Next time on death battle


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Other urls found in this thread:!PsNG2QIR!awu3jvYLfBQdJU5ntLE84g

I hope avatarfags get BTFO

Anybody got an upload of the fight?

They never will. Death battles are speed equalized.

I Think Edward is crafty enough to beat Aang, clearly Aang has the power advantage, and is Captain Falcon the ref?

It's close but Aang is going to wins this

Vic fags on suicide watch again. Also is Alphonse outside help technically?

I'm already inclined to Edward due Aang's "no kill" rule

Falcon fought Johnny Cage in this week's DB. Apparently he won.

Poor Joseph Joestar, he got cucked out of two of his most requested DBs

Ed's never really been impressive fight wise and power wise because FMA just wasn't that kind of series. I mean every other alchemist had some unique gimmick. He just made pillars everywhere.

These things always have characters forgo "no kill" rules.
P.S. I thought Death Battle was banned from Yea Forums due to Ben vs Hal.

The thing that annoys me about Death Battle is that it sucks all of the life and fun out of this imaginary scenario by making it a straight up brawl in an equal scenario. Yeah, that might make it seem more accurate. But no fight starts off equal. That's what makes it interesting.
As it is, these videos are just the VS Battles Wiki. But with extra fluff.

I was thinking about a Castlevania character due to vampire hunters

If this is series finale Aang I can't see what Ed can do, endgame avatar state is absurdly busted. Ed's way smarter and craftier, but the power gap is too wide. If Aang was restricted to not using the avatar state then I'd have to give it to Ed. Ed has experience fighting against faster foes than Aang and Aang's arsenal isn't all that varied when compared to what Ed's faced in the past. Even though much of Ed's alchemy gets hard countered by Aang's earth bending, I don't think Aang ever got the hang of metal bending which is basically Ed's playground. If this is in the city or a sewer then Ed definitely has it.

This is Yea Forums vs Yea Forums battle so finally we can stop talking about the fucking Ben fight. At least Avatarfags weren't so smug about how Aang is coolerer and stronger than Goku or something

AH OK, yeah that seams about right when you got a guy that can punch you so hard that it's seen outside of the Milky way galaxy.

The explosion is actually from Black Shadow's Dark Matter reactor and not the punch itself.

Paging Mega-Death user.

>Aang vs. Ed
Okay. Battle of the elements I guess?

Tough call actually, Anng has him in raw power but Ed's been outclassed before and won due to his sheer wit.

Muh boy ed can beat that gay ass monk any day

Apparently it was almost 50/50 since Johnny Cage's dumb green energy bullshit has made him survive a similar explosion with Raiden's "NOOO ELDER GODS HELP ME REEEE" explosion from Deception and his Nut FTL Nut punch made this fight almost even.

How did Falcon beat Johnny? He practically has no real feats outside of driving

Edward is a alternate history Nazi that basically has Aangs powers minus the 4 element limit and can even make simple mechanism. Aang is powerful and all but he's fucked even with his hand to hand combat training. The only advantage I can see Aang having is basic flight.

Maybe here? It seems slow, though.!PsNG2QIR!awu3jvYLfBQdJU5ntLE84g

Probably some bullshit from the Anime.
Honestly you could say he had the Force in that and people would believe you, cause no one watched the F-Zero anime.

Ah understandable

and seriously the Nut punch plays that much of a roll?

Surprised it’s not Mustang Vs Zuko

I'm going to explain this the simplest way I can, Okay, imagine if Superman's power comes from a car that is faster than lightning.

DB is going to do Shouto vs Zuko

when you can karate chop diamond as if it were styrofoam and your canon super move is punching a guy's nuts all the way into their head, it does some damage no matter who you are

Shouldn't it have been Johnny Cage versus Viewtiful Joe? There's more of a correlation between these characters than Captain Falcon

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Did they count Smash "feats"? That would be pretty embarrassing.

Basic Flight is not to be understated. Which is why this match-up is weird and somewhat boring. Aang can just fly away and take pot shots and there's nothing that Edward can do about it. If Edward makes defence, Aang can turn it against him. Hide and Aang reshapes the battlefield. It's not a fight that's based on anything other than similar powers.

Doesn't Mustang's alchemy depend on a source like a spark or a flame? wouldn't that pretty much give him an advantage over Zuko?

That’s dumb. Shoto barely gets any page time and when he does use fire it’s a blast because Hori just wants more Deku power ups.

Does this come from the anime? As long as they don't count Smash Bros as a feat it's fine.

Doesn't every Mustang debate come down to "can they tank his explosion?"

Falcon Punch is canon.

In a podcast, they said Viewtiful Joe would be saved for a time-based character like Captain Commando, Wonder-Red, or even Gene from God Hand

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Yeah. His gloves. And even when he doesn’t have the gloves he then used a lighter and the blood on his hands.

>Edward is a alternate history Nazi
03 animefags get out.

Aang has generally better powers because he can use them faster, and fly, but Ed is a good deal smarter and is strong enough to punch the dude who vored god

Gonna guess Ed is gonna win tho because last Avatar character who one pissed lots of people off, and this is Ed's debute

I wonder if they do something interesting with this like having Ed transmute the various Avatar souls inside Aang since he's skilled enough to do that. Of course that goes against his fucking character and principles but whatever it's DB.

The anime isn't canon to shit aside from two forgotten GBA games

Then what about Athena from KOF? She's a pop singer/martial artist with psychic powers

Question is will they make Aang that pacifist? how will they bullshit him in to killing Edward?

A stone wall can tank part of Mustang's explosion though like when Al protected Hawkeye. Super durable characters can do it.

It's canon on account of the fact Nintendo hasn't touched F-Zero in over 15 goddamn years outside of Smash and Mario Kart

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Captain Falcon may have won, but Johnny won the long game since he has a kid and Falcon ain't ever gonna nut properly again.

Okay no matter if we're talking about 03 or Brotherhood you have to admit they were living in a fascist military state. Calling Edward an Alt Nazi isn't that far from calling the Fire Nation Alt Nazi's.

>If this is series finale Aang I can't see what Ed can do
I forget, can Aang metalbend? Because that's the one thing Ed could do

a character being pacifist in canon never matters in DB.

That makes no sense but okay

They just ignore characters moralities for the most part, they had supermen and batman kill already, at most they will show him reluctantly killing

So automatically if Zuko shoots a blast out of his hands Mustang would automatically make it explode.

There was a kid claiming to be Falcon's son in the first GBA game, so who knows

I’m hoping that Edward wins but Aang is likely gonna win.

No Korra is confirmed the first Avatar Metalbender

I don't have Avatar Webms or FMA, so this is a decent time to ask for a couple

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Any other MEGAs than the one that was posted out there?

Also Johnny dying and resurrecting is a running joke through the MK timeline.

For the unaware:

Combatants possess no prior knowledge of each other unless specified by canon or otherwise.

To ensure a fair fight, all moral restraints from killing are ignored. All other traits are considered.

A character's maximum potential is examined unless otherwise specified. Factors unrelated to the characters cannot end the battle.

All official material related to a character is applied unless found contradictory to original source material.

In other words: Yes, ultimate Avatar State is taken in consideration along with Energy Bending (if its useful) along with his experience as an adult shown in Korra and the comics and yes, Aang abandones the 'No Kill Rule'

I never really understood that, sure they pull the "Opposite elements are super hard to learn for some abstract reason" thing (Despite the fact that Korra has ZERO problems learning firebending and instead has a problem with airbending instead "Because spirits")

But Aang was an extremely talented bender, learning his opposite element with relative ease and had the worlds best earthbender as a teacher, also the person who invented metalbending.

I wish they didn't half ass it like that, at least give it a pacifist character a reason to kill, but that would require DB highering writers.

Well then is this even a fair fight? Edward gives up his powers and is still legally crippled at the end. An in treating fight would be them both at the mid point of their series.

