For years I've heard people arguing that Legend of Korra was a weaker show than Last Airbender, and that it was because Bryke didn't bring along the head writer from Airbender: Aaron Ehasz.
Now that we've seen Aaron Ehasz's own show, The Dragon Prince, what do people think? How crucial does it seem he was to Avatar, and how well does he hold up as a showrunner himself?
It's been a while since i watched Korra, but i feel Aaron has a better control of character interaction; while Dragon Princes joke fall flat more often than not, i do still believe that the characters like each other and do believe what they say.
Ryan Parker
netflix shills begone
Levi Cooper
Dragon Prince kicked off with a scene where the supposedly good king yelled at his old friend for daring to talk to someone of royal blood like something close to an equal. And we apparently weren't meant to consider the king an arrogant bastard after that. And then the show jumped to having Viren be a child-killing monster.
Korra didn't get THAT bad until somewhere in season 2.
There's time to turn things around, but right now I'd take Korra over Dragon Prince, warts and all.
Easton Edwards
Korra at least had some high points, TDP is just kinda dull so far, If things don't pick up with S3 I'm just dropping it.
Ryan Parker
The general argument for Ehasz being a crucial component missing from Korra was always that he was especially good at characterization. He made Zuko "deeper" and all that.
Gotta say, Dragon Prince has made me wonder if people weren't vastly overestimating what he did. The characters in Dragon Prince have been bland as fuck. Viren is the only character with something close to depth, and even then the narrative keeps shitting on the guy way past the point of plausibility. It really shouldn't be that hard to get people to want a war with a dangerous neighboring nation...
Oliver Myers
The guy kinda fell off the map after ATLA. I was honestly surprised that the best idea he'd had in the subsequent decade was a by-the-numbers dungeons and dragons style fantasy.
Aaron Hernandez
Both Korra and Dragon Prince suggest that Avatar's quality was the result of bringing multiple specific people lending their talents to the end product. On their own, they haven't made anything as good. Potentially, if the same crew members were brought along in the same capacity to work together on the same vision we could get something as good as Avatar.
Sometimes things are good because of highly specific circumstances, they are flukes.
Logan King
So let me get this straight: the king treated Viren with apprehension, like he was someone who might be power hungry and might want to circumvent his rule. This is bad. Later, Viren was revealed to be exactly the end-justifies-the-means, power hungry guy the king treated him as, thus justifying the king. This is also bad.
Ethan Lewis
Reminder that Dragon Prince has shit worldbuilding and is nothing more than another Tolkien ripoff.