Does it hold up?

Does it hold up?

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Other urls found in this thread:;_2005-2006)#cite_note-1

It's a ripoff of a Cartoon Network short

How did Disney get away with this?

The fucking robot told 10 innuendos per episode

You bet you ass it's one of the best cartoons ever made

I remember they made a movie based off this show and it was surprisingly really dark

Yes. Yes it does.

Zerg was honestly the best part of the show because of how petty he was.

In fact, his brain in jar henchmen were also great as well.

Mira sure as hell holds up

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>Buzz is a canon cuck
>Start watching this thinking, "Oh yeah it was ok, I'll just watch it for a few min"

>I get 25 min in, totally engrossed and I realize I've got shit to do.


Legit first cartoon crush.

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They actually ripped off one of the episodes for an animated movie

And the episode was better >

I fucking adore Mira, and I'm one of those autists that hates
>human with a different skin tone
aliens with a passion

I'd hold her up until my arms fell off.

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>action cartoon with effort
>and not Japanese

Damn. Remember those?

It's the closest thing to an OG Metroid cartoon that exists.

Some episodes were animated in japan and they look straight out of Inuyasha


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Goddamn, I’ve just been binging this bad boy in sporadic episode order, and the channel I watch them on has every single one start with an ad for some stupid lego friends Aladdin set.
Other than that, it’s a pretty fun romp. I’m a sucker for campy adventure joints.

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use a streaming site like one of the kims?

Naw, just some random Youtuber named Jimmy nguyen. Other than the Buzz Lightyear episodes, he’s got some weird chinese shit on there. I think their like his home videos or something

I just realized something; the personalities of the lightyear team pretty much reflect the personalities of the toys from toy story, don’t they? Booster is a nerdy gentle giant like Rex, X-R is snarky and cynical, like Ham and Potato Head, and Mira is sorta like a combination of Jessie and the TS4 version of Bo Peep. In fact, I wonder if Bo Peep’s re-characterization was perhaps partially inspired by Mira Nova?

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Okay seriously, there is nowhere near enough Mira lewds. She's technically a Disney Princess too

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Just rewatched the pilot last night since I first got the VHS as a kid. It's great. Also, am I crazy or was there a poster with 2D Buzz that said Toy Story 3 as the box?

Warp Darkmatter had great chemistry with Buzz, I would have loved a few more episodes of them being partners.

I genuinely believe most people at Disney don't even recall this show. It's one of the seriously forgotten properties of their's, I can't recall a reference to it for at least this entire decade if not before

How does this show compare to Duck Dodgers?

That’s a shame, but at least it had a good run. And who knows, maybe with enough demand, it could be archived on Disney+, along with the old Aladdin show, Little Mermaid show, Timon and Pumba, Lilo and Stitch the series, etc.

I like it a little better, but I haven't much experience with DD
At the least both have space babe royalty characters?

Not even technically, she literally is a princess.

You know Zurg is that rare villain that's both equally threatening and comedic. Like Aku

DD is more of a comedy, this is more of an adventure show.

my man

>technically a Disney Princess too
Really? So why didnt she show up in the Toy Story Sequels?

You're now imagining Buzz's cheek as his mouth and his mouth as a scar

nothing from Star Command does
pixar clearly just didn't want to cross those wires

In the cut draft for Toy Story 3, they even had a new Star Command character, Dax I believe his name was. So Pixar clearly had their own take on the Buzz canon in mind.

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Thank and many

I thought the show was based on the movie, the movie was awesome though

Who was the better Buzz, Tim Allen or Patrick Warburton?

They're Disney. They're above the law.

Really hate how the sequels became less Buzz centric. Would've been interesting to see Dax ad the concept of a robot higher up in star command.

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I think the question youre asking is... how well does princess mira hold up?

Gravitina is sexy and hilarious at the same time.

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Well, to be fair, Buzz pretty much finished his character arc by 2, while Woody had to take the whole damn franchise to finally fully get over Andy.

sure, maybe peripheral lore for Buzz. Probably separate from the show concepts I imagine though

Warburton, Allen's a good actor but his voice alone just isn't that entertaining, while Warburton's voice and emotions are comedy gold.

who's the artist? I love this style

Really sad that in 3 they had to give him a gimmick. At least in 4 he didn't went full dumb and his internal voice gimmick was alright.
Buzz and Woody's friendship was one of my favorite parts of the first two movies.