Here's the list of true winners in DB
>Widowmaker (Killed her target)
>Johnny Cage (Will come back in like a month)
>Quicksilver (Won the race to Japan)

I think it would be better if it was just a who would win, and characters who wouldn't kill just wouldn't
Like gore can be cool and all, but it feels weird to see two heroes tear each other apart over a minor incident which starts the fight

They're at their maximum potential. Maximum. So Edward will still have his powers.

>A character's maximum potential is examined unless otherwise specified.
So this means Ed's using geothermal energy instead of Father juice? I forgot if he got a power boost from that.

It's not popping up for me. Are there any other links?

Aang can’t metal bend and I doubt he’s willing to kill anyone outside of his Avatar State. Also why Aang vs Edward? What’s the correlation between them?

Equally, firebenders have the ability to subdue fire, firebender fights are about overwhelming your foe until they can no longe snuff out the fire or counter with their own.

It's a fight that will end with one of the fighters being too exhausted to continue, it's a war of attrition. Although Zuko also has his martial training and Mustang has a gun I guess.

Batman and Spider-man have killed characters in Death Battle before, Death Battle doesn't care about that. And there's litte correlation between characters anymore, what was similar between Johnny Cage and Captain Falcon? I don't know about FMA but I think both Aang and Ed have elemental powers, don't they.

Wielders of the Elements

>Death Battle
>anime winning over western
Their bias is clear man

post yfw they use some abridged groups voice for Ed

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Doesn't it though?
You've gotta work with what you've got, and Nintendo hasn't given anything in years.

Someone post the episode already

you weren't here when Superman beat Goku twice and Toph beat Garra, right?

Starscream losing to a fucking magic horse based out of comedic reasons even when he had the speed, strength, and firepower advantage was fucking bullshit.

Cage and Falcon
>Fighting Game characters
>Iconic punches
>Both of them have a show-off personality

Your reading comprehension isn't very good user

*teleports behind you*
Heh, nothing personal kid

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>TK Combo beat Balrog
>Shao Kahn beat M. Bison
>Superman beat Goku twice
>Toph beat Gaara

user please

>maximum shown potential
So Johnny is a walking nuke that destroyed the world when he lost control of his powers, but Falcon man punch good and win
The guys making these really have no idea what's going on

>Fighting game characters
Falcon is from a racing game, not a fighting game
>Iconic punches
That's really stupid though.
>Show-off personality
I guess I can get this one, but it's loose. Captain Falcon also isn't a show off in the anime or the F-Zero games even, he's more stoic than anything. This perception just comes from Smash

>another user that can't read

I hate Naruto fags who complain about why didn't they Make Garra do ninja shit to kill toph like a stealth kill, NIGGA DO YOU EVEN WATCH YOUR OWN SHOW, NO ONE DOES NINJA SHIT IN NARUTO. the closest they do is hide behind trees.

>Falcon is from a racing game, not a fighting game
He might as well be a Smash Bros OC at this point.

They’re less like ninjas and more like wizards who do hand signs to channel magic.

I think Death Battle threads should be a banable offense.


They're fun

>stealth handsigns were important
>lol here a huge comet lol giant lasers and swords

>more like wizards
You know that was the original pitch for the series, someone told the author to change it to ninjas since ninjas sell better in the east

All the powers he still has in the end of the anime/manga is taken in consideration.

By 'still' I mean examples like Gaara losing his sanddemon during the run of the series. It wasnt taken in consideration when they measured his full potential

Why? Is it worse than the waifu and shipping shit? The twitter outrage screencap threads? What would you rather have?

Naruto with wizards? What a wacky concept, surely such things only exist in the mind

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Works now.!PsNG2QIR!awu3jvYLfBQdJU5ntLE84g

Johnny Cage and Falcon are both the Style characters of their respective fighting games, and have iconic meme punches. Still a lame match up though.


If only they stuck with the working out and being swole plot line and not blow their load on the 1st episode with

Mustang would obliterate Zuko. He's basically Combustion Man with zero cooldown and instant cast

and Venom obliterates Bane, but that didn't stop them from giving into fan pressure and writing that episode

Its up now
The guy in charge/Mega had some issues

It comes once during the middle of the fight

Athena vs Johnny Cage would've be better

that was just because in the Q and A podcast apparently it rivaled Goku vs Superman in the sheer amount of requests. And people thought Bane would win because "Muh 300 IQ Keikaku" and "That one time I survived a 100mph car crash without Venom boost"

They gave him his Smash moveset but they didn't really factor outside of the animation
The verdict was determined by anime feats (scaling to Zoda, Black Shadow, etc and Reactor Might bullshit)

Fun fact, Harry Potter was originally gonna fight Aang but then they saw Avatar's finale
So they made him fight Luke who in hindsight is even more broken given Legends feats

Yeah, Alphonse is outside help

point still stands, a fight being a curbstomp doesn't matter if enough people demand it.

FMA characters are multitudes faster than Avatar characters

Shouldn't Aang scale to Iroh who reacted to natural lightning?

My money's on Aang, unless they allow Ed to use Aang as alchemy fuel to open the gate for some transformation that requires a human soul for equivalent exchange.

Still hoping for a Rand al'Thor vs Skywalker fight. Doubt it'll happen anytime soon though.

>If it's militaristic, they're Nazis!
Seriously user?

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ATLA lightning is really slow.

>FMA characters are multitudes faster than Avatar characters
Aang can literally dodge lightning.


Could've been a decoy.

Web animation. If Camp Camp and RWBY get threads, so can DB.


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I said natural lightning not lightning bending
You know, from the sky
Seeing how they gave Sora a sky lightning reaction feat, shouldn't they give Iroh and by scaling Aang that as well?

That's still going on huh?

>RT was one of the companies to fire Vic
Aw fuck if Ed loses we're never gonna hear the end of it
The only thing that can surpass Ben vs Hal's Yea Forums civil war, generational war, bullshit is potential outragefag conspiracy bullshit

Anime feats
They did give Cap his Smash moveset but it didn't factor in the verdict
No Subspace Emissary stuff
If anything he could just run Johnny with the Blue Falcon, activate boost fire to shake him off, and he could summon it in the anime given how Reactor Mights work

That was a pretty bad fight

Wonder who would Asta fight....Deku?

Ed looks like a kid. No way is DB going to allow a grandpa and a grown man to beat up a kid.

>implying the character with built in god mode would lose

Big if true. Screencap this post.

So any other FMA matches?
Bradley vs Deathstroke
Father (FMA) vs Father (KND)

Twp Words..Hal Jordan

Ew, I stepped in loser

>Deku fights Asta because muh shonen jump sales wars
I hate that notion and people who think like that, but since I don't know you user I'll say Asta should fight Asuna from Negima, due to both of them having "No U" powers

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Bunch of shit from the anime, Falcon's car is OP as shit.

Two Words

Ed punched a bigger badder god tho

Bigger and badder is contextual. What is Ed going to do when Aang flies 300 feet into the air and starts machine gunning boulders at him?

Would Korra vs Star destroy Yea Forums?

Does anyone even like Korra?

no fight has destroyed Yea Forums more than Ben vs Hal due to long copypasta I've never kept or bothered to remember.
But if you want another Yea Forums meltdown over a death battle of all things wait for Discord vs Bill Cipher or Danny Phantom vs American Dragon, or XJ9 vs Robot boy because waifu fags

Wasn't he nerfed/held back for that blow to happen?

