueller who confirmed Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when he was head of the FBI while providing no evidence?

Tumblr is having a meltdown over this show. In other news, water is wet.

>trick people into voting for Trump
I'm genuinely curious what you think "tricking" someone into voting for a candidate is compared to "convincing" them?

.......the FBI doesnt get intel on foreign states, you fucking idiot. The CIA, NSA and the Pentagon all fucked that whole thing up

Why? We have a non binary Arab and gay interracial couple. There's no pleasing these fuckers

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>"As we previously briefed this Committee, Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program poses a clear threat to our national security"
He clearly endorsed it. And I also clearly remember how he fingered the wrong guy for the anthrax attacks too.

Screaming bullshit at someone over and over and over and over again until they actually start to believe it sounds like tricking to me, which is exactly what the Russians did by just flooding key voting districts with mountains of fake memes and "facts" aimed entirely at making Hilary look bad and Trump look good, along with stoking our already deep divisions. It was brilliant, if you ask me; destabilize your rival by simply tossing a few golden apples at thier feet and watch them tear each other to pieces over it while you sit back and watch. Trump getting elected was the best thing that could have happened to Russia, if not because he's buddy buddy with them, but because it all but cut us in two from an ideological standpoint ever since.

>trick people into voting for Trump
You cant trick a person into voting you spastic retard, its their choice who they vote for.

That's a propaganda campaign you idiot. Not tricking or subverting democracy and if it is both sides guilty as charged...

>Screaming bullshit at someone over and over and over and over again until they actually start to believe it sounds like tricking to me
Doesn't sound particularly different from any other election campaign either.
And for disclosure's sake, I'm not particularly fond of trump, to put it mildly.

nope your a far right nazi kkk trump voter because your not part of the #resistance and beating up left wing journalists

Let's see the thread about Young Justice Outsid---
>Argentina and the Falklands
>Operation Condor
Uh, this thread went slightly off-topic.

Ah damn. That's a shame.
I really don't look good in brown shirts.

Okay I get black manta but how were a guy who throws boomerangs and a gorilla with a machine gun supposed to be useful against a team of russian metahuman supersoldiers in powered armor? And how fucking shitty IS that armor that it gets taken offline by like 2 seconds of machine gun fire and a boomerang?

blame the smouldering /pol/-tumblr war thats been waged here for the past few years

because comics and cartoons are the front line between fat ass legbeards and neckbeards who have noting better to do then squabble over the internet

look on the bright side when it comes to civil war your on the side of the gun nuts and not the millennials larping as commie revolutionaries :)

The Green Lantern Corps comic that ran alongside Johns Green Lantern was good. Guy Gardner Warrior is also pretty dope if you're into weird 90s stuff.

That's what happens when all the yuropoors can't be patient for the burgers to upload the Mega. They start getting all pissy

Ironically I am a gun nut already.

Blue and black are also options.

Not only has the Mega been posted, it's already on at least one public tracker and kimcartoon yet this American politics bullshit is still the bulk of the "discussion"

Soule's Red Lantern run was great and it focused on Guy as a Red.

Wally's politics rubbed off on Artemis.

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Justice League International.

Some of YJ's animation looks like a webisode

Why did the art look like that on those scenes? Did they have them done by the cheapest Korean studio they could find?

who else thought Vertigo was talking about rape?

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>Did they have them done by the cheapest Korean studio they could find?

I was thinking forced marriage but it was all a ruse.

someone needs to draw Halo looking down her pants to find out is shes a boy or a girl

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She could see events in the past (like reverse precognition) and was useful in helping her father reconstruct his memories before his encounter with the meteorite, but she developed Alzheimer's or something similar and her mind was going and so he mercykilled her.

That child at the start of episode 15 has an incredibly annoying voice.

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torrentfreak . com/rarbg-adds-exe-files-to-torrents-but-no-need-to-panic-190126/

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You want Wally black? Say no more!

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There was two and half year investigation which confirmed there was no collusion, you may have heard of it.

Thank you!

I really can't tell which side Weisman falls on when he does the whole woke diversity stuff AND shit like this.

reminder that Wally is back to being white for Stargirl

I imagine he's a progressive sort but he respects his characters/story enough to not shove his views in from nowhere. Identity confused computer turned robot? Makes sense. Prince of a nation that's had a bad history with the USSR not liking the idea of Russia making superweapons? In character.

I haven't followed any news for that, why is Wally in it?

The same one where Joss Whedon and J. K. Rowling fall.

>why is Wally in it?
something about him being a legacy character just like her

>mfw Paula Crock is so desperate to get her daughter addicted to white cock, she's willing to push her onto the son-in-law that already got her first daughter pregant
what the fuck, Weisman?