I hate how the show just doesn't exist in any other Disney canon. Every other Disney property has had a chance to get crossovers or cameos or even just referenced.
Wander Over Yonder would have been a great opportunity to show some parts of the universe have star command policing them, a one episode cameo where they see a villain getting chased. Or even just seeing Zerg in the villain rankings system.

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Literally waifu material with a broken power. Zero gravity sex is an experience lads, the only problem with her would be doggy style but if you focus more on hip thrust then whole body thrust you should be fine.

You're talking about those episodes that was slow paced but had really nice choreographed fights?

The show has some underrated females.

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I saw someone getting a commission of her done at Hal-Con one year and was blown away by the fact that someone remembered her enough to get art of her done, but also how slick her design is.

I really liked the designs of Zerg's robots as well.

Watching a couple of episodes it's kind of amazing how much of a perv they made him for a disney show. Guess it was just a different time back then.

XR is the closest we'll ever get to a Disney version of Bender and I love it.

>"Your Honor, I swear I didn't know she was under warranty!"

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Yes, and John Lasseter is a Faggot who is just jelly that something this good wasn't made by him.

>pixar clearly just didn't want to cross those wires

Tad Stones said that Pixar didn't like the show.

fuck pixar, especially now

does anyone remember the episode where the aliens who opposed guns were the evil ones?

worst episode is better than toy story 4

I blame Lasseter specifically.

it was a fantastic show, they can suck my dick

I'm genuinely shocked that another Pixar tv show was never attempted ever again until very recently. What gives? A bunch of their films would probably make for decent show premises.

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No, but I remember the episode where these big headed guys pretended to be some ascended supreme deity that tried to convince both Good and Evil sides to make peace so that they would get rid of all their weapons and defenses, making them vulnerable for a full scale invasion


I want a stylized Mira pinup on the nose of my starship

at least we got incredibles comics by mark waid

I was thinking about that too. Buzz gets shafted one or another in every movie.
>goes insane
>replaced by another Buzz
>gets reset
>is so dumb he has never heard of his own "conscious"

Buzz got criminally low amounts of screen time in 4, too

Are they worth a read?
I still wish we got a show

>GW introduces a new Primaris Lieutenant

Probably Lasseter being a dick.


The story is that the show was done by a different director to the original one for the Toy Story movie. When he found out about it he actively avoided any reference to the show for the Toy movies out of spite because he wanted to make the show in a different way.

>We live in the timeline where Mira Nova was created and likely wasn't in another timeline, but at the cost she and the rest of the crew never cameo'd in the Toy Story movies
It FUCKING hurts bros...

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Technically the movie was a pilot for the show.

>grorious CG Mira NEVER EVER

I think Pixar really tries to be very cautious about anything they do and where too interested in making features.

They're might have been crowding on ABC (or the Disney Channel) and television is a crowded market.

I read somewhere John Lasseter fucking hates this cartoon and refused to allow it to be referenced in one of the Toy Story specials. God knows why.

Probably cause it's better than anything he's done.

That’s “War and Peace and War”. I read somewhere that the episode should be the last one you watch, as it’s perfect as a series finale.

He's a faggot who can't stand someone being successful without his hand in it. I immediately hated the Buzz parts in TS2 when Zurg wasn't voiced by Wayne Knight.

Because that short is itself a ripoff of Rocky Jones Space Ranger and a million other sci-fi tropes?

>That one episode where they were put in a situation by aliens to prove friendship dosn't exist or something. It ended with Warp leaving Buzz behind to the bad guys, only to come back and save him at the last second because he dosn't know how to drive stick.

My nigga, for me it's all but the bottom 3 right hand side. Evil Mira if she was full grown gets elevated. But that 4 armed waitress always did something for me, 4 armed girls are hot.

Then Buzz leaves him stranded once Warp tells him that. This show was great. Also the situation was whether Good or Evil was a superior lifestyle.

Yea Forums, we need to talk. This has been a long time coming, and it's about time we all collectively faced reality.