>Father vs Father
Oh yes what a perfect matchup. I thought of this because they have the same names lol

Apparently Miles Morales and Gon are Deku's most requested fights and Deku loses to both

Any horse show matchup is bound to cause a ruckus on Yea Forums. They still have two of em two go for fights

Reasons why the salt will never be surpassed (aside from Goku vs Superman)
1. Ben 10 is huge and is pretty much one of the biggest new IPs of the 2000s with it around the 4.5 million dollar range and a successful reboot
2. Alien X is seen as an instant win button especially after the popularity of Kuro's videos. Not bothering saving X for the climax may have raised eyebrows and having Hal pretty much break the reality wiping was probably seen as blasphemy.
3. Zoomers don't know shit about Hal. At best they grew up with John Stewart thanks to the DCAU or Guy Gardner thanks to Batman The Brave and the Bold
4. If Superman is Goku, Hal would probably be seen as Krillin to the unknowing public. They saw their god tier lose to a character they assumed would be Krillin level
5. Specifically on Yea Forums but this match up was Comics vs Cartoons and HEATfags like to gloat
6. Ending the match with scissors instead of an explosion because the people behind Death Battle wanted more creative finales
7. Ben not wanting the episode to be too long led to shit like why the 6 thoughts crap was invalid not being expressed clear enough

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They said they're done with Horses IIRC

meh, i could see deku possibly beating gon depending on whether or not they give him his gon-san transformation (which they really shouldn't).
Miles makes much more sense though.

Transmute himself several cannons and bombard Aang. Aang can only fly with his glider. Doesn't even need to hit Aang directly. Just damage his glider and he is an easy target to pick off.

they're also evil main villain relatives of the main character, they have that in common

Just wait for that Shonen power creep to kick in

We gotta wait until the manga finishes because apparently the motherfucker has 2 semi canon upgrades and 7 power boosts to go. At least they flat out say it and not just retcon a character's entire bloodline (Fuck you Naruto and Ichigo for just having alien superpowers at the very end)

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We need a Kirby villain for a match (DDD is more of an anti hero / frenemy)

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Deku is faster, stronger and possibly more durable than Miles. Only thing Miles got going for him is Venom Blast. Not even going to mention Spider-sense since that is way too plot driven and slower people that have no business touching him managed to touch him.

That's not really a good theme
Also, what do you guys think matters most?
>How much the match is requested
>How thematic it is
>How fun it'd be
>How close it is

There's still Metaknight who hasn't gotten a DB yet

do you just have a notepad file in case this gets brought up or did you memorize this?

Still waiting for Meta Knight vs Sparkster
Heard rumors that Ben wanted it at some point

>can only fly with his glider
u wot?

I would say thematic and funess

I just go to Desuarchive, search a few words, and copy & paste

If they give Aang the avatar state they should give Ed a philosopher stone

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>Ed is an alchemy "genius"
>sticks to making pillars, spears and arm swords
God I hope Death Battle is more creative than the source material.

The Avatar State is intrinsic to Aang, it can't be seperated from him. A Philosopher's Stone is outside help, Ed hates even using them

Example of a perfectly thematic match with
a small gap in power that no one wanted nor would be fun to watch
Klungo vs N Brio
>Both are scientific henchmen to the main villains in 3D platformers
>Both are annoyed and berated by their boss
>Both use beakers in fights
>Both eventually at one point got fed up and turned against their boss

Attached: klungo_vs__dr__nitrus_brio_by_omnicidalclown1992_da9r0v4-pre.jpg (1192x670, 70K)

The Avatar state is outside help, hell so is bending. If you're going to give Ed Automail you should give him a stone; otherwise strip Aang of Avatar mode.

The joke
>Your head

>I swear I heard your stupid voice before
>Why Yes Haven't You Heard Of The MIGHTY ZIM
>Alright your majesty, this scheeeraddde is over you dumb monkey

Attached: What-if_Death_Battle_Cryptosporidium_vs._Zim.jpg (1276x718, 244K)

>The Avatar state is outside help,
no more than Bayonetta summoning her demons it isn't.

This one would be pretty fun actually though I'd say Zim takes it.

What are zims feats?
His backpack leg thing is cool as hell

>outside help
Doesn't work like that like
Its like saying any of the souls Shao Kahn ate are outside help

This is actually a pretty interesting DB with no clear cut winner unlike most of them.
Ed couldn't use any earth element which he likes to do because it would be worthless against Aang.
Actually I changed my mind Ed gets bodied in this. The only thing Edward can do is speed which might overwhelm Aang.
Also people in avatar are tough they take boulders tossed at them at like 50 mph and are fine.

From the top of my head, surviving a comically sized explosion epicenter and has multiple organs extracting devices that just ignore concrete walls, armor, metal, and are semi heat seeking

Speaking of themes
Which matters most?
>Character/Personality themes
>Backstory themes
>Power themes
>Meta themes

Wait, does Aang have any sprites or are they gonna resort to using custom mades like Alien X?

For a fan made fight to the death, power and meta themes honestly

shit ton of GBA/DS games exist

I mean Toph was the first metal bender technically, so her teaching it to Aang in some forgotten canon thing IS plausible.

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Keep in mind when I said meta, I meant shit like company rivalries and real life history involving the characters
Crash vs Spyro only really works when you take into account the history of both characters being the PS1's mascots
Without it, its just Platformer character vs Platformer character with maybe a small tint of Science vs Magic

How little research will be put in this video?

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He doesn't need the fucking glider

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>sure they pull the "Opposite elements are super hard to learn for some abstract reason" thing
I thought it was personality-based. Aang isn't good with the direct style of Earthbending. Korra's too hotheaded for Airbending.

I mean Carol has fans here (somehow) but still
Its arrogant useless bitch vs bitch who committed genocide

What happened to Negi's mom?

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Taking that into account, I stand by what I said

Johnny Cage won because the Death Battle Curse is bogus
No new F-Zero game still
There goes Gordon Freeman vs Isaac Clarke

>Pretty tanky in a comically frail sort of way (able to take a beating from a brutish alien, survived an explosion but looks like total shit afterward)
>Vast assortment of gadgets from his PAK. These include things like the spider mech legs, organ harvester, scanners, communicators, infared binoculars, holographic transmitters, rocket boosters, breather masks, etc
>Very tech savvy and good at operating vehicles
>Huge Ego which fucks him up at times, however the more focused he is on something the more dangerous he becomes. He can be extremely competent if directed properly
>PAK can jump start his body in a bind.
>The PAK is basically Zim himself. If the body is separated from the PAK for more than 10 minutes, it dies. If the PAK attaches o someone else, it will destroy them after 10 minutes supposedly as only Irken biology is compatible with it.

Something something Vsbattles meme
But in all seriousness we'd likely get a Belmont Battle Royale

Would their ships be taken into account?


It won't make a difference, they're Tanks made of glass in canon

So wait, who's taller?

Wouldn't Joe make more sense against a character who also enters movies?

>Even though much of Ed's alchemy gets hard countered by Aang's earth bending,

Alchemy counters earthbending, not the other way around.

Ed can change the elemental makeup of his transmutations, turning earth into steel, or more impressively, turning Greed's graphene into charcoal. There's nothing stopping Ed from turning Earth, (or Water, or even Air, a la Roy Mustang) into a material Aang can't use or can't use well, like sand. Hell, he wouldn't even have to do that. He would just have to pull a Scar and dismantle the materials Aang bends, totally taking Earth and Water out of the equation.

Aang wins this battle btw, off of pure power output alone, but Alchemy is the advantageous magic system. If Ed had control over all spheres of alchemy the way Aang does over bending, this would be a different discussion.

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Firestorm's Rogues Gallery vs Edward Elric
How far can he go?
Easy Mode: No Killer Frost

Toph vs Chunin Exam Gaara

Who would win?

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Lightning bending is not lighting speed lmao cmon. You don't even have to calculate it, you can literally see it cross the room in slow frames.

Garra crushes her with Sand Coffin

Firestorm has a rouges gallery?

they has alot of really lame badguys, ed will be fine

He scales to Iroh who redirected natural lightning

ed loses hard

fair matchup would be father vs aang because father would dumpster the avatar state

>Top Down perspective
Mugen community it is
If not, it'd explain why they couldn't waste time making Teen Ben sprites

That makes him, at best, a lighting timer, not lightning speed. Reaction speed =/= movement/attack speed.

