Is it strange to still having a crush on a minor even though your crush began when you were about their same age?
Is it strange to still having a crush on a minor even though your crush began when you were about their same age?
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Not quite because most "minors" have adult personalities
Yes, strange indeed... Tell me more...
You should be into what would be a now grown-up version of her
Don't know if that ever existed in that show
is this a serious question or just an excuse to have a loli thread? either way post more lolis
Here its a given, however if you were to discuss this with regular folk, yeah, they would be a little concerned for you.
As 6'2 beefy man, I am sure I would turn a few heads with worry if I blurted out having Penny Gadget, Mandy, Peppermint Patty, Trixie Tang or any young Female cartoon character for that matter as a waifu.
If ya mention Chel or Helen Parr you'd get a mixed bag of "oh yeah i remember her she was hot" or "haha dude thats a cartoon."
Sometimes ya gotta let go some of your waifus man. ya gotta let go.
what are you even talking about
There's nothing wrong here officer.
women are essentially Corpses, who talk about their thick layer of makeup or whatever
I'd like to say no, but eventually you'll be old enough to be the character's father.
This is why you're a namefag in a chinese board for losers
I've seen people justify it as them growing up with the character and thus, see it as like a childhood friend.
But honestly, that's fucking creepy. Have crushes on adult cartoon women.
So you're saying it's okay with boys?
esp since they were written by adults.
only if they're small and cute
When it comes to a loli, what is the first part that you lick?
When I was young I thought adult were hot as fuck
Now that I’m an adult I think youngsters are hot as fuck
I’m fucking retarded
That's just nostalgia, also cartoon/ anime kids are not realistic to actual kids so it's fine.
I always kiss their cheeks and tummy first. they're so soft and smell like milk
I try to take my time and go in all soft and slow but eventually I can no longer fight the urge to bite.
The hood of the police car
Frida is based directly on the creator's wife, you're supposed to find her waifuable
That was one hell of a thread, I wonder how that guy is holding up now that this is what he will forever be most famous for.
>Is it strange to still having a crush on a minor even though your crush began when you were about their same age?
That applies to most of my Yea Forumsfus anyways, from jenny to mandy.
I too also wanted to fuck frida
Not really
None of these kid characters actually act like kids, they act more like adults and with their goofy adult like personality and design is what draws you towards them and less to do with them being kids
Everyone always makes their avatar look younger, for anyone to be shocked that most animators and artists are perverts are clearly outsiders.
What changed
That's the thing about cartoon girls, I keep getting older while they stay the same age
Oh dont get me wrong i still do, i rewatched el tigre recently and its even better than i remember it was, especially firda.
Oh no, lolicops
So long as the art is on model.
Can't believe they got away with having her and gwen in swimsuits
There wasn't
There was
2 second period
Even if that were the case fanart exists.
There literally was, there was a future episode where they showed her
Right, which is why I said even if that were the case, implying was incorrect.
can't believe they got away with making nu-Frightwig a loli for no reason
post proof
Of what? The fact that aged up fanart of Frida exists? You just did.
We know that’s you Jorge Gutierrez. No one cares about your dumb Mexicans cartoons and stop shilling your characters as ‘waifus’
It was an invitation to post more art.
me want fuck frida
It's not our fault they make them sexy
yes, it means you never grew up mentally
Is that a good thing?
Depends. When you think of them, are they the same age as you?
>Is it strange to still having a crush on a minor
let me stop you right there
I would not be the least bit surprised if this is a partial cuase of pedophilia.
They may as well be little boys, you sick pervert.
The way you say that makes it sound like you'd be okay if they dressed and acted more like little girls.
I'm just saying it's pretty gay to like someone who is completely flat and probably can't get pregnant no matter how often you cum in them.
a shota is fine too
Don't discriminate against sterile washboards.
the fuck, milk smells gross as fuck
I'm really glad El Tigre got a semblance of an ending, and that when they did the poll for "Should he become a Hero or a Villain?" it was just to build hype and show off both versions of the finale. I really think it was the last good nicktoon.
I think they meant powder milk. They smell soft and most powder milk is associated with babies
Did you see the op pic?
I forget this was a pedo thread, thanks for reminding me!
