Is it too much to ask for a TV-MA rated cartoon with Godzilla?
Is it too much to ask for a TV-MA rated cartoon with Godzilla?
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you gotta make your own godzilla porn OP
I don't want the Godzilla show to have porn.
Eewww gross...
The only person interested in adapting media into cartoons with more a more adult vibe these days is Adi Shankar and I'd rather have nothing than have his pompous edgy asshole rubbed all over Godzilla
toho big gay.
So, literally no one else would make this?
I only want the entire show with nothing but the monsters in it.
it not gay
Because basic Godzilla shit flops already, why would they risk an even more niche market? The best you'll get is a Monarch TV show for kids like Zilla got after his movie.
There are apparently some Godzilla anime films on Netflix.
Well maybe if idiots weren't handed Godzilla and instead pure geniuses got a hold on it, then maybe we wouldn't have these flops,
No, you're just overestimating the Western market for giant monsters, dumb-dumb. No one would ever waste the money on a TV-MA Godzilla show let alone an R-rated Godzilla movie in general. Godzilla's only just now regaining popularity in Japan.
Or maybe you're wrong, you boingo.
Because you're asking for a niche within a niche in one of the most expensive mediums imaginable.
The only hope you have is if a Godzilla fanboy with clout iin the industry starts calling in favors.
>No, you're just overestimating the Western market for giant monsters, dumb-dumb.
Godzilla 2014 had a 90 million domestic opening despite not being in theaters for 14 years, the issue was it had no legs because of the poor reviews/word of mouth, if people hadn't been talking about how bad the cut aways from the action was or how they wasted Bryan Cranston it probably would have had more legs and people would have been excited to see a sequel instead of rightfully assuming it would pull the same 'brief action then cut back to boring humans' shit.
Even the sequel had a ton of fans going to see it.
>Because you're asking for a niche within a niche in one of the most expensive mediums imaginable.
...Cartoons? What?
The only one on the list is Korra down at number 79. I literally can't find anything else on the list but Father of the Pride, a full CGI show, and Avatar.
Sadly, I'm not. Box office numbers don't lie.
It had a great opening for something like that but the immediate drop off killed it AND any interest in the sequels. Even Skull Island did better than G14. KotM had everything going for it and it flopped disastrously. I wouldn't stay optimistic about the future of the MonsterVerse.
People would be more inclined to watch Godzilla media if it had more than fifteen minutes of the title character in it. Not a single person who saw KotM wanted the other hour and forty-five minute slog of shitty human characters doing nothing.
>Godzilla's only just now regaining popularity in Japan.
Because the gooks at Toho realized that a movie every year was well beyond excessive. There was too little focus on tight writing in that short span of time.
True, but the important thing is 2014 had a bunch of NON-Fans going to see it, and a lot of them. The interest was there, the hype was there, but they couldn't sustain it due to poor word of mouth.
Godzilla is a childhood hero. A friend to all the children of the world
Quality cartoons need a budget that a lot of studios do not want to provide is their point. Animation is expensive. Also
>using IMDB unironically to argue a point
A ton of non fans saw the sequel too.
>People would be more inclined to watch Godzilla media if it had more than fifteen minutes of the title character in it.
Have you ever watched a Godzilla movie? 15 minutes is really fucking pushing it.
>It had a great opening for something like that but the immediate drop off killed it AND any interest in the sequels.
It had a wonderful opening in general and a perfect start, the immediate dropoff due to poor word of mouth is what killed it. It could have easily had Guardians o the Galaxy 1 level legs if it hadn't been so poorly made and so badly written. The interest in monsters clearly and visibly was there, the box office for the start doesn't lie, but like he said there's absolutely no way people are going to keep coming back if its that bad. Even Transformers knew to keep the action going and pacing brisk to make up for its lacking plot, and people love those big robots punching each other.
>KotM had everything going for it and it flopped disastrously.
KOTM had everything going against it, being a direct sequel the lukewarm reception of the previous one, early reviews complaining about the same problems the first one had, and in a VERY crowded summer where a shitload of other properties are failing all around it. The only thing it had was hype around the monsters, but early reviews highlighting the lack of interest or poorly made action put that damned it to a surefire flop. It would have been a miracle for it not to flop when it got out that the monster action sucked again, who wants to see a giant monster movie where the monster action sucks?
