How does a puppet with a static face manage to be more expressive than most comedians?

How does a puppet with a static face manage to be more expressive than most comedians?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's all about delivery and motion/action

>blue berries are FUCKING PURPLE
finally someone said it.

If I remember correctly it has something to do with the way the human mind will fill in the gaps of images it sees. The brain sees something resembling a face and body language so the brain fills in exactly what is needed to perceive it as such. Meanwhile with an actual human with a real face and real body language we not only see those things but we also see the natural flaws it has where as our artificial creation had none

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People just project shit onto simplified faces. It's not rocket science.

I'd call them indigo.

George Carlin literally said it on the first ever episode of Saturday Night Live.

the static face is what makes tried expression funny
seeing a deadeyed kermit freak out is far more funnier than seeing a comedian freak out, it's silly and simple

>yfw "and that's where the story... should end..."

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George Carlin said it decades ago.

>yfw Morgan starts laughing like the baritone kookaburra and is yielding a sledgehammer

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-George Carlin, 1932

Kuleshov Effect but amplified by 100. theoretically speaking, these same puppets can also be used to make something pretty scary or dramatic.

Would've been way funnier if he didn't cuss.

How about sexy?

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The very energetic puppetry methods Jim Henson popularized are super expressive. Exaggerated motion picks up the slack left by simple designs, and your brain fills in the rest.

yeah it's brain science


Randy is probably the funniest fucking comedian I've seen in years, I hope he gets more recognition.

What the fuck is this?

He really is, Randy Writes a Book is amazing.

He's fantastic i love him

What is this from

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literally search "randy puppet" on youtube you fugging dingus

Don't swear.


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A youtuber puppet act named Patsy May.

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>I'm a vegan
>You see it's all got to do with something called carnism

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Disgusting mongrel

Puppetry is the most entertainment art form

half of it is the voice, we are designed to read a lot more than we realize on tone, timber and mood of of someone's voice and with that information our brain fills in the blanks in his face

It was pretty obvious that the story was fake but the way he tells it is what sells it.

You love it.

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This works by virtue of having amazing puppeteer(s) and an amazing voice actor (I don't suppose they're the same person, but I might be wrong). Motion and voice combined is what makes Randy so lively and amazing.

it's incredible all the little mannersims that they manage to give him, far beyond most puppets i've seen.
the way he scratches the back of his head, or he will rest his hands on the desk and when he moves his hands will remain "gripping" the desk, all contribute to give him very naturalistic body language

Often they are the same person... it's harder to sync the mouth movements, otherwise.

Look I liked this video too but it is in noway even remotely related to Yea Forums at all so fuck off. I hate how modern Yea Forums is just /b2/.

Puppets have always be Yea Forums newfag.

Does this puppet fuck Arlo.

>not wanting to fuck puppets
I didn't realize that I share a board with plebs who cant appreciate women of cloth and stuffing.

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It's not a comic or a cartoon, dumbass.

It's a simulation of life via an inanimate visual medium, ignoramus.
(and also Moot declared it to be truth long ago)

Oh, don't be silly, that would never happen!

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This board isn't for simulations, it's for comics and cartoons.

>cartoons and comics aren't a simulation of life via an inanimate visual medium
You don't HAVE to be a brainlet to post here, but it helps.

Puppets are Yea Forums whether you like it or not.

Squares and rectangles. This board is for comics and cartoons, is this puppet a comic or a cartoon? You keep trying to move goalposts to this simulation thing but again this board isnt for simulations it's for comics and cartoons.

Nigga, did you make this just now?
Google image search ain't turnin' up nothin'.

If so, nice. But also what the fuck.

Are you the same user bitching about Godzilla being /m/ ?

Nah, I made it in a previous puppet thread, but it was only posted there. Don't know if many people noticed.

No but thanks for telling me you're autistic enough to be in two arguments on two boards at the same time, that's a pretty low standard for yourself.

I raise you pic related.
Also fuck you puppets are Yea Forums related dumbass.