Just let me educate them on powder milk, it's better than this whole thing
When I was is middle school I would be obsessed over Candace. Now that I'm an adult, I'm not particularly attracted to her anymore, but I do fond the memories I had with her.
I thought Vanessa from pnf was fine but her personality didn't click with me well, I'm not attracted to her but Im fond of those times
Wow. This is the first time a post has made me question my enjoyment of lolicon. You guys shaming pedos? Take a good look. This is how you make someone question their values.
Op,this is valid
??? Help me understand bud, cause I see pedophilia and lolicon as the same
She's 13 so technically it's not p...
Op, ur crossing a line there buddy
Well, first off, you're a retard, so you wouldn't get it even if I did explain. To those who weren't blessed with all the brains graced to flatworms, the framing of it makes my skin crawl. Short of it is that yelling pedo and being combative makes a man dig his feet in to defy you. That, however, is just creepy, and has someone asking if that could be them some day.
Adult personality, unrealistic proportions, irl kids tend to be gross and weird looking, and one is a crime against humanity.
That ninth-grader is stacked.
Maybe. But I don't care.
Boi, I'm gonna go full retard, I have no idea what ur saying. Thanks
Glad you know that you are a retard, then.
I can't argue with u there
This, desu. Most popular lolis are just 16+ people with younger bodies. They look and act nothing like children.
Lolicons get off on the body and tabu nature of it while pedos do it for the power and control aspects.
Its the difference between rape roleplay and actual rape. One is going for the thrill, the other is going for the power difference.
U have seen a lot, I can tell. But u make a point holy shit
Give fucking context and stop being vague you insolent fuck.
The most disturbing fact about pdophlia isn't the fact that you are engaging in physical sexual activities with a minor but rather the fact that at that age consent becomes a nebulose issue due to maturity and the fact that when irl porn is created it must be implied that it is against the minor's will, when biologically girls are ready to bear children since their first period (not saying we should, giving birth while being young is as dangerous as when you´re close to menopause), lolicon mangas/animes are the least harming way of producing material that appeals to that specific demographic without all of the major inconvenients listed above, and the fact reproductive organs and sexual maturity related anatomy and sex education is being treated as taboo when it should be learned the same way we teach about any other system in our body
Also, some people are just into the "loli body type" where they would refer to a loli as any woman who appears very young and is often underdeveloped in matters of sexual maturity
Why does she dress like an anime character in a cartoon full of Mexicans?
The real question has been answered
Bruh, just ignore me, I'm fucking retarded and it's late night here.
Mexicans are giant weeaboos
Jenny doesn't count.
>Why does she dress like an anime character in a cartoon full of Mexicans?
Welcome to Mexico.
>can't get pregnant no matter how often you cum in them.
Is this supposed to discourage someone?
>That feel when you will never have a cute beaner weeb gf that will cosplay as Ryuko for you.
It won't stop hurting.
He did nothing wrong
No, but its still wild and a great meme,
You say that like it's a bad thing.
There is literally nothing wrong with being attracted to any fictional character
What about a toaster?
It's definitely strange to most people, but it's more common than you think. Most of my waifus are lolis.
We know Goldman.
>Peppermint Patty
At least your taste in lolis is impeccable.
Yeah, get with the times you guero, Mexicans can be webs too you know. You think we don’t care much about animation, well think again dumbass
All of my friends have found out that I'm a lolicon. Luckily we are a group of losers and degenerates so it's mostly just used to roast me. I do live in constant fear of my family or other people finding out however.
Comfy. You’re a lucky man. I have great friends, but they can never know my secret. As far down as we all are, nobody would be cool with my taste in 2D women.
Here some more for your folder bud.
>16 years ago
>still in love with her
Yeah. It's good to have weirdo friends. I'm curious, who are some of your waifus?
Greatly appreciated. Here is some for your's. I hope you don't mind chocolate cake.
I’m always tempted to try to arrange a loli/shota meetup, but I think it would attract the wrong sort of people. You know, the oinking sort.
this is you retards go to jail
Oink oink oink oink oink. That means “You are a fag.” in police.
That already sounds sketchy,
Seems like a lot of fun on paper, but you're probably right that it might attract unsavory people. That and I think most people with our tastes are probably afraid to meet with strangers to talk about it out of fear that it will get back to people they know.
Well, not a con. More like a dozen friends go to a restaurant and hang out. Even that probably isn’t safe outside of Asia.