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Was Markovia ever communist though? They have a monarchy, that's a huge throwaway that if anything, they were US allies during the Cold War, Correct me if I'm wrong but I think no former Warsaw-Pact country has one.

They were likely independent of the USSR, but could have been treated like Cuba was by the US with attempted assassinations on the royals, interference to boost communist support and other affairs.

Is whatever place Star Labs is located in really that green at the end of November?

They're expendable as Waller explains to aquaman

Weisman is the rare based and redpilled liberal autismo.

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It's in Arizona iirc so probably

Remember episode 4 of this season was a superhero squad of white rent-a-cops beating up a bunch of black thugs who were looting VR headsets.

That's kinda crazy.

What a character says is not necessarily what the writer thinks. Not only that but Artemis is right, they went there to stop metahuman trafficking, not shut down a russian supersoldier program.

Probably li. Not much of a leftist though (probably doesn't support socialism).

They apparently put a handful of ads on facebook, which I assume just about every country and large corporation also does since there is nothing stopping them, but I've never heard of this mountain of memes you say they buried certain districts in.

>Latino character using gratuitous Spanish
I hate this meme a lot

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Annoys me, but it does happen in real life. Just wish that they didn't use it for every latino or hispanic character. I was born in Mexico but I don't speak a word of Spanish.

I am mexican and it mostly just kills me inside a little bit when they say "ese". Literally "that one", sounds like the lamest possible butchering of Spanish into English slang possible

Hate that Donna is not Wonder Girl

"ese" is used a lot in Argentina/Uruguay though.

>The Reach is back…unless the Outsiders can stop them!
S3E17 synopsis.

Wait, which Outsiders? Nightwing and Black Lightning? The Team? Batman and Friends?

Did it air today too? Didn't see it in the mega.

Technically Team Gamma, so Brion, Halo, Forager, and Tara


The Reach?

It's a pretty weird comic thing. A lot of characters who are supposed to sound foreign will use random words from their native language even if it makes no sense, and I guess they think that it makes stuff sound more authentic or something. Or in the case of Spanish they might be trying to appeal to that demographic.

>Bluepulsefags upset
>Spitfirefags upset
Based Gregory

I like it.

Thanks for the spoilers. There are some people who avoid looking at episode titles to avoid spoilers, so really appreciate it.

I have argentinian friends and I've never heard it. They have their own funky italian-flavored dialect over there, and even then most people nowadays speak fairly "neutral" spanish with only a few regional terms here and there

Artwill makes sense

Sorry, I shoukd have put the spouler tag, but this is a synopsis.

Perdita kicking Psimon in the nuts was a thing of beauty. That dude is like the show's ultimate jobber now.

Better have some Black Beetle and his sexy sexy voice.



more like Traci Thirsty, amirite?

They didn't even try with Jimmy.

Need to write a fanfic where she is a fujo and likes to hear Bart and Ed fuck and it gets her so hot she rides Jaime not soon after. How mad would this make Bluepulsefags?

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>Cyborg Superman
You must be jesting.

I'm just happy Jaime stopped spouting it.

Because they think Traci Thirteen is lesbian.
(Ignore the fact she is actually bisexual and her relationship with BB is taken from the comics)

We already have Harper Row. Hell she might be a lesbian in this incarnation.

Loved this incarnation of Granny ngl. Also Barda was cute.

Holy shit, Artemis really wants that Daddy D. Goddamn I hope she is pregnant by the time Wally comes back. Seeing Wallyfags in pain brings me just as much joy as seeing the tumblrinas screech about MUH REP.

Oh right they have been fighting the GLC for two years straight which is why Hal looks like shit now

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Wasn't she only lesbian in one issue of a Superwoman comic everyone forgot about? Do they even say she's an outright lesbian just because she was dating Natasha? Jaime and Traci actually dated pre-Nu52.

When is /ourguy/ Sportsmaster going to come back and murder Will for trying to go his way through the Crock/Nguyen family tree?

Nope, he's Hank Henshaw on Supergirl.

Kingpin was pretty based. Felt a hell of lot more imposing than the Netflix one for sure. Johnny irks me. The rest I'm not thrilled with but not invested enough to be truly angry.

I hope he goes Paralax eventually.

That suicide squad episode really went a bit wild with its 16s and 52s

I can't be the only one to catch that the Suicide Squad and Windfall were introduced in the same episode, right?

Attached: squadwindfall.jpg (620x603, 72K)

It's Parallax.