Almost none of the Disney shows based off of the 90s renaissance hold up. Rescue Rangers doesn't hold up. Talespin doesn't hold up. Aladdin doesn't hold up, Tarzan doesn't hold up, Hercules doesn't hold up, the Little Mermaid doesn't hold up. They were all overly-saccharine and simplistic, even for children's cartoons, because writers back in the 90s- and even today- do not know how to write cartoons that are both respectful of audience's intelligence and suitable for children, so they just went full patronizing. Without fail, characters rely on "wacky" voice line deliveries of tired and corny jokes for humor, fight enemies you would have to be on bad acid to find scary or intimidating in the slightest, and preach almost the exact same moral platitudes about honesty or hard work or caring for the environment or whatever that has been shoved in as a staple of children's programming for the last 80 years. This happened over and over again for a decade, and we ate it up because we were slaves to whatever they decided to give us.

And deep down, as you were watching the reruns in 2000 or whatever because no one had invented file-sharing, so the TV was your only choice for cartoon media outside of Newgrounds? You knew it wouldn't hold up, too.

They had their moments, here and there, but let it go and move on. This medium's suffering enough without us encouraging people to copy a stale past from our rose-tinted idolizing of it.

Also, Buzz became a stock sci-fi name because of Aldrin.

I would kill for the series to return.

wait, that show existed? it wasn't a projection of my mind?

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Decent pasta.
Hercules does hold up tho. Much like Buzz did.
It helps to have a villain that can actually stick around.

Kinda sad Booster's voice actor is dead.

I hate that I'm aroused now and will never be able to satiate this boner because I doubt anyone draws or is willing to type-pretend to be a watermelon-headed blue chick from the buzz lightyear show nearly nobody remembers.
Damn you Yea Forums.

It was real. Though I only ever saw clips of it in a PS1 game.

I want booster to swallow me whole

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I actually liked Hercules a lot better as a show than a film because of the supporting cast.

You're right that the other shows didn't hold up though; Rescue Rangers maybe has two or three episodes that are still watchable while Talespin is basically a really good setting without stories to justify it.

I want Mira to swallow me whole

>Talespin is basically a really good setting without stories to justify it
Are you saying pilots doing pilot things is not good enough of a story? Because it is.

I'd deadass watch an entire show just about the gods desu
Especially if Jason Alexander Poseidon was a major one.

>this gets made
>still no Woody's Round Up show

I'm surprised they never tried to do a Woody's Round-Up extra back when Pixar put MAXIMUM EFFORT into their DVD releases, like that Incredibles Clutch Cargo parody short. Which is incidentally one of the funniest fucking things the company's ever done.

Damn, early Pixar home video releases were utterly oozing with soul. I also really liked the rat short on the Ratatoiille DVD.
Sad that afaik the bonus features on Incredibles 2 were nowhere near as packed with amazing bonus features like the first film's dvd release was.

I was honestly more confused by Tailspin than anything else.

I mean, sticking Jungle Book characters in a 1930's setting with planes? I really want to know what leaps they took to get there.

I feel like this is one of these things that changed in me as I morphed into adulthood, but I literally cannot listen to three consecutive minutes of chipmunk chatter anymore. It's like stepping on LEGOs for the brain to me.

I don't know but I thought it was great that they did.

That was nothing like Buzz Lightyear of Star Command (aside from Space, a robot, a rocketship, and the name "Buzz").

I enjoyed Darkwing Duck, Gargoyles, and Hercules. Even if imperfect, they're still enjoyable cartoons in their own right.

>Well of course, you only a whopping thirteen
>Oh! Well, thirteen you say? Better make them twelves.

Wasn't Zerg in one of the movies?

Toy Story 2, with the classic "I'm your father" reveal.

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Jesus, is her ass in orbit too?

Her booty's like 2 planets.

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This should help user.

Zurg is mentioned right off the bat in the original Toy Story isn't he though?

speaking of blasts from the past, just rewatched that one
Robots is definitely a case of pretty mediocre project dripping with early millennium zeitgeist

Why didn't Woody get a show?

Whaddya know, he is part of Buzz' introduction.

That line kills me every time!

>No crossover with Lilo and Stitch
This is bullshit, just have an experiment that can tap into different dimensions.

Pretty enjoyable for me to this day. Yeah some parts aren't as funny like the toilet humor, but Robin Williams character is still a riot. That whole scene where they try to get in the party is hilarious.

You haven't held up since the 90s either but we cherish you anyway

Release the show on disc or streaming, you faggot mouse!

The baddies in that episode came back in a follow up episode where the crew gets put in a zoo with a bunch of alien senators, since they’re all deemed “lesser beings” compared to the baddies.
The Orville did an episode just like it.