That's my fucking point. None of those are Godzilla films, they're films that are centered around humans who have to deal with his destruction. People would line up for miles to see Godzilla in Hell on the silver screen, because that would promise no shitty actors dragging down the storytelling and action.
>Quality cartoons need a budget that a lot of studios do not want to provide is their point.
No, their point was, and I'm quoting here, that animated television was
> one of the most expensive mediums imaginable.
This is provably, verifiable untrue and wrong. You could easily make a television show for Godzilla with a lower budget, SSSGridman proved that.
>using IMDB unironically to argue a point
Do you actually have a refute to it, or are you hoping that if you say that clean list on a verifiable source doesn't count just because? Cause the website doesn't matter as long as the source is clean, and I dare you to prove a single one of those wrong, lets see some refute.
>and in a VERY crowded summer where a shitload of other properties are failing all around it.
People were apparently done with movies in general after Aladdin because every other major property for the last 5 weeks has either way underperformed or flopped, soruce.
I mean MIB flopped even harder than Godzilla and I don't think anyone's going to say that alien movies are out now.
You could literally make a good Godzilla animated show on youtube for everyone to watch, why is it so hard?
>A very dark and dreary show about Godzilla slaying his foes in ultimate beat downs and has to go through other tough situations
I'd watch it.
don't talk about things you know nothing about, there's a reason the animation scene on youtube has nosedived
What it needs is some proper previews and reviewers and some nice fan art to get things going.
Godzilla will always be the backdrop for the human drama whether you like it or not nerd. That's how kaiju films work.
>People would line up for miles to see Godzilla in Hell on the silver screen
Dialogue-less media is a very hard sell homie I can guarantee that a Godzilla in Hell adaptation would flop without a fucking doubt.
Killer Bean Forever has 4.6 million views for a feature length movie, and that was released just over a month ago, what's your point? That doesn't even have name brand recognition and you can download godzilla puppets online right now.
Was there ever a piece of Godzilla media with this rating?
>Dialogue-less media is a very hard sell homie
You really shouldn't have said "Media" because then you're including videogames which, I don't know how to tell you, have a LOT of super successful silent protagonists. People were stunned that Breath of the Wild had, gasp, voice acting!
We also have A Quiet Place if you want a recent example.
Godzilla in Hell had the equivalent.
I think everyone would love to see a mature Godzilla tv show that's an American cartoon.
Probably not everyone, I actually don't see the appeal of a mature one from a purely storytelling standpoint. Godzilla in Hell wasn't all that bad compared to a lot of PG-13 movies despite the subject matter, what exactly would be the mature aspects of it without people? We could see gore, but Godzilla was never about the gore in its original iteration, the horrors of the atomic bomb didn't need to have skin melting on screen to gets its point across. Would it just be more brutal monster-V-monster fights? Because since they're animals you can be as brutal as you want, Godzilla rips off Ghidora's head in the new movie.
What's the angle for the subject matter is what I'm asking. What exactly do you think would require it from a story or thematic standpoint?
>A friend to all the children of the world
My advice would be to liken it to the current seemingly endless wars in the middle east and highlight the constant and repeated destruction that happens on a daily basis, it would be very easy to tell a mature story about those living underneath Godzilla's sporadic and random whims that leave the land decimated and everyone else to pick up the pieces when he's gone, Highlight how the culture around it becomes different and how the mentality becomes different when you think of yourself less than an ant. Godzilla was always about the horrors of war and this would be a perfect fit for his story, and even better it could be told from his perspective so western or japanese/chinese audiences can more readily understand the outside view of things. Sort of like Half Century War, only a little more focused.
>comparing something ironic that got signal boosted by react retards to a project that would experience no such luck
Oh yeah, because fanmade cartoons based on popular culture do so poorly on youtube...
This got 2.6 million views somehow, THAT.
Wow there are a LOT of animated godzilla shorts on youtube, this ones a half hour long and 6 million views, thats better than most late night shows on the trending tab...
