193 will be the last issue
The Walking Dead is over
Other urls found in this thread:
>not 200
son of a bitch
So did they ever do anything about the 'everyone is infected and if you die you will rise' thing or what?
Doesn't this still sell pretty well? Or was it more of a creative decision?
>I love this world too much to stretch things out until it doesn’t live up to what I want it to be
You had no problem stretching out unnecessaryly before.
Perhaps the real Walking Dead were the friends me made along the way.
this would have more emotion impact for me if the comic hadn’t been shit dragged on for the longest time
>Perhaps the real Walking Dead were the friends that were killed along the way.
Should have ended with aliens.
Yes, TWD still sells well. So it is weird that Kirkman has decided it end it all. I mean, it ain’t like he has been against stretching the series out. Maybe he has gotten bored of the series and wants to end it. Maybe AMC pissed him off somehow also which influenced his decision to end it all.
193? They can't get 7 more out to get to 200?
it subverts your expectations
Hopefully it ends well and not rushed
Supposedly it was supposed to go to 300 issues and the show is only on the 130s or something.
Hopefully this means the show can also rap up before 2030
Now I can catch up again.
he should have given Rick superpowers imo
>Maybe AMC pissed him off somehow also which influenced his decision to end it all.
Maybe it's because the show is basically done. I haven't watched the show in forever, but I always thought killing Rick was something they'd save for the end.
That pisses me off the most, but if it's a legit ending and not rushed I'm good with it.
They didn't actually kill him off. He's been taken by a group that's also appeared in Fear The Walking Dead.
Did they ever start rebuilding society or was it still the loop of wander->find place that seems safe->actually it's fucked up->violence->wandering again, rinse and repeat
Cause I remember at the start Kirkman talked about how he hated that zombie movies had to end and I feel like you either get stuck in a loop or advance beyond the zombies
Kirkman now has more money than god so he has the option of moving onto something else without worrying about money rather than milking it to death
People who die come back and die again?
Kek, just shows are badly planned out this is.
I think it's sad that the comics ends suddenly right after the worst fucking arc. Just garbage,
>Invincible is over
>TWD is over
What is Kirkman even doing anymore
Didnt they reveal 194-196 recently? Were those red herrings or are they just not happening anymore?
Cashing cheques from people writing his IP's under the Skybound imprint of Image
Retiring. Can't blame him for that, but jesus just go to 200.
He's rich, he can afford to not do anything.
They live in a society of connected cities
>rap up
I miss him
wat, nothing has been established for an ending. We never even found out what caused the apocalypse. All of this has been a waste of time then.
Fake solicits.
How long ago did I miss the peak time to sell my copy of #1? I sadly never got all the issues, started around 20. Then a few years ago I stopped getting weekly comics due to moving and shit in my life. Ended up falling behind on the series and was gonna switch to trades.
>We never even found out what caused the apocalypse
Of all the things you could be unsatisfied with it's the detail that has always mattered the least in zombie fiction?
So it is one of three options:
1)Kirkman is bored and wants to move to another project and/or spinoff.
2) Sales numbers have plummeted now that the show has been in zombie mode for a few seasons. Image wants to save the extra bump to numbers they can get by ending now.
3) The "mainline" story ends and get get an effective time jump that is far enough in the future that all current main characters are dead. Think 100-200 years later where humanity is making serious inroads at rebuilding and trying to figure out how the zombie plague happened in the first place.
>Not 200
That's a weird choice.
Almost positive this is just due to Kirkman being bored of the book. It has been meandering and running on empty for years now.
I can't really blame him though, he has spoken at great lengths about wanting to write other stories. (He spent a comic-con spitballing a fantasy setting he wanted to do once.)
Does anyone actually read Outcast?
>Kirkman saved the Diamond monopoly
>Sagas not back yet either!
Do we want it back? It already peaked and its a downhill ride from there.
>saved Diamond
So this IS the worst timeline.
Yeah, Image is basically fucked. It has been kept afloat by Walking Dead and Saga. No way Invincible sells that month in residuals and I doubt any other book they currently have is really evergreen.
I expect a big creator search soon if they can spare the money.
>"There will be no deaths in issue 200."
>"I have enough material for 300 issues."
>Covers for 194 and 195 are out there.
Bravo, Kirkman.
Sucks the last compendium is coming out and there's the last issue not collected in it...
That's the best part.
Yeah, Saga has been edgy trash for awhile, we know.
Any chance this is Kirkman losing the rights or partially losing the rights to the series? Didn't a big lawsuit happen a few years back where the original artist claimed that he stole his share of the IP and profits?
Euch. I can't believe you liked this comic, Yea Forums.
that series has been nothing but sjw shit for a long time now
>Any chance this is Kirkman losing the rights or partially losing the rights to the series?
That lawsuit (between Kirkman and original artist Tony Moore) was settled in 2012. Kirkman owns TWD completely, unless he sells it to someone which is possible.
To be fair, it lures you in the first couple of arcs.
TWD? I never really saw it as SJW. What makes you say that?
The character designs look pretty shit.
If Negan doesn't make an appearance I will be royally pissed.
I seriously wonder how much of this is the show tanking really hard the last few years.
Everything has dropped immensely in quality since Glenn died.
His brain worms
And how much to they oppress gamers there?
When it comes down to it, the first season of The Walking Dead game is the best thing this franchise has given the world.
>tfw pic related appears in the background and survives
How would user react?
>“THE FARMHOUSE” Out in the countryside, trouble is brewing for a certain someone.
>“LAST SHOT” Meet Sheriff Kapoor… if you dare.
>“THE SWORDSMAN STRIKES” This is the end of the line—but for whom?
Zombies will just break through the gates and eat everyone because it's realistic that way. :^)
The key word there is "liked". It starts out good.
All out war was great and the comic should have ended there. The concept of the whisperers was interesting but their arc is where the quality began to drop. Commonwealth was the nail in the coffin.
>Solicits have never been faked before.
So any real theory as to why the zombie plague happened in the first place? And how everyone on the planet was infected around the same time?
Oh, I'm not saying it's not faked. I'm just saying that's what they are.
Aliens until proven otherwise.
There’s queers in it user! Bullshit like that is enough to make this assholes scream SJW. Just look at The Dragon Prince threads. Always that one retard complaining about there being queers.
He only watches the show
It doesn't matter and never has mattered.