I mean, even if that's true, our own people were perpetrating shit like Interstate Crosscheck. Active, racially coded voter suppression which likely topped in scale anything the Russians did. The whole thing was fucked, with or without foreign interference.

Even as a homo, I think I'd rather watch Artemis and Will fuck Kaji x Misato style than see Bart and Ed kiss. Goddamn that sexual tension man. Even better if Wally catches them in bed.

But if they're never exposed to information which accurately represents his background and character, and are in fact, willfully or otherwise, exposed largely to information which misrepresents same, is that really an informed decision? Is it even your decision at all at that point? Or are you just voting for what appears to be the only real choice available because you've effectively had the wool pulled over your eyes?

Was it me or was Digger actually the most effective person in the Squad fight?

That's a good question I'm assuming that Nightwing and BL join Batman's team.

Most voters are woefully uninformed on their decided candidate's platform.

What the hell was with Terra? Like how are they gonna do the Judas Contract if they just have her... not talk or seemingly develop bonds with anyone? Don't think she had a single line.

Everyone knows it's going to happen so they are just skipping straight to the point.

I guess they figure that they don't need to set it all up again when we all know how it plays out.

Boomerang is always at his most effective as a Suicide Squad member.

I kinda wish that the weren't doing cosmic stuff this season so that we could get all of the covert teams fighting against each other and metahuman trafficking.

I'm almost certain she is a triple agent and wants to take out the enemy without any help. Stupid child.

...are we going to see her get gang banged?

We know it but there still has to be some impact to the viewer or there's just.. no point in doing it. And you can't have that without establishing her bonds ties and well.. any personality whatsoever.

I'm sure we'll get a subplot here and there.
But Jesus, the amount of spinning plates this series is juggling is kind of absurd. Like, every episode introduces a new character and a new subplot.

Imagine when we jump to Season 4 with Stargirl, Damian Wayne, Atlee and whomever left becomes the main stars.

Will Black Beetle be there to put Halo and Terra half way through the door.. THE HARD WAY?

Greg Weisman is on some insane mission to adapt the entire DC Universe basically.

This one's actually even funnier.

He started as Hank Henshaw, but the showrunners decided that Cyborg Superman fucking sucked and made the character into Martian Manhunter halfway through the first season.

Except then they had to explain that the original Hank Henshaw died and he took his shape. But then they brought back the original Hank Henshaw, and just called him Cyborg Superman.

The only difference was that he wore a stupid fucking eyepiece and growled. He had literally no backstory at all. They dropped it and never brought it up again.

DESU, I actually love that ambition.
It's more than I can say about 80% of comic writers these days.

so parallax hal jordan will be the first big comic event they will adapt?

I just noticed Mal in the Thanksgiving dinner? Did he go bald that fast or did he just shave?

Wasn't that what Sam Register told Weisman and Vietti to do when coming up with YJ? To make it a show about the DC universe?

Im just waiting for him to go full crazy and do something like introduce Zook or some Beepo the Super Monkey.

They kinda sorta adapted "Invasion!" They just merged it with the Reach plotline, also I think they're heading towards Final Crisis.

I'm waiting for Prez to happen.

I think this season has me on edge, because everything about it feels ominous. Like, the intro and outro alone just give me the idea that the finale is going to be something cataclysmic and a lot of characters are going to die, and that every small interaction with these characters are moments we're going to look back on with sadness.

We need Lady Cop and the Haunted Tank obviously.

It's still a superhero show I don't think Weisman would kill most of the cast.

Didn't Casey Brink make a cameo?
This is Weisman not being held back by a network telling him to tone it down.

So Jaime's girlfriend is Jinx right?

Traci 13.

God damn, Hal looking pretty punished there.

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Nice nod to JL animated with Hro Talak.. and him threatening to invade Earth.

>Thinking Young Justice will adapt Final Crisis well.
KEK. Without Superman Beyond, FC is nothing.

Also the use of the JL logo.

I didn't say well.

the Darkseid portion of the Story doesn't really need it if they cut out the Monitor stuff.

Can I get a reminder of who the Marlow scapegoat was?

They are just gonna adapt the "Darkseid streams the anti-life equation and takes over earth" part because honestly, did anyone (other than Morrison himself) understood what was Mandrakk all about? The only theory I read was that he was just an attack to Alan Moore.

Who voices Guy?

I'd forgotten how frustrating the PR villain shit is. If it's supposed to be effective then why do they make Lex and Granny sound so damn slimy and smug in their delivery - I have a really hard time believing the masses would fall for it.

Sounds like whoever voices GGG.

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Troy Baker

Is Catherine Colbert a comic character?

>Artemus and Will
Please god no.