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Now that the dust has settled, was Muppets Tonight really THAT bad?

Hes not cursing, hes just Aussie.

You're not raising me anything, that's a comic. Randy is not a comic. What part of this is too hard for you to understand?

It's on Yea Forums silly.

Well if you clearly know everything, what board should puppet related media go to then?

Thanks for your redundant commentary sperg

>miss piggy in a bikini
That's a winner in my book.

>that's a comic
Incredibly low standards on display again. I'm sorry I impressed you so much by identifying panelled media. But hey pro tip, if you can't figure out a board then Yea Forums is appropriate. Yea Forums is not /b2/ where you just dump shit you can't figure out.

Hey man, not the guy your replying to, but I just wanted to thank you. All of your replies and bumps have helped to make this a successful thread, and I think you should be congratulated. It obvious that you're the biggest puppet fan here to have stepped up and participated so heavily in this thread. It's great to have someone who cares as much as you do. Excellent job!

>being this much of a tightass
>wanting shit to be posted to Yea Forums
Are you genuinely retarded? Like it or not, puppets are honorary Yea Forums.

Listen, puppets are either Yea Forums or Yea Forums, and if Sneed's taught me anything, Yea Forums is a fate worse than death.

Newfag doesn't know what sage is and thinks the two puppet porn posts in between this are a "successful thread"

So which are they, a comic or a cartoon? You've dodged that about 5 times now. And I don't care what's posted on Yea Forums because I don't go there. I go here, for comics and cartoons. Not live action standup.

Cartoons and comics are just simulations made of 2D drawings

I don't give a shit. "I ruined my board and now I'm going to just pick another at total random and decide I belong there" is not a valid reason.

What part of that makes you think this applies to Randy.

>I go here, for comics and cartoons. Not live action standup.
Then just hide the fucking thread dumbass. You came into here knowing puppets would be posted and are yelling at us for posting.
Hide thread or Shift+ Left Click exists for a reason newfag.

No. That's not how this works. You fuck off back to whatever board you came from. "Just accept you're on /b2/ now" is not a valid argument.

Thoughts on latex puppetry like Les Guignols?

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So much detail goes into the production design

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It's a tv show user, what board do live action tv shows belong on? Is it Yea Forums?

Reminds me of than the animatronic from that I feel fantastic video.

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Puppetry threads are allowed.
Dark Crystal threads pop up all the time

/pol/ threads pop up all the time too, NSFW as well, plenty of other shit that doesn't belong. Still not an excuse. Is Randy a comic, or is he a cartoon? 6th time I've asked you now.

Why so strict? Yeah fuck /pol/ threads masquerading as Yea Forums threads and nsfw threads are just something you sort of expect.
So fucking what if puppets get posted here. They're somewhat intertwined with cartoons so yeah. Stop being a strict fuck user and let people post. Not like its gonna be the death of the board.

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Only a newfag believes that sage does anything since your comment guarantees non-saged replies. Face it, you're the biggest and best puppet fan here, and the only way you could possibly get rid of this thread is by not posting in it. Every single time you reply, you're only helping this thread. So, thanks again!

In what way at all are puppet "intertwined" with cartoons? It's not that strict at all, I'm not telling you to not post it at all or that you're evil for liking puppets, I'm telling you to post it on another board. What the fuck is the problem with going to another board? Do you just have some were tribalist association with Yea Forums that you have to make all of your activity on Yea Forums fit here? Just post it on another board for fucks sake, it's not that hard. You could've had a normal thread without me in it on another board.


Thoughts on Laika?

We're up to 4 posts ITT since this started that aren't about this argument so no still not helping anything and still isn't a "successful thread".

Where do you think you are fuckwit?

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Yea Forums
Where do you think you are?

When does she bring it up?

See now this is 3x not related to Yea Forums at all. NSFW, performers, and puppets.

A couple of times in NYSU, Once in THPM, and I'm scouting through some old footage rn. Could be wrong though, maybe bathroom humor is just the act. Although, I'm pretty sure there's something up with Victor Yerrid. Gonna scout through his work soon.