They fight because either Aang calls Ed short or Ed goes full fedora on the very concept of Avatars

They're obviously saving Joseph Joestar to fight Booker Dewitt on an airplane with all powers

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what's the theme between those two?
also, I don't watch Jojo why did people want him to fight Ed?

Since when?

When does Aang redirect natural lightning?

I said Iroh did it
He redirected natural lightning during a storm to protect Zuko's ship

Team Avatar vs The Sound Four

Who wins in a battle?

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Who's taller? Ed or Aang?

idk about the Ed Fight, and there's little to no similarities other than magic bastard dads who can't be on any form of boat, airplane, or even car without it exploding in a horrific accident. I just picked Booker due to the fact I wanted to throw a curveball that goes straight to your liver

Shouldn't Avatar State take care of it?
All I remember is that Tayuya died to trees

Add Kimimaro and Zuko to the mix for a real battle.

Poor Sokka wouldn’t even have a chance to defend himself

Consider the Sound guys actually kill while Team Avatar is made of pacifist hippies

Most Naruto characters are more durable than Avatar characters. If any of the Sound ninja hit the Gaang with one of their techniques, they would be done.

Ed lives in a world where Mustang can snap his fingers and explode your head. Ed can do the same trick by clapping his hands. To be fair Aang can probably do something else equally stupid by fucking with air and fire bending or something retarded by blood bending but bending requires doing martial arts, which isn't faster than a hand clap.

Did some Googling
Ed's height is about 141 cm
Aang's about 137.16 cm according to a fan calculation

Attached: heights[2].jpg (880x280, 64K)

Sokka vs. Kidomaru

Katara vs. Tayuya

Toph vs. Jirobo

Aang vs. Sakon + Ukon

Kimmimaro with his curse mark on full power would probably equal Avatar state Aang strength

Saying this as an Avatar fan

Korra already contradicts this: they say Korra is the FIRST metal-bending Avatar, which means Toph never taught Aang how to do it. And the person saying this was Toph's daughter so they'd know.

I know Iroh did, but again, why does this mean Aang can?

Also, assuming ATLA lightning follows the same laws as real world lightning, the fact that the lightning struck the exact spot on the ship where Iroh was standing implies one of two things. 1) he got astronomically lucky or 2) redirecting lightning involves drawing lightning towards the bender, like a lightning rod. Assuming we go with 2 -- If Iroh knew the lightning bolt would strike him because he was drawing it to him, he does not have to react at lightning speed, he simply has to time his movements at the instant the strike comes.

Which is still impressive, but doesn't make him scale to lightning, not by any stretch. Even if you don't agree with that, Iroh's feats are not Aangs feats.

Avatar fans really don't understand how fast Naruto characters are.

>The PAK is basically Zim himself.
I keep forgetting about this one.

the sound Four lost to genin so they are trash

>Sokka vs. Kidomaru

Realistically speaking, Sokka would get obliterated within seconds

>Katara vs. Tayuya

Better chances than Sokka, but Katara would still get crushed

>Toph vs. Jirobo

Jirobo is a better “earth bender” than Toph, and he has super strength/super speed

She would lose

>Aang vs. Sakon + Ukon

Aang is the only Avatar character than stands a chance to win, but only in his Avatar state mode

If Sakon hits Aang with his Kekkei Genkai Aang would get killed

Also worth adding that Zim is utterly fucking insane so trying telepath stuff will probably go badly.

I really wish you assholes would stop posting this fanfic garbage everywhere like it fucking matters.

With both Invader Zim and Destroy All Humans coming back, I'd be surprised if they don't do this next season

The Sound Four were genin themselves though

>Best ninja in the entire village of Sound outside of Kimimaro, Kabuto, or Orochimaru

Reminder that Naruto was still a genin when he beat up the final boss and you had the Anbu Jobber Ops who were jounin. Ranks that aren't kage mean jack shit

this fucker went from genin to hokage that's the funniest thing ever

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He achieved jonin before Last Movie I think

I’d place my money on Crypto but Zim does have far better feats and Zim’s species tech is just better compared to Furon tech. Plus in DAH 2 HoloPox did state that all Furon weaponry couldn’t compete against Blisk biology. So I doubt that they’ll be able to compete against Irken biology.

Any genin of the Konoha 11/Sasuke could and would destroy any ATLA character that wasn't in the Avatar State.

Rock Lee alone could solo all of Ba Sing Se's defenses including the Gaang with no effort.

Well, they rekt a group of Konoha jounin before fighting with Naruto’s group

Not to mention only Neji and Choji were able to defeat the sound ninjas, Rock Lee, Kiba and Shikamaru were all about to get killed until the Sand Ninjas showed up

Garra lost because naruto is a shit series and watching through it was too much for any sane person

Neji, Kankuro and Temari went from genin to jonin

Gaara went from genin to Kage

Also F-Zero is dead

Shut up

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So what's stopping Ed from just blowing Aang up from the inside with Scar's decomposition technique? In the anime, Ed only does this to the Slicer brothers because they aren't human, but with DB taking away restraint to kill, Aang doesn't have a single defense against Ed's touch of death does he?

Flight and superior environment control

I don't think Aang's flight will be that free, Ed commonly uses ground based pillars as anti-air attacks and even if Aang can stay up, he will have constant pressure to come down. And I think Ed's alchemy counters bending plenty, at the very least, Earthbending is all but cancelled out and firebending and waterbending are very reliant on specific environmental conveniences

What's stopping Aang from suffocating Ed?

Attached: Hou-Ting_suffocating.png (444x250, 131K)

Avatar state Is about the only think I can think of that could tank Mustang's attacks and or take Ed's faster attacks, enough to retaliate with super condense elemental attacks.

Attached: Avatar_state_YIP-YIP.gif (500x250, 999K)

Water bending you're right. But firebending can be used virtually anywhere given it's weaponized combustion, though Ed can work around that, like what he's done with Mustang

Does Aang even know how to do that?

It's more about personalities.

So why isn't this match as heated as Ben vs Hal?
Yea Forums loves Avatar and given the weebs here, FMA as well by default

Accusations are not proof, Vic did nothing wrong.

>ed transmutes himself a gas mask
>proceeds to turn the air around him into chlorine gas
If he gets close to Aang, how well could he deal with this?

What about the martians from Mars Attacks? Or at least whichever Martian is considered the strongest to go against either Zim or Crypto?

Attached: Mars_Attacks.jpg (599x429, 71K)

Less egos being put against each other
dc should have kept him a villain and never used him again

Not him but the way I see it is that I lean on the more proof side but I wouldn't be surprised if Vic is a creep given how this kind of shit was talked about long before this mess even happened but I also wouldn't be shocked if his nature was exaggerated
In other words, I don't care

So how fast is Aang? Reading through it seems like Ed and Aang both have free death haxes, but who's faster? Aang probably takes travel speed because of air bending, but how about combat speed? Ed is faster than Scar who kept up with Bradley, and I don't know if Aang's on that level

ben 10 fags thrived on jerking off alien x in all Vs debates because muh god power super 10000x times stronger than you, and DCfags are the masters of that kind of faggotry. No surprise what happened there.

Avatar and FMA are a lot more grounded and the fans of both are generally more chill and care less about Vs debates, so that's why things won't be so heated

Ed dodged a bullet at point blank range, but Aang caught lightning which he saw charging up and had time to get read for, so no matter what both are faster
Not sure how well you could quantify both because while lightning is much faster than bullets the time to get ready was longer

Here's a big thing though. If Aang gets the Avatar state, then Ed might get the Philosopher stone, which is for all intents and purposes is omnipotent

Is the Stone standard equipment or did he lose it?