>i am a hero is set in the walking dead universe
The only things that could possibly work at this point are Aliens showering the earth with a virus or something supernatural in origin. (Like the classic hell filling up)
I miss season 1 Kenny. Season 2 Kenny may as well be his long lost twin cousin.
Well I mean, where else to go? It kind of seems like there aren't that many more places to go.
>Rick is dead
>He managed to create a functioning society
>They've encountered and established contact with an even more successful society
>The amount of zombies seems to have dropped signifigantly to the point where lone crazy people like Negan and Princess can survive just fine
>The last known group of lunatics have been dealt with
Just about the only thing missing is either a vaccine that prevents the dead from coming back or the revelation that people born after the outbreak won't come back, something along those lines.
The last panel of the series will be a flashback to some greys in orbit around earth in a generic flying saucer going "Whoops!" and accidentally spreading something into earths atmosphere.
It absolutely matters.
The mode of infection would be a massive point for humanity as it rebuilds.
I wouldn't mind that. Then skip ahead a few centuries after all the zombies are dust and show the empty world.
>issue 194 is Rick waking up in a hospital bed during an alien invasion
Don't chimpanzees rape?
Aliens is the best guess at this point. Even Kirkman seems to like the "Aliens spread the virus worldwide and will return in about 50-100 years to strip mine and/or colonize the planet" option.
Something supernatural like Demons/Magic could be possible, but the tone of the story doesn't fit it at all.
Remember when Noctis fought Negan?
They already did that.
This comic stopped being good a long time ago anyway.
Best singer. Prove me wrong.
Remember when Magna was introduced and her character never went anywhere? Remember when Negan's cell was open and that never led anywhere? Remember when Negan "joined" the Whisperers and that led to nothing but another boring war?
>find settlement
>humans fuck it up somehow
>zombies attack
>move on/rebuild
I mean there's only so many things you can do with zombies. The conceit of TWD was a zombie story that didn't end but I think about halfway through the run Kirkman realized there's not much else you can do without going full Z Nation tier silly.
Maybe he should have brought in the aliens that he originally pitched to Diamond?
Where is this from?
Why did they use the TV incarnation as the basis? I know the show is more well known but Negan does look far more intimidating in the comics.
Issue 75. It was a 6 page back up by Ryan Ottley just for fun that happens right at the cliffhanger of 75. It was never reprinted I believe. I have the issue and can take some pics if you want.
Now we’ll never see nigga Rick
It's not available online so yeah hit me
She was so hot.
i wouldn't get your hopes up as it is going to be a very rush ending. he'll probably try to cram everything into this issue alone such as Rick's funeral, some time skip midway through the issue, surprise Negan guest appearance, etcetera.
If they dont fix that or add the last issue in the Hardcover because of this I’m getting rid of all of them
I don't think AMC pissed off Kirkman but seeing where the television series went and was going especially after Lincoln left and they went for a soft reboot during the back half of season nine, maybe, Kirkman had an epiphany of sorts that he doesn't want the comic to succumb to the same fate. Maybe the fake issue with Officer Kapoor aka black!Rick was Kirkman self-deprecatingly mocking himself.
>We never even found out what caused the apocalypse.
If you're concerned about that bit of information, then you missed the entire point of what The Walking Dead was about.
was i the only one hoping that Negan was gonna be white hot as a babyface like Roddy piper in 87
for those of you to remember that face turn
i'm making a reference only I can truly get
based user
>Negan isn't in the new issue
FUCK Kirkman
>Sales already dwindling.
>About to lose the bigger one of the two things keeping it afloat.
Pour one out for one of the "Big Three," bros.
So WD had an awful rushed ending just like Invincible.
what the fuc
I'm gonna bring this point up again:
piper was WHITE HOT when he turned face in 87
this seems like some jumping the shark shit
I'm hearing that the final page of the issue was leaked and Carl was on it. Does anyone have evidence to back this up?
Sounds like an excuse for crappy writing
Kirkman is so far up his own ass.
Tell that to George Romero's ghost.
You know that won't be the case at all.
I think she's underaged
Jesus the art in this series is so bad.
Its a joke.
God, that would have been perfect.
Remember he said he was crying on the airplane while Killing off Andrea?
Yeah, but also helped save the comics industry and countless retailers. As awful as the diamond monopoly is, killing that parasite would kill the industry itself.
Fake. it's not ending just yet.
He did the same thing with Invincible
>We never even found out what caused the apocalypse.
A wizard did it
Rick isn't dead in the show, they wanted to make movies with him
Well, then. Fuck Kirkman, and fuck his comics.
It's for the compendiums, dummies. He already pulled this before and aspies still sperg about it.
He's literally writing three other comics right now
At least Negan lives
>with no infetterence at all along the way
I don’t even think that’s a word.
Post the fidget spinner page. That one was even more egregious.
I mentioned this in one of the Iceman threads but it amazes me that a seemingly even-keeled and good natured guy like Kirkman begat such indignant retards as Aubrey Sitterson and Sina Grace upon the industry.
This implies that Negan doesn't even show up in the final issue so I'm at least mad about that
The industry needs to die so it can be reborn as something better.
Dolphins are the rapists of the Sea, and possibly even more rapey than us, even.
Donald Duck was a huge rapist, too, I'm sorry to tell you.
shit taste.
What animals rape each other all the time.
Fun fact, if a stalion is near a pregnant mare who is fathering someone else's child he will fuck her she miscarries.
He doesn't. It makes me not want to read the last issue.
Kirkman finally accepts he ran out of ideas years ago?
I can't believe I used to like this series. It was so long ago. Everything after the Governor's first arc is boring and stupid.
I never liked Saga. I never liked its art. The characters were stupid and the story was dumb.
How many pages will this final issue be? It's still listed as $4 in my LCS.
~72 pages is what I've seen
Everything during and aftwr All-Out War is boring.
Nice. Hopefully they don't change the price.
They probably will as a final subversion of our expectations.
After this, the retailers might try to pull a fast one.
>fidget spinner page
This shit is why nobody takes comics serious wew lad
Remember when Kirkman dropped a completely new ongoing without soliciting it? This isn't his first time pulling this kind of thing, he can probably get away with it because of
Nothing wrong with fidget spinners, they keep you focused.
God I've been reading this manga too and I realize the writing is so shitty but there's something about it that keeps me reading it and I don't know what it is. It's like really cheap liquor.