Randy is now Yea Forums
shut the fuck up

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based drawfag

That's not what makes things Yea Forums

shut up bitch

Oh no that actually worked guess I'll be going now since you've bested me

Its a cartoon though

ha gottem

It's fanart. That makes the fanart Yea Forums and has no effect on Randy at all.

Look, Moot designated puppets to be Yea Forums a long time ago. This was the decision of the owner of the site. Until the new owner changes the rule, puppets are Yea Forums, and that's that.

>inb4 they say "whos moot" or "i dont give a shit what moot says"

post some good randy clips

Yea Forums is for comics and cartoons, full stop. Any caveat to that is delusion plain and simple.

So, since Kermit left Piggy for a younger broad does that mean she's available?
Because I'd pork her like it was nobody's business

Just watching him for the first time after this thread. I like how expansive and colorful his vocabulary is, but I also wonder how he works. Seems like you would need three hands to operate him, but he's synchronizing his movements with his speech so well even during impromptu moments that it doesn't seem like he could be operated by two people.


if a puppet pleasured you with it's mouth, would that be a hand job or a blow job?

Like anybody gives a damn.

A blowjob to the puppet, and a handjob to the performer. To you? It depends on who you consider to be pleasuring you.

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I am honored to be in the presence of the modern era's greatest philosophers.

We can't have these threads on Yea Forums because, aside from the fact that that board becomes more of a shithole by the day, they'd have some autist like you shouting "Nyerrgh, dis idn't telebidin or fee-ulm. Go bak 2 /ko/."

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Puppetry is a form of animation.

Western animation is Yea Forums.

End of story, now go fuck off.

We truly live in the greatest age

It is literally television though. It's on TV.

Oh shit I forgot we have to project all our media on a tarp made of unsold issues of Gwenpool to make something Yea Forums, thanks for reminding me.

Good thing is board isnt comics and cartoons and animation. Its just comics and cartoons.

I have literally no idea what you're trying to say. Comics and cartoons are Yea Forums, that is all. Yea Forums isn't "whatever random crap people on Yea Forums dont want to post there".

Literally any fucking animation that isn't explicitly anime is Yea Forums you absolute autist. It's been like that since this boards conception and it'll be like that until Hiroshimoot shuts us the fuck down.

This is why you keep getting denied a mod/janitor position, no one fucking likes you or gives a shit about what you have to say here. Not in the puppetry thread. Not in the DBZ thread. Not in the Power Rangers thread. No one cares, nothing you do here matters and this will never change. Now, I'll say it again: Fuck off.

Yea Forums is comics and cartoons, full stop. You're objectively wrong, and I didn't even read whatever you said after the first sentence.

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>You're objectively wrong, and I didn't even read whatever you said after the first sentence.
Just because you can't think of a comeback doesn't mean you can pretend to be retarded, user. That's grade school shit.

Anyway, back to the subject at hand, speaking of puppets, anyone watching Defuncyland's miniseries on Jim Henson?

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This. Puppetry is just mime work with a hand.

I don't need to think if a comeback, my win condition here isn't being more clever or easier because I can just be correct. Yea Forums is for comics and cartoons, full stop. That is fully correct in it's own right and I don't need a snappy slogan to make it work.

>Yea Forums is for comics and cartoons, full stop
The administrator says otherwise. Arguing against the rules doesn't make you correct.

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No, you say otherwise. Look to the rules, and the name of the board. Yea Forums is for comics and cartoons.

I'd put a bun in that little felt oven.

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And yet the mods never touch threads like this! Interesting, isn't it? But hey, if you know better than the mods, why not apply to be one so you can really show us all what for?

Oh wait, you got rejected.

Mods don't do shit and you know it. People post porn that stays up for hours. You told me to check the rules but you didn't look yourself and see puppets not mentioned at all. Yea Forums is for comics and cartoons.

Why are you so against puppets being posted here? If the administration of the past and the current one says its animation, leave it be. Next thing you'll tell me I cant post Yea Forums reaction images on here because "its not cartoons or comics" you sperg.

