Let face it. Harry Potter would have worked way better as an animated series. Also if Draco was a hot bully girl

Let face it. Harry Potter would have worked way better as an animated series. Also if Draco was a hot bully girl.

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Other urls found in this thread:


there are much better stories to animate

maybe I'm just saying that because I want to write the next big YA wizarding comic

Little Witch Academia did Harry Potter better and shorter.

Hell, it even had a female Draco

>genderbent trash

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would've been based
I want a good cartoon where the characters actually age with the story

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Diana, Hannah, and Barbara > Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle

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Harry Potter is legitimately awful, even by YA fiction standards. I don't understand how anyone can like it.

I totally bang that Ronnie.

You only mention Draco in your post so would that be the only genderbend because if so Harry is going to hatefuck her so hard and by the end it turns gentle

King of YA fiction coming through, fictionlets swerve

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Passable mysteries in an interesting setting. It's also got very little competition for urban fantasy in that age range that isn't just different flavors of twilight. pic related.

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I'm not sure it would have been good, but I do remain mystified as to why there was never a Harry Potter animated series. Does Rowling just not like cartoons? It seems like a natural fit to make a Harry Potter cartoon. Make seven seasons, each season covering one book.

For some bizarre reason Rowling seems to consider her books as some sort of high fiction and considers cartoons to be beneath it, but then approves mobile games for some reason.

She really is kind of a ridiculous woman, isn't she? That gets more and more obvious every time she tweets something stupid.

But would Lucas Lovegood be best boy like Luna?

She has also turned down offers from pinball manufacturers to make a table because she thinks they are trashy

Boring, I read it and she was worse than Harry, a mary sue.

Better yet where a Percy Jackson cartoon when we need one? So many series that would make Kino cartoons are wasted, fuck I’d take a maximum ride series since it could be a legitimate show

>if Draco was a hot bully girl.

What is Diana.

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At least she went with Universal with the HP theme park, shits pretty great honestly


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take that weaboo shit out of here

I get shades of Seras Victoria from her.
Also the Twins.
The Weasleys seem a lot better when suddenly it's a family full of prime ginger babes and one cute boy at the end.

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She has a ridiculously overblown sense of self importance over the fact that her children's book series ended up getting pretty popular, I guess I can understand it considering how said books were responsible for bringing her from nothing to a household name but good lord the woman acts like she wrote the most influential work of our time instead of another by the books YA fiction.

From what I heard though it was an absolute fucking nightmare to make it though because she had some really fucking strict guidelines on what had to be done otherwise she'd say no to the whole thing.

>The ginger tomboy twins from several grades above you will never playfully, sometimes sexually, bully you.

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Exquisite taste.

Harry potter would have been better if draco had a twin sister and she was randy for harry

Or if she was randy for Draco

Even if this is true, this is such a cringey neckbeard thing to say.

And less confusing with unnecessary complicated family trees.

The first ones have this roald dahl-esque whimsy to it at times that makes it at least a fun ride, and by the time you get to glass of flames you're mostly sunk-cost'd your way to finishing the shitpile
movies are much the same way
Despite having read and seen Deathly Hallows literally the only thing I remember is my dad leaning in and going "is that gandalf" when scrumblegort shows up in purgatory land

The movies maybe, that awful TV show was an abomination.

You would think somebody who was littererly fucking homeless before their books came out would be more humble.

I feel like the Leviathan series by Scott Westerfeld would make a pretty good animated series, the most similar movies to it that i can think of are Atlantis and Treasure Planet.

Why did Percy Jackson never get a cartoon either it has loads more potential than Harry Potter visually and stoats wise

Because a tv series about a bunch of autistic kids with super powers is a hard sell to anyone but nick. And they won't fund anything but Spongebob

The fuck are you talking about, She-Ras already on Netflix but seriously no one on PJ is autistic he’ll Percy’s already a chad who beat a titan out of victory

From what I remember all demi-gods are autistic

Draco would have killed her. Either for trying to fuck "Potter" and shaming their family or because he wants to fuck him.

More like he would become her with a polyjuice potion

was she? i thought she worked as a school secretary.

They all have ADHD(cause they're supposed to be warriors) and dyslexia(they're hardwired to read ancient greek)

>Harry Potter would have worked way better as an animated series
Rolling Rowling being anti animation solidified her as a cunt in my mind well before the twatter nonsense.
I could probably get behind the rule 63 thing

There is something screwy about her whole story, especially in regards to her family

So what are their names?

Harry : Harriet

Hermione: Hermes? Herman?

Ron: Ronnie (short for Ronalda or Veronica?) or Ren?

This and final fantasy type zero was like that.

Western cartoons can't do this cause itd become very childish with shitty simplified art or usual fake anime shit

If anything a sudden rise out of that would bloat the ego up immensely.

I'm absolutely convinced the whole homeless thing was just her making up some bullshit, I really wouldn't put it past her.

youtube.com/watch?v=n9OgBnWWYxc Animated reboot of Worst Witch fucking when

And it has that as well

Did she ever say homeless? All I can see is she was on welfare for a while

So inthis one Neville should go from chubby girl to teen bombshell?

What's with this genderbent bullshit? The original version already had perfect waifus that were superior to Harry and Ron in every conceivable way.

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>What's with this genderbent bullshit?
Because I want Draco to rape Harry without it being gay, is that too much too ask

There wasn't a whole lot of killing in this story and a femme fatale who hated Ginny Weasely taking a bullet for Harry would have been kino


Trigger are far more westaboo than weeaboo.

She’s probably put off by the idea of animated series because when she first tried to get the movies made, they wanted to combine books, make it animated, Americanize its setting and directed by Spielberg.

He's right about it being shit though, only the movies were good.

*genderbend with just one character changed

There's a mobile HP game with Draco as a hot bully girl. Unfortunately, that's pretty much the only non-awful thing about the game.

I will continue to use kino to describe kino things and you cannot stop me

the Loud House but ginger

user if they are both girls it is still gay


I'm stiff from sitting down all evening. Anyone wanna join me as I go out and stretch my legs?