That sums up a lot of manga/comics desu. They're the fast food of entertainment.
Some series are more bingeable than others, a few are a chore to sit through while you can speed-read through many more. That's basically what makes them entertaining and tolerable in the end, since you're never held back by some bad sequences.
>writing for the fucking compendium
well somehow that's even more retarded than writing for the trade
>not figgetcube
I'm intrigued, user.
>Not fidget-icosahedron
Filthy casual.
Pretty sure fidgetcube was before all these spinners. It was a Kickstarter. They suggested it for people with anxiety or bit their nails.
Okay, but how do you use that? It has an Ultimate Nullifier vibe that I cannot shake.
Ducks, dolphins, chimpanzees it’s just instinct really
This. At least you can use a fidgetcube in your pocket.
you just click or fidget with the different sides.
The problem was not the existence of fidget spinners, it was going "How do you do, fellow kids" about fidget spinners in a sci-fi fantasy setting that has no fundamental need to directly reflect current youth trends.
Dolphins are sapient like us. They're cunts on purpose.
OH SHIT, I didn't know anyone else o this planet has read this. My god the writings awful, but I keep finding myself coming back to eat just for the fact it keeps doing everything I want it to do.
>Yeah, Image is basically fucked.
>kept afloat
Image doesn't work like other publishers user. They basically can't die because they have no employees, no overhead and the guys who run it are all rich as fuck from their 90s stuff and technically never have to work again. For most of the 2000s they had zero comics that sold well at all but stuck around just to keep Spawn, Witchblade and Savage Dragon coming out for the hell of it.
I’ll give you that one they’re absolute cunts
They must be cancelling the show and Kirkman didn't want the show to beat him to his ending so that it will be remembered like GoT where he got cucked out of his life's work
Kirkman cucked himself.
it is available online. readcomiconline.to
>being surprised that a comic written by a liberal is liberal
MY NIGGAS it's just so fucking stupid and fun and I can't put it down now. I've seen too many zombie shows games and movies that don't have fun with it. This is one of the few ones that just said fuck it! you all get super powers and have to fight zombies with powers too!
To be fair, he at least TEASED what could have caused it.
I just dont even understand why he would do this.
Kirkman talked abiut going 300 issues. Now granted I thought that was a terrible idea, but he always said he wanted to go long after Rick died. Why a literal issue after Rick is done with? Why not end it like at 150 or so when All out War was done with and winded down?
Something doesnt sound right at all. Its not Kirkman was protective or a purist over his IP either. I dont think this has to do with the shows at all.
Im so confused.
I mean the farthest he went was have people wildly speculate on what could've caused it and then drop it immediately after. That's pretty far from teasing the actual cause.
It only just clicked to me the other day Sheriff Kapoor could be Stephanie and Eugene's son. I'm guessing a BIG time skip is happening next issue.
What about in 'Night' with the space radiation and whatnot.
Nigga you read the thread?
I think he's just burnt out and doesn't want to continue with boring drama or hand it off to a writer who would go against his vision, idk we'll just have to see how it goes
As I recall that was just the Newscaster reporting on what scientists speculated what might of been the cause, and as said it's dropped pretty much immediately in favor of everyone making every bad decision possible.
I did but still nice to speculate. Oh well, looking forward to tomorrow's issue anyway. How many pages has #193 been confirmed for? I'm also curious how this is going to affect Image too
71 pages iirc
Now this makes sense why it feels like he's gotten bored of The Walking Dead and it looks like he's enjoying writing Oblivion Song so much more.
Assuming he released 1 issue every month without fail, that would mean he'd spend 25 years on one series.
300 was just him being optimistic and hopeful for a then newish thing he was working on that was gaining traction.
Naturally when you go this long on one series, you'll eventually want to move your creativity elsewhere. Especially when the one series is something is specific as a zombie doomsday scenario where you can only tell so many stories so many times in so many ways before it all starts repeating, unlike a Sci-Fi or Fantasy setting that an author could theoretically reuse again and again and again in nearly endless ways in countless time periods with a plethora of characters all sharing one setting.
This just feels so underwhelming, speciallly with how he stretched the series into repetitive arcs that did nothing for the overall story, they might as well been one arc. Meh.
The Walking Dead and the Zombie craze in general has come and gone
it was fun while it lasted but he recognizes that the golden days are over, end it now instead of 100 more issues of the same crap
Do you think we're going to get some answer regarding what caused the plague? Hoping he doesn't resolve it but it would be fun seeing what it was that actually caused it.I think Eugene might discover something but I don't think Kirkman will actually tell us what it was that caused the walkers.
>The Walking Dead and the Zombie craze in general has come and gone
The specific Walking Dead walker style zombie outbreak will probably fall out for a good long while, but zombies themselves won't lose popuarity. They'll either
A) Evolve into something else, with plant parasite monsters seeming to be the current go to
or B) Revert to the Resident Evil model of "Zombies + Other things"
I liked what the Spanish horror film REC did with zombies even though they technically weren't zombies in that one.
Well that goes without saying user, the entertainment industry has a way of dredging up old shit to make it new again
but for now Kirkman is sailing a ship that has lost it's breeze, if there is going to be a revival in 5 or 10 years has no effect on him now
I wouldn't mind a "What if" here and there one shot that shows alternate scenarios like what would've happened if Negan won All Out War and dealt with The Whisperers and met The Commonwealth with Rick being in Negan's position at that point in the story or if they had actually won at the prison.
You should pick up any bronze or silver age comic and look at the ads, you'll be gobsmacked. Comics have always been "how do you do, fellow kids?"
I remember reading the first 50 issues of the walking dead. They were great. And the 50 after that were still good. But then it just got worse and worse. What was the point? What was the message of the walking dead. It just stretched on and on into increasing mediocre plots and now this. Is there anyway for the conclusion to feel satisfying?
There is no message. It's just a bunch of stuff that happened.
Favourite issues? I think #164 might be mine. Really liked the cross examination Rick and Negan did of one another while trapped in the house together.
>Is there anyway for the conclusion to feel satisfying?
and there in that lies the truth that doomed the walking dead from the start, a story with a satisfying conclusion and a sense of closure leaving the audience feeling content
his "story with no ending" concept was novel but in the end unsatisfying
I can guarantee he's going to start a spin off comic in the next 2 years starting at the beginning of the zombie outbreak.