Two words:SPUT-NIK

only crap I haven't seen this in decades!

I wish we had a Woody's Round-up show even if was just a bunch of 1 minute marionette shorts.

>Buzz and Warp's chemistry

Shame he turned into a bad guy

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I watched a couple episodes of it a while ago and I think yes, it actually does.
It's quite the witty cartoon with some great comedic timing.

It's like the perfect mix of action, adventure and comedy. Such a shame that Disney seems to have just completely forgotten about this cartoon.

Don't know if this is pasta but I actually agree with this.

Reminder that XR is a canon confirmed kiddy diddler

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What man hasn’t fallen to the wiles of jailbait at least once in their lives?

>You're telling me my plan. I already know what the plan is, I came up with the plan, it's MY plan. What I DON'T know is how close you are to ACCOMPLISHING MY PLAN!

not high-cut enough

>Uhh, kind of an outdoor voice there...

It took me absolute ages to find out it was Wayne Knight voicing him

When you control the universe, you control information

It was the soul of those two films. Woody stays great, but Buzz being forgotten undermines the series if you look at it beyond 2.
His arc was no more finished than Woody's after 2. There was nothing you couldn't have done with Buzz that you couldn't also have done with Woody, with the exception of Woody being Andy's favourite.

Wasn't he underage too? he was built in the first episode.

his warranty is definitely expired though


> like that Incredibles Clutch Cargo parody short. Which is incidentally one of the funniest fucking things the company's ever done.
You're goddamn right it is

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This show could be better if it had continuity

>they made me a white guy!
>Y-You're black... ish.
>They got a show with real heroes but they gotta make up the villains?
>Oh of course the BLACK superhero gets caught.
>A minute ago you were complaining they made you white!
>The TAN superhero gets caught!
>This is a stain on my otherwise spotless endorsement record!
>That fucking corn thing.
I'm fucking dying.

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I would say it does, if Gargoyles was meant to be Disney's answer to BTAS, I always considered this to be their answer to Superman TAS. It's also still on youtube in it's entirety. I will say this though, fuck Lasseter. A show this good doesnt deserve how utterly buried it got. I hope we get some HQ rips from Disney plus.

Tbf, anime characters look like kids most of the time, despite their age. When 3D waifus became a thing at the time it's not hard to reason he got baited by some Jenny lookalike or something.

The Hercules tv show is prime fucking waifu bait. It's a crime that there's so little lewd of it.


Surprisingly it hold up extremely well.

>evil loli clone

But why?

>It's not a Torque episode

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>giving self-duplication powers to someone with a huge ego
>but it’s the kind of ego that gets along perfectly well with itself
I love it.

Gets bodyswapped with Buzz
>To Infinity, and Beyond!
>and Beyond!
>and Beyond!

>Torque in Buzz's Body: That's not fair!

Um EXCUSE ME, but the green martians are from the ‘Pizza Planet’ restaurant/arcade franchise, NOT ‘Buzz Lightyear’, and are separate franchises(despite both being space-themed). Disney doesn’t even know their own in-universe lore and whoever was responsible deserves to be fired!

It's a cross-promotion.
Like that time the taco bell dog was in star wars.

The monogramming joke slayed me once I learned what monogramming meant.

I didn't want to remember this trash

>I think Pixar really tries to be very cautious about anything they do

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>Pixar didn't like the show.
So like the entirety of Pixar?
They probably just didn't like other people playing with their toys.

They were at the time.
Disney's repeated failures causing them to have a greater grip on them changed that.
Of course Lasseter was also a butthurt prick but that's another story.

Pizza Planet exists in-universe in the Buzz Lightyear show. I recall an episode being about a Pizza Planet opening. For all we know, Pizza Planet is an extension of the Buzz Lightyear franchise like how Yogi Bear had a chicken restaurant and the campgrounds or that Rocky and Bullwinkle version of Chuck-E Cheese.

Or, alternatively, the Pizza Planet in the show is in-universe product placement.


And I love him.

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She was supposed to be a full grown clone of Mira but something went wrong in the machine, creating a toddler Mira, Buzz and Booster.

If that user is talking about the comics that were storytimed here, they're good. The ones posted here had Violet meeting another girl her age with super powers.

>”Zzub?! You just spelled the good guy’s name backwards!”

user's talking about Boom's series made before Incredibles 2.