>stretch my legs
That's actually used only a few times throughout the books.
Let's "howl with laughter" instead.

Lets face it, nothing works if it’s related to one of the dullest franchises in the history of dull movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>no image
Utterly shameful

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ITT: A cheap excuse to talk about Harry Potter on Yea Forums

No. Go the fuck back to your containment board.

All the recent Harry Potter Hate feels like kid growing up and rebelling against his mom. "I hate you mom er Jk Rowling!!!"

A vocal minority of HP fans have an entitled sense of ownership over the franchise. It's frankly pathetic. Like, fuckers, you didn't write the books, so stop acting like it. Criticize certainly, but don't act as if Rowling, questionable as some of her ideas may be, doesn't have an absolute right to do what she wants with her work.

At best, they're being whiny brats, and at worst, they're invoking death of the author, which is just advanced pseudo-intellectual entitlement.

That shit died years ago when the shipping wars faded out.
The most you’ll find today is people mocking dumb additions like wizards shitting themselves prior to the invention of toilets.

How would you adapt this scene?

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Luna staying best girl.
God I wish she was in a better series.

I would think the story appeals more so to teen/adult female readers and the boys who hung out with them but at the time, it was just something recent for us millennials (and some Gen X'ers) to talk about as we grew up. Truth be told, I don't think that many people cared about reading the novels though and everyone preferred watching the films.

> What is Diana.

A better character than Draco ever was.

Draco is a shit because he is just a mean, evil fuck not for any particular reason, but just because Harry needs a consistent antagonist. Draco and the like are just generic, name brand evil because that's what they are, no depth needed.

Diana is a haughty bitch to Akko because Akko is being INCREDIBLY stupid. Diana is someone that has spent her entire life learning and perfecting her magic with hard work and guts until she is a better witch than many of her teachers. And then Akko shows up with no magical experience or training whatsoever and insists on trying to compete at the highest level despite the fact that she can't even handle the basics, just because she feels she should be the best because she wants to be and getting petulant and whiny at every setback.

Akko needs someone to tell her that she is being stupid and immature, and Diana does that. In the show version of the story, Diana isn't even being particularly mean about it. Just realistic. But its not something that Akko wants to hear, so she acts like a child.

Diana eventually warms up to Akko's shenanigans, but only after Akko has proved that there is more to her than acting like an incompetent, whiny brat.

Meanwhile, Draco just stays the same flat cardboard cutout with 'racist jerk' written on it from start to finish.

You know what would unironically be a good basis for a series of books?

Luna Lovegood, post Hogwarts, investigating random magical bullshit that even wizards don't think are real. 9 times out of 10 its just an absurd rumor, but Luna doesn't let that drag her down. That 10th time, however, its real. And possibly very dangerous.

This creates a great setup, because for obvious reasons no one is going to believe her about most of the things she finds, she is essentially a conspiracy theorist. But by nature of the fact that even wizard don't think this shit is real, it sets up Luna to be finding problems that no one else is ever going to deal with.

"Memory-eating Warglenarfs are breeding out of control due to a chance in environment" isn't a problem anyone else is going to solve, because no one else believes that Warglenarfs exist at all. So that creates a crises with an impetus for Luna to have to solve it.

Which plays into the other crucial ingredient here: as a member of Harry's band of sidekicks, Luna is kind of a badass. This isn't her first time dealing with big problems.

All of the ingredients are there for her to graduate into the protagonist of her own story.

So what book series would have made good cartoon show?

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Only because Disney rejected her ideas of taking the Hogwarts Express to the land as operationally impractical and tried pitching her on a crappy"Toy Story Mania with Wands" ride instead.

Even Universal's Potterland started as a lower-budget overlay of Lost Continent instead of a near total rebuild to keep Rowling happy as they just wanted something big to compete with Disney.

For once I agree, most fantasy stuff would work better in animation as opposed to live action as CGI is still embarrassingly bad and expensive, and usually forces cuts to the source material in order to save on money and effort

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This artist looks very familiar, I feel like she has some nsfw stuff floating around.

LWA was shit.

The Magic Tree House.

thats a cute hermione
i want to kiss this hermione

Percy Jackson

Secrets of Droon

I was there as a kid. When the first one came to America. It was pretty trash in my opinion, but a few things worked to it’s favor.

>Children’s literature is complete fucking garbage
You get a few good ones now and then but for the most part they are all really horrible. Harry Potter was gold next to them. It was the book of it’s generation that would probably be decent for elementary english class studies.
>America was attempting to boost literacy at the time
I forget the reason, but people were going all in on making sure children could read. Harry Potter had proven really popular in Britain, so it was an obvious choice for “how do we reach deese kids.”
>It was “controversial”
A few churches were burning the books. People ramble on about euphoric fedorafags now, but during the 80’s, 90’s, and even the Aughts christfags were just the fucking worse. Literally anything children enjoyed was da work of de devil. So it ironically boosted the shit out of these as free advertisement.

HP's one redeeming factor is it killing the christfag moral panic.
But that's arguably even worth counting given people thought it'd A, make kids branch into reading actually decent shit (hahah no) and B, end the idea of moral panic for the sake of moral panic (hahah double no)


>Little Witch Academia did Harry Potter better and shorter.
The OVA's

The TV show
Up until Croix

I enjoyed the Netflix series.


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>Ah Real monsters" Is basically Harry Potter but with monsters instead of wizards. you have the overhyped kid with the famous dad for a main character, a stupid ugly best friend, and a smart but unpopular girl as the main trio. The teacher is a hardass and basically Snape but slightly more sadistic. Harry Potter cartoon probably just would've been a Real Monsters rehash.

>famous dad
Nobody gave a shit about his parents, it was all him surviving because Moldybutt was just too retarded to grab a pillow or something.

yeah but im only wanting one to be changed

Really? The design looks pretty shitty to me. Her hair and eye color don't contrast enough with her skin tone, the harsh highlighting on her upper lip make her look like she has a duck face, and she needs some eyelashes.

