How would Ajimu fare in the DCU?

How would Ajimu fare in the DCU?

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I don't know, I lost interest around the time she showed up
Which DC heroines would he grope?

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She's trash compared to le epic screw man so why should I even care?

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>t. Kumagawa
You're literally only relevant because you got All Fiction from her.

Oh good, ANOTHER off topic "how would ___ fare in ___" thread.

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That bitch would lose to The Doom Patrol.

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>Which DC heroines would he grope?
All of them.

Make threads that don't devolve into horrendous whining, politics and other assorted shittery at a drop of a hat and maybe people would stop making these kinds of threads. But you won't, so why bother?

I only know about the THREE of these we have right now. What else is there?

"it's okay to break the rules if I don't like this board"

Who hurt you user?

>Mod removes post calling them shit for leaving off topic threads up
Cope harder jannie. Do your job.

>it's okay to break the rules
There are no rules here. If there were, a stark 90% of the garbage threads on the catalog that are allowed here (that you also don't complain about) would be deleted.

I think the real question everyone is asking is how would earnest fair in the DCU

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Which one? Because if you're talking about Kumagawa, then he always loses. Doesnt matter who it is.

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I have noticed that there is a janitor who is protective of these threads and might be the one making them. At the same time, there is another janitor/mod who deletes them.

You're only mad because you can't talk about your manga on Yea Forums and come here instead.

I never see these threads get deleted no matter how off topic they get.

Put him against Ambush Bug and Ambush Bug will drive him insane becaue he loses harer than him.

>u mad
Great counter. Now, mind telling me why we have a frogmeme thread, shitty shipping threads, and various other threads not talking about comics that you see fit to remain on the board?

They did after a moth or two ago after OP kept spamming them EVERY day.

Then HE stopped for a few weeks and now he's back posting 3 threads at a time like clock work.

I don't see such threads.
Why don't you point them out so I can tell you how you are wrong?

Poorly since she isn't as familiar with the tropes of Western comics as she is with manga and wouldn't be able to manipulate the story the same way.

>driving Kumagawa insane
Going to be really hard there.

>I don't see such threads.
You're actually full of shit. Or you're blind. 50/50.

It's Ambush Bug user, he can.

Did Ajimu ever attempt to manipulate the story? Sure, she has medium awareness, but I don't recall her ever trying to outright change the narrative outright.

There was the whole thing with making the story into a romance manga instead of a battle manga when Medaka went off the rails.

It's more likely that Kumagawa and Ambush Bug just hang out. Kumagawa would likely suggest it, given that they're both kicked in the nuts by the universe on the regular.

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If we are going to be fucking off topic then I want a Medaka Box movie by Zack Snyder.

No. Not unless he makes it into a romance movie. And castrates himself beforehand whilst praying to Anshin'in.

I can't imagine how a romance movie by Zack Snyder would it be.

Take NGE, and turn everyone into Shinji Ikari and Asuka.

The mods encourage this off topic crap.

The mods aren't your babysitters. Stop bitching and go make a thread that you enjoy, or just report and hide what you hate. Or make a thread to complain about it since Hiro allows each board one meta-thread every once in a while.

Snyder would be perfect for a DBZ movie.

Oh yeah, that. She didn't actually succeed though (almost entirely because Medaka is still the main character no matter what).

>You're actually full of shit.
I offered you a chance to prove me wrong. You failed.

He is right tho, there are a lot of off topic threads almost daily and while some survive others don't but most of them are ''What if x character was in the DC or Marvel universe''?

We need some stricter rules.
Threads like this and the blatant company war bait threads need to be removed.

Just do one fucking general thread.

He can't, he knows if it is a general it will be banned.

The only way to have these threads is to just spam as many as possible till the mods finally see what's going on.

Bitch more. We have worse than these threads using literal comic characters as an excuse to be posted on here, and you do fucking nothing whenever they get brought up because they're "on topic." You're a hypocritical piece of shit who would probably still whine and bitch even if a mod came in right now and announced that threads like these are allowed on here.

and you won't stop bitching about being called out on your bullshit.

This wouldn't happen if you went to the proper boards.

>is literally sperging out across multiple threads
No. Fuck off. Unless you actually become a mod on here, you can't tell people shit about a thread belonging or not unless it gets deleted by someone who is.

>multiple threads
I'm afraid yo have me mixed up with someone else.

I doubt it, given you post in the exact same fucking style each time you pull this shit.

Nope, not me this time. If it was me, I'd own up to it.

But I'm not surprised there's multiple people calling you out on your BS.

You're literally sperging out across multiple threads, even threads that have nothing to do with your crusade. You're an autismo of the highest order.

>even threads that have nothing to do with your crusade
No, my argument is based on your thread being off topic and not belonging on Yea Forums, so spamming on unrated threads would undermine the whole thing and make me just as bad as you. If anything, it would make more sense for you to do that pretending to be me to make me look bad.

Link those posts, I want to see them.

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Yeah, no. Not going to spoonfeed you. If you want to verify your autism, find someone else or do it yourself.

But somehow homestuck threads arent okay.