I just want to clarify with the federal people that Jenny is more like 16-19 years old and that's fair game
Follow the linking, you ignorant twat!
Isn't she like 5 months old?
that's a lot more in robot years
I think u can do that safely, as long as u keep it discreet. If you're there to discuss lolis, then I guess u get a free card. I'm just worried when they go to actual children which is an oof. But from what I've seen, they're mostly for fictional characters so go off I guess
I did multiple times. They couldn't get their words right and someone had to explain things which is more helpful than saying I'm a fucking retard. What a brainlet
How many years do you think until a loli/shota convention would be viable? Furries have been having degenerate conventions for years now.
Well, there's prolly a con bout it in Japan. But in the us, bruh, they ain't touching that shit.
chocolate is my favorite flavor
someone would get wind of it and and go in and shoot everyone
You asked for context. It was given. You ask for an explanation, it was given, and you still somehow do not understand. I can do nothing for you if you have both of these things and still don't get it, or get why is creepy as fuck.
>what OP wants to hear
Someone explain it to me. I just couldn't understand what this guy was saying. That's it. I genuinely didn't understand his question cause my brain literally just went retarded for a moment. I don't understand his statement at all still. But no need to go retard Just cause I didn't understand
You mean, when are Americans going to stop being sanctimonious, vicious assholes? Likely never. You’d have to set it up in Tijuana or someplace, show samples of sales that can’t leave Mexico, and then mail from a US warehouse to a US drop to keep customs out of it. Even that’s risky.
Do mexicans say that? i thought it was the spanish
How is that unclear?
>user sees statement
>statement is creepy as fuck
>commonality with creep causes him to question it
What part do you not understand?!
Language barrier. Also, I finally understand so we don't have to continue this anymore.
Don't open and don't let the police see.
Better that than pic related.
> (You) is creepy as fuck
Rude. I said that because the cheeks and tummy of lolis always looks so soft that makes me want to rub and kiss them. I included the "smell like milk" thing only because someone on Yea Forums told me lolis smell like that.
>really like Frida
>am intimidated by irl girls who act like her and have her personality type
It's not fair.
Maybe try not being a little bitch my Dominican supervisor is high energy and physically affectionate as well and it gives me such a fear boner too
>Maybe try not being a little bitch
explain to me how pls
I really want to keep this thread alive.
I had a strong look at myself when, liking some lolis, I ended up looking up that one toddlercon pic posted at the Toy Story thread on pixiv, and seeing all these related pictures. I came, but also felt like a line was crossed and had to stop.
You've crossed it and it won't stop, highly recommend tetsu for your sick, disgusting new needs.
go one step forward and just look at vs_draws
What I saw was kimop and some others that simply scrolled by...
But nah I'm gonna cleanse myself with some swallowed, teenikini, exxxtrasmall... Regular live action stuff with legal teens. Everything will be alright.
>A confident loli that dances on the razors edge
It's a shame she's wasted on a shitty mobile game.
that art is pretty bad my friend
I'm not your friend buddy!
I've long crossed that line. I've pretty much decided that as long as no actual children are involved it's fine. I can understand where you're coming from, feeling shame and worry. I was terrified when I first discovered lolicon, but eventually I realized that I wasn't hurting anyone. If it turns you on there's no shame in enjoying it, as long as it's a drawing.
eh it's a hobby, don't think too much about what you do on your own free time. I sometimes find it creepy how there are so many people out their that want to get involved and shame other peoples hobbies.. but I do that to for fun so....
Yeah but it's different with toddlercon, in my opinion. But I agree with what you're saying in principle since that's what I've long believed about this, I just kinda want to break it off for a while anyway, feels like the best course of action for me.
Also for the record most of these lewds with Western cartoon girls look ridiculous to me, just like the anime same face moeblobs. I like detailed but personal style.
>loli daring you to fuck her
this is amazing
M8, it's hard to get further than tetsu.
Got a link?
It's natural, although not socially acceptable, to be attracted to fertility, and a lot of loli designs (especially a lot of tweaked-design fanart) have the early signs of fertility. It being fictional allows the exciting indulgence in a taboo in safe way.
who is this girl and what show is she from
She's Lara from Irmão do Jorel, a cool Brazilian show that will never be translated. She's a tomboy-childhood-friend waifu who is probably ethnically Japanese.