>this shit franchise would be better if the boys were fuckable girls

>that Snape

I bet she is so mad some Stacy took the boy she liked

i want to be in the middle of frederica and georgette.

cute, but I prefer Snape as a male, he's the cutest

Men of taste detected.

>Harry didn’t get with Luna
Honestly tragic.

Luna deserved better than Harry. Luna deserved Neville.

>the world building in the first couple of books
>mysteries set up
>main character is fairly easy to engage with for kids
>interesting and engaging setting

Harry Potter would have been a more compelling main character if he were female.

It did make me branch into reading actually decent shit.

Gregor the Underlander

Harry x Fem Draco would be top tier shipping drama

You're an outlier.
"Please read another fucking book" wouldn't be an accurate meme if you weren't.

Ronnie has no business being this fucking cute.

Why does everyone make Ginny look like Orihime?

I just realized you can't use magic until you get a wand, which you don't get until age 11. That means at 10 years old you would need to go up to your teacher or parent and tell them you shat on the floor. I hope its the first spell they teach you in school

Shallow world building makes it easy to get into

>Meanwhile, Draco just stays the same flat cardboard cutout with 'racist jerk' written on it from start to finish.
You didn't read the books did you

Wandless magic used to be more common. Magic itself was more powerful in the old days. Maybe breeding with muggles is what's making it die out.

Harry did all kinds of stuff without a wand like teleported himself on the roof of his school and set the snake free in the zoo

Pansy Parkinson was an under-utilized character.

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You can use magic without a wand and before 11. Wands are only really common in Europe, as Ilvermoney teaches wandless magic as part of native American magic they teach and Uagadou students don't use any foci in the first place. Mahoutokoro also starts teaching students at seven.

>Magic itself was more powerful in the old days. Maybe breeding with muggles is what's making it die out.
This is both fanon and stupid. Magic is not getting weaker, and in fact is being continually expanded and developed over time, as multiple characters in the books invented their own spells and potions, some of them quite innovative.

Vanishing is also a sixth year spell.
Legally wizards would still be adults and still have to go to someone else when they shit themselves

I'd like a HP cartoon but I dont have masculinity issues so I dont see the appeal of girlfoy
Harry should have ended up with Luna tho


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Why do people never draw Fred and George right?
They're both supposed to be broad and stocky, shorter than Ron, but people always draw them as tall skinny bishounens

>"white face"
>"Half a panda"
Hermione was white

Wasn't Charlie the only stocky one of the Weasley kids?

no one cares I want a chocolate smart qt

Percy Jackson tried so hard to ape HP it's kind of laughable.
And I really dont see the potential of just tacking on a new religious pantheon every couple of books until the series is so bloated you cant even keep track of who the protagonists are

Both Fred and George were described as broad and stocky, that's why they were good beaters in quidditch

it doesn't have rich lore like harry fuckboy. It was also about supergodkids with daddy issues and nothing you could relate too. Harry potter started with a boy being abused by his family and not having money,power and a stable home. many kids can relate to it because of these things

which sounds better
> Hey your a wizard and will be going to a magic school learning about magic and magical creatures while making friends and going on adventures.

>hey your a demigod with brain problems like all the demikids, have parents who don't care about you and put you into a shitty camp to keep you away from the gods who would most likely use you. ALso you have more a probablilty of being evil because daddy never came

>but during the 80’s, 90’s, and even the Aughts christfags were just the fucking worse
No they weren’t

Yeah they’re autistic

Riordan killed Percy Jackson dead with all his fag shit

>Read the heroes of Olympus
>Romans don’t have consuls
>Nico retconned into a fag and his entire backstory up until that point is basically trashed
>none of the supporting characters from the new series are interesting in any meaningful way
Why did it have to be like this?

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desu if i was jkr i'd probably have a bit of an ego too. and she does donate a lot of what she earns to charity. i think she's just terrified of hp and by extension herself becoming irrelevant in her lifetime, which isn't going to fucking happen but she's definitely marred the series' reputation a little bit.

eh? nico's backstory is same, it's what cane after all that that seared my eyes. The norse one is even fucking worse, somehow

Croix did ruin the show. It was better as just slice of life and world build stories.

How come?

The Spiderwick Chronicles.

>Gender-bending antagonists
Yes. Its so perfect.

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You mean

>Children’s literature is complete fucking garbage

There are good ones, if you avoid series that just keep going like shonen manga.

Where the Wild Things Are
Charlotte's Web
The Little Prince
Peter Rabbit

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Through the Looking Glass
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
The Stinky Cheese Man
Pippi Longstocking

The Phantom Tollbooth
Little Bear
The Tale of Despereaux
The Borrowers

Watership Down
The Wind in the Willows
Harriet the Spy
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Fantastic Mr. Fox

The Graveyard Book
The Wolves in the Walls
Mrs. Frisby
Edward Tulane
Paddington Bear

Karlsson on the Roof
Ronja, The Robber's Daughter
Uncle Remus
The Arrival
The Frog Prince, Continued

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>Its so perfect.

*It's so perfect.

You are grounded, Potter.

Winnie the Pooh is top tier comfy
Also add anything by Roald Dahl to the list. How well known is he in America?

Pretty well known. I used to see his books at the children's section of library all the time when I went there as a kid.

I think you mean to say "10 points from Gryffindor"

the actual story, writing and characters are hot garbage but i'll be honest, the world-building is a guilty pleasure of mine

Most people I know have read The BFG. It might have been assigned reading in elementary school for me. And everybody knows Charley and the Chocolate Factory and Matilda from the movies.

The characters that weren't Harry were all pretty well written and interesting until she shit the bed in the last two books. HP's strengths are the mysteries and the supporting cast.

i'm anxious about that game that was leaked a while back. i have a feeling she might've gotten it cancelled herself due to the leak. really fucking hope it's just next gen or something because the trailer looked fucking good

I'd read it

actually thinking about it some more you're right. i guess it was the teen drama that started to crop up later and the ending that soured how i felt about the cast

the series has so much potential for interesting and fun spin-offs like this, but instead we got shit like cursed child

Where can I read your fanfic, user?