So then how do I know you're not just making everything you just said up?

HS was a unique type of autism. I'm glad the mods allowed the thread leading up to the end, but now that things have cooled down you'd think one would be allowed once and a while.

Would be better than anything else he's made.

I am a homestuck fag and the ban needed to happen but its current year and that one mod still fucking hate us.

its weird that Yea Forums threads like this and role play threads are allowed now

>mod deletes sinfest thread within a minute of creation
>Other Yea Forumsshitposts threads stay up
What's up with that?

>role play threads
The mods seemed to lighten up on the LoD threads back in 2016, but it's only now that they are becoming a problem again.

It's only a matter of time before a crackdown happens.

Mod or janitor?There is a difference.

If janitor, it might be the same one who protects these threads.

As someone who used to actively participate in them, it’s a little jarring to see them return again. I assumed after everyone jumped ship to that other site, it’d be the last of them occurring here.

>Other Yea Forumsshitposts threads stay up
sinfest isn't Yea Forums yankee doodle

Isn't Aijimu's entire concept that she is suicidally self aware of the fact that she's a fictional character in a manga? So if that's the case then she'd be very aware that she's a comic book character and her list of skills would probably extend to the abilities of every character in the DC universe and beyond. Out of pure principle she'd she'd be one of the strongest beings out of the universe, but due to her aversion to fighting "The Main Character" She'd usually just use them to psychologically fuck with people.
So all in all she'd basically be Mr. Mxyzptlk

On that topic how would Medaka's "The End" work out? Like she'd be able to learn Batman's lifelong training from one encounter, Wonder Woman's martial arts, and other skills, but what about things like Supermans flight and heat vision? I mean Medaka can learn Skills which are basically all mostly supernatural powers so it does make sense that she'd be able to use Superman's powers. And if that's the case then she'd be scary strong just by fighting the DC rougue's gallery and training with them. Basically mastering everyone's powers better than they even can.

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Ajimu's purely villainous, unlike Mxy. She's jsut apathetic because she realizes that even if she utterly thrashes the heroes, their status as main characters will forever prevent her form actually winning in a genuine sense.

She'd fuck with the League a ton, but she'd almost never fight them unless she finds out something that could let her overturn their main character status.

Why do Yea Forums threads get so many replies? For fuck's sake you retards.

Because a lot of anons can't stand Yea Forums and yet are just as bad.

Let's face the facts, this thread is to talk about OP's Marry Sue waifu and nothing more than that.

Medaka is basically a Solar Exalted. She can just flat out do anything you can do, but better. If you put her in DC, you need something really high tier to take her down.

Thanks for the bump.

Superman one shots your pathetic shitty waifu into the overvoid and the concept of her ceases to exist.

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...Okay? Not sure what prompted this, but you do you user.

Snyder would turn DBZ into some pseudo intellectual gritty action flick. Goku would be Saiyan Jesus

Yea Forums is infamous for replying to bait, and there are a lot of "purists" who think it's their job to police threads. So where a crossover thread may usually be fine, a noticeable influx of them where they all "coincidentally" just turn into east vs west shitflinging makes it obvious it's bait.
Alternatively, people get really stuck up about their hobbies, so if someone starts saying "nuh uh, mine's better" they have to go against it instead of just going "both things have merits" or "you do you".
Either way, people don't know how to sage, and it's summer.


I gave you an answer you retard. Superman beats her.

Can't be worse than Evolution.

Well, yeah. Medaka can't copy cosmic gods as far as I know. If she could, she'd have probably taken on Anshin'in instead of groveling in terror.

"and here you see the scanlators almost giving up because japs like big words to make them superior to western pig comics"

apparently brevity isnt a jap virtue

Lol you ever read Hunter X Hunter, that shit is the OPPOSITE of brevity.

Ajimu has almost over 12 quadrillion skills. There are like 3-4 more pages of stuff like the OP pic detailing her using a mere 600 of them. The ridiculousness is entirely intentional here.

Is...Is Goku NOT saiyan Jesus?

I want a poster of this.

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>Become God Skill [Spec Over]
>Become the Devil Skill
She isn't even pretending anymore.

keep in mind she's still not technically the strongest character in the manga

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Mr Fresh just has a completely and utterly bullshit ability that ignores any and all forms of durability, powers, or negation. And even then, he didn't actually kill Ajimu. He just destroyed one manifestation out of many since she makes up 10% of the world's total population. Maybe more.

He would go to jail.

"Become pregnant skill"

Grow penis skill [Eternal Trap]

We've been getting at least 2 a day and it always goes into "Well this Entity could sneeze on him and DC would win" followed by "muh anime bullshit tho even though we have other Entities in this universe that already fill your anime bullshits roll"

"Big Breast Skill." Burst Bust.

At the end of the manga she does leave earth to go fight a cosmic god in space,

It's sad to see dumbasses like you who thought people liked him because of that OP power. That shit is a dime a dozen in manga. People liked him for his personality and his fun way of beating people by letting them have Pyrrhic victories.

>Win Against Those Much Stronger Skill

Gee, I wonder.