100 for me.
I remember reading it and getting actually sickened by what happened. Glenn screaming with hisnhead caved in, felt real. Like something I could accidentally click on Yea Forums.
I really love issues 1-6 as well. Art was perfect.
#156 is also a really good one. The way Negan spent time with the Whisperers was fun to read.
Negan and the Whisperers was great. Here you have these spooky fucks who dress up in zombie skins and try to detach themselves from human emotion and spook everyone else and then Negan just trolls them.
I also really liked the cannibal arc.
I forget which issue, but the panels where its just the tree line with wind blowing leaves when the group realize theyre being tracked was really haunting to me.
That scene was kino
You mean The Hunters? That was awesome, I especially liked how paranoid they were after Abraham just waltz into their group and they are on edge speculating whether or not he was with them all along.
Cannibal from Image comics was fun but shame it barely got advertised much. I liked what it did with the anti-apocalypse story and it was an actual interesting take on the traditional zombie story.
So for people that read this comic, how much have to get resolved to have a satisfactory ending?
We still need to find out about the rest of the world. I'm just annoyed we never found out about the current state of the rest of the world, missed opportunity. Lance did say they were pretty anal about their use of the radio in case it was a hostile group or something along those lines.
I meant Gabriel.
He literally did the exact same thing to Invincible when he got tired of it. I'll give him credit for not being afraid to walk away when he feels he can't give it his all anymore
>a satisfactory ending
Honestly what bothers me isnt that theres unresolved issues but rather that he stretched the comic for so long only to cancel it, like theres like 50 issues at least that could be erased and you could have the same ending as it is now. I was hoping that all these recycled arcs would end and then the story would go somewhere new but now its over.
What's good from current Image? Only reading: The Walking Dead, Gideon Falls, Outer Darkness, Rumble and Southern Bastards.
Go pick Infinite Dark (from the Skybound imprint), East of West, and Die.
Without a doubt issue 174. Maggie confronting Negan was being teased for so long and the result was brilliant. I'd even say that it's one of the best scenes in the entire comic. It's such a satisfying issue.
Based and tabletoppilled.
I've heard good things about Die. East of West I was reading but I wasn't into it much but I did like the story a lot. Since it is ending I'll grab the hardcovers later in the year.
Another good contender. Such a brilliant way to end Negan's entire character arc, the issue with him on the cover with the Savior's was also good as a good way to show he wasn't the Negan they had originally met back in #100 was good.
Yea Forums
pick one
*Is better than the comic and show*
Boatman did nothing wrong.
You likely won't regret it.
>southern bastards
how can you read a book that doesn't exists.
What are the chances Image is being sold to someone? Who would even buy it
Marvel. Complete the cycle.
This part of the story probably 100% happened as it is depicted.
Is it a book about kids or teens? He has an especially bad case of the "How do you do fellow kids" problem when he has to write anyone below the age of 25.
They start off as kids in the first pages and then there's a time-skip and they're adults.
Kirkman was supposed to be the chosen one and save the comic industry
Aah. Good. I may scope it out. I had to suffer through Phonogram for a friend and, man. Gillen can not write teens to save his life.
Well they age 27 years in the first issue so don't worry about it.
I don't trust you.
>Best character in entire series
>dies in first season
It hurts.
At least he got clem to safety. Also I went to wellington at the end of season two. I wanted Kenny to at least save one person by the end of everything.
deadly class
prism stalker (i have no idea if it's still going tho)
the warning this book actually sucks and didn't have a plot for months but for some reason i keep reading it
You are my brother.
I know... I know...
May I stand unshaken?
Wait, why did no one mention in the meat locker that they dont have heart pills for larry, so even if he was revived he could die?
Did boatgod know?
So any guesses to how this issue will be structured? Kirkman mentioned Carl in a rocking chair, maybe Old Man Carl writing a memoir or something and we see where the other characters end up is more than likely. If so then I'm glad he at least got a happy ending.
My guess
>another time jump
>Carl is Rick's age before the coma
>he has a family
>maybe mentions Negan in passing with his gf
>his kids only know of zombies like its normal
>Carl is a farmer
>lives in the house on the cover
>walker stirs up some problems (only one, no hoard, slowly they have been thinning out)
>Carl kills it quietly with a nostalgic sadness
>comes home to family
>sits in rocking chair with kids
>looks at sunset
I hope we get a good couple pages showing what happens to Eugene, Maggie, Michonne, etc. I still think Sheriff Kapoor is going to wind up being Eugene and Stephanie's son even though the issue technically doesn't exist. My guess is there will also be some anniversary memorial for Rick's assassination and someone from The Commonwealth will talk to Carl about it.
>the sunset is covered by shadow
>flying saucers appear
>The Walking Dead concludes, but the story will continue in Kirman's new alien invasion story
I can see them doing more epilogues with other characters. Carl's would hopefully be last.
Sorry to break it to you, but Kapoor was completely made up JUST for the asspull. Kirkman's letter says so.
I hope we at least get a map or something. Kirkman promised us years ago a map of all the factions. Something I'd love to see.
Man thatd be great.
See where everyone went throughout the series.
I wonder if #193 will be collected in volume 33 and hardcover 16 or it will be released in a Here's Negan style single volume.
It's gotta be included in the compendium and hardcover at least, right? I can imagine the TPB not having it, especially considering it's like a mini TPB in itself but it'd be so strange for collectors using them to have it seperate.
I imagine something similar to Detective Comics #1000 where a hardcover was released a couple months after the issue was released.
stopped reading after war with negan, worth picking back up?
Negan hi-jinks continue!
seriously they drag that out more?
Negan is a better character than Rick and Kirkman realizes this. He is also a better father to Carl and actually listens to his teenager problems and gives him real advise.
Literally everything after Negan was Kirkman desperately throwing ideas at the wall, absolutely nothing sticking, and just throwing his hands up and saying "Fuck this, I'm done".
>Introduce new group of survivors with huge fanfare, ditch then when nobody cared
>Reintroduce Negan and set him up to be Rick's token evil number two; Rick just tells him to fuck off and he does
>New evil Luddite civilization for Rick and co. to deal with. Dealt with a handful of issues later.