Fantastic Mr. Fox was on the list.

there's a norse one?
The egypt one wasn't worth the read to say the least.

This is pasta.

It didn't have a plot

I enjoy the first one and the third as stand alone kids books. The problem was when she tried to make a continuous plot and shift it to a “darker” tone.

The best parts of HP were the SoL moments though, so really it was basically an improved version of HP

This is a reply.

Harry Potter's strength was that until the last few books Rowling had to keep the wordcount down so she couldn't rub your face in how stupid and contrived the story is.

Obviously you mean if Draco was his gay love interest like literally everyone wants.

SoL that builds up over time toward the finale is kino


>Rowlings absolute retarded worldbuilding
Remember when we made a bunch of calculations based on what she said about Hogwarts and came to the conclusion that Uagadou had at least two million students?

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Harry Potter is weird because it went from people talking about the series like it was the fucking bible and nothing would top to everyone now saying it’s all always been complete shit and the worst thing to happen to literature.

It’s just a couple of kids books really, nothing special but hardly what I’d call awful writing. Especially when loads upon loads of much worse YA novels exist.

Reminder that JK Rowling would never approve of this because she's a TERF

Harry Potter is fucking gay.

I’m really disappointed that shitposting about the Harry Potter Universe hating trannies hasn’t become a thing.

All stories should be animated.

The second one was pretty great too. Definitely the most transparent mystery novel of the lot.

No, but those reasons sure fucking are.

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stones
>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Dilation
>Harry Potter and the Prisoner (with a penis) of the Women’s Penitentiary
>Harry Potter and xer Order of xer Pronouns
>Harry Potter and the Half Male Princess
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Percentage

Movie Diana was more like Draco but tv Diana was a different character altogether though

rent free


No. It didn’t.

The anime of it was pretty good.

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Why not?

No, he'd just be more popular because people would turn her into a waifu.

Wtf I love JK Rowling now.

Because they were two clearly separate stories

If you think bringing up the fact Rowling hates to trannies will make people side with you then you’re in the wrong place.

Harry should've gotten with Luna instead of that whore Ginny Weasley.

Normalfag dudes don’t go for autistic girls m8.

Harry doesn't deserve Luna. The only decent Luna pairing is with Neville.

Hey hey people

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Fuck off.

No. Brown Hermione is the only thing that gets me up these days.

No, he's the perfect bully boy. Him and Lucius just have the best dynamic. It would not be the same if he was some bitchy blonde girl we've seen in cartoons a million times before.

There was a time I honestly thought she might end up with Ron. That would have been a lot more interesting then anything we ended up with.

Her hating trannies legitimately made me want to take a look at the series.

Sseth here

Did she even interact with Ron much? He mainly dismissed her as a loon and she didn't pay him much mind iirc. It'd still work as well as Ron and Hermione I suppose.

Has anyone posted the greens yet?

why the fuck did they make black hermione's hair straight, the whole point is that it's unruly

>Yea Forums's FOTM mobage lass
I wonder how the story's going

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I've never met anyone else who has read The Oracle, but hot fuck is that a good book.

You forgot Goblet.

Posting black Hermoine is 10 points from Gryffindor.

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In the fifth book she told Ron that she wouldn't have minded if he'd asked her to the Yule Ball, and also laughed with autistic levels of enthusiasm at one of he jokes. I think he may have also defended her once when some students were talking behind her back, but my memory is a little fuzzy so I could be mis-remembering.

I never read the order of the phoenix book, but the movie really felt like it was pushing HarryXLuna

Makes me wonder if the director knew what the endgame was

They were described as shorter and stockier than Ron, who is incredibly lanky and tall. They aren’t necessarily short and stocky compared to your average teenage boy.

Seems platonic enough, though I'd sooner ship her and Harry out of the amount of adventures they had together. Amusingly, this ship would be focused on with the scandal presses and Hermoine's love life, which makes me WISH they were the end game.

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Is this one of those threads where we pretend we’re too good for Harry Potter and that Rowling is literally Satan because she makes retarded tweets?

It should be noted that Harry has had more chemistry with the other girls than Ginny throughout the books. Ginny felt like the poor british man's Hinata.

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Nah, it's one of those threads where we pretend Harry Potter is Yea Forums material because of how much untapped potential it has for lore building. It's actually more Yea Forums than Yea Forums, not that I'm complaining. It's sometimes fun to nostalgia post about HP here.

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Harry and Ginny is fine as a concept, but the actual execution was terrible. To be honest I don't think any of the pairings mentioned in this thread would've been better had they been canon, so long as Rowling was the one writing them.

If by “people” you mean contrarian teenagers on Yea Forums who probably only ever saw the shitty movies, yes. The average Harry Potter fan doesn’t hate the series itself, they just hate JKR now.

>Half a panda
the black half, obviously

There's still a nice number of loyal fans out there who grew up with the series, though it's undeniable that the franchise has gone downhill ever since it rested for years on. Was honestly giving Fantastic Beasts a shot since I liked the first movie as a contained little adventure with asspulls, but the second movie was borderline ASM2 with the obsession with spinoff universes.

Warner Brothers obviously were pushing for Harry to end up with Hermione but had to cave to J.K’s canon in the end. Which was good because fuck Harry x Hermione.

Harry Potter, for all its flaws, is genuinely more well-written than 99% of action-adventure cartoons so it’s pretty ironic that a board all about cartoons would claim that it’s shit. I would fucking love to get more American animated series that are at least half as good as Harry Potter, then maybe we can work our way up to some real good shit someday.

It's true, but honestly why haven't they made some graphic novel adaptations of Harry Potter yet?

They'd sell like hotcakes.

Because she serves a similar function.

Hell, the best kinds of romantic build ups are purely friendship adventures themselves. That's why most of the strongest ships in other franchises start out as best friends.

Pretty sure JK's finnicky about giving the franchise to comics and cartoons for reasons unknown. I think the cartoon idea was true but I can't remember the source.

