ITT: Worst versions of Yea Forums characters

Look at this fucking thing. It isn't Hammerhead at all.

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>turn Hammerhead into Silvermane


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I assume they saw how Spectacular Spider-Man combined two characters into one (like Shocker and Montana, Fancy Dan and Ricochet, Kingpin and Tombstone, Gwen and Deb Whitman) and tried to do the same. They just really fucked it up by having a big dumb guy you could use for a boss fight when Silvermane was perfect for everything else, like yearning for the good old days and being old enough to have deals with Yuri's dad back when she was a kid.

I was still annoyed that the boss fight prior was Hammerhead in a power suit. What, you couldn't give him a laser tommy gun? This is coming from the same game that had an awesome Tombstone fight. Furthermore, Tombstone never feels like a mob boss, and more of an enforcer

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Tie between this, next mutation, and IDW

Doofenshmirtz in Milo Murphy's Law

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>Gwen and Deb Whitman

We already had Deb in the show, though. Assuming it had gone on, they would've done more to differentiate her from Gwen.

Bluto in pic related.

Doesn't fight with Popeye even once and when Olive throws herself at him (not knowing she's under the Sea Hag's control) he rejects her advances because she's his best friend's girl.

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>Kingpin and Tombstone
This was only because they couldn't actually use Kingpin though.

USM had a lot of atrocious takes on Spidey's villains, but this was remains the worst.

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That's just Ultimate Goblin without the fire powers.
The emo teenager Vulture who looks like the canary woman from Banjo Tooie was worse.

I got used to them. They still knew martial arts. The only thing I hate is that they have super strength for some reason.

>We want to keep the DCEU grounded so lets take the Joker back to his mobster roots
>lets give it to the mexican he surely has experience with gangs
One reshoot
>wait he wants to do what with his teeth? I guess thats cool since Batman probably beat the crap out of him.
One reshoot later
>he wants to tatoo what on the Joker??
>uh I guess this is the synderverse. Where symbolism is as subtle as a nuclear blast
One audience reaction later
>okay we can salvage this as long as we show as little of the Joker as possible
>and promise the fans to make him more insane the next time

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I dont think i have been this offended all year.

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Admittedly I'm biased since Gobby is one of my favorites, and Ultimate Goblin completely misses the point of the character. Them trying to half-ass it by giving him pumpkin bombs and a glider made it worse.

I do agree Vulture sucked as well, though Same with Scorpion.

Most of the Ultimate Universe that isn't The Maker.

Everyone in the Arrowverse.

Jane Foster Thor. I don't have a pic on my HD and I'm not getting one.

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I kind of like what they did with Ultimate Goblin in Spiderverse.

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I remember when this was announced and the PR people said this was just an early version and everyone was so desperate to believe they wouldn't actually do the "Damaged" tattoo.

Fuck, I could deal with everything else even if it looks like a visual mess but that fucking tattoo makes unsalvageable.


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For a second i thought that was the Jackal.

He ended his own legend voluntarily. 7 years of non-action just because your oneitis died? Where is the Bruce who throws himself into his work? Where is the one-man-army on crime in Gotham? Where the hell was The Batman? The guy who isn't earnestly overturning every stone trying to find a way out of putting on the cowl anymore?

Seven years of non-action because violence Gotham suddenly died down as if Gotham was ever able to obtaining a position of peace while the Dark Knight isn't vigilant. I can appreciate this an adaptation but of all the things I expect a 1:1 ratio of if you can't nail the casting or costume design then you've got to hit the character. And I feel like The Dark Knight trilogy was only ever Bruce's story, with Batman taking a second role. That's cool for what it was but it wasn't what I wanted. And the fight choreography sucked dick.

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It's weird that "Flying Evil Hulk" (or "Lizard Vulture") somehow translated into something that was at least visually interesting. I'd be okay with "Green Gargoyle" in future Goblin versions if he wasn't as roided out and maybe a bit smarter. Or more like a man-sized "Gremlins" style gremlin: completely insane, but utterly malicious and a crafty son of a bitch.