To be fair, Killer Bean Forever is CGI, we'd need an example that shows that a CGI godzilla would work-
>55 million views
What the utter fuck is wrong with people no I don't care that this proves him wrong what the fuck people
I feel like a raging mad hornet right now, maybe that should be a new Godzilla monster.
You mean Megaguirus?
Why did the wolfaboo understand giant monsters more than than anyone else in organization that deals with them on the regular?
Question: who is the weakest monster of them all?
Is there any Snail or Frog monster?
Pretty sure they would figure out a way to make those monsters terrifying and powerful too.
probably maguma
no and no
Maguma or the spider from Skull island, never seen any other monster die so faster to regular humans before
I once autistically rant an idea whit my friend about making a monster for our country
It would basically be a giant frog who got contaminated by a real place here that is a shithole of pollution, and it would grow to be a giant frog
the plot would move on as the frog just wants to live on peace, till the goverment calls The United States cus "muh nukes" and "Muh usa" shit i guess, they would bring some scientific guy who would made a wasp (specifically a yellow jacket who is an invasive species here) giant and have it under mind control, just to fuck up badly , kill some army guys and call all possible wasps on the the are to take over some giant building and make they disgusting wasp nest there.
Movie would move on a figth beteewn the frog and the wasp , only to be ended whit the wasp stabing the frog on the stomach while the frog holds her and the army fires some missile to its neck, killing the wasp.
movie would end whit the pressident sparing the frog and making some helicopters take her to a lake, where some X character from the start of the movie would be show old and warning some turist that "sometimes shit can be seen on the lake"
So a more mature version of this but with the actual Godzilla and not GINO?
Beelzebufo versus Mega Vespa!
>already tough i fucked up and my idea was made
>it wasent and its just some cool names from an old toad and a cool nick name
this makes my hearth happy to be quite honest
What would be your idea for a Godzilla show Yea Forums?
Not Yea Forums. Go back to /m/.
over 10 Godzilla comics and multipe cartoons, sorry champ
>not Yea Forums
Over a dozen comic series, two cartoons, one children's educational animation, three animated films, and a puppet TV show with 40+ episodes.
Godzilla's just as much Yea Forums as it is /m/, faggot.
Nope. Still not Yea Forums. Godzilla as a property is primarily /m/ and is thusly not allowed on here. Take your off-topic shit and go back to your board.
make me faggot
a spin off of godzilla wanting to take a vacation, wears a hawaiian shirt and sunglasses as common gag.
Many monsters appear and fuck his vacations, not counting the army that stops him every second like "ok godzilla, you can go on now , but if i see one building on flames, you are out!" type of shit.
this sounds more like one of the old monday cartoons , and someone on the show would name some type of "tip" about the part of the world godzilla is on it at least once.
series would end whit godzilla in some part of the world getting pissed because he couldnt take his vacations.
next scene is him wrecking some city, and he saying to the screen "at least i am used to this" or something like tht
See . Your off-topic board diluting cancer isn't welcome here.
Godzilla has multiple comic books.
>cartoons, comics, and puppet shows are off-topic on Yea Forums
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Apply yourself.
And you're not talking about any of them. If you want your Godzilla thread so badly, take it to the board made for it. Yea Forums isn't your refugee camp.
You think you know better? You don't.
I don't see you looking for any Godzilla comic books either.
Godzilla isn't Yea Forums by definition. It belongs on /m/. Keep your garbage out of Yea Forums, you parasite.
Make me, fuckboy.
I'm telling you to leave and go back to /m/ where you belong. This shit isn't Yea Forums and it never will be.
We are talking about wanting a WESTERN CARTOON for GODZILLA you absolute retard
Anyone read the Aftershock comic yet?
No, you're not. You're talking about an /m/ property on a board for comics and cartoons. You aren't Yea Forums, and you need to go back to your own boards.
But Godzilla is Yea Forums related
literally quit sperging in this thread
No, it isn't. Go back to /m/ and stay there. You have a board for your shit, so stay out of Yea Forums.
>No, it isn't.
Yes it is
What giant monster has not yet been shown that could be shown in this western mature Godzilla show?
Godzilla has spinoffs that are Yea Forums-related, but it is still primarily an /m/ property. You aren't talking about the Yea Forums stuff, and so you need to go to your boards and stay there.