Incidentally, that also featured a storyline with Violet meeting a boy that turned out to have a supervillain mother and later on in the series, he takes his mother's tech to be a superhero.

That theme song hit me with a nostalgia blast so powerful the only thing left of me are the thumbs typing this

I thought it would have been awesome if Mira was a character in Toy Story 3 and went through a similar arc that Buzz had

Stephen Furst? I don't recall hearing that he died.

Wayne Knight still has it, especially when he's got someone just as hammy to bounce off of.

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>but something went wrong in the machine,
Iirc Zurg was too impatient to wait for the machine to mature so he stopped it too soon and thus made kid versions of the crew.

And then at the end when he tried again, he waited too long and got old and feeble clones.

>When you come across a genuine Jojo reference with no chance of it being accidental

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That's it, I'm naming my eventual Galaxy's Edge droid R2-XR in tribute to this wonderful bot.

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Xr was just bender

Well then Pixar can suck my nuts. The show's interpretation of Zurg as a campy maniac alone was far more enjoyable than the generic Darth Vader ripoff they made. The comedy in general was top notch, it had excellent writers for being a cheap spin-off.

Two years ago.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

That's what you get with the co-creators and main director of Kim Possible running your show.

Zurg was the best part. Him and XR both.

Is Zurg actually Buzz's father in the cartoon series as well or was that just a throwaway gag from TS2?

No, but he did use that line on Buzz during a fight in "Stranger Invasion" just to throw him off and gain the upper hand.

why do I sense that this show shares character designers with Braceface

>Rocky and Bullwinkle's

God what a sobering memory, all those birthdays tied to seemingly arbitrary cartoon characters. I'm glad that those places still exist without the theming, it's better than nothing.

Pizza Planet definitely struck me as that kind of place as well.

There's still a few holdouts in Oregon and Washington

I've never seen this holy shit. What season was this?

It's the Christmas episode. The show's version of Santa uses a time-freezing device to get all the presents delivered in one night, which Zurg takes in order to Steal Christmas.

And Buzz's newspaper.

Attached: zurg makes good on his threats.webm (640x480, 1.14M)

That is pue kino fuck

I like this short, but don't say silly stuff like that, some dumb person might believe it.

Those are much more reasonable-looking legs on Buzz than the ones in the beach episode screencaps I've seen.

Looking it up, there's no DVD release of the show. I'm seeing Blurays, but pretty sure they're not on the level.

>It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan. No one cared who I was until I put on the mask

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>My beautiful ship,

>my beautiful palace,


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I personally want to watch it but I have a really hard time watching Buzz Lightyear be voiced by anyone other than Tim Allen. Even pitched up Warburton is not enough for me to try and get used to that.

Why is the animation quality so damn high for some Saturday morning cartoon.

you get used to it pretty fast

>You should have respected his authoritah.

Disney notoriously refused to get into the network cartoon game until they could keep a consistent level of quality across their work. Bruce Timm in the Modern Masters art gook goes into it; once Duck tales and Disney afternoons started up it encouraged other studios to pour money into cartoons.

Pixar really doesn't give a shit about Buzz and he was only a catalyst for Woody's character development in the first movie.This and the Circle 7 Toy story 3 attempted to add more to the Star Command mythos but were all promptly dumped. Buzz is a toy cash cow and Disney still sells Zurg toys despite him only having a brief role in 2 20 years ago and Pixar never attempted to do anything with him after that.

>the fiend! Why can't he leave kitty-cats out of his nefarious schemes

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Not A planet. THE Planet of Widows and Orphans.

It could be that Buzz was originally the mascot for Pizza Planet and eventually got spun off into his own thing. So in-universe references are just a joke about his origin.

Not too hard to imagine McDonaldLand going down that road eventuually without the Krofft lawsuit.

Well it is the pilot movie they released direct to video.

The fact that Nicole Sullivan also voices Shego is just icing on the cake.

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>outfit swap
muh dikkk

>big armorsuit
>bigger booty
Dayum, Doc

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Nooo way!

I don't know, I felt that the movie OCs outshone Buzz too much. I went in to watch a movie about Buzz Lightyear, not about "Woody".

Yeah the only thing that was released officially was the pilot movie, which features Allen not Warburton as Buzz.

How they never released the series on VHS or DVD is beyond me. But the same goes for the Aladdin series and many others.