But that’s the thing, the Fantastic Beasts movies being terrible don’t suddenly make the books terrible. By that logic The Hobbit book is bad because of how much of a travesty the movies are. And while we’re on the subject of Tolkien, if people think JKR is bad with retcons and inconsistencies then he would be crucified if he was a modern day author.

I thought the movies were pushing for Harry x Luna hard, too. Never read the books. Hermoine would've been an okay ship as well. Anything other than Ginny. Was there even such thing as Harry x Ginny shippers prior it being canon?

>Azkaban focus on Harry and Hermoine and then suddenly prom drama happens and it's HermoinexRon

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>Was there even such thing as Harry x Ginny shippers prior it being canon?
I have no idea.
I honestly forgot Ginny existed until I read Half Blood Prince.
Then I went back and remembered, oh yeah she was technically important in chamber of secrets but still barely had a presence
>>Azkaban focus on Harry and Hermoine and then suddenly prom drama happens and it's HermoinexRon
They were just making up for sidelining Hermione in the end of Chamber

She was originally pitched an animated version of the series but turned it down because she wanted it to be live action instead. That’s literally the whole story as far as anyone knows, but somehow people have taken that to mean that she despises animation and should burn in hell.

Ginny had a crush on Harry, and that usually spawns a fanbase.

Harry and Ginny was one of Harry’s most popular ships even before book 6 was released. I think everyone hoped JKR was going to pull it off better than she did, though.

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>sidelining Hermione in the end of Chamber
that reminds me

somebody had to sculpt a nude 11 year old emma watson body.

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Harry and Ginny would've been much better if they had more interaction and adventures together like mentioned. Harry had plenty of good scenes with Hermione and Luna which made those pairings much more appealing compared to Ginny who was basically shoved into the picture in HBP.

I knew Hermione and Ron would endgame since Book 1 as a retard child. You just couldn’t see it user.

That probably would have been easier to do if Ginny had any noticeable presence at all before the 6th book.

She was very much present in book 5, did you even read it?

You mean someone had to sculpt her head and face and attach it to a generic 11-year-old female body.

Christ I forget how retarded this board is sometimes.

She was present but mainly in the background. Most of it was other characters talking about how badass she was. She didn't really become a regular part of the cast until book 6.

Sure, 10 years ago. She still didn't feel like she had much of a personality or purpose for being around until she "awakened Harry's dragon".

Plus, Harry's pretty much the only guy who treats Luna well. He likes hanging out with her despite her quirky weirdness and she treats him normally despite mostly everyone treating him as "the chosen one". They're cute friends and the appeal of it is just heartwarming. No drama, no fuss.

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Didn't JK also say she fucked up the end pairings?

With Harry and Hermoine, yes.

Yes but she didn’t put it in the books so she can get fucked with her retcons.

There was a thread on reddit claiming actresses had to get nude MRI body scans for props and action figures

Do you believe everything you read on reddit?

>Harry and Ginny would've been much better if they had more interaction and adventures together
The HBP movie tried to fix this by adding that attack at the burrow but it didn't really work

She had no real purpose for being around, but neither did Luna. The point is that she WAS around, helped them escape from Draco, and went with everyone to the ministry. Book 5 is when we actually started to see her personality come through.

The whole “wow she’s so badass and beautiful and speshul” bullshit wasn’t until book 6. Rowling had plenty to work with, she just dropped the ball.

More than Yea Forums? Yeah.
I'm into the conspiracy shit with movies.

No, read the fucking interview instead of parroting what other idiots go around screeching on the internet because they took a purposely misleading headline at face value.

Haven't read the OOTP book, but the movie gave Luna a connection to Harry with them both being able to see those animals because they've seen death.

Also she's the only one at the end of the movie to say she's sorry that Sirius died.

>Haven't read the OOTP book
Then shut the fuck up because the books and movies are different.

He's right about the thestrals, though.

If you like the movies I suggest reading the books. There are many who don’t enjoy them but if you enjoyed the movies enough to remember those details I’m 90% sure you’ll like the books as well.

As someone who really does howl with laughter and uses the tern "Stretch my legs" I feel attacked.

And? I was talking about Ginny. The book gives Harry and Ginny a connection because they both have been possessed/mind-fucked by Voldemort and they talk about it in Grimmauld Place. Neither girl needed to exist in order for the plot to work, but they both contributed in their own small ways.

Except for the movies which destroyed anything that made Ginny even remotely interesting or likable.

there just smaller adult male bodies with padding
and an EW head
Look at the hands

Nearly every author re-uses certain phrases over and over again, even genre darlings like Tolkien and Jordan. Getting in a huff over Rowling doing it just shows that you barely read fantasy.

Ok, so I know Rowling gets a lot of shit for this (HAHA!) But lets all be honest here; if you could magic away your shit, you'd shit everywhere too! I know I would.

I can't do it if somebody's watching.

I've always wondered why they never tried to make an anime-esque cartoon out of Harry Potter, similar to Avatar. It would have sold tons just off the backs of horny preteen fangirls. They like Harry Potter and they like pretty anime dudes so it seems like a no-brainer to combine the two things.

I've read all the books EXCEPT OOTP.

>Then shut the fuck up because the books and movies are different.
this isn't Yea Forums
this thread can be about the movies or books, tard, since technically it shouldn't even be on Yea Forums

Good call. Harry is obnoxious in that one. Makes it almost unreadable.

why is fem Voldemort weirdly attractive

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>Luna deserved Neville.

Why do the best ships never happen? It hurts even more when there's literally no reason why it couldn't have been done.

Why? Most of the movie adaptions are pretty bad and OotP is no exception.

The funny part is that she used it a grand total of once in philosoher’s stone, which Bloom was directly attacking.
With his other bizarre and pretentious criticisms (claiming the characters were all identical, for example), it’s clear he never actually read it, and Armond White’s reviews are unironically better in terms of serving the devil’s advocate.

circumstance. Just the way it is. I enjoyed reading half blood prince and deathly hallows, but never got around to the other two until recently

I almost lost interest in harry potter completely, but the order of the phoenix movie sucked me back in, so I have a soft spot for the movie verrsion.