In Brotherhood, Ed never actually has it, IIRC, it's Al who uses it temporarily. And in 03, same thing, except Al BECOMES the Philosophers stone.

potentially he could learn it, I believe Zaheer got better as it went. I don't think he knew all of a sudden how to bend the air out of her lungs.

although, i do forget that he did "turn himself into a Philosopher's Stone" to defeat Pride, but I've never actually understood what the fuck that meant or implied so

>which is for all intents and purposes is omnipotent
no it's given a limit, its more just a lot of fuel to create and fuck around with matter with made from souls

Chances are he wouldn't run out of it in a fight, but also Al when fighting with the stone did not do anything too insane for the setting, so it's safe to assume it wouldn't put him far above avatar state Aang power wise, if it even does that because avatar state is pretty damn strong

without the stone it's more of a question for if Ed can out think Aang and use his powers in a clever way to beat him, because Aangs seemingly got lots more sheer force behind him

I think Zaheer was like the Air Acolytes
Like he studied all the Air Nomad customs and lifestyle but never was one himself nor could be and just got lucky when Airbenders started popping up

It's given the illusion of unlimited power sure, but as far as puny mortals are concerned it's basically godhood

Only when it's convenient for who they want to win. i.e. fap Dante's speed feats "he can cut raindrops as they fall!" and then completely ignore it in other matches "Toph is just as fast as Gaara!"

He used his soul energy to transmute things, it cuts off his lifespan but that wasn't important since he was young.

Would Cage vs Athena result in him entering the Oxygen Club?

Death battle is one of the most retarded things to come out of youtube

Post Research Team promotion had things be handled a lot better
Hal's massive speed advantage was one of the reasons he defeated Ben

expect Ed has never once shown to be able to do that kinda of feat. IE turn an entire arena into metal. Also Ed would have lost to Mustang everytime if it wasn't for water makes my fire not work.

Wasn't that when he healed himself from being impaled by Kimblee's attack?

when ed fought mustang in 03 he didn't win because of water, he won because mustang hesitated because of war ptsd

>DCfags are the masters of that kind of faggotry
And that's a good thing!

Avatar State should stomp. Aang is agile enough to avoid Ed's alchemy, specifically I'm pretty sure he learned deconstruction alchemy like Scar and that could potentially one-shot if he gets a hand on Aang without morals. I think Death Battle will favor Aang too since Ed is more "weeb" and "obscure" to folks like them. If this just them in their base than Ed wins eventually. If Ed had a gun that would be a huge boon for a fight like this but that's not in his standard equipment.

Attached: The Fortuneteller_trim.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Ed could always just transmute a gun. They exist in both brotherhood and 03, he's had one in both.

Research Team is full of anime fans

Who would win?

Attached: Super Skrull VS Avatar Aang.png (1000x780, 1.78M)

Kl'rt curbstomps

>Avatar fans

>Ed could always just transmute a gun
No one has done this, it's too intricate to create one on the spot. Ed only creates spears and such. I can't be sure but maybe some have created rudimentary "cannons" with alchemy but hardly actual cannons and more just "shoot sharp stuff at bad guy through hole I created" without something like gunpowder. Ed was forced to carry a gun but he didn't want it, didn't use it, and gave it back when he could; he does not carry one for his standard equipment.

Ed can do human transmutation with his own body. I think that's basically like using a stone.

Armstrong's Alchemy is intricate enough to create statues of himself on projectiles mid-air, and Ed has also done similar, albeit much simpler things. Ed made a full functioning cannon complete with ammo in 03, and plenty of intricate alchemic creations are shown around in general.
Youre right it's not standard equipment, that's obvious. But he could make one, he very likely knows how to use it and how to make it, and much like Scar's decomposition, the only reason he doesnt use it is for morals that aren't present in DB

Aang could never beat Father or some of the stronger homunculi

Hope Ed blows his ass out

This, there is another thread up right now were there are people still salty Katara did not go with the guy they liked more

in regards to Vs debates they generally are. The korra shit is different entirely

Armstrong's statues aren't as intricate as a gun which has a lot of tiny parts that have to be exact so the thing works as intended. Ed could repair one, but couldn't just spawn one that would be way too hard. Don't know what Ed has done in 03 but I doubt they will be using that canon. Regardless that's not within Ed's fighting style even without morals he moreso creates fists and spikes and that sort of stuff.

So who'd Korra fight?

Damn Fma had some crisp fights

03 feats should count for Ed for the most part since they are capable of roughly the same feats, the only thing contradictory is the story but that doesn't really affect Ed's combat skills or capabilities in either iteration

Aang at his strongest has flight/levitation while Ed is mostly grounded.

I honestly cant think of Anything Ed can do against Aang's level of camping. Aang would just blast Ed with land leveling stone bullets from 1000 meters away.

his best bet would be some kind of pillar to bring himself close enough to do something that would catch Aang off gaurd and kill him
Even then it puts him in a much easier to kill spot, and is less maneuverable than flight by a lot
FMA is the better series

Ed also stomps without a stone. He’s too smart and has quicker reflexes. He’d just transmute anything Aang could do

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Has he transmutated air?

Ed doesn't need to compete with flight, he can strike at Aang from the ground with pillars that could definitely reach Aang
this is just used for mobility, if used for combat these would more than make up for a lack of flight

>I honestly cant think of Anything Ed can do against Aang's level of camping
chain decoys to buy time and space for an explosive atmosphere reaction he slowly drew in the ground during the fight to cover as fuckhuge an area as possible.

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He transmuted gasses before, so oxygen should be fair game

I want Alucard (Hellsing) vs Dio

Will it be hand animated like Jack vs Afro?

thats a good question actually. I doubt itll be 3d, most likely 2d but now i could easily see it being hand drawn.

>Belmonts fighting each other
>The only tension is when Juste shows up, until Julius shows up and fucks everyone to death.
Stronger every generation, user.

Jack vs Afro was only hand animated because Luis got drunk when he promised it but I think he'd be down with doing another hand drawn fight

They would give Edward the stone if thats the case

Who exactly would any of them fight? Almost all of them are cosmic threats.

Usually it's negligible, but the environment is probably going to be the most important here than its' ever been in a previous match. I wonder how it'll be determined without favoring either character more than the other while still allowing both to use their full potential.


Ed has ways to be mobile, but he's not mobile enough to evade a hail of rock bullets from the skies he isn't Ozai with his jet feet. Or similarly a huge blast of air that can break stone, which should be invisible to Ed.

Attached: Avatar Aang_trim5.webm (960x540, 3M)

Nothing Fullmetal does beats Avatar State at all, the closest Ed got to anything like that was when he fought father and that shit took the effort of every single available fighter with a heartbeat. Roy has a better chance of beating Aang. Also by the series end, Ed cant even use alchemy anymore.

So Ed will probably win because that will generate more clicks.

Would Edward use the Philosopher's Stone with a no morality rule?


Bubble in the brain

Roy would shit on Aang in the first 2 seconds

>Ed can transmute pure metal and pure metal alloys
>Aang can't bend pure petal
>Aang can't outgun pure metal
>Ed can bend literally anything Aang can conceivably throw at him except lightning, which he knows enough about to be able to negate with science

If he was given it sure, but Ed's ironically never used it in either series.

>perfect counter to everything
I see you literally only watched the first episode. Wizards are OP as fuck in universe

I hear it gets good after the 1st season, but right now I'm sticking to the Manga, so far so good, at chapter 80. I still stand by my statement of "Muh demon sword anti-magic BS". Charmy best girl.

Ed isn't evasive, but he specializes in defense and misdirection. He can literally throw up walls to block any attack on him, burrow if need be, and his decoys literally always work.

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Oh I don't watch the anime, just read the manga which is great shonenshit. Most fights tend to show that he needs the superhuman physicals to actually win. He got beat down by the despair elf guy, lasered, and would have lost a ton of fights if not for his crew.

