What’s Vixen up to in the comics right now ?
Vixen thread
Last I checked, she's homeless because they canceled the JLI book because of Metal.
Being the same stupid, pointless character she's always been.
She’s in Batman Last Knight on Earth.
Not cannon user.
Vixen is prime BLEACHED matarial
Yer damn right she is!
I miss Vixen wearing this outfit.
That's because you're a drooling retard.
Going to kick this thread a bit with a story.
Vixen's very first from DC's Cancelled Comic Cavalcade, where unfinished comics were put out to fight for survival.
This particular adventure is specified non-canon by the Inquisition. Parts of it would be recycled for her first official appearance in Action Comics.
I think that guy might not be entirely friendly
Found the pathetic Beast Boy faggot
This would be one of the changes. Mari would become more aware of her past off the bat.
Is she supposed to be black? Because the only give away is the lips.
It was the style at the time. Also supermodel
Another thing that gets changed down the road at some point. Instead of reading about the totem in a book, someone tells her about it through oral tradition.
It begins!
Mari taking lessons from the Alan Scott school of costume making. Definitely going to post the Action Comics first appearance after this, so we can appreciate it in colour.
is that photographer... bill cosby?
This version of Vixen has the initial
>speed of an antelope
>skill of a fox
>Strength of a lion
all at once, as her powers.
This costume is dope. She should use it again sometime.
so basically skimpy white tiger?
Admittedly, The Lion of Hell is a pretty boss name. Have to give him that.
White tiger now looks like shiny Black Panther.
Solid narration
JC for the finisher.
The end of the story that never was. But the start of the Lady Fox.
i want someone to reprint her white with blonde hair.
Editorial felt that Vixen could use a boost and premiered in a team-up with Superman in Action Comics #521
Here we get the look at her costume in brilliant colour-vision. See if you can spot some familiar panels/poses from the last story.
Clarks other weakness other then kyptonite
I appreciate a good silhouette shot.
Ooga booga where the white men at
Being D-list fodder no one cares about except horny underaged faggots like yourself
Reminder that Superman is weak to magic. Also this is the period where he says Rao a lot.
Vixen really not takeing no for an answer
Here's Solomon.
That's just how Vixen operates. She latches on and you hope to survive.
This Mari was a smart cookie.
Not exactly the New Delhi tourist board there.
Is it just me or does this guy looks slightly like the Lion of Hell, maybe all fat people look a like.
Why is Clark working with Lana Lang? Was this when he was a TV reporter or something?
Yes. This was to modernize him and differentiate him from Earth-2 Superman who at the time was married to Lois Lane and was editor of the Daily Globe newspaper
I like how they had the chick that cucked the hawk was named vixen because cuckquean also call their fem-bulls vixens so it was doubly fitting
I enjoyed the cancelled origin story more than this one as a first appearance.
wouldn't fembulls be cows?
the end. And at the request of no one, I am going to do one more in a few minutes. Vixen's last appearance in her classic costume, before getting an update and signing up with Justice League Detroit.
Alright here we go again. From DC comics presents 68, Vixen and Superman team up again.
I want Vixen to cuck a white couple who should it be ?
Also Admiral Cerebrus who may be DCs bottom tier psychic villain. I challenge you to find another
Vixen rides Superman all night long
Looks like they forgot to color Superman's shoulder.
Who is the Admiral. Just the whitest villain short of Solomon Grundy.
Vixen was channeling a house cat for that entire conversation.
Aw, his name is actually Cerebrus. That's fantastic. Bonus points for actually being an Admiral too.
Dolphin power!
i spent far too much time on this
Those boys Jaboomed all over Vixen.
The ol' Bugs Bunny routine gets them every time.
Nice. It's like the opposite of what happened to Cat Grant in that one animated movie.
Stealth was always Batman's thing.
The Admiral also gets points for evil.
Ain't no one in Justice League has stable relationships: their loved ones are either long dead(muh tragic origin story), broke up(muh i can't handle it anymore) or inside of the refrigerators.
But seriously she needs to cuck the Huntress, Black Canary and... on that i don't remember any other female JL members having parterns..
>Quickly-- do the woman
>Aye-aye admiral
Behold the power of a teenage mind
Batgirl 100 percent
Having Nightwing bend in ways he has since he left the circus
The end. Mari would get a new costume, a new haircut, a new attitude, and a slightly revised origin in Justice League.
Killing my sperm
Whoa momma
imagine BG's face when she stumbles upon them during the act while Vixen has Dick(kek) in one of the most complex sexual positions possible and when she notices her she just stares right in her eyes with a mischievous smile, while extremely embarassed Dick tries get out the lock of this position.
I feel like even the worst police service wouldn't ignore 14 disappearances that all happen at the same kind of location.
She's sadly not doing anything in comics right .