Nothing was more cringy in HP than when she tried to have the characters make jokes.

>when Neville turned into a hunk by HP6

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Reminder that Hufflepuff is worst house.

Some women can work bald.
I can't get over m!Bellatrix looking like Rob Schneider with a jerry curl.

It's like Josh Peck, occasionally puberty is kind to the chubby boys and lets them stay the same weight while they just grow into it.

Agreed. If someone ever tells you that they think you would be in Hufflepuff you should absolutely take offense.

But JK Rowling said they have group masturbation sessions. That isn't a joke. Look it up.

master beaters, if you will

Not well known at all, we've only made a half dozen movies based on his books.

Yep, you can easily find tons of fake tweets attributed to anybody who has been in the public eye.



>Ginny was a background character after Chamber
>suddenly Harry is lusting for his best friend’s sister in the sixth book
>same book that put lots of plot relevance on love potions
I’m just saying it seems fishy to me.

Some girls don’t get hot until after middle school. But really J.K. needed someone for Harry to end up with and wanted to officially integrate him into the Weasley family and she was there. Also there was subtext in the 5th book it was going to happen so it wasn’t completely out of nowhere, just hastily rushed.

The biggest problem with this theory is the Felix Felicis. It basically warped Harry's narrative and turned him into the protagonist of an entirely different genre, where everything worked out for him. He helped out his friends, connected with his weirdo teacher he didn't like, advanced his magical talents, made some money, resolved his best friend's relationship drama, and got a girlfriend who was just a moment ago dating somebody else. Ginny poisoning him doesn't make sense because the luck you gain is so strong you can't really be hurt until it wears off.

All I said was user would probably enjoy the books if he liked the movies. You’re confusing me with another user.

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>>Harry Potter and the Deathly Percentage

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they're good stories brent

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Not really.

turn them all into girls and yes

> during the second book, when they are brewing the potions in the abandoned girl's bathroom, Harry and Ron have to drink a potion to reverse their gender (much simpler than polyjuice, but less useful) in order to go into the bathroom without setting off magical alarms against peeping toms
> Ron screws up his potion and gets stuck that way, the nurse says it should wear off on its own but it never does
> a couple of books later, Harry realizes that his best friend is a cute girl and we get Ronnie instead of Ginny

Better or worse?

Worse. Why would girl Ron want to fuck Harry? She might strike out with Hermione now but that's not a valid reason to switch teams.

>Rowling had plenty to work with, she just dropped the ball.
This, it pisses me off that she never explored the "Ginny was also possessed by Voldemort" angle. She would have been perfect person to talk about it with Harry and share that experience with him.

Ginny and Harry could've started building a genuine friendship as early as the end of book 2, but for some reason Rowling shelved her for two books before bringing her back as a perfect badass in book 5.

What's happening is part of a phenomenon I wrote about a couple of years ago when I was asked to comment on Rowling. I went to the Yale bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing.

>no prequel Four Founders animated series
>no Marauders prequel
No we get Fantastic Queefs and Where to Find Them instead

Fantastic Beasts would be unironically great if it followed Jacob instead of Newt

I don't understand why it needed to be tied into Grindelwald's story. Why not just make a Grindelwald movie instead of a Fantastic Beasts movie while shoving Grindelwald in there?

Not sure what kind of role she could have played in prisoner. Be worried for Harry? That's not much.
But she could definitively be Harry one supporter in the fourth book when nobody like him (again).
But I guess Harry couldn't be brooding as much if she had been around all along.

Yes, just have a Dumbledore vs Grindelwald movie.

> go through your formative pubescent years as a girl instead of a boy, with all of the hormones that comes with that

Hardly unreasonable, though the likely outcome is probably bisexual rather than heterosexual woman.

> go through your formative pubescent years as a girl instead of a boy, with all of the hormones that comes with that
Please stop. I'm desperately fighting the urge to fap to r63 Ron.

>I'm desperately fighting the urge to fap to r63 Ron.

You are now remembering that Weasleys breed like rabbits.

god looking back i forgot how stupid that shit is especially when the greek gods themselves apparently move with the heart of western civilization or some shit but still cling to greek

Hell fucking yes it would be.
>Was there even such thing as Harry x Ginny shippers prior it being canon
It goes all the way back to Chamber of Secrets but really picked up around Goblet of Fire and became big after Order of the Phoenix.
I could probably bust out about 1000 words on why this bullshit. 2000 after a couple drinks.

Are you one of those people who don't believe in lesbians?

that's literally Little Witch Academia then

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Percy Jackson is such a shitshow

>Making the most BASED Olympian Hades a discount satan whose children were nazis or something
>that stupid as hell plotline where nico survives tartarus because being gay means that he already suffers more than anything superhell can do to him
>nico being gay at all
>that spic kid and his grandpa who never got over this 10 year old girl who he'd known for like a year

It was stupid and dissatisfying

>Akko poster is a mouth breathing retard
How fitting.

This. Akko has nothing to do with Harry- Akko is an actually interesting character, Harry is boring.

The Pippi Longstocking author turned down Miyazaki when he wanted to make a movie based on their work-- admittedly Studio Ghibli wasn't super big yet but the concept art was fucking gorgeous.

I can imagine Rowling being upset if the latter is true, but really, some people probably just hold comics and cartoons in low-brow contempt even if wonderful exceptions to cape comics and Disney shorts were offered up to them as examples of what an adaptation of their work could look like.

Could make for an interesting story but I wouldn't want Rowling to write it. It requires more nuance than she is capable of.

You know, I hadn't thought about it before but given the setup of Hogwarts there is a conspicuous lack of teen pregnancy in the books.
You have hundreds of teenagers of both sexes in this giant castle that has numerous secret rooms and passages and what feels like maybe 10 adults to chaperone the whole castle. There is such a lack of adult supervision that the main cast reliably sneaks wherever they want whenever they please.

