Why are anime superheroes so different ?

This is not the East! This is the West! The sun doesn't rise here! It sets here!

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They're based on a wholly different culture that developed different arts and businesses.
It's why half of their capeshit is satirizing their social hierarchy.

Because it’s not capeshit, it’s shonenshit with a capeshit flavoring.

>anime superheroes
Literally no such thing


I like both Superman and All Might. No reason to compete

The Yattermen? Ippatsuman? Hurricane Polymar? Casshern? Motherfucking ASTRO BOY?

I feel like these threads aren't made to discuss differences between mediums in different cultures but just to get people riled up into another East vs West debate that doesn't even matter in the end

They're not competing, they're shaking hands.

He means some east vs west thread.

All might is superior hero and humankind

why are weebs obsessed with superman?

this is the only crossover I would be mildly interested in

Nigger, what?

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He’s nowhere near Hal Jordan


Funny because Hal Jordan has been irrelevant for many years.

Also this.

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Not superheroes
Crime fighters? Maybe. Superheroes? No

Reminder that BNHA's America is canonically more or less the Marvel universe and All Might could barely hack it in America.

American superheroes rise out of the cowboy mythos, the idea of the lone gunman who is justice where the law has failed. They are a vigilant power fantasy operating outside of the law to near-universal success and praise. Its an idea that is very attractive to american culture.

Japan doesn't have that cowboy cultural background. Their heroes are more organization based (because Japan a collectivist culture, so the idea is that individuals work for the group rather than themselves) and they also have a kind of hero that American comics largely ignore: the idea of heroes that primarily serve a disaster relief role rather than a crime fighting role. Because in America, the cowboy has to have some guy he can shoot, but in Japan natural disasters are common and devastating so applying superpowers to that problem instead is more of a concern for them than crime is.

Oh. I didn't know I was talking to a retard. Nevermind.

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Does that make Batman a crime fighter and not a superhero? I mean, he doesn't even have superpowers, while these anime heroes do.

Astro Boy doesn't fight crime, he murders his fellow robots to protect humanity.

You know, it's pretty interesting to note that most Japanese superheroes don't actually fight crime. They don't really deal with social issues as much.

Cyborg 009 and Kamen Rider generally fight evil organizations, terrorists and monsters. Super Sentai deals heavily with monsters. Devilman, Garo...Demons. Cutie Honey technically fights a criminal organization, but I think Panther Claw actually worships a demon.

The Great Leader of Shocker is also not human.

>Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
>not superheroes

You're under arrest for being a faggot.

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Though the Space Sheriffs specifically fight SPACE CRIME.

Wait what

Congrats this is officially the stupidest thing I've read on Yea Forums

>They don't really deal with social issues as much.
this shtis covered in mecha genre if anything like tominos gundam series. or shit like evangelion. those are partly absolutely japanese.

sentai stuff has something in common with jidai-geki shit.
it was very popular in showa era.

Hell, looking at MHA, That is a society where Tony's Civil War stance was implemented on and governmental and societal level that proved every one of Cap's concerns unwarranted, which is more than Marvel was willing to do, because when they had Tony winning, Cap ended up being proven right.
But what you're looking at is, Superman being registered as a hero, on call with the public sector Intelligence community.
Clark Kent would probably go by the wayside. he and Lois would probably be together. Jon would come up with powers, and wouldn't need to hide them. He'd go to school, then graduate to a Xavier's institute for meta kids which would train him in his own powers, how to make the most of them, assign an internship to him, and none of that would need to be done in secret, because the government isn't portrayed as sinister and untrustworthy, works to facilitate people and keep that safe, and in the case of metas that is often seen by bringing them in to work with, not on the orders of, the government, because enabling them to be an extension of the altruistic intent of the government, helps create a safe world for non metas to be able to live and thrive in. But you don't get that in a world with Amanda Waller acting on her unilaterally determined motives, or one where Captain Atom is ordered by the military to fight against Superman because his enlistment compels him to honor the chain of command, and the military and Superman find themselves on different sides of a topic. To a lesser degree, OPM is the same thing. You have governmental, or at least industrial infrastructure put in place that works hand in hand with government assets to keep people safe from forces that would harm them. Our biggest obstruction is that at any given time too many Americans are untrustworthy of the government, which media leans into, which leads to heroes facing off against government more often than not, and much more often than Japan does in it's capeshit.

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Holy shit, this is a very good point as well.

Don’t make a relevancy completion, MHA is a fad at best

Not really, Caps concern of good people being punished because they didnt have a piece of paper is alive and well. The system only worked for one generation if even and with the end of AllMight and all the issues of before are returning with a vengeance.

The thing about MHA and OPM is that you got guys like Sweet Mask and Endeavor, who are pretty much corrupt officials, you got kids fighting eachother, often being sent to the infirmary, just for the chance to be a hero, OPM has newbie squashing, BNHA has guys like Bakugou never being called out, this competition based hero program focuses less on the being a hero and more on just being a cop, creating a disconnect between those and civilians.

That's sentai not super heroes.

euros dont really do capeshit. their heroes are offshoots of american so more accurately its probably japan vs america

MHA is better than X-Men

Euro heroes are more like, adventuring detectives and such

You’re not wrong...

Sentai ARE superheroes, asshole. You're telling me the fucking Power Rangers aren't superheroes? Shut up.

That isn't exactly a high bar to clear.