>New quirky meme character introduced to basically be Negan 2.0: fades in to the background almost immediately because nobody liked her
In hindsight the Commonwealth was probably set up because Kirkman realized he'd pretty much hit the wall with what he could do with the zombie apocalypse concept and just wanted to deal with the logical final adversary Rick could deal with; a bigger, more organized, and more advanced group who he couldn't just shoot until they died, and once that was over with he just decided to wrap it all up.
top kek
So I've read through all of the walking dead over the past few years and there's something I want to know about the Zombies.
Why are they still wearing clothes?We're meant to think these things have been running around for over five years and the clothes haven't fallen off? I know my clothes tend to get ripped from regular wear and tear, not wearing the same ones day in day out. And these Zombies don't change their clothes, why would they? Not to mention how they're constantly exposed to the elements, I'd imagine clothes that are always hit with dirt, rain, wind, sunlight, hail and changing temperature without ever getting washed are going to get ruined pretty quickly. So far I haven't even touched on the fact that these clothes are attached to rotting corpses, which would attract insects simply biting through the fabric. Hell, some of these zombies are still wearing glasses and jewelry, it's even a plotpoint that one still had a wedding ring on.
Welcome to zombie fiction 101, where the most realistic depictions of how civilization would handle an outbreak are Night of the Living Dead and Shaun of the Dead.
And both are very good movies.
Bleeding Cool is implying theres a leaked page with huge spoilers doing the rounds?
Where is it you fucks?
>by chapter 6 right now
ok the art is horrendous but the writing surely is due some kind of language barrier, right?
Nevertheless Im hooked.
#193 was originally solicited as having 32 pages but the story pages from the next two issues are slapped on.
If #196's EVER solicited, kys Kirkman.
>prism stalker (i have no idea if it's still going tho)
Shitcanned becasue of very poor sales; creator said that a second volume would go straight to trade and would be on kickstarter
Anthony Hammock's site has more
>Walking Dead mixed with Gantz
Better than what the TV show turned into.
I really, really wanna get this reference
Issue 24 for the Walking Dead speech and Issue 84 because seeing the group hold off the dead is still one the most hype moments in comics for me. I give Kirkman a lot of shit sometimes but I remember feeling exhausted reading that issue because the characters, especially Rick, go through so much shit and you feel just as tired as they were afterwards.
why has no one got 193 online yet? i know it's not published till the 3rd, but seen people posting photo's of their copy! c'mon faggots
Now thats an anime that should get rebooted, maybe by seeing it in motion I could understand what the fuck happened in the manga's final arc. Seriously, after the Art Attack arc my brain just couldnt process any more of that clusterfuck of a story.
It's not just that it's manga, theres just something different about Chinese and Korean weebtoons/"manga"
>Good yet bland art, it's technically good and excellently polished but lacks individual style
>Stories go right into self insert/wish fulfillment territory and often lack depth, just action and porn
>Often times lots of chapters sometimes hundreds right off the bat, makes bingeing easy
>In color, which is easy for a lot of people to get into
If comics and manga are the fast food of literature then the Chinese/Korean side is the Golden Corral/Hometown Buffet
I'll explain it to you. Giants are bad, giants come and attack earth. Team America saves the day day. Massive mech-suits are used. American rapes giant woman. Hitler's face appears in God because I don't know what the fuck is happening anymore
>Hitler's face appears in God because I don't know what the fuck is happening anymore
That wasn't god just another race of aliens that sent the Gantz tech to Earth trough the ramblings of an obese German woman. The magic aliens kicked the assess of the giants and were still asshurt so they send supertech to other worlds to prep them for the giants. Everyone on/a/ hates the ending because the MC saves the world and gets a happy ending with his girlfriend instead of the other girl Yea Forums is obsessed with when in reality the entire final arc was dog shit. At least Muscle Rider and the Kid were great till the end
Both Compendium 4, Book 16 and Volume 32 are solicited to collect only up to #192. None of them make mention of #193
COPRA now that Image is publishing it
Just finished reading this, it was pretty fun.
Huh. Then again it was starting to deliver diminishing returns
Ice Cream Man is good in general but the last 4 issues were just okay, and Pretty Violent (#1 in August) looks promising.
And there are solicitations for issues up until #196. They don’t mean anything right now.
Dropped it when Rick killed Dwight. Had bought every issue since the day it started and that completely retarded scene that made no sense ruined it all for me.
has someone images from the issue itself?
we need panels
I like how no one cared from either Alexandria or The Commonwealth Dwight had died. Rick and Dwight should've came to their senses and worked together to resolve it rather than end in the way it did.
Lol he worth like 20 mil. That's literally one NBA season for an upper mid level dude
Are you implying they couldn't put seven more issues in?
Even if there were placeholder issues until they got to the milestone #200 what could they even do?
They don't want talent. They want a faggot with a backstory.
Nah, there are times where the lovecraftian "I ain't gotta explain shit" thing works but the cause of the sickness is pretty important.
Is Saga really as popular as people make it out to be? I'm skeptical of its popularity. I wonder how long Image is going to last before either Marvel or DC buy it.
You keep saying this bit it isn't true.
I don't understand why you think "it's for compendiums" means they can't go to issue 200.
Explain that.
It's marginally popular. Only people that ever liked it on Yea Forums were shills.
Dwight wasn't Jesus Christ reborn or a fan favourite, so he wasn't important in the universe.
I enjoy it and have the HCs, but I would never in a million years attempt to discuss it on this board.
>he truly was the walking dead
I know book club crowds that don't usually like comics love Saga but then again those crowds always borrow from libraries because they're too cheap to support their favorite writers so in this case Saga's popularity might not reflect sales.
>What was the point?
Humanity has the willpower to pull itself back from the brink even in spite of great adversity
I mean it is. If you think otherwise then you're genuinely a brainlet who doesn't get zombie fiction at all.
>Not a fan favourite
I mean he was well liked but not super popular like someone like Negan or Michonne.
Buy the last few issues so you can have a complete run. Either to sell it a complete set and get more for it or just to keep for yourself, you are only a few issues short anyway.
A wizard named Murphy?
The quality had been going up and down since the prison. The war arc brought me back but was the last real high point for the series. Its so inconsistent its hard to stay invested.
Who else is expecting a twist ending?
It's not an important factor at all. There is plenty of great zombie fiction out there that either never explains the cause of the outbreak (the Romero Trilogy, Shaun of the Dead, Return of the Living Dead, etc), or only reveals the details in a few minutes before dropping it and moving on (28 Days Later) proves that quite handily. Holy shit you fuckers are dense.