Teenagers being teenagers, what they are doing with their free time should be obvious and statistically some of them are going to be dumb about how they do it.

Birth control potions are presumably a thing.
I don't recall it ever being outright mentioned, but It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they were available to students in order to prevent "complications" with their education.

Jacob is the best and I feel bad for him that he got date raped

she only made ron and waifu together because ron was to symbolize JK former crush and hermione was her. She said if not for that it would have been different

Why did she write her former crush as an obnoxious retard?

fetish i guess.

I can tell you that pic related would make a better animated series than HP based off of the cover art alone.

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autogynephiles are the worst jk rowling hates you and your stinkditches

Disney approached Tove Jansson about making an adaption of Moomin. Tove felt that they're cold calculative company or something and turned them down.

If Harry was still a boy but Draco was a qt girl bully, would (s)he be the designated love interest?

She would be the best potential pairing for Harry but Rowling's autism would prevent such a thing from ever materializing.

[citation needed]

Genderbent is for disphits.

Olen suomalainen eli tiedän kaiken Tove Janssonista eli pidä turpas kiinni vitun paska ja tapa ittes

Draco turned sympathetic even in the movies though. In Half Blood Prince he didn't have any guts to kill Dumbledore and in Deathly Hallows he and Harry seems to be in good terms when they became adult

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That isn't Draco.

why isn't hagrid a giant

that's not snape, that's the kid that summoned rider from fate zero.

You're still gonna have to post a source if you're gonna make a claim like that. Also, keep it in English.

Is your source a specific Moomin book or something? I can only find a handful of random articles on google mentioning it, like
The first one's just a blog and the second's a trashy tabloid.

>chad ron

The Mary Poppins author was just like her, minus the mobile games part.

Only if you allow me the ability to use coral

Ginny got awesome starting book 5 and that lasted through 6. Everyone sucked in 7 so she was shafted.

Where did you honestly get this fucking bullshit?

This is in no way close to the way most people actually feel

Yea Forums pasta

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>In Half Blood Prince he didn't have any guts to kill Dumbledore

To be fair, that doesn't make him sympathetic. It just makes him toothless. All bark, no bite.

Draco doesn't get redeemed or anything, he just gets revealed to ultimately be pathetic rather than threatening.

You have excellent taste, user.

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Seriously, what the fuck is up with kids book authors acting like they wrote Blood Meridian?

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Disney is notorious for totally rewriting the stories it appropriates, changing character motivations/even how the fucking story ends on a dime.

If all you want is exposure and a quick buck, thats fine. But if you have any integrity at all, you are going to hate seeing what Disney does to your story.

If you want to complain about someone who gets away with everything and doesn't get redeemed, Draco's father is even worse.
The guy dedicated decades of his life to the pureblood supremacy agenda, fought in both of Voldemort's wars and likely murdered and tortured countless muggles, and he literally gets away with it all because he and his wife swapped sides at the last minute.

Harry should have remained single, or at least divorced Ginny at the end.

that's an ugly Lily

Harry, Ron, and Hermione should've been in a poly relationship.

>that Snape
holy shit no my fucking eyes

don't make it worse user

The funny thing about the whole pureblood movement is that, intentionally or not, Rowling worldbuilt around them to make them 100% wrong about how wizards work.

Consider this: pureblood families that are obsessed with keeping the bloodline pure inevitably produce squibs, people from wizarding families that can't use magic at all.

People from muggle families can be born with magical power with no wizarding blood at all.

And, the real fun part: every single 'one of the best' wizards in the series with ONE EXCEPTION has known muggle blood.

Harry has muggle blood. Hermione too. Also some guy called Voldemort. All muggle blood within the past 2 generations.

The only wizards that people remarked was really strong that didn't have known muggle blood was Dumbledore. Every other powerful wizard is a mix, and a recent one.

So the logical conclusion is that the whole idea of 'pure wizarding blood' is simply not how it works at all, and hybrids are just inherently more likely to be stronger.

>Consider this: pureblood families that are obsessed with keeping the bloodline pure inevitably produce squibs, people from wizarding families that can't use magic at all.
Squibs are born because muggles are stealing magic
>People from muggle families can be born with magical power with no wizarding blood at all.
They have a squib relative obviously that's how they got the magic
>And, the real fun part: every single 'one of the best' wizards in the series with ONE EXCEPTION has known muggle blood.
They are only the best to other blood traitors or were half bloods and it was their better side being the cause for it
>Harry has muggle blood. Hermione too. Also some guy called Voldemort. All muggle blood within the past 2 generations.
Thus showing muggles shouldn't be part of the wizarding community they cause all the problems
>The only wizards that people remarked was really strong that didn't have known muggle blood was Dumbledore. Every other powerful wizard is a mix, and a recent one.
The Death Eaters were powerful and they were pure
>So the logical conclusion is that the whole idea of 'pure wizarding blood' is simply not how it works at all, and hybrids are just inherently more likely to be stronger.
Purity is strength the mutts are only better in a school run by a blood traitor

That was just an excuse to have Olympus in New York and make it realistic for the cast to not jump continents every book

There's also a twist to it: Muggleborn don't get magic from nowhere, they have squib ancestry way back in the lines so the magic simply skips several generations.
So Purebloods keep interbreeding to keep their magical lines pure, this produces squibs who they banish from the wizarding society, then several generations pass and the squibs descendant gets magic and declared a muggleborn and re-enter the wizarding world.

The purists are probably just scared that they'd have a lineage that would produce half-muggles. Even as far back as IRL history goes, royals were absolute purists about keeping the royal blood pure even when it makes no sense apart from inheritance laws.

Didn't Rowling recently retcon that true "muggle borns" were actually a thing and if you were born to a muggle family it meant someone on your family tree was a wizard?

Yeah, Snape would be a lot greasier.

If Harry Potter was released today Snape would be labelled an incel and have no fangirls.