No, it isn't. Stop shitting up Yea Forums with your garbage.
Could you faggots not respond to the Yea Forums shitposter for one second.
Mothra is a badass
Not from Yea Forums. Stop shitting up Yea Forums and go back to your home board.
Gladly, we'll stop.
Now we move onto talking about more Godzilla stuff.
But it is Yea Forums related, why must you lie on the internet?
Bet you sperg out about Arrowverss, DCEU, and MCU treads needing to be on Yea Forums
Please don't remind me.
>Yea Forums-Comics and Cartoons
Godzilla is by definition not Yea Forums related. Take it to /m/.
ESL user you're hard to understand but I like you.
i like u too
Zilla Jr is great
>Dat Filename
I suppose you think xenomorphs don't belong here in Yea Forums either...
Godzilla has tons of comics and two cartoons. Thread is floating a could a TV-MA cartoon question work. Deal, aspy.
Aliens talks about the comics whenever it is brought up here. This isn't talking about anything Yea Forums related at all and needs to go back to /m/.
Go bsck to your board and stop shitting Yea Forums up with this unrelated trash.
Fucking love that issue 3 of Legends could've fit in the heisei series
You aren't talking about the cartoons though. If you want to talk about the Godzilla franchise, just go back to your board and do that. It's not that hard.
He’s clearly just shitposting
No, I just want you to take unrelated stuff back to where it belongs. You have a board for this.
What type of mental gymnastics from Mars on steroids do you expect us to go and jump around on?
>or how they wasted Bryan Cranston it probably would have had more legs
Sadly, a lot of the normie hype was for him, not for monsters. Once word got out that he died early on, it hurt the movie's performance.
For monster movies, it's the same as Transformers. The hardcore fans don't care about the human cast, want to see them as little as possible, but to get the normie audience and make a profit, you need a human cast with stars people will go to see, and they need to have a big role.
PG-13 is where the money’s at
I expect you to take this off topic thread back to /m/. Why don't you want to stay where you're supposed to?
R rating would rase more eyebrows and would make me super curious why it is R rated and want to watch it.
Yeah it's not hard r and never had to be. What would that do for the property? Better question, what would make it worth watching hard r Godzilla?
You oversaturated in stupid dipped in crazy son of a bitch, this is why you need to lurk on Yea Forums more often, the ironic mess you have made on this thread is astounding.
The very violent and scary scenes in it, that's what would be worth it, maybe something else would too.
And kids couldn't see it. Boom less money.
Nothing "ironic" in wanting an off topic thread to go back to where it's supposed to be. Yea Forums isn't your shitting street. Go back to your board.
The adults would be pouring their wallets out.
Stop taking the bait
It would still be a cartoon, so they would want kids to still see it
>wanting Yea Forums to stay Yea Forums is "bait" now
>Violent and scary. Godzilla already bled years ago in Godzilla vs. Gigan. Define very violent because short of going over the top there's no point. I mean ultraman kicked some serious ass and literally tore up Kaiju.
No, they wouldn't. Godzilla is super nice and appealing to the widest audience is how you get box office returns. Deadpool didn't remarket the second movie to be pg 13 so they could make adults happy.
I suppose you would say that about Spawn too right? Or even Dead Space?
The CGI looked pretty iffy even with the limited screentime. Any more than 25 minutes of monster action and it'd probably look like a SyFy channel production.
Until technology gets good enough to cheaply bring high quality CGI kaiju to life for long stretches of time, these movies are going to have to rely on human stuff to pad their run time. KotM had a shitload of problems, but the Legendary Monsterverse as a whole suffers in particular from the fact that it has no strong central human cast that carries over from movie to movie. Marvel created a persistent social group that audiences got attached to and felt like they were part of. Good sitcoms create the same illusion.
So depressed Madhouse didn't do the Godzilla anime.
Highlander the Search for Vengenace, Batman Gotham Knight, Bayonetta: Bloody Fate, Avengers Confidential were all damn good. And that animation style would have been a billion times better then the stiff 3d trash we got.
Just do that exactly but in the Legendary-verse with Monarch instead of Nick's team.
Same artstyle with the same creators.