How now, brown cow?

I'd storytime it, but I don't have time tongiht.

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Is Randy a comic or is he a cartoon? Which one? Because its neither, and this board is for comics and cartoons.

I hate when cartoonists and art teachers insist you need to add more human facial features, or in fact any facial features at all for a character to be expressive. Body language covers EVERYTHING and can even be much more appealing.

>The brain sees something resembling a face and body language so the brain fills in exactly what is needed to perceive it as such
'Pareidolia', if you're curious

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He's animation, and therefore a cartoon by definition. There, now please go get a life.

Aside from the fact that didnt answer my fucking question. Randy is technically a form of animation you twat as everyone has stated numerous times.
Why are puppets not a form of animation to you, and why do you seem to want to force that upon others when everyone else pretty much is in agreement you're the asshole here.

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This board isnt comics and animations, its comics and cartoons. Is he a comic or is he a cartoon?

He's a cartoon.

Incorrect. He's live action.

There are both Muppet comics and cartoons, so kiss my ass.

>Randy us a muppet
That's a big kek. Seriously the lengths you people are reaching to to try to redefine and excuse is rediculous. He's not a comic or a cartoon, open and shut. Fuck off already.

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No, you deliberately came to a board to post unrelated crap and are surprised when you're told to fuck off. Other way around, retard.

What do you guys think of Blark and Son?


Spitting Image did it better,,,

They are pretty great, the puppets are fucking creepy looking though

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Just so you know, your autism has kept this thread alive

Yeah because this tired shitpost worked so well the first four times, it's clearly highly effective. The only autistic ones here are the ones stubbornly avoiding admitting that Randy isn't a comic or a cartoon.

I mean who does this thread hurt for being here aside from your autism

i'd call them dark bluish violet

I don't know, who would it hurt to put it where it belongs? And yet you're still here, wasting everyone's time and trying to force your shit where it doesn't belong.

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You are literally the only person that cares, and the only reason anyone responds to you at all is because we find your autism fucking hilarious. But no, keep bumping a thread that would have died twelve fucking hours ago without your bitching, you're sure to get through to us one of these posts!

>inb4 "MUH SAGE"
The replies you've gotten negate any benefit sage has you absolute fucking walnut, have a nice day and please keep replying, I need the laugh.

>has been told multiple times moot (the site founder) declared puppets to be a form of animation, thus can be posted to Yea Forums
>chooses to ignore it thinking he knows better

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A safe for work board. Cussing is not safe for work. Cease.

>there are newfags who think this
Kindly fuck off mate. Just because its a work safe board doesnt mean nobody cant cuss.

Stop cussing and do not use homophobic slurs.

puppets are Yea Forums

this has been asked ans answered many times.

fuck off.

To bad about the parts where he stops being funny in a pointless attempt to be deep and meaningful.

Also he's a Vegan who thinks Peas and other vegetables actual provide the proper protein we need.

no they fucking arent

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Your imagination fills in the blanks


>he doesn't want to fuck a muppet

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up for puppets

Yeah, watching his whole comedy special, he really needs to drop the """deep""" shit and stick to comedy.


who likes back bacon?

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The best meat is in the rump!

>ywn be a master puppeteer


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>First off- don't call your son Brayden.

It's been too long since a good puppet show graced the airwaves. I wish someone was talented enough to produce something watchable.

No way fag.

>Who are we ma?
>I couldn't care less.
I need more of these outtakes.

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>tfw too lazy to make gifs

Because puppeteers are trained to make puppets appear expressive and lifelike, so they put more effort into it. A regular comedian doesn't get that sort of training, so he just acts how he acts.

Puppetry uses many of the typical techniques and philosophies about expression, body language and exaggeration associated with animation and cartooning.

It's core values follow that more akin to animation then live action because the basic thought process behind puppetry is making an abstract (or "cartoony") figure in being able to be easily comprehensive rather then actually realistic.

People who say puppets don't belong in Yea Forums are objectively fags.