Actually I thing that was actually a decently done element in the story, the Malfoys were really a bunch of cowards and too pussyfoot to actually be real death eaters the second they bailed the first opportunity they could because when the cards where down it’s turn out they actually weren’t a bunch of stone cold sociopathic fuckers but cowardly prick who were always in over their heads in fact most of the death eaters were either cold blooded killers or too scared to back out

>Grown up hot professor of magus arts Waver is figuratively the low-key power fantasy of Snape

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that's a lie, I would still love him with all my heart

Snaps lost to chad who regularly bullied him and impregnated his crush before they got brutally killed and their son ended up the fucking chosen one

James Potter and Sirius Black were noted to be extremely skilled wizards, and proof of that is in the fact that they mastered the extremely dangerous Animagus spell at the age of 15 and were also responsible for the complex spellwork that created the Mauraders Map, with help from Remus Lupin. Both of them were pureblood. It doesn't matter what your lineage is, magic is part skill that can be developed and part talent that anyone can possess so long as they have the spark that lets them do magic at all.

Well technically it was more of an unrequited love. Being an incel means he can't get laid with anyone no matter what.
But yeah, it is pretty tragic that his 7 final years was spent getting angry and getting btfo by the spawn of his arch nemesis and one true love.

Snape was such a huge cuck holy shit. Someone needs to draw Snape watching Lily getting pounded by James.

It's funny because it's only in the book once, and on like the second page

low iq request

except that isn’t a dumb addition

Cuckolding is the fetish of intellectuals.

It's not like he was going to be getting any puss from the slytherin house either. Not with his mixed blood, greasy hair and creepy vibe. The freak wrote edgy cuttemup spells in the margins of his textbooks. He was 100% an incel.

Weird enough, I never really saw Snape's relationship with Lily as romantic at all. She was his first and last friend, so for me that was it. It think it's up to interpretation or some shit like that

Snap would probably spend his alone time getting quick bouts off thrills and happiness over the fact that James died died a horrible death followed by long period of sadness after remembering that died horribly with him and he has to see their son everyday and he can only make his life worse by being a slightly bigger dick to him than everyone else because what else does he have going for him

There are uglier people IRL who got married. Checking the wiki, no mentions that he tried to go beyond Lily Potter and had let her existence and choices get the best of him.

I dunno, it's like viewing his love for Lily in the same way Harry loved Hermoine. It was more vindictive from Snape's perspective and somewhat a betrayal that she'd go on to marry the man he hates. Yeah, it could be platonic but it probably bordered on one-sided attraction.

In my headcanon he was fucking Pansy Parkinson while imagining her as Lily. She initiated the relationship to get passing grades and Snape gets a thrill out of the idea of cuckolding Draco.

Why would you bother?

If it’s that necessary just use some exposition.

The fuck, this would be even more interesting than Harry Potter itself. Hell, just add more memorable characters, dynamic villains (something much better than fucking Voldemort), and intriguing arcs to that series. It would be actually fucking magical.

So what did Snape do in his free time anyways? The books make it pretty clear that by the time Harry entered Hogwarts he didn’t really have any friends and only associated with people he despised later on to get Voldemort like did he spent his off hours just being a cynical ass

It has less to do with his ugliness and more to do with his hygiene and vindictive bloodlust. Although some slytherbitches might be into that last part. The fact still remains that he was a half-blood.

I like to think that Slytherins aren't always radical blood-purists, though. You can be cunning, ambitious and self-serving without also being a huge racist, and obviously you don't have to be pureblood to get sorted there. Most of them even chose to fight Voldemort. I want to know some more about the Slytherins that just cheat on tests and smoke in the bathrooms.

Much like other magical shows like the ninja show and the horse show , the main flaw of series with huge casts is that they almost never use the extended cast for anything but recurring appearances. I'm pretty sure Fables did the whole thing properly despite mixed reception about the story structure and character development.

Better than Dumbledore who probably actually fucked his classmates when he could and probably kept hitting on his male coworkers aggressively before secretly undressing Harry in his head every time they met

Oh yeah, that's totally the case. Snape would've been a vocel just by acknowledging his weaknesses alone.

Fred and George as well. Pureblooded and they must have been skilled to have created so many new magical items. They were business-savvy too. Would have made good Slytherins.

Hell they would've taken the muggle world by storm with their salesman tactics and trickery.

Honestly a lot of the characters seem like incredibly skilled wizards. I'm starting to wonder if maybe Harry and Ron are just exceptionally stupid instead of all their acquaintances being super talented.

So head cannon or not which Hogwarts teachers got the most game how much actions did teachers like mcgonagall or Hagrid get and did any students hit on them? Personally I think teachers like Sybill The prophetic lady whose prophecy got Harry’s parents killed definitely fucked a few students caused “fate dictated”

If Harry actually studied and practiced like he did to beat the dementors for his entire term then he probably could’ve beaten Voldemort instead of just rebound his kill spell back at him

I think Harry compared pretty favorably with the other kids in his year. Hermione was an exception, as were Fred and George, but compared to Neville, Ginny, Luna, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle, Dean, Seamus, Cho, Percy, etc he seemed to par at his age level for everything that wasn't the class being taught by a bully. Cedric and the other champions seemed much more skilled because they were 3 years older than Harry and were selected from a pool of people. I think Harry's parents were just part of a freak year that happened to contain a bunch of geniuses and highly intelligent students.

Harry was also more skilled at DADA spells than any of his classmates and got decent to great marks on all of his OWLs. Ron might have been a dunce, but not worse than, say, Crabbe.

What? I don't get it

Lockheart got more pussy in one year than Snape has in his entire teaching career.

Think of how many students he must've raped and obliviated.

You know Firenze was up for it.

>they replaced her actress because she wasn't ugly enough

What horrid logic.Meanwhile Hermione is allowed to pretty up simply because EW hated wearing false teeth and didn't like having bushy hair and threatened to walk if they didn't let her do whatever the fuck she wanted.

Oh Jesus, how has this never occurred to me before? There must be doujins.

It did, but Gil got to you; so you forgot.

This makes no sense whatsoever