I am evil and have daddy issues.

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They did him dirty alright.
I usually end up skipping that episode on rewatches.

Hawkman's not everybody's favorite but the way they just kind of shat on him and his relationship with Hawkgirl was a little much. I guess they had to get rid of competition for John.

Laurel Lance deserved better.

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Muh dead boyfriend.

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I see no difference.

What IS the point of the character? Genuinely curious, I don't know much about Spiderman outside of some of the 90s cartoon episodes and the Raimi movies

They're friends in some of the shorts.

the alien redesigns in the most recent ben 10 reboot thing


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>he rejects her because she's his best friend's girl
Based and chadpilled

He's his greatest enemy after Skip

He's not really much of a scheming behind-the-scenes villain, he wants Peter to know exactly who defeated him and wants the rest of the world to know as well.

>PnF Doof
>Finds happiness in the family he had: his daughter, nemesis, and "son"
>MML Doof
>Calls two adults "mom" and "dad"

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Fight me you fucking casuals. This is not Spider-Man. This will never be Spider-Man.

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Christ what a pathetic costume

>>Calls two adults "mom" and "dad"
Why is this a bad thing?

Voltron 3rd dimension
just look at that mistake

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Why didn't they just keep the actress but still make the skin bleach white?

You don't think that calling people your age as your parents creepy or immature?

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1) you never said they were the same age
2) depends on the context and history of the people

It is, it's just Peter Morales. The worst of both Spider-Men.

>they have super strength for some reason
I'd honestly put that down to them being eight feet tall and practicing martial arts every day.

In this show the Ghostly Trio are actually caring guardians. It's really jarring after their previous portrayals.

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Would that make Miles Parker the best of both Spider-Men?

That was what most people considered when they saw Into the Spiderverse.

Why? This is the worst looking Rhino that I have seen, hell the old just a guy in what looks like a normal suit Rhino from the animated series looked better than this.

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Fuck, somebody else watched this show besides me?
God that's a blast from the past...

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I liked that show.

i didn't like the design for Insomniac's Black Cat, but other than that she was perfect.

>3rd dimension helmets designed to cover mouth to save on lipsync

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They were taking the villain designs from ultimate Spider-Man apparently. Rhino is in a mech suit in that as well.
By the way did anyone play the first TASM game? Do you remember when they thought Rhino Scorpion and All the animal themed bad guys were gonna be human/animal mutants? Only for them to get BTFO by this movie

Who knows?

I would've respected the total opposite of that, night-black skin with a white patch
But light brown skin with a slightly white-ish patch was just lazy

What were they thinking?

Stay mad nostalgiafag

The show never even happened, though.

Didn't she have hairy pits too?

Truth is Fox, Bryan Synger, everyone whontouched those movies never really wanted a proper X-Men movie. They simply did what they could to get butts in seats. Kinnenberg tried. He really did. But his efforts were in vain. The only true X-Men fan is Ryan Reynolds apparently. Even Huge Jackedman hated it at the end

It helps that they kept the hat and pumpkin bombs, with them he's a lot closer to the OG Goblin than the boring Ultimate Hulk Goblin Bendis came up with.

Wait I thought he was a baby? Did this guy just keep fucking himself up so he could be the best boss?

>give Gwen Deb's looks and personality to differentiate her from MJ

I mean what could they actually have done with Deb?

I honestly don't know what they are doing anymore. Is it still in production? Or was it cancelled?

>7 years of non-action

Not at all.

And they couldn't even say "Hey, everybody and their grandma are trying to emulate Stark's suit".

Hugh had to strongarm his way to making Logan happen

Just two ways to preserve his life I guess.


By the way, current Anti-Monitor is the worst ever.

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It's still happening. They just announced it early.