Charmy is indeed a best

So the real question is Ed's Decoy vs The Melon Lord, who wins?

Aang stomps the pipsqueak.

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Does melon lord have toph throwing flaming rocks?
Does Ed's decoy have Ed behind toph about to punch her?

Who would be a good fight for Roy? His fight with Envy shows he's perfectly willing to start a fight off with boiling the liquid in someone's eyes.

That trickery is sort of cancelled out with seismic sense, but I do think Ed would beat base Aang. Avatar State Aang's bending is too much though when he's miles in the sky raining hell down below he'd need to rely solely on his trickery to avoid it without the agility necessary and any defense, i.e. stone walls or block with his arm, wouldn't be effective. Has Ed ever burrowed himself?

Some other cosmic threat or cartoonish threat. You could probably put one of the lower tier ones against someone like Dimentio from Paper Mario or something

So Aang like weiss will die for death battle's sins to make up for previous bullshit

I want to see a Death Battle between these two psychic boys.

Balance Battle.

The Avatar is all about maintaining elemental balance.
Alchemists can create pretty much
anything, but need to destroy an equal amount in the process with no exceptions save the Macguffin Stone.

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Roy from Fire Emblem is similarly embedded in a military, uses overpowered fire weapons and there's the whole name thing too.

Roy shits on everything in the Avatar-verse except the very few beings that could tank his blasts, i.e. maybe some of the more powerful spirits. It's like Amaterasu if you don't have inhuman speeds like Wrath or the Third Raikage or can't tank it like a Homunculus or a Bijuu than you're going to get one-shotted.

Attached: amaterasu_vs_raikage.jpg (750x1100, 236K)

ness stomps

Could just be highly requested
Sometimes Ben himself doesn't understand the themes
Sora vs Pit is an example of a highly requested match that Ben had no idea why people wanted so much

Okay, so outside of a Death Batttle do you think these two could become bro's?

Honestly, between Ed Vs. Joseph Joestar and Aang, Aang does seem a lot more fun for a fun animation. Not that Joseph isnt fun as fuck, but the fight would kind of be onesided until Joseph bullshits a win out of his ass at the end.

For Aang, Captain Planet is probably too obscure to be picked over someone more well known like Ed. They might also have picked this because Roy vs Zuko is a similarly requested matchup, so they'll do this first and then do that later to make it up to FMA fans for Ed dying

If Zuko doesn't scream Honor as Roy finishes it, they fail

If Ed loses, what's a match that would land FMA into the oxygen club?

Yeah but FE Roy is kind of a shitter, his sword carries him hard.

Bradley Vs Solidus Snake maybe? I'm not sure if Alphonse has any matchups. Maybe they could do the Pillar Men vs. The Homunculus, or just Kars Vs. Father, which would be more losses for FMA

>Roy vs Zuko
how do they write this without Roy ending Zuko with a snap

How does being in the Avatar state stop the air in your skull from igniting? Or your eyeballs boiling? Within the timeframe of you snapping your fingers/clapping your hands?

Roy has a gun and some cqc skill, i guess, but in all likelihood I imagine it would just end with Zuko getting Lust'd/Envy'd. Would be funny if it ended up being the shortest fight animation since the first season of DBs

Zuko's lots more maneuverable so they just have him dodge and bend around the fire to stay alive until Roy tags and kills him

Bradley would beat 90% of street level cape characters

Pretty sure Aang will Spiritbend and turn off Ed's ability to Transmutate.

i dont think thats how bending or alchemy work

Roys fire doesn't come from him.

>Does oxygen and fuel exist within range?
>Ok it ignites.

This is why this fight between the Avatar and Ed is fucking retarded. Ed looks at Aang, claps is hands, Aangs head explodes. Avatar state or not you can't stop an instantaneous head explosion.

That required Aang having a stronger will then Ed, which is questionable, but also having Ed restrained and not just killing him
also bending and alchemy dont work the same way

I can see it already:

"Poor Ed. He just couldn't 'Aang' in there."

Why wouldn't Ed just explode oxygen in Aang's face when he tries to bend it?

Why wouldn't Aang just suffocate Ed when he tries to do anything?

The only matches I would be even for Roy would be probably be against a character with regenerative abilities. Anyone capable of dodging or tanking his attacks would probably be too much for him.Of course against a regenerator you just get Roy vs Lust/Envy again.

That also requires Aang to touch him and probably do some form of hand/body motions. In that timeframe Ed can just clap his hands and kill Aang. Ed's enemies were functionally indestructible which is why he could never just outright kill them. Aang is squishy as fuck and can clearly be killed by a majority of the bullshit abilities seen in Alchemist, all of which Ed can do within the clapping of his hands. Hell he doesn't even have to clap, he just has to touch his fucking hands.

Takes longer to suffocate someone than it does to 'asplode their head.

One requires bending by doing a martial art stance and air bending for the most part manipulates the air nearby then goes to the target. Where as Edward just needs to touch his hands together to make the oxygen in your bloodstream to instantly ignite. One is slightly faster than the other.

He'd probably fight Hiei or something, they both seem to have reletively quickly finished fights, at least manga Hiei does, can't speak for the anime.

Has Ed ever done this? Isn't that kind of thing Mustang's forte?

He did it to Pride

So as of what i've got from this thread
Ed has
-A few good instant kill options if he can get his hands on Aang
-Smarter, and has a bunch of tricks he could use on Aang
-a bit more versatility
While Aang has
-More sheer power
-More maneuverability
-More durability

Honestly it seems like this could go either way, I'm rooting for Ed though

Just remember, Death Battle does not judge on instant kills, it's more who has the better overall matchup.

Durability goes to Ed, nigga took a blast that leveled a building and was impaled at the same time and was still able to heal himself from it.
Kimblee previously was known for oneshotting people in his wake and destroying parts of cities using the same weapon he used against Ed.

Well Roy only did the "boil your tongue and eyes" thing because of his personal vendetta against Envy, normally IC Roy just combusts the air around where his enemy is because that requires a lot less precision. Wrath leapt over Roy's fire once it isn't literally unreactable, but Wrath pretty much has a Sharingan and is well-aware of what Roy can do.

Attached: The Terror Within_trim4.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

I thought the rule was no outside help unless thier abilities specifically require it (like how they included Otacon with Snake)? Ed can more than hold his own without Al, and by that metric, who would Aang have as his backup?

Mewtwo Vs Shadow literally came down to Mewtwo having basically an instant kill

Instant kills factor into the better overall matchup, having the ability to kill just by grabbing someone is still a big advantage
It was a factor in ken winning his match

No outside help unless
>the help is part of their arsenal and already comes with the characters
>if the character is bound/contracted to be summoned and be used by the character
>if both sides have equal help

Giving someone amnesia is not an instant kill.

>Deconstruction: After the fight with Scar, he copied his technique to touch an object to realize the first two stages of alchemy, destroying the matter at the molecular level. Able to clap his palms together to destroy any material, regardless of the strength to kill a person by touching any part of his body and completely destroy it from within, turning the insides to mush. One of the tricks used - destroys any object so that it splinters fly directly in the face of the enemy that of distracting.

Unless you Aang a homologous who can hold himself on together on the molecular level, Ed should win. Again, because Ed saw the gate, unlike Scar he doesn't even have to have symbols. Just 1 touch and dead.

Honestly he shouldn't even have to do that. Either way he doesn't need to touch the target to make their head explode.

it practically is when it sets up for a free kill and strips the opponent of all combat ability

He had "God" ripped out of him and was considerably weaker, yes, but Father was still a "fuck you I win" threat to begin with

Doesn't Ed also not kill? Granted he's much more aggressive and less of a pacifist but I recall him sparing people often.

