Would you rather have the superpower to break the unbreakable, or to fix the unfixable?

Would you rather have the superpower to break the unbreakable, or to fix the unfixable?

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the latter so i can fix my life

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Fix the unfixable, so "unfixable" becomes a real word.

I'd rather have the power to damage and repair at a middling rate.

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godspeed, Yea Forumsmrade.

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Fix the unfixable. At least that way I could get a job.

Can you "fix" people?
Cause if so, I'd fix my grandpa's Alzheimers

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who would've thought that the first post would also be the best post

The unfixable is a lot more commonly encountered.

fix seems more relevant, what couldn't you break?

I'm pretty sure it's actually a Gurren Lagann reference.


then I guess you could break the strongest people

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Fix the unfixable.
No need to buy new shit when I can revive it to be as good as it was in its prime.

Fixing. I like to feel useful and everybody always has shit they need fixed.

What happens when the two face off?


>fix the unfixable
Because sometimes, to fix the unfixable you gotta break the unbreakable first. You get the best of both worlds.

Fix the unfixable. I could make a killing as the guy who can fix any problem you've got.

Pretty much.

The one that's easier to monetize with as small an investment of time and effort on my part as possible. Whatever it can be used for, it's got to make me a lot of money while still allowing me to be lazy and spend 99.9% of my time in comfort and solitude.

So probably the latter. The fix thing. I wave my hand and fix the Ozone layer or get rid of all the plastic debris in the ocean or something, appear on TV once to get a medal from Captain Planet, and then sit back and get paid for the rest of my life while the world kisses my sainted ass in perpetuity.

Thinking about it, I suppose a power like that could also make me functionally immortal. Incurable disease? Old age? Grievous injury? Just keep fixing myself. So now I'm immortal, rich, and humanity owes me. I form a cult to guard my person and put up a big-ass DO NOT DISTURB sign. Then I hope you retarded pieces of shit understand what constitutes an emergency worthy of pestering me.

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Is it ONLY the unbreakable and the unfixable? Like would I be able to fix the national debt, but not be able to fix a broken lock?

"fixed" is relative.
I can "fix" a safe to open without knowing the combo. I can "fix" a brick wall to allow sunlight in by knocking it down

I'd assume the power only works as described. But even if our new magic powers don't work on things that can be fixed conventionally, we still have the extraordinary power of middling-to-decent intellect and two hands to bridge that gap.

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To fuck the unfuckable. The bravest man takes one for the team.

Exactly, being intact vs broken is one thing, being "fixed" vs being "broken" is another entirely

Fix the unfixable. :(
If I could also fix the fixable, that would be better.

>the unfuckable
A noble aim, but I contend that there's no such thing. Actually, speaking of...
This is a trick question, isn't it? Once we have the power, all things become fixable/breakable, and thus the power cancels itself out. Clever.

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