I think we would have heard by now if there’s a big twist. I’m expecting just a happy ending showing where everyone is down the line.
I'm hoping the issue is just a nod to #50 with Rick and Carl in the house but it is Carl and his daughter taking care of a walker together approaching their farm. That would be nice.
Of Spider-Man?
If I wanted Romero I'd watch that. Not every zombie fiction has to copy the formula.
it literally made no sense, though. she was bitten like 500 times then the walkers walk past her on the bridge like she's not even there. that whole scene made zero sense and was there just for dramatic effect. she was a shit side villain and you fell for the waifu bait.
>westerners liking this garbage
You worthless fucks you’re supposed to save me from this braid dead garbage. You were the chosen ones.
The only reason why you like it is because he’s plagiarizing the old classics, half the Mc speeches are copy pasted speeches or idioms from old books. Naturally some of the better parts resonate with you and you overlook his actual shit writing because you look forward to the ancient authors he’s ripping off.
and this guy is going to be writing for the upcoming Gundam film
Jesus Christ
What? This better be a fucking joke because I’m not amused
Are there more leaks yet?
those eyes look cool
You do realize Yea Forums comes here for a reason, right?
Nah every season was a gay cringe forced reboot pretty much. No balls to have characters over years of story.
Will the fourth compedium now have issue 193 and will they release a box set with all four?
I’ve been told by Yea Forums multiple times that the indie scene is fine in America and totally made up the Marvel and DC’s industry wide death grip. Have fun with the weebshit guys.
came to this horribly gay board because of the news. I'm glad it's ending. it's been bad since Whisper War. sometime around there I can't remember exact issues.
the comic really ended with a whimper. I don't think Kirkman is ballsy or some auteur for ending it now lol. I just want Kirkman to admit he realized he lost his touch so he gave up and he was going through the motions for a few years. But he won't do that. He's a faggot and so are his reddit fans.
What about 194-198?
fake solicitations
literally have character talk about how great it is that there are no white men around.
as if ideas like "diversity" matter when you have zombies trying to eat your face.
also all male heroes have been emasculated long time ago to make space for "storng wyman leaders" who are "so much better then the men at everything"
I completely disagree. I LOVED the timeskip, the conflict leading up to and during the Whisperers, the Commonwealth, and Rick's death. The only part that sucked was Princess. What a shit character.
Why? He was a nigger who killed his wife.
I love it!
"defined by" is one of those lefty phrases where the definition is broad enough to mean whatever the speaker desires. In one sense, I'm not "defined by" gravity, I have plenty of traits and characterizations that exist with or without gravity. But gravity cannot simply be ignored, it doesn't care about my hair color or what music I like or that i collect stamps, but it *does* enforce itself if I decide to step off a tall building.
Got a dick and like to wear dresses? Good for you, have fun! But if we're talking biology then you're a biological male and you're simply not going to be able to carry a child in a womb that you do not possess. Your equipment, your lack of equipment dont "define" you but they do place limitations upon you when those limitations relate to their very nature.
But keep pretending you're an attack helicopter, its just as real as anything else in your mind.
I thought The Whisperers were really done well, I read it in single issues but I thought the build up, tension, and dread they brought with them was handled incredibly well. The Commonwealth arc is where it started to go wrong. I thought the symbolism behind Rick's death was handled nicely but the rest of the arc was underwhelming.
That's literally what he did for Invincible.
144 issues for three 48 issue compendiums.
>who killed his wife
But wouldn't comic stores already have pre-ordered issue 194 and 195? Won't it be lots of work to refund all of them?
So we are not getting black Rick?
Who actually wanted to read this sperg's blog? Not me, for sure.
Nope, seems like they are either merging the solicited issues or it was all fakes to make it more unexpected
This is going to piss of fans and storeowners
I bet Image is more pissed. Just lost its BIGGEST IP. I give them five years at the most before they decided to merge with either Marvel or DC
I'm putting money on the table Kirkman will make a spin-off or some shit of TWD
Implying the #1 of Kirkman's next series won't have 200 different cover and sell 8 million copies.
He already released a new #1 a while ago and Oblivion Song is probably going to be the new Image cash coc now.
Fear exists but a spinoff seems likely. He mentioned time and time again he HATED the idea of another book existing the same time as the current TWD book.
I need more leaks
To everyone saying that this is a hoax, it's over. Let's all cope and cry together now.
The book that got its plot caught in an loop ends with a loop
happy for kirkman, actually. desu i feel like twd has been a monkey on his back for years now, it's good he's ending it.
>Yes, TWD still sells well. So it is weird that Kirkman has decided it end it all
Isn't the whole point of Image that creators get to choose how and when they produce content? If Kirkman feels done with it, that should be good enough
>No sheriff poo-no-loo, traveling the apocalypse, spreading the truth about open defecation being the only guard against the zombie virus, which you contract by sitting on a toilet seat.
Do you even know how Image works as a company? Because I'm not clear you do.
Shouldn't have bothered killing Rick then
Rick lived all the way until the last second.
Rick served his purpose in bringing back law and order. His character arc closed nicely.
It's over guys
Carl better go looking for Negan as a replacement father figure now or shit ending.
Negan is alive, but he doesn't appear in the final issue
>they have no employees
Image absolutely has employees, just not many of them. Secondly, Image is effectively a gestalt corporate entity made up of several studios publishing under the same banner. these studios most certainly do have employees and overhead costs.
What was his last appearance? The whisperers shit was around when I dropped it until Rick got shot.
Where has the issue leaked so far?
The page before
Yes but they're not in the business of pushing their IPs into merchandise where the real money is. They're solely a publisher that was founded by a bunch of millionaire artists. Don't worry about them, they still have the best creator deal in the industry.
Just post the whole fucking issue.
>leaks for me!
Kirkman you have served your purpose.
Did Carl name his daughter Andrea?
The page before that one
Last one. First 4 pages were put on ITunes. No other pages are available at the moment
Issue 174
Also it's in reverse order cause that's the order I saw them lole
Interesting, i thought kirkman said he'd keep it going as long as he was still alive
fuck, kirkman couldn't even have given him one page?
Gay and lame. He's still best boy.