God yes. Shippers need to feel the wrath of the keikaku master. He giveth but he can also taketh away.

He's the editors.. or something. Because Editors are literally blood sucking vampire's that feed on stories.

user.. obviously slimy people get into positions of power all of the time.

Did I miss a cameo with who the girl who took the selfie was? Her screen name was Angel something.

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It's not that they're in power - I can buy that - it's that the public supports them and their smear campaign against the league is effective.

Jesus fucking christ. Weisman will cut wherever he needs to find some random character won't he.


Iris is only a redhead in Young Justice and I doubt the CW Iris was based on her. Also why the fuck did you put her in twice and why did you include the Iris that's a brunette in your ginger chart?

>Black Henshaw
So if Reign of the Supermen were to happen would he become a white looking Superman?

>Beast Boy is the ladies man
>Static is the incel
Fuck this universe.

Quit whining Static is based no matter what

The fat dude Black Spider killed.

Why did Gordon shut off the sign? Is he genuinely pissed at Batman or is he in on the keikaku as well?

He's finally given up, Batman WON'T Rape the Joker.

Presumably working with someone publicly disavowed by the Justice League isn't a good look.

Not like JLU and Brave and the Bold before it tried as well.

Jason had his whole hero career in a timeskip and has had one line since.

rule of 3 user still right

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Supergirl is the worst cw hero show....let that sink in. This just further proves it.


Who will kill her next?

No death in 17, given that it's featuring the Reach and Corps in space. I imagine there'll be a Deathstroke or Lady Shiva kill at some point.

Not really. It had its own gimmick and didn't feature any of the races of the alliance or L.E.G.I.O.N. so it's not more similar to Invasion! than any other alien invasion arc.

Chances season 3 ends on a cliffhanger setting up season 4?

Eh, Weisman said this show is pretty much always gonna end on a cliffhanger (but he calls them "teasers") so yeah.

>episode 14
>recording of GGG responding to a recording of Luthor responding to a recording of Aquaman

Maybe the rest of Gotham forced him?


MY FUCKING GOD THE TRANNIES HAVE GONE TOO FAR. This is why the mother fucking comic and cartoon industry is dying.

It's incredible how far this show has fallen. Season 1 and 2 were fantastic and now the story is shit, the voice acting is sloppy, and they're forcing even more sjw shit than ever.

What SJW shit? Elaborate.

>SJW shit
>In a show full of straight people

Episode 14 essentially starts with Violet saying if she doesn't know if she's a boy or a girl. Prior to that we have Jefferson and white bitch hooking up and a bunch of others that I can't seem to remember right now.

Violet is a fucking mother box, it's fine if doesn't identify as either. And the white bitch is evil and is playing Jefferson.
Other examples?

Young Justice is liberal, not leftist. Like most of the MCU.

Next time I get a sundae!

I don't really see the issue here. They wanted to introduce the Rocket Reds. The Rocket Reds are from Russia.
What's the point of changing their country of origin?

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If you see nothing wrong it

>I don't really feel like a girl. I don't know if I'm a girl or boy

In a 2019 cartoon show then you're part of the problem.

>part of the problem
What problem?

ginger erasure damn...

You don't need to look down your own pants to know what junk you're carrying.

If you're attracted to something you're attracted to it. It's 2019, you be you user.

Christ, this old block armor future aesthetic is so fucking sexy. I miss the JLI, you guys. ;_;

Tolerating someone's mental illness is different from being shamed and losing your career/life for not accepting it.

It's always kind of bothered me how the public in this show seemingly trusts any random villain over Superman or any other superhero. It's like I'm really watching Marvel

Guy looks like he just got nudes

Considering their relationship in the comics she might have sent nudes along with the intel.

>Ah should we trust Superman and the Justice League who have been stopping world threats for decades or should we trust the media and Lex Luthor who is responsible for many of these world incidents?

I get the naive perspective of civilians in a cartoon but I'm getting tired of watching it.



what if the intel is hidden inside the nudes?

To be fair this version of Lex Luthor hasn't publicly been outed as a criminal much less a super villain.

I like the way you think

No one bothered by the fact that Halo is non-genderflyid something which basically makes Brion a fucking faggot?
Also how come a man from eastern europe aka non-degenerate are okay with faggotry?

Halo is a GIRL. Facts. Her pussy turns Brion on.

this might shock you but as a fellow eastern european, I wasnt aware/known these terms they discussed until I came to this place.

Correction, Brion is a faggot, he studied in the west and was corrupted.

also fuck my phone, why the fuck does it place "\r\n"-s in the browser when I make a single enter? And why does this shitty website translate "\r" to "\n"?