We need a different art style and a total all-monster cast.
Honestly they just needed to learn not to cut away at the worst moment. The T-Rex from Jurassic Park barely had any screentime at all, it was barely even a factor past its introduction, but they knew that when that thing burst out of the containment field for the first time they had to put on a spectacular show and then only cut away when the scene had truly ended.
Imagine if that same scene had played out in JP, and just after the T-Rex breaks loose of the encloser, he bends down, he roars dramatically, and... we cut to Hammond watching the whole thing on a screen and that's the end of the scene, and next we see everyone's just escaped it. That would be bad enough, but imagine every other time it made a move or was on the attack, we kept cutting back to someone watching on a screen or from the distance where you can't focus on it. Godzilla's screentime was not the problem, how badly they used it very much was.
I'm sure with the right special effects and practical effects and camera tricks they could make a great live-action Godzilla.
What type of production quality are we talkin'?
Why would it need to be MA? I think it would benefit from some restrictions, force the creators to be creative.
Why did you remind me? I was having a nice day here, then you came along and ruined it.
This is where it all began.
I think you are wrong, I think it needs to show more.
What type of setting would this mature Godzilla have?
Honestly most Godzilla movies kind of suck, they're all the same. Boring human filler and 10 minutes of monster action.
thank you captain obvious, now tell us how we can make this mature cartoon not suck.
>It started with some nobody's review of a movie
>Not the actual movie.
gritty cyberpunk
Aftermath of a destroyed city. Deals with people struggling to adjust their lives from the horror and panic.
Or the Civil War. Godzilla and Generals.
Not entirely certain of those ideas, keep going...
A reminder that Rodan fucked his sister.
hideously gross and disgusting
That art style is so alive.
what do you think deserves a mature rating in a Godzilla western style cartoon?
What movie was this from?
Probably violence such as if Godzilla finishes off an enemy like in the movies, 1991 King Ghidorah for example gets his middle head blown off and a hole blown in the wing, a mature rating would make a scene like that a bit bloody. Even the 1974 version of Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, which is rated PG (PG-13 didn't exist yet), had bloody scenes when Anguirus gets his jaw broken and Godzilla has blood spraying out his neck.
There also can be some dialogues of humans swearing since you can hear and see "bastard" be used sometimes in the old films.
it needs a bit more than that but I like the violence part, how bout no humans though, I think it'd cause this cartoon to be interesting
>Godzilla's only just now regaining popularity in Japan
Because they stopped making movies for a decade you fucking retard.
Posting this pic before going to bed since I didn't know this couple existed until browsing a godzilla thread on Yea Forums a few months ago.
The only thing that really qualifies for TV-MA if it's Godzilla and monsters only is the gore since the other properties of a TV-MA show are sex and common use of profanity.
>KotM had everything going for it and it flopped disastrously
It didnt but okay.
what about some horror elements really touchy topics in the form show-don't tell?
non comedy, non dirt cheap TV-MA adult animation is a niche, a niche nobody wants filled in with Godzilla of all franchises. get fucked
Oh why do you think that is, stranger?
When you say nobody, I'm assuming you mean yourself and your very strong opinion that has a mind of its own and thinks that everyone ought to think exactly aligned with it, am I correct?
>Dabs on airforces
>Lives in a comfy volcano
>Fucks his imouto
Rodan is the most based monster of all time.
KOTM flopped in the US as far as I'm aware but did pretty well internationally.
I hope we'll get movies after Kong vs Godzilla though, but that remains to be seen.
Any kind of cartoon would be nice. One better than the anime, I mean.
Just watch Monster Island Buddies
Remember kids: there is nothing more pathetic than a back seat jannie.
>did pretty well internationally
Even that statement is a bit misleading, since afaik it did exceptionally well in Japan in China, but had the same diminished BO numbers as in the US in almost every other territory. China even extended its screenings to August, that's how much they like it. And I heard it had strong legs in Japan too.
It looks like this movie is one of those cases where it's rejected by the general audience almost everywhere, but a couple countries came to its rescue. So it is technically a flop in most places, including the domestic and the majority of international markets, but it's also a huge success in others, which bumps up its overall numbers.
Just suck on your dad