Hiei would stomp so no

That's a better point. I was more thinking how they compared Strange Vs Fate.

yeah, im aware of this, but killing from a touch and killing from range instantly are two very different things

>I didnt read the source material: the post
Alchemy has strict rules about what you can and cannot do without a Philosopher's Stone involved. Laws of conservation of matter/energy still apply

But Ed can do both. Unless Aang can survive internal head explosion.

If Ed loses, there better not be a debunk video from that idiot, SethTheProgrammer.

No Ed can't do that. Deconstruction requires the user to be touching whatever he wants to break apart, like when Ed touches the pipe that has impaled him or grabbing Pride's face. He doesn't have another alchemy technique that could instantly kill someone in this manner.

Honestly, I'm more afraid of the Vicfags than the powerlevelspergs if Ed loses

we both know there will be

Who would be a good matchup against Kimblee? I'm thinking maybe Bakugo or Gambit.

so we all agree ed is being sent to die so that Mustang can beat Zuko later, just like what was done with One Piece/Fairy Tale and Pokemon/Digimon right?

Attached: mustang.jpg (640x361, 30K)


Kimblee was such a jobber, it kind of pissed me off t b h. Though I understand the logic behind it (being locked up for so long, less of a straight up fighter and more of a demolition-guy).

I bet Seth is a Commie.

How can Mustang beat Zuko? Zuko could just bend his fire alchemy.

Who would be a good match for the best Full Metal Character

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Senator Armstrong from Metal Gear Rising?

That's actually a much better matchup considering Kimblee would probably have his philosopher's stone, which I thin would even the odds against Deidara's superior mobility.

Bending requires doing martial arts, Mustang snaps and shit just instantly explodes. You can't dance your way out of your eyeballs instantly lighting up like the 4th of July.

this is a joke at this point right

>expect Ed has never once shown to be able to do that kinda of feat. IE turn an entire arena into metal.

That wasn't the implication. The implication was if Aang tries to use an earthbending attack, Ed can use alchemy to dismantle the element as its moving toward him. We do see him do this on the fly, as was stated, during his fights with Greed and Scar.

And don't tell me Ed can't manipulate the same amount of mass that Aang can, its shown multiple times that Ed's alchemy range is ridiculous.

if Mustang missed, Zuko COULD bend the flames from the explosion afterward, but Mustang is precise enough to ignite the liquid in your eyeballs, so...

Yes he transmuted so there would a higher concentration of oxygen in the air.

Ed transmutes cannons a few times IIRC. He's not against firearms.

Ed clapping his hands?

Why go for eyes. Light all the oxgen in his body? The room? Hell the fucking town they are in? All of it is done in a snap vs a dance number.

Yikes you have no idea how either of these magic systems work do you holy shit

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What death battle you think they're going to announce at RTX?
Since the last one was Yea Forums vs "Yea Forums", this one is Yea Forums vs Yea Forums, and next one is Yea Forums vs Yea Forums, I think we're due for some /m/ vs /m/ or something. Or they throw order out the fucking window and do a joke battle like Homer Simpson vs Peter Griffin or Tom from Tom and Jerry vs The Roadrunner

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>Zuko can bend explosions

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>Armstrong vs Armstrong
Yes. YES

Attached: c8b.gif (500x281, 972K)

>/m/ vs /m/
I like this idea
What would be some good fights or fighters for this

>Tom vs The Roadrunner
What do you have against Tom? Doesn't he suffer enough?

I don't think they'll reveal that much considering last year was more focused on revealing the line up right before the 100th episode
We'll likely get a sneak peak of Aang vs Edward and maybe a future fight
Either CG or another collaboration with Ismahawk
Still more than the RWBY team though

Azula vs. Kimblee. Who lives at the end?

What'll it be?

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Kimblee can just blow her up from afar without a care in the world. Azula doesn't really get to do anything, Kimblee was able to dance with Scar while totally out of combat practice so theres no way Azula is tagging him. The question here is how many buildings dropping on her will Azula take before dying.

Seems he's an animator, so I guess he got contracted to animate an episode?

Show me an actual cannon with gunpowder being created and used by Ed. Or anyone with alchemy.
>He's not against firearms.
There's a whole subplot about Rize giving him a gun and how much Ed doesn't want it, and gives it back to her when he can. It would've been neat to see Ed or Al transmute their hand into a gun but people underestimate how hard alchemy actually is.

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Yep, all three animate
not that user but there's this, we never see it fire but he does make it

He doesn't even have any Blender experience, he's SFM? He's a decent researcher since his twitter posts on characters are decent and he constantly asks for help on his own Discord for advice on camera and composition. It's probably going to be a joke battle since all he does is an abridged-tier comedy. If not going by what he likes and is interested in it's probably Joker from P5 vs Neku since he's been asking a shit ton of TWEWY questions lately

>The king of Terror? Finally a proper Invitation

Attached: Dragon_Megatron.jpg (864x550, 79K)

>joke battle
So Noku vs Donte?

Gurren vs. Unicron

Attached: ZiFc2384_o.jpg (612x408, 65K)

It'd be like watching an ant fight a human

God I wish, but it's probably going to be something serious since in his Discord he's been asking for tips and composition tricks for the past year. So probably Sasuke vs Aizen or Yu vs Jotaro


>planet sized mecha vs galaxy sized mecha
Not even a contest, user

You know him?

Who could Alphonse fight from Avatar to get vengeance for Ed?

I share like 2 Discords with him on multiple animation tutorial related Discords. Pretty chill place since everyone literally asks "How do I draw this" or "How can I make this punch look better".

Can't really think of anyone thematic enough or similar power wise
Seriously, are hollow suits of armor that rare in fiction?

I wonder if they'll touch on the fact that both ATLA and FMA have horrifically bad live action movies.

which was worse though?

who wins between live action aang and live action Ed?

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see Ed's against murder, not firearms. He refused the gun because he didn't want to kill anyone with it, and why would he, when nonlethal alchemy gets him by more than fine.

That hasn't stopped them before.
Besides, it's not completely one-sided, Unicron at his best ate entire universes, before being hit with the retcon stick.

It would have to be another Avatar. Al would body anyone else, just like Ed would body Aang without AS.

Ben asked on twitter months back on who people wanted Joker to fight
Most wanted Giorno

analysis: Unnatural disturbance within, Dissasembly required
or Bolin

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what are the connections between them anyway? and why do i see people ask for giorno vs Shulk? I cant find a connection at all between any of them besides "really powerful"


People really want a Persona vs Stand fight

Depends how you take things
avatar is more fun because its bad in such a spectacular way, while FMA is a more standard bad, so while it's not as bad in a technical sense, it's still less entertaining

He'd fight alongside Hiro against Hiccup and Toothless

Wouldnt Jotaro Vs Joker be better than Giorno? IIRC isnt Joker arrested which leads to him getting his persona and Jotaros introduction to his stand is in prison. Plus they're both high schoolers and are part of a team

He's against using guns because he's against murder. This is why he doesn't have a gun in his standard equipment, so guns despite very much being a thing in his setting won't be relevant in any Death Battles concerning him.

Why would anyone want to see that bullshit?

still waiting for the joke fight of The Noid vs the cast of Chuck E Cheese or someshit

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They didn't do a joke fight last year
What makes you think they'll do one this year?

Common misconception. The falcon punch was real (Had electrical sparks as a side effect) but wasn't the cause of the explosion. An unstable reactor was.

ed could easily take down aang when you consider the most powerful thing aang can accomplish is throwing big rocks

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but the last one between pink funny and deadpool was torture to watch

The last joke battle was Smokey vs McGruff
AKA, the fight a convention voted to be made

Question: Would even Avatar State Aang even know how to metalbend?

Wait how long ago was the Smokey the Bear fight? It was like last year

big rocks that weight thousands of pounds and tosses them at 20-30 mph. Doesn't need a 20 second wind up to do it.

Almost two years ago actually

What is even a contest there? One is the size of a galaxy and can block the energy of the big bang.