Because you are phoneposting.


Boy, imagine being this touchy

>computer is non-binary

If anything it's very binary. Both binary.

Why are you watching this show then? (Or in this thread in case you aren't).

I mean, they just put him as UN Secretary General. In real life that's the most useless position of power there is.

I'm surprised by how much I like Perdita.

She's a fucking cute

The episode ended up portraying the Russians as no different from the Americans really.

The former one allowed an alien invasion.

I'll be shocked if she isn't killed off.
Also goddamn, I feel so bad about Static. Homeboy needs some pussy.

Luthor isn't a well-known supervillain in YJ, but it makes me ask myself why hasn't the JL just exposed them yet.

Is there a mega for the new episodes yet ?

Repeat this to yourself, user. A literal computer doesn't know what to define itself as. Repeat this to yourself, user. You are literally upset that a computer, like the one you're using right this moment, doesn't have a gender. Are you going to tell me you know your computer's sex?

Did you even bother reading the thread?

Luthor in YJ is a public figure known for reuniting North/South Rhalesia and helping the Justice League defeat the Reach's doomsday plot. Overall he has a lot of credibility with people.



>it's featuring the Reach and Corps in space

What? The synopsis and some of the trailer footage show the Reach targeting a small town on Earth.

>and 2 were fantastic

Good joke. Season three has been redeeming all of season two's errors save the animation quality.

Fuck off, he is right. Better than focusing on these boring characters and doing SJW shit.

>SJW shit.
you talking about that Halo line? I just tought it was a dumb line

>one frame gay kiss
If you're upset by this, you're part of the problem.

This is Yea Forums, what did you expect?

I see Halo is still THICC and snuffy.
What a fucking intersection of fetishes that character ended up being.

People like Elon Musk.

How many times has Elon Musk done evil so far?

Hell I think Weisman is uncomfortable exploring the sexuality of gay characters. Which is totally fine and tumblr needs to leave him alone.
Fuck Brooklyn and his white furshit boyfriend barely interacted in the comics and he had free reign there.

big surprise, Cyborg is annoying as hell in this version as well. They keep forcing him but the only time he was good was in Doom Patrol

Hell I think you're projecting. Which is totally fine.

I wouldn't say good, but I thought he was perfectly accurate in the Justice League film.

Has today issue of Young Justice been storytimed yet?

Bendis one? That one was delayed 1 week.

Artemis is for breeding, this is true

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>I wouldn't say good, but I thought he was perfectly accurate in the Justice League film.
Accurate to the N52 version.

only faggots like Bart anyway, I don't see the problem

He doesn't credit artists. He doesn't like trains. Pure evil in my book.

teen titans one was good too.

I wrote a paper on gay sex in TV for undergrad. You wish I was projecting.

Paula please, go back to being a grandmother instead of shitposting on here.

Why does it feel like the entire season is just a big catastrophic event waiting to happen? And I don't mean just "oh no, Terra is evil". There are red flags everywhere.

Well I mean fucking Darkseid is hanging over everything.

Yeah, user, I wonder why...

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>prepare the antilife equation
>prepare the chair

Also, is there a ban on Russian (or passably Russian-speaking) actors/voicers or something in America? Because I thought that Dolya Gavanski's Zarya and Last Exile's Glacians (save for one girl voiced by actual Russian, which made her Japanese collegues sound even more unnatural) were bad, but the Rocket Red Brigade's grammar and prononciation were pure COCAINUM.

Wait a minute, those are Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle and Kid Flash. Is the Outsiders just the new name for The Team or something?

I just realized that Jaime stopped speaking Spanglish. Ugh but gay Spike Sepiegel is still doing it. Fucking kill me.

Traci is cute though.

I should clarify that I mean his attitude was accurate to the New Teen Titans.


Probably seperate squads fighting them or something.

Haven't reached comics with this meme yet, but why only single chair when all of them are yours to comfortably slouch in?

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it's too short.

How many russian VAs are out there?

Darkseid will stream the anti-life equation.


Their VA budget seems pretty low and they're re-using VAs left and right. So it sounded like they have Artemis' VA and Steve Blum stumble through some Russian since it sounded like them and I don't think either know Russian.

That was hilarious

>Their VA budget seems pretty low
I wouldn't say that considering there are a fucking lot of voice actors. The problem is that there are too many characters.


yeah the cast list for some episodes are absurdly long for 22 minute things.

The fucking dog unironically sounded like someone doing a Scooby Doo impression in one scene.
I get that a third season really shouldn't be happening at all, so I'll take what I can get, but the lack of funding really shows.