Is insecure about being an ugly mutant

>is insecure about being an ugly mutant
>while being sexy as fuck
I don't understand.

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Nightcrawler was the best fucking thing about Dark Pheonix

He teleported that (not)Skrull in front of a train and then teleported back onto the train. Best fucking boy you don't mess with his family

I going to have to agree whit you OP.
Has he not seen the poor souls that got the shaft on the Mutant Lottery?

All muties must fucking hang

>desperate for love
>hunky otter
>cute and furry
>can take you anywhere you want
I want a Nightcrawler bf now!

Yeah, I think with his demon blood, he would be hung as fuck.

He's so hot

I like with blue fur and blue skin.

I'd be less surprised if night crawler had to constantly fend off degenerates and is sad that he can't attract QT pure Christian girls instead

>girls love the fuzzy

Well goddamn I guess I can't spell or write properly today.

It's a catholic thing.

He was 2nd gen of mutant suffrage where having to wear red glasses or have wings wasn't seen as enough oppression so being blue and demon like (for the 60s/70s anyway) was the next step. We are up to gen 4 where you are a ball of goo and bones and will never know anything else.

Because he was nearly murdered for his looks multiple times. Even if the ratio of thirsty monster fuckers to psycho murderers was 100 to 1, I walk past more than 100 people a day and I don't want to risk a random berserk fucking killing me. And in the Marvel universe, the ratio is not that forgiving.

How much porn of Nightcrawler do you think there is in the Marvel universe? I imagine there are sites with entire sections of just him.

Probably up there with Spidey, Wolverine and Cap/Tony.

He's not insecure about his appearance so much as he's afraid he'll get chased down by an angry mob again if he shows his true form in public.

But yeah pretty much every woman in the 616 universe wants his fuzzy blue cock.

Attached: chadcrawler.jpg (1041x1600, 652K)

>all those deepfakes of the X-Men in general

.....My god.

All he needs to do is cut off his tail, crop his ears, wear shoes, and put on contacts and a pancake base.

There, now he no longer looks like a demon and he can easily be a priest without causing scandal in the church with his appearance

It was the 80's.
Everyone is basically a xenofag these and women.

He wasted time being spiteful that could've been used saving his allies. Atleast two people died because Kurt acted too slowly.

Kurt was built for sexual

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So is Tigra.

Celebrity hero, body of a supermodel. Even in *our* world we'd have people lining up to have a chance regardless of the body fur. And there is such a thing as furries.

In a world with other non-standard humanoids, dating would be even less of a hassle.

Attached: tigra_matchdotcom.png (500x372, 324K)

What you have to remember is that Kurt is a fairly devout catholic (depending on the series).
That means that he prays regularly and he prays to super-hunk handsome Italian Jesus

Anyone have that page from his 04 solo where he's talking to Storm after showering?

What good Nightcrawler stuff is there to read?

He's not really that insecure about it though.

Did Kurt ever hang out with Rahne, since they were both fuzzy bible thumpers.

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if she wasn't a single mom, maybe. Never stick your dick in crazy.

Excalibur and Claremont Uncanny X-men if you want classic stuff. He mostly plays the role of a supporting character, though. He got a solo run in the late 80s and a couple in the 2000s, and besides that the only time he's really gotten to shine as a central character was during the Casey-Austen Uncanny era (I actually think Casey's run was pretty decent, but Austen is fucking atrocious).

Awesome. Thank you. I love him as a character but never knew where to get more of him.

Fuck off faggot

I swear to god, dude, this is the best explanation I've heard.

His best of the solo outings was the '04 series by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa.

How was the Claremont solo from a few years ago?

Why would there be in-universe porn of Cap railing Tony? Are you telling me Marvel civilians are all fujos?

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You say that but in real life a three finger blue skinned nigga would look hideous as fuck, and i am not even mentioning that no pupil yellow eyes

...because it's the canon explanation? Just because people don't have the patience to spell out obvious shit for you doesn't mean it isn't obvious.


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