If not a pasta, "not holding up" is just so vague. They all depend a lot per series, but they were all better than they had any right to be. The cartoons based off movies especially so.
Also, you need to rewatch some them and compare them to the ADD, social justice, and poorly animated series of today. Would you rather have aggressive agenda pushing in cartoons or have them corny?

That from Toy Story 3 pre-Pixar, Pixar had nothing to do with that concept art;_2005-2006)#cite_note-1

The fact that we never saw even a glimpse of toys of the other Buzz Lightyear characters in later Toy Story films tells you all you need to know about how much Disney/Pixar think about this property. I mean, it was a pretty out there idea to begin with "How do we make a show out of the Toy Story franchise? I know, let's make a series about the actual Buzz Lightyear character that the in-universe toy was based on! With all new characters and no references to Toy Story at all apart from the presence of Buzz himself! Brilliant!".

Most of the Disney tv shows based on movies hold up surprisingly well. They weren't anything spectacular but they still manage to have some entertainment value to me at more than a decade older since they came out.

It's weird how this one character created their own very specific subset of fetishes.

Just goes to show you, there's no such thing as a bad idea, just bad execution.

It's even weirder when you consider this:

>Well, technically, it WAS authorized by you, aheh-heh... we slipped it in with our vacation request.
>Craters! They always get me that way.

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Wonder if this will be put on Disney+ at whatever point? Don't see why Disney wouldn't bother.

Take it from a tangledfag
Don’t underestimate how much someone, somewhere out there fucking hates your favorite show(s)


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Booster is a big cutie ngl

there's no BETTER time to stay at blooty

holds up well

find it funny how with the rips from Disney Channel UK Disney wasn't pitch correcting it's shit for the 25FPS world at the turn of the millennium and still they have some shit they make today they aren't pitch correcting like 101 Dalmatian Street

I wonder what happened to the squeaking penguin.


and hot.

I have the vhs

is the cowl buzz is wearing like a surgically implanted neuro interface with his space suit, not unlike a space marine black carapace, that he cannot remove ( without gruesomely ripping off all the cables and sensors grafted to his brain and nervous system)?

I think it's more a gag than anything, but imagine whatever you like

I got bored 5 minutes in so no.

Were they planning on making Dax a Transformer...?

you sound like a faggot

Is "Lightyear" his surname, or its group/team name?



Post mira lewds


I don't suppose someone has a MEGA of this, do they?

Seconded. I've been looking for this series for a while now!

>Hey, you're shouting. Don't shout.

Reminder that Gravitina is massively underrated and you should love her for her brain.

Attached: Gravitina.png (720x540, 448K)

The far right looks like the evil bitch from Incredibles 2

massively overrated actually, she's one of those flavor of the month memesluts that got way more fanart than Mira somehow

Only because Mira didn't get a giant brain (side-effect) when she was inside Gravitina's head.

Then people would draw lots of Mira.

I mean, the beginning of the show shows it's just the premise of Buzz's (the toy) backstory, just like Woody had in the second movie with Jessie and the dick cowboy. What else would Disney/Pixar want?

Mira and Booster take their hoods off; Buzz is just a weirdo.

use base64 for both

link: aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIW4yZ2lDYXFC

Attached: 1553669305553.jpg (270x270, 30K)

Also this one
no key needed

damnedly scarce

I remember liking it better than any Toy Story movie

I watched the Buzz Lightyear movie what must have been several dozen times just because I thought Zurg was fucking hilarious.

He’s Zurgariffically evil.

Nana Zurg would be so proud.

What does her ass smell like

Except Mira has waaaaay more booru and paheal hits then Gravitina.

Neither of those anons, but you're based, thanks.

Fucking this.

It's Buzz's surname but also the name of the team because he's the leader.

So was Zurg supposed to be a humanoid? Robot? Cyborg? Or something else?


Is she supposed to be a Tangean like Mira, only having pushed her natural psychic powers towards gravity manipulation?

She's not a Tangean. I think it was implied to be some kind of mutation or something at some point.

>You remember the thinly-veiled anti-drug episode that used Mira phasing into energy reactors as the stand-in for drug abuse

Vaguely humanoid. He mutated like a flesh creature in "the crawling flesh" when it was explicitly shown robots weren't affected.

> thinly-veiled
Nigga, I could tell even when I was young

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That sounds cronenbergtastic

It is, its also funny.


thanks a lot user, greatly appreciated

first four seasons Aku=Zurg

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