what the fuck is his problem?
What the fuck is his problem?
An asshole hero who became worse by surrounding himself with other assholes. Not to mention pretty much being essentially tricked into losing his mind and whatever little moral standard he set for himself.
Being written by Garth Ennis.
Not to mention being raised by a corporate entity.
He was kept in silo with a nuke strapped to his chest until he was like 18 years old. Then his clone drove him insane because he was too stable to warrant a kill order.
I'm reading through the whole series right now, Im through Herogasm and Im up to #52, this is good stuff.
Doppelgangers, what can you do?
The Homelander was a massive contradiction. Everyone knows that there's only maybe five people (Silver Kincaide, Stormfront, Queen Maeve, The Deep, and Black Noir) on the whole planet that could possibly go toe to toe with him and yet he's taking orders like a little bitch. He's actually afraid and that means a lot when you consider the Homelander's REAL job was to kick the shit out of any supes that went rogue. That shit's probably why he acts out; it's all desperate attempt to prove he's strong. When the big twist happened, all of that angst drove him over the edge.
The sad part? He was an asshole, but on some level, he really did want to be something better. If Vought had raised him better then he might've actually been a decent superhero.
When you are born a god and is pampered from birth by the the highest class stuff the most powerful country in the world can get you, you are only bound to become like him
he punches meaves head off?
thats hardly standing toe to toe is it now mate
He's a moron.
He's written by an edgelord faggot so deep in the closet he's on the far side of Narnia.
Being part of a shitty comic
Yeah, they were supposedly around the same level, but she dies immediately entirely off-panel.
Maeve was stupid enough to attack Vought's ace killer with a prop sword.
Maybe several years of sitting around drowning in alchohol diminished her powers a bit.
Also it might be they mean all of the TOGETHOR had any chance against him.
I don't know if anyone thought she'd win but she was definitely supposed to be one of the stronger ones.
He didnt have a reason do what he did before going bonkers.He had all the money,fame, drugs and hookers in the world, only once he started having delusions of grandeur did he start to grave for more.
Being a freak of nature that grew up being treated like a superstar with even less honest human love or contact behind the scenes definetly did its damage in turning him to the monster he was.
Maybe she didnt even want to fight back, just tired of living with the fucked up things she had caused and unable to really do anything beyond ratting on her partners in crime while buried in self pity.
Remember that Noir punched off his jaw in one punch but still got fucked up by him. Their fights are fast and brutal
How would you guys feel about a mini series focusing on different hero groups operating outside of USA and their fucked up lifes?
She did give Homelander a cool scar.
I think that was her plan before Starlight convinced her to try running.
Their vulnerability/invulnerability was a bit odd, come to think of it. A sword strike on the head with what's probably a junk piece of metal snaps in half but leaves a scar, and a crowbar still manages to break open Noir's skull.
My theory is that while pretty much bullet proof once cracked their extremely vulnerable.Skin and hair could get burnt and sliced but your not getting much deeper than that unless your at the same level as the guy your fighting.
Let's see: bowel humor, dirty language, blood everywhere, everybody is an over the top strawman assistance, 6th grade maturity level of commentary on comics and superheros that's been done 100 times before in the last 40 years prior to this story? Wow Garth, you showed me. Superheroes are terrible.
He hit it out of the park when it came to the superheroes interacting with each other and Vought's corporate shit. Show's going to be shit though.
Just a day in the life of various teams would be fantastic. Imagine something like the G-Men killing off Nubia, the Young Americans teaming up with Teenage Kix for a charity event, or Superduper getting more recruits. It could've been the go to parody minis for any author with a chip on his shoulder.
Garth I love you buddy but the Boys was just a sloppier Martial Law.
Boredom and the removal from humanity.
He was raised under nuclear threat, isolated.
There's not much of a mystery.
Off duty interaction is the gold. Hes power levels and fights are all just maximum edge. Its the story in between that I get humor from. The rest is meh.
>too stable after being raised by a corporation and growing with a nuke
>worst he got before being manipulated was that he was a huge asshole
That's pretty impressive on his part if you think about it.
Do you guys think he'd have been a genuinely good super in a world filled with cunts had he been raised by 2 normal parents?