I don't know much about either character, but can't Aang go god mode, fly up, and nuke Ed with fireballs and earthquakes until he dies?

Also, what were they thinking putting Vic's most famous VA role on the chopping block after they fired him and he's lawyered up to sue for defamation?

Scratch that, we know EXACTLY what they were thinking. Easy clicks.


Yeah probably.

Nova Blast GG.

Ed's alchemy cancels out earthbending pretty much entirely. Ed fought against Mustang, whose flame alchemy is much more potent than anything in Avatar, so Ed should be able to dodge firebending even from the Avatar State Aang.
The real tricky part is whether Aang can just suffocate Ed off the start, or if he can keep Ed from closing in on him in the Avatar State. Ed has an instant kill that requires only a touch, so if Ed can get that one shot in, he wins.

>His whole channel is just this
I've seen people who dedicate their life just shitting on DSP and Dobson come off more sophisticated than this guy. I've seen dudes who have at most 20 subs just do the same "Brony Skeptic" shit for 5 years now come off less autistic than this guy

Ed is less pacifistic than Aang. Part of his forest training by MUSCLE MOMMY was to learn that death happens and sometimes you have to kill to survive.

Isn't Aang more of a ranged fighter though?
I can't really recall him throwing a punch

seems like a literal autist

Yeah, which is why it's tricky. Ed has the instant kill but Aang is all range, so if he can keep Ed out, he wins. If not, he loses. For Ed, he scales to casual bullet timers, but I dont know how fast Aang is so

there you go gigant cannon, same thing.

funy enough his air bending works best close range, his best strategy should be trying to throw edd off balance and crushing him with rocks unless the ocean is nearby

I still want Joseph Joestar vs Kenshiro due to wanting the stinger line to be
"Your next line is: omae wa mou shindeiru"

I know its a fan sprite for MUGEN based on his MK1 design but with sunglasses but Cage without the chest tattoo is like seeing him naked

I really hope for Aang they don't include Raava or any lore from TLOK. I can't stand that retcon they made to Avatar.

>Captain Planet is probably too obscure to be picked over someone more well known like Ed

Captain Planet is definitely not obscure. Though I guess they didn't choose him over Ed because he's literally Superman except more ridiculous and with a lame weakness that I don't think Aang has access to.

Btw, who would make a great opponent for Blade? D from Vampire Hunter D? A Castlevania character? Who?

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inb4 RT has all the clips of Ed speaking be in Japanese

>Ed's alchemy cancels out earthbending pretty much entirely

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He could just transmutate a shield from the ground


im not sure what this gif is supposed to prove, ed can literally earthbend on the same or even greater scale

>Ed has created a hail of rock bullets that can demolish a bunch of solid stone pillars

He’s done that like 4 times in the series

Show me one time.
That is way beyond Ed's capabilities
>file related
is probably Ed's best canon raw combat feat which is obviously nowhere near the destruction that the Avatar State can unleash.

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Avatar is generally a low speed verse, characters get tagged all the time but there are outliers and feats like stopping arrows mid-flight on reaction

Not sure if Aang is quite bullet-timer though


>Not sure if Aang is quite bullet-timer though

What about the time he dodged Sparky Sparky Boom Man's projectile?


Kenshiro in his battle against Jotaro

>That thumbnail.


Then Ed should win.

Jack defeated Afro
They're anime fans but they aren't biased toward anime

Just wait until you hear the voice

I think calling that bullet speed is being way too generous. Though saying Ed is also a bullet timer isn't right as well, he has peak human+ agility he isn't an aberration like Wrath. I'd give Aang the advantage when it comes to agility because of his airbending, can do things like run up the tall Ba Sing Se wall without losing momentum until near the top. But Ed is way more combat savvy than Aang. Aang would only win with Avatar State and the gigantic leap in power it gives.

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How the fuck have we not gotten DMC Dante vs Hellsing Alucard yet
Two unkillable, flamboyantly lethal superhumans with a penchant for red coats and duel-wielding comically oversized handguns?
Shit writes itself

Stupid idea here, but for how uber Aang's Avatar State makes him, I'd think it'd be the worst thing to throw at Father, especially after he's achieved "God". Not even getting into how he'd throw back most anything Aang could dish at him, but the fact that he could just strip people of their souls from a distance. Like, if he did that to the Avatar State, it's an instant-kill, right?

That one Korra feat he did was a "NO U" move where he basically recovered from blood bending bullshit and pressure point shenanigans

I never watched Korra


When are we getting another DC fight. Those never fail to bring the hype and the salt.

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>How the fuck have we not gotten DMC Dante vs Hellsing Alucard yet

Dante already fought Bayonetta before. As for Hellsing, wouldn't Spawn be a more interesting match up for him?

Some VA who did auditions leaked Aang appearing but probably mistook Falcon for Captain Falcon

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Good, anyway yeah the Avatar State ain't an I win button like Alien X or Titanus from Power Rangers, it's basically just a power-up where he needs to not get hit while charging because then Season 2 happsn

>Edward’s an alternate history nazi
Why do dumbasses always think this? Just because our world parallels Amestris in 2003 doesn’t automatically make Edward a Nazi. Hell the movie even shows his disapproval of the Nazi party, plus how in the anime’s ending he acknowledges his ignorance with how he’s working for a corrupted system and rebels against it.

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You'd probably have to remove either Raava or all of the avatars at once, because if you just removed aang another one would take over, right?

god fucking dammit change it to twilight sparkle for god sake, Rainbow didn't even fight a DC character and she won

Superman vs goku 3, where goku wins

Not that guy, but aren't those rock Aang's shooting basically super condensed boulders he crushed in to the size of his head and now is basically taring up little bits of them and shooting them like bullets.

>Saying this after FORGER. FORGER LOOK AT ME
Goku vs Superman 3 has a snowball's chance in hell of happening.

Asura vs Broly

Well that's what I mean - if Father manages to get his hooks into Avatar Aang and starts draining souls, (whether it's Aang's or just one his past lives) everything he takes in just makes him that much stronger, makes it easier for him to maintain the control he has over his form and hasten the process of soul draining. He takes Aang's greatest strength and turns it to his favor instead.

>New Superman vs deathbattle
>everyone expects a stomp
>They keep who he's fighting a secret until the release
>*wipcrack* It's Simon
>They make it a brutal stomp of a fight which ends with superman being whipped in half

Attached: Simon even more OP.png (1016x2176, 1009K)

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Cole vs Alex collaboration with Ismahawk

based simonposter

For the sake of the G1 blog, no more Big 2 fights this season

Honestly, I'd say that, even though they are pretty close in the effects of their abilities, Aang would beat Edward. Since seeing as Edwards whole Alchemy ability relies on him touching or being near what he creates, while Aang can control/move(and create, in the case of Firebending) the elements to an extended degree from pretty far away, as well as having a Massive power boost in the Avatar State.
Edward IS a prodigy in his own world, but that's really only because he's seen the truth and can complete simple Alchemy transmutation with a clap and touching the ground.

NOW, if this were a fight between Aang and Father or Hohenheim, it would be a different story. Since both of them vastly more powerful than Edward, can deny the Law of Equivalent Exchange, and complete complex Alchemy transmutation with barely a movement. Father being the most likely to win since he has his Sins, and even more so if he we the "God" Father.

I love all this options. I still want to see Jonah Hex.

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Aang can fucking fly in Avatar mode. That drastically limits what Ed can do. He's limited to artillery bombardments while Aang can just spam fireballs/earthquakes/tsunamis/hurricanes until something kills Ed.

Jokes on you
I'd watch it

Hard to find an opponent that won't stomp him or that he won't stomp.

Erron Black due to how his bullshit toxic grenades, seriously step in that thing and you're losing health for like 10 seconds

To be fair, Mustang has to aim his snaps. Bradley was able to pin his hands to the ground because he dodged his snap.

New thread?

Fuck off with that general faggotry.