Here's the 54th episode of the show, which due to the conceit of being a flashback to when the characters were babies, has virtually no intelligible dialogue so not knowing Portuguese isn't such a problem:
That's quite a combo.
two questions 1.who draw these and 2. do they post somewhere cause i can't find it the reg way
Robots are forever
I already said vs_draws
He drew the op too.
Strange? No. You never outgrow your waifus, man. If something visually stimulating made an impact on you when you were younger then you're gonna carry that weight.
I fapped to the Sailor Senshi when they were older, more mature girls and I'll fap to 'em when I'm old enough to be their grandfather.
>years later, user's grandkids find his old stash of sailor moon porn
>with instructions to burn it when he dies
>Implying i ain't gonna leave it out on purpose to creep them out and to stop my no good children from dumping their kids on me.
ah thanks man
I love him for drawing everything in style and not looking terribly.
i can't talk about my god damn rabbit bully waifu one fucking day without someone calling me a pedophile, or getting banned. but this shit is fine? what in the fresh hell are the mods smoking?
Probably because you were posting furry shit instead of just talking about her.
i just posted this in a bully thread and talked about how great she is and immediately someone starts questioning her age.
Oh lol. The nature of this thread probably scared away most of the tumblr crowd. Your bully is really cute.
God, I hate you all.
sammeee bruuhhh these 4channers really are something. yiiikes
She is sexy years old.
ikr? molly is the fucking best girl. also i didnt think tumblr users came here, as this is the evil hacker site. lol.
there's just no fucking way she's 9. i honest to god dunno how anybody buys that. even when i was 9, i didn't buy it.
She wears gritty clothes but I bet she wears lingerie with frills.
Why must you remind me user?
What the hell is the point if i was going to grow up and she didn't?
We all have to suffer together.
Fuck you user, i didn't ask for this.
He did what anybody here would do.
>crush on el tigre character
Zoomer born in the late 90s detected
I need to draw her again, it's been too long.
Rebecca's underrated.
Hot, post more of this sexy loli. No it's not wrong to like sexy young beautiful children like this.
El Tigre came out in 2007. Someone could have watched it when they were 13 and be 25 now. I'm 21
fuck year madison
Imagine having a crush on frightwig when she was legal and you where a kid and all of a sudden they do this to ya.
I hope you all got Polyle's Louise pics downloaded because virtually his whole pixiv got purged for being uncensored.
What's in it for me?
Aye. Sexy bunn.
I'm surprised this thread has lasted so long. Good job.
Where is picrel from? Am slightly interested.
Howdy SB99, Hows life?
Yea Forumsmbler is an exception
It is if you want to be their father.
[Tetsu] Kanari Chiisai Hou Deshou Ch. 0-1 | Dangerous House Sitting [English] =LWB= [Digital]
Yandex is your friend.
Folks this is why you don't animate with the paint bucket tool.
Pretty well. How have you been?
Eh, can't complain, June gloom is finally over and the sun is back out again, perfect time for the beach and the park. Any thing you've been working on? are ya still working on animations?
God why is she so sexy?
Sounds neat. Nothing too specific, just using some of this Summer time for new drawings. With Frida, she could look nice with a bubble butt.
I'm sure you'll have fun drawing her, I think she fits your style, and if you enjoy drawing her check out the other Female characters from El Tigre Like Zoe/Black Cuervo, Voltura or Plata Peligrosa The show was full of fun, cute and creative character designs.
>Europeans do a better job at keeping my questionable thread alive than Americans
They're already sat in ranking order.
I like young looking girls with big fat titties, do I belong in jail m8's?
well I am south american and it is 3:38 am right here. I am also gonna be the future president of my country so feel free to come by after I abolish the age of consent
>tfw you literally had your sexual awakening to tough girl molly wearing revealing clothing and can not reconcile the fact that I find her attractive and yet am disturbed "pedo" age now
Take me away officer
You are like 80 percent of the population. Unless you're talking about yordles or something.
El tigre, P&F... is that chalkzone on the end there?
normal google searches wont find it so you gotta be super specific with it
She cute
I agree. And yeah, Zoe was a cutie. Voltura has some thick thighs here.
She should show more skin. Her thighs at least.
based trips