The shock and horror he expressed when he saw the pictures and thought he'd committed Black Noir's crimes proved, at least to me, that he at least thought of himself as a decent person.
After Homelander and Black Noir they specifically made the rest ofthe Seven to be weaker than the first two. Black Noir was only made because they needed a deterrent for the Homelander after they took the nuke off of him, the rest were grown from his cells to be weaker and with different powers, both to make them more diverse and marketable and to make them easier to deal with. The rest of the Seven aren't in the Homelander's ballpark but they and Stormfront are literally the only capes on earth that are even capable of playing in the same league as him. All of VA's other supers were the result of periodic and deliberate Compound V contamination and their much diminished powers were a result of that, whereas the Seven were all deliberately grown and reared from birth at enormous expense.
Now I kinda want a story where the top super of the setting is a good guy trapped alone in a world with nothing but flying assholes and corporate cape-bullshit.
Only Garth can awenser this but I think it was just him not liking the fact that somehow these very real looking pictures were out there for someone to blackmail him with.
maybe, but you have to think about how long noir had been fucking with his mind, noir raping butchers wife as homelander happend long before most of the other evil shit started.
It did seem to kind of fuck him up.
There's other scenes with him puking his guts up while saying things "Jesus, what have I done?" and A-Train walking in on him in the fetal position, mumbling things like, "Why can't I do what I do?"
I was under the impression near the end that him crying in the fetal position was Black Noir.
After all, his whole deal was that he couldn't do what he could do.
Homelander being a (barely) decent person that got gaslit into being far worse than he ever would have normally been was a tragedy of Greek proportions
yeah, I almost feel sorry for the poor bastard.
Imagine you're tricked into believing you fucking killed a baby with your teeth.
He was gay
>Queen Maeve
it was a great plot twist, i did not see it coming.
didnt expect that out of Garth.
The butcher twist was more obvious.
Vought really fucked up hard with noir.
Even more then they usualy fuck up shit.
now begs the question, which fictional supercorporation is the most evil in all of comics? because my vote goes to Alchemax. Vought are a bunch of fuckin bastards, but Alchemax takes the taco
It is amazing how many people have never worked with a crowbar...
Was Black Noir as powerful as the Homelander?
wasn't noir supposed to have an edge over homelander?
Which brings up the question, what was vought's failsafe to keep noir in check?
lmao what book is this?
>Which brings up the question, what was Vought's fail-safe to keep Noir in check?
Do you really think they thought that far ahead?
What's the worse thing he did before being driven insane?
Typical degenerate celebrity stuff, pure incompetence otherwise.
The Boys
It's getting a live action TV series soon
Oh thank God, I thought I was the only one who didn't like the comic it's too edgy. I got a Papercut from reading it and.... I was reading it on my phone
Sorry for the double post but this comic is like if Rob Zombie directed The Hero Hunter Arc from one punch man
I think that they just assumed that all of the conditioning and that that they subjected him to made him little more than a mindless puppet who they never even considered could possibly go rogue.
I don't even like The Boys that much, but it was more entertaining than One Punch Man.
Have to disagree with you there son
From an objective standpoint, Mastermen Superman is not a good person.
So is this a shittier Irredeemable?
Not as shitty.
It sure looks worse written and worse drawn.
Yeah, the art is pretty bad, but the writing is less shit.
Wrong Earth? It's basically edgy batman and adam west batman trading earths
Irredeemable really lost the whole superman expy thing like half way through
At least it isn't Supergod.
I mean the latter half becomes a fucking drug trip of metaphysical shit and the whole sideplot with the gay villain
Annoying question: How did Noir gaslight Homelander? Was there periodical drugging of Homelander by Noir and most of the really bad shit (like raping and murdering Butcher's wife) happened then and there? Was Noir hypnotizing him regularly to lower his inhibitions to help push him towards doing bad shit and to make him think the video/photos of Noir doing shit while posing as Homelander were indeed him and not question if they were fake?
He just did horrible shit while dressed like Homelander and eventually started sending photos of it to Homelander, who didn't really question it because Black Noir was clearly using his/their powers in a few of the photos.
Sorry, are we talking about Irredeemable or Supergod?
That's Irredeemable