>Carl had a daughter with Sophia instead of creepy rape fetish Lydia
>Named the girl Andrea
Carl also COVERED up his eye. I'm guessing Lydia died at some point during the time skip, so kind of like a combination of the Harry Potter and How I Met Your Mother Ending.
Would've been more kino if there had been no zombies in the bottom bar.
It was dumb to leave it exposed anyway. Plenty of opportunity for shit to get in the socket.
how long until kirkman creates a spinoff book featuring negan ?
Which, if it hasn't been said already, is going to make that last volume of six issues feel small.
I hope he called it "Fuck". That would be amazing.
Sheriff Kapoor’s First Appearance Will Be in The Walking Dead #193 (Spoilers)
Where's the actual proof. This is just them saying it.
Would have been great
It's sadly not. Legendary Studios is making a live action Gundam movie with him writing the script.
Stephanie and Eugene's son.
Right, they just have to follow the formula you prefer.
have you read it, or are you just guessing?
>Lydia hated Carl being around Sophia
>Sophia still won in the end
Fuck Lydia. I hope we get to see her die.
Just guessing. We don't know Stephanie's last name or if she's Indian American or African American. Eugene might've told him stories about Rick growing up hence why he bears a striking similarity to Rick.
His death was so lame. I don't mean him getting BTFO in his bed I mean everything else about it. Really halfbaked gay arc.
My top five issues:
Hey, it's again. I got some more pictures of the comic, gonna release them one at a time, starting with this one.
We live among the dead society
Each of these or he might not call it "The walking dead" anymore since Rick said "I was wrong!We are not the walking dead!" and the title died with him...so now on it's gonna be called something else like "Not the walking dead" or some shit...I think I'm just being naive
>Dont want to stretch it out longer than it should be.
Kind of late in the game to star thinkng that, kirkman. He ran out of ideas 130 issues ago.
whoops, forgot to spoil that one, oh well. Anyways,
Alright, that was the last one. If anymore images come out i'll be sure to post them on here
I'm going to miss this series I really am but I kind of want to see Carl vs Hershel and seeing them becoming enemies as Hershel works towards fucking up everything Rick tried to stop in The Commonwealth.
okay, this is epic
If the cancellation really is happening...aren't these like foreshadowing what is about to happen? The man(Kirkman or the TWD story) will retire on the countryside and the trouble is brewing because people or fans don't like this decision.Kapoor can be a monogram for something or somebody in the company but the Last shot can give it away that this is the end.The last cover is for harakiri maybe??Killing "himself" by killing the series? who fucking knows
Its basically the only question in the series. Everyone is building a society, everyone is managing, fans aren't wodering how people will function in the future of the setting.
We would just like to know why.
Telltale Season 4 was fucking garbage
Its like the only unanswered question.
Nice seeing a Walking Dead thread get this many replies. I'm going to go to sleep before the really big spoilers come in, good night.
Swear to god if its another convolted commie plot.
Nah fuck you, i don't care. I bet you liked Prometheus too.
the series ending abruptly is the biggest fucking spoiler you could fucking hope for.
I know. I haven't been this happy since Transformers ended.
they stopped making toys, movies, games AND comics?
because that isn't ending it. TWD can be gone now, but you can't kill of TF.
Just read 192. Fuck, I tough he'll surely keeps on going despite what happened in the last one. But if he#s really out of it and just wants to end it now, it's probably for the best then to try and keep it going despite him not being full for it.
Nono, just the horrible, horrible comics. Then they relaunched them and they're vanilla as fuck.
how did Eugene make it all the way to the last issue?
No one's dying. It's one of those endings where it shows what happened to the remaining cast after a time skip.
Had a kino moment on the bridge then started shooting and the walkers didn't notice her for reasons.
I thought she probably smelled like them
Why did Micchone only go for black guys?
i love this
I'm gonna miss him
That's a detailed ass statue, Rick deserves it
>he doesnt know
google gantz-g
Fuck I would’ve read it
Fuck that's actually pretty good
>Kills Rick Grimes as a teen
>Prison for life
I mean, I get it was a terrible thing to do, but doesn't it kind of beat the sentiment behind Rick's ideals?
How long was the time skip? Arron, Jesus, and Sebastian look ancient while Negan, Michonne, Mercer, and Princess look pretty much the same.
Maggie looks so fucking old
I stopped reading the comics when they killed off best girl Alpha out of nowhere just for more Negan fellating. She was fucking based and the best villain in the series.
At least she indirectly killed that whore Andrea.
What do you propose that looks like? Live releases, personalized copies, fan generated content?
I bet he's one of the dumbasses who's been reposting CG shit and legit thinks the way forward is crowdfunding.
Watch out for any indiechron links.
Hershel is a young adult, probably 20-25 year time skip
I found a male shirt and lady's shirt and gym shorts in a random park in Florida once. I estimate they had to have been out there for just a few days, no longer than a week, and they were already sunbaked to fucking hell and fell apart in my hands.
I tried the lady's clothes on still. She trimmed the shirt to hang down just past her boobs; what a slut.
Sure but let's have a real discussion of this a second. What could you do to get the reader involved in the comic process themselves and make it feel more personalized?
I'm already running tabletop games to generate storylines and character dialogue, but that is narrow scope and slow going in general.
That’s really cool, user!
This is so goddamn fucking adorable
That's what Gillen is basically doing with Die, and Zub has been writing some very D&D focused books and comics lately too.
I don't really have many ideas, I'm actually more of a traditional writer so I'd focus on the story as a novel first, then work on the visual aspect once the writing is fully materialized. I do like the idea of doing tabletop but I also like the "choose your path" storytelling that integrates multiple stories into one.
the whole thing?
Jesus your taste is fucking awful. Please consider suicide
gay as fuck. fucking hack
>Hershel became an asshole
Negan should have taken the bat to Maggie after giving it to Glenn.
I'll check both of those out, thank you.
I have a project I've been putting together for years now, and I'm just recently having my players take the first steps in the universe. It has been a really wild ride and they are already embracing the sandbox quality of what I'm presenting. Choose your own adventure indeed, and there can even be parties that run along side of theirs, either in the same timeline or alternate ones. I think the real challenge is going to move to phase 3, which is to get a larger audience involved with generating and affecting the comic. My idea is to turn the online fandom into the NPC controllers, and push against the PCs who are piloted by a consistent reoccurring cast of players.
I stopped reading a while back because it was shit, but this is such a good ending.
