Reminder that Batman is into femdom like a huge emasculated faggot.
Reminder that Batman is into femdom like a huge emasculated faggot
Me too
I'm just like Batman
he's also a shotacon
Femdom is one step alway from cuckoldery and legit faggotry.
Someone should have contacted child services as soon as they saw Dick Robin with those Short's.
Why? Dick was never in any risk. Stop being cynical.
Grug scared of Grogitas. Grogitas make Grug weak.
what's wrong with his shorts?
I'd like it very much for Catwoman and Wonder Woman to to me up and whip me into shape.
>it's an incel attempts to talk about sex episode
>it's a "faggot calls someone an incel on Yea Forums of all places" episode
>being gay
I adore that this guy got a job drawing comic books. Holy shit.
I can't believe he and the innocentdickgirls artist are working at DC at the same time
Is there anything more pathetic than a maledom faggot who's so insecure about his masculinity that he thinks the woman being in control sexually makes him gay?
Wanting to be dominated and controlled by women IS gay, No self respecting man are into that. Nor women enjoy this. They see fags like that as pathetic.
When will InCase work for DC?
You are either projecting too hard or baiting too hard
Shameful display
Almost all femdom ends up in pegging. How is that not gay?
It's easily one of my favorite things. It makes me want to read more DC imprints.
didn't read lol
post more Jahy
>wanting, as a man, to have sex with a woman is homosexual
So dont do pegging?
Superman would never be into femdom. Superman >>> Batman.
>Superman would never be into femdom
you can't convince me that Wonder Woman and Lois Lane have never dommed Superman.
No, because Superman is stronger than and have been shown dominating her in every that depicted as a pairing. He knows what women want and to act as a man.
Shit taste
Based black Steve. Fuck this femdom shit.
user gay comes from same sex relationships, not anal stimulation
But try again
t. someone who's into pegging
>implying that’s bad or gay
You like giving ass, user.
Femdom can exist without pegging tho.
same but my parents are alive
You double nigger, do you even know how sexual relationships work? You don't need to be a specifically strong to dominate, nor be weak to be dominated.
Oh wondy
Yeah, well, so is Clark.
The legion gals took turns pegging him and you know it. Don't even imagine what triplicate girl did to him.
>implying that's bad or gay
No dick, no homo
I dunno man, they got a lot of Kryptonite dildos in the future?
Femdom is the ultimate fantasy: A powerful woman.
Based Hrvat. Pa se porocen je. Srecko.
Superman still was never shown to be into that gay shit.
is she trying to seduce homo erectus?
>sex with women is actually gay
totally not an incel!
You are 100% a bottom
Dose he have any obvious favorites he'd want to write for?
I know he did those Powergirl(male) pieces, what else?
more sejic bondage! I desire it
It's not gay if it's with a woman. You could easily tell that maybe he wouldn't be into that because he's a vanilla farm person, but I wouldn't doubt he would try it any time.
>Massive control freak
>Constantly has to put on a front
>Hasn't unclenched his ass since at least 1986
>Mommy issues all over
All things considered, I'd be surprised if Batman wasn't into femdom.
nah, triplicate girl likes them chunky
however brainiac 5 probably watched whatever happened through his extensive spycam network
Fuck no. Superman is only into maledom. None of that gay creepy shit.
I'd imagine he's into it when Lois pushes him back and rides him like a rodeo bull, that sort of thing when his notoriously willful and stubborn wife takes charge, but nothing like the kind of shit Selina would do to Bruce.
Here's a fun fact for you. I know a few girls that are into the kink dungeon scene. One of them professionally involved.
Most of the men that are into emasculation (apparantly) are extremely well off, hyper dominate, and would probably fuck you in the ass irl. They are only submissive in this stuff because it's the only way they can feel vulnerable and not in controll of a situation. Irl they are alphas.
And most men that are into being super dominate in the scene, usually don't have their shit together or are living pretty ordinary lives. It's the only place where they feel any dominance or control over something. So pretty much huge betas.
Anyway this is just stuff I've been told
>/u/shit in a femdom bait thread
Shut the fuck up.
hit a little close to home huh
batman would obviously be a sub
you think superman ever exposed himself to red kryptonite just so he could fuck lois without having to constantly monitor himself to make sure she wouldn't get hurt?
>vaginal sex with a woman
Nice bait
>Lara Croft Wonder Woman lesdom
Why do you do this to me user and is there more
there's a few more pieces
the OP artist invented/popularised it i believe.
>red kryptonite
You mean red sunlight? Because that's how they made Jon and how Jon was born instead of busting out of Lois' womb like a Xenomorph
>you think superman ever exposed himself to red kryptonite just so he could fuck lois without having to constantly monitor himself to make sure she wouldn't get hurt?
Naturally, its probably the only way he could cum
Fucking this. But let's be honest, did you ever expected that most of Yea Forums would understand anything about sex?
When I got told this stuff, it seemed so common sense afterwords. The male doms ussually show up in a shitty used car. And some of the male subs will actually fly girls out their location, treat them to a few nights out,
fuck didnt finish the message
treat them to a few nights out, pay them a shitload of money for a few hours play, and then fly them back home.
The male subs are the big fish clients
That's because they're insecure and have nothing to flaunt then their money. They're beta money that dedicated their lives to the pursuit of money. Most are later bloomers.
I don't blame you much for not reading Convergence, but that's not what happened.
