>Hey, this isn't gonna make it so that next time I fuck my wife my testicles somehow generate some other guy's sperm so that in actuality the jizz I ejaculate from my urethra isn't carrying my genetic material but, say, Batman's? Because I'm regularly cumming in my wife's pussy in order to impregnate her for the first time and I'd hate if my balls were engineered by, say, nanobots to generate Batman's cockmilk and put his baby inside of her instead of mine.
The little brother was also Bruce's.
And because neither son looked like him, he believed his wife cheated on him twice with the same person.
Then he got murdered. Poor guy. I bet he grew up hearing how cool Batman was all his life and then bam! Your now just a genetic host for Batman's kids!
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Why not just clone Bat normally? They had the tech
It was an after-the-fact retcon the showrunners made when some autist pointed out that it was genetically improbable for Terry and his brother to have black hair, so they decided to make a justification for it instead of just saying "Who cares lol" and moving on.
Bizzaro Batman would've more likely occured.
Plus they wanted it to make it 'look' natural I guess. S'why they tried to get the Phantasm to murder Terry's parents but she stopped at the last moment when she realized Bruce wouldn't have wanted this.
If you actually watch the episode, Waller addresses this. She didn't just want somebody with Bruce's genetics, she wanted somebody who was actually like Bruce, too. So she sought out a Gotham couple with psych profiles that matched Thomas and Martha Wayne. That way, Terry would get the nature AND the nurture.
>>Hey, this isn't gonna make it so that next time I fuck my wife my testicles somehow generate some other guy's sperm so that in actuality the jizz I ejaculate from my urethra isn't carrying my genetic material but, say, Batman's? Because I'm regularly cumming in my wife's pussy in order to impregnate her for the first time and I'd hate if my balls were engineered by, say, nanobots to generate Batman's cockmilk and put his baby inside of her instead of mine.
doctor "thats a odd question ?
>this fuvking timeline its its fucledup ways to have children
Do you guys think that Amanda Waller was in love with Bruce and was touching herself during this whole process imagining Terry's dad as Bruce and Terry's mom as herself?