>the most time Yea Forums has discussed TWD ever is when it's ending
Being a TWD fan right now is suffering. I feel like I've wasted the past 5 years of my life.Telltale series over, show is shit now.... the fuck man
In our world he would have been on /r/hapas
That's a wild idea that might just work if you get enough readers engrossed in the story. I like the way you think and it's a pretty creative twist on storytelling that hasn't been done much with comics (Al Ewing did "You Are Deadpool" last year, you should look into that too).
Either way I wish you good luck with it because it sounds like a fun project. Just try not to make it too long as to avoid extending the times between the releases too much and readers don't lose interest.
TellTale game was only good for the first season, same thing goes for the show. Comic has it's up and downs. This shat out ending is exactly what it deserves and very fitting.
would like a word with you.
Could be worse, you could have been a Game of Thrones fan. The Telltale games and comic at least have had decent endings
I can't believe it's over..... he promised us 300 issues.... what the fuck.
Did we see any shots of the different communities? What happend to the kingdom, Alexandria, Hiltop etc. during the timeskip?
Here it is
The entire commonwealth story arc feels rushed
obviously Kirkman felt the same. I think he hated it so much he gave up lol
Why doesn't Negan want to see Carl?
probably realizes he'd just blame him for shit. I mean Negan did cripple Rick and kill Glenn so I imagine Carl still hasn't forgiven him.
The comics should end with Carl dead like the show.
He has probably become a shut-in. Spends time inside his apartment thinking about all the things he did in his past
Rick is dead, bro. If Carl died too wouldn't that be a tad overkill? The comics and show have been vastly different for awhile
Different thing entirely.
I haven't followed this shit in years. Who's the couple in the bottom panel?
Lydia and her boyfriend
As far as endings go, this was one seems pretty good. I just wish it wasn't so abrupt
I know they have.
Kirkman does clearly have his heart set on a “happy” ending but we get that with Michonne, and besides Carl’s daughter would still be alive.
My point is it makes more sense to end it with all of the original characters dead. Even if it’s just a flashforward to Carl’s nature death.
>original ending would've been No Way Out
>Rick gives his speech about how Alexandria is worth fighting for
>flashforward, the same pose of Rick, but an old statue
>however the area around the statue is decayed, and zombies roam, implying Rick succeeded in restoring civilization, but ultimately the dead win
Would've been kino.
Ain’t that a motherdick
>Lori is forever forgotten
as it should be
This is the first good thing the series has done since season 2 of Telltale which was 2013 so im satisfied
>Maggie watched her husband get his head bashed in
>Her new boyfriend is nowhere to be seen
>Her son is a complete psycho asshole
>Has to use her status as Governor to bail him out
>Carl and Sophia hate her
I'm glad her and her bastard son got the worst ending
>Her son is a complete psycho asshole
is that established in 193? I forgot she even had a kid that wasn't sophia
That’s the whole premise of the story
I heard this big fat boofa of a bitch at the comic shop, dared call saga the ultimate pleb filter.
thank god for the autistic kid that smells bad making his crazy seal noises at her and repeating PLEB FILTER! ITS A PLEB FILTER!! over and over in his outdoor voice.
goddamn its such trash.
all animals do. do you think they have long term relationships and go on dates to fancy restaurants and the movies like something from a furry comic?
>Southern Bastards
my local hasnt gotten an issue of that in over a year. both they guys involved with that hate the south, despite capturing it so well.
Yeah, Herschel is literally the villain of the last issue
nope, but it's implied that they are joined with the commonwealth inside a giant "safe zone", where zombies haven't been seen in over ten years
The names of any of those communities aren't used whatsoever in the issue, just the Commonwealth
What about when someone dies inside the zone? Someone could die by accident and start an outbreak.
I'm surprised the comic written by the guy who wrote Y: The Last Man ended up being trash.
It wasn’t unnecessary
Sooooo What happened to her?
It's commonly agreed that this is Negan's appearance in the finale
Her and Carl broke up. She basically became Andrea 2.0.
She's in the last issue, her and carl are still buds and even sleep in the same tent. It looks like she works on the road as a messenger/out in the expanding lands
Pretty good issue, Kirkman saved his best trick for last. I'll give him credit for admitting that there wasn't much he can do with the story and instead of milking it for more milestone issues just wrap it up and let it be it.
Also good on the artist for drawing individual panels appropriate to what Carl's story is saying instead of...this
So what happened to the zombies? Did they all die off or are they still around?
Well it didnt
Human population in general got their shit together and adapted to the new reality of these things walking around. It's actually a pretty interesting idea that wasn't explored in favor of boring character drama. The actual process of restructuring and rebuilding. They got all the grimdark edgy shit about people being able to live out their most inhuman inhibitions unfettered by laws and society out of the way with Governor, Hunters, and lesser extent Negan. Whisperers were an interesting faction concept who figured out how to exist in symbiosis with zombies, but again, grimdark edgy shit was somewhat illogically forced in to make them an antagonist.
Threads at bumplimit anyway so im going to stop now since this won't spark and discussion anyway
I think he's ending this because Rick is dead. the walking dead started with rick and now its ending with him.
however I don't think this is the end, I hope he announces a sequel series with Carl as the star and we go from there.
>maggie is single mother focused on career
>son is spoiled and lacks a father figure
>son becomes asshole and ruins grandfather's name
Kirkman is redpilled.
Why would we want any of that
>Hey mom how did dad die?
>Maggie's face when
>Maggies face when hershel jr asks what happened to the guy that bashed his dads head in with a baseball bat
I love walking dead, gonna miss it.
Even if there's no Negan, this is alright. I'm okay with this. This is a good thing.
Lmao is aaron balding.
ah, the fate of Hapas.
The Maggiefags are gonna freak
Criminal you pleb
This issue made me feel surprisingly sad. Like this issue was actually really good which surprises the fuck out of me when the commonwealth arc was... really underwhelming.
I'm just glad to see Carl get a happy ending
Seriously fuck Hershel. I hate the idea of this little faggot being Glenn's son
Unlike Todd, Kirkman's not a soulless businessman that can churn crap out for eternity.
Really? People aren't wondering how people will function in the future? Really?
When there are still huge deaths pretty frequently and zombies haven't been completely eradicated and people who die still become zombies?
Yeah, no, the future is totally set.
Brubaker churns out gold every time