Clark and Lois were stuck under a Brainiac dome that had power suppressors for a year.
He was effectively human for the duration, and Jon's powers didn't kick in until he was 8 or 9.
>have lots of money
>be insecure
Do you think thats how it works
Yes. They're insecure because they know they don't the looks, the experience, nor the attitude.
He's just trying to make his faggotry appealing. Bunch of lies.
aww this post made me feel sad
Superman dealing with Wonder Woman: A CHAD.
Batman dealing with Wonder Woman: A PATHETIC LITTLE MAN.
And there are faggots that prefer this.
Any submissive girls around Gotham?
Magpie will probably do anything for shinies.
I also love femdom. I need it.
And Ivy is VERY good at it.
>Batman is into femdom
>Any submissive girls around Gotham?
So how often does he sub?
I distinctly recall someone in Arkham giving her shinies in exchange for sex.
The fetish for a man unable or unwilling to perform in his natural role.
Ivy is the Momdom of gotham
Only the weak don't want to experience the full spectrum of sexual acts
The truest man can switch between being dommed and domming at a moments notice, by the man woman or other of their choice. All while being sexually desired by all those around them
Literally no one likes beta males
>submit to loving authority
you know, all kinky shit aside, it's interesting that someone actually remembered that bit from the amazonian political doctrine.
If only it was more commonly used.
Batgirl wants the same as Batman. Both of them are bottoms.
ASBAR was fucking based
who the hell wrote this, Bendis?
>who the hell wrote this
Frank Miller.
Submissive twinks are the best to fuck
I have a few pages. I'm a huge faggot and like Diana thinner in general but this is so cute I love it.
Feels like whoever wrote this isn't too fond of Wonder Woman.
To me femdom is only fun when the girl is genuinely into it
Otherise it might feel pointless
last one
This is stupid and cheesy and I'm smiling very hard.
Read Sunstone if you want more and haven't already.
Too late.
>you ain't foolin' no one
So...he is fooling some people?
I want to protect that smile
Too fucking bad almost every woman is a hard sub who hates the idea of being a dom.
That or they're borderline insane and the act of domming is fighting the patriarchy instead of good fun between two adults.
Fucking hate that shit.
This is a cursed earth indeed.
Ollie also has to take orders in the bedroom.
Stejpan is the most casual comic professional I can think of and his fans are smooth brain retards.
>most casual comic professional
But what does it mean?
You say that when Sean Murphy created a story out of his own fanfic understanding of Batman. At the very least Sejic does some research and how he write the characters isn't far from what they actually are.
Exactly what it sounds like? His experience with the characters he writes seems to extend as far as the depictions in the cartoons, every character he creates is a walking stereotype of themselves and none of them extend further than what makes his dick hard.
Well, yes. That's why they're on Deviantart.
>he write the characters isn't far from what they actually are
Are you stupid or just disabled? He writes every character as the punchline to some "haha comics are wacky!" joke that makes them all sound like quipping retards. His Harley and Ivy book is going to be a flat understanding of the characters for 16 pages so he can get to the Skinimax "sex" scene he's masturbated to for 20 years in his mind and the characters will ultimately be lesser for it.
And it'd be great if they stayed there, but those WW/Lara pictures had Gail Simone fellating him, so expect a joint bowel movement from them by 2022.
This. Harley has decades of stories written by highly talented writers and the character's nuance and psychological depth is going to be throw to the wolves to satisfy some pervert's boner.
I hope he dies! DIES!
>Simone/Sejic collaboration
Hey that's great, Simone's a good writer and Sejic draws girls I can fap to. It'll be Birds of Prey all over again!
Simone hasn't been a good writer SINCE Birds of Prey which was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. Everything since then has been middling at best, stupid at worst, and I have zero hope for which one this will be.
Harley sucks but Ivy has been completely defanged since loud retards turned her into Harley's arm candy. The book will be more of the same and Ivy will be made worse and worse.
>SINCE Birds of Prey
She did do Secret Six after BoP but I can see where you're coming from.
Was that not the same year? I must be getting my dates wrong. My point is that Gail Simone hasn't put out anything of exceptional quality in over a decade and putting a casualcore writer with a casualcore artist will produce...
What's the word that's the opposite of casual, user? What is it that you approve of? Arcane?
I don't have a word for it, I don't think anyone does. I just want people who make comics to have a general understanding and passion for the characters they write that doesn't come from hyperbolic meme comics they read on Tumblr or Facebook.
You must live in constant pain because nobody cares about anything except their next paycheck.
There are still a few people you can feel passion from, that one rare diamond ot lightning in a bottle from a hack makes the rough around it less upsetting.
Can you imagine reading comics you like and then maybe discussing them?
Yes, but complaining about the things I dislike makes me feel better about my own powerlessness to effect them.
Well whine away then.
>Sex with a woman
>is gay
you're dumb bro.
False, he is not a shotacon. He just lends them to other women is all
He's been drawing comics for a long time now
Idk, I have a friend who has a shit ton of money ($195k/yr, senior software developer for a very large firm that requires a security clearance) and he is extremely insecure, especially about hos height. I'm in the process of getting my shit together, but he's actually told me he's jealous of me because I "took more risks earlier in life and have more interesting stories."
I think the kinkster talking upthread is speaking some truth, but it's a gross generalization, and people's lives generally have more nuance than that.
Manlets, when will they learn