Japan can't imagine vigilante justice or crime fighting that isn't organized. It's probably why Spider-Man has held it's appeal over there for so long because even if its not our Spider-Man it's still one dude vs the world.

If Jon were to end up in MHA or a similar setting, hed still have to hide the majority of his powers. Not only because utilizing Quirks without being something approved by the law to do so is illegal, but also because literally everyone would pressure him for his abilities if they found out. Heroes, Villains, doesn't matter who. He'd have a target painted on his back just for who he is.

30 years from now, Superman will still be being consistently published, nobody will even remember MHA. Hell, ten years.

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>jon in MHA
He'd be the strongest character in setting by a ludicrous degree.

>Not only because utilizing Quirks without being something approved by the law to do so is illegal,
You're right if he tried saving the day with them, but please tell me about how all the kids got thrown in jail while showing of their emerging quirks to one another.
Also, considering the talent assigned to the school, do you really think they wouldn't support the staff to accomodate for the risk associated with Superman's kid being there? On top of it already being difficult to get in as it is.

That's because western comics are in a state of perpetual undeath due to corporate mandate, whereas Manga eventually reach a conclusion and ends.

Doesn't stop them from making stories with the characters that are still good and relevant.

Tiger and Bunny was so good.

Yeah, but that hypothetical was only part of the entirety which would be the DC cadre of cape characters in a setting like MHA's more than what they currently reside in. So Jon would be there, but so would his Dad, so would the entire Justice League, the Titans, Young Justice, Supergirl. Hell, Supergirl landing on Earth as a teenager, and being put in a UA would really lean into the fish out of water foreign "exchage" student.

Lol thanks again for reminding me why America is a shit country

That's very debatable.
Especially compared to heroes in Manga/Anime who are elevated to the peak, brought down by time, and end their story giving the ultimate price, thereby setting the standard their trainees are tasked with meeting and possibly surpassing.

W-What about Yuro super heroes?

I think smashing those two settings together just doesn't work. Marvel and MHA, though, would fit much better. You could even have it relatively seperate from the standard capes by virtue of it being located in weebland.

>Wanting to keep reading the same shitty capeshit story over and over again

lol I bet you still lick mercury paint off toy cars

Japan has vigilante justice stories, but those stories don't involve the villains getting turned over to the police at the end. They are about either killing invading monsters Kamen Rider style, or its a personal revenge mission that the police wouldnt approve of anyway.

The idea of the caped crusader that is constantly and consistently doing general crimefighting totally on his own is a very american idea rooted in vigilante power fantasy and the american ideal of proving yourself better than authority. Japan doesn't have that.

In Japanese media, Batman would just work directly with the police after the first couple of times with no pretense of it being otherwise, because he can just get more done if they work together and they don't have to keep up a charade like they don't both want the same thing. How do you even prosecute a bunch of guys if they were never really arrested and they were just dropped off on your doorstep with a note saying "I caught this guy doing bad stuff in an alleyway. Love and kisses - the Batman". That's not helpful, especially if Batman doesn't do shit like show up to court to testify.

In Japan the superheroes just work as an extension of the police because that's what they are ALREADY DOING, and doing it explicitly makes things easier for everyone involved.

>You're right if he tried saving the day with them, but please tell me about how all the kids got thrown in jail while showing of their emerging quirks to one another.
Showing off quirks is one thing. Actually using them to save the day or help people is a big no-no.

>Also, considering the talent assigned to the school, do you really think they wouldn't support the staff to accomodate for the risk associated with Superman's kid being there? On top of it already being difficult to get in as it is.
UA has *never* dealt with a kid like Jon. Even All Might and Deku aren't as powerful as he is. The usual teaching methods wouldn't work, nor would the standard training methods.

>That's very debatable.
Oh fuck off. There have been objectively good superman/green lantern/whomever the fuck comics published every single year since conception. Sure I'll give you in terms of "flash-in the pan" relevance, but overall there are more good american comic stories, even if it is just by sheer age conglomeration in sheer volume.

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>I think smashing those two settings together just doesn't work. Marvel and MHA, though, would fit much better.
Of course it does. MHA is just Homo Superior allowed to become the statistical majority of the population, and society restructured to accommodate what those mutations offer.
OP featured All Might and Superman though so I played with them.

That doesn't make manga or anime good, though. If that were the case, Bleach and Naruto would be the best damn things in history.

stay mad

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> If that were the case, Bleach and Naruto would be the best damn things in history.

That logical leap turned into jumping off a cliff pretty fast. I'd love to see you try and justify that argument.

Justify it how? Are you actually implying Bleach and Naruto are genuinely the best things ever jsut becuase they ended like all manga/anime eventually do? Because that's a crock of shit. Bleach probably had one of the worst endings anything in the medium could ever have, and Naruto just limped along to death until it got revived again for another go.

>Showing off quirks is one thing. Actually using them to save the day or help people is a big no-no.
Which is what I said. Do you think if he lived in society where people weren't allowed to use powers until authorized to do so that Superman wouldn't instruct his son not to do so until he was authorized? If Jon ignored his Dad, it'd only be because Damian made fun of him for not being able to, while his quirkless ass was able to do whatever he wanted to.

>UA has *never* dealt with a kid like Jon. Even All Might and Deku aren't as powerful as he is. The usual teaching methods wouldn't work, nor would the standard training methods.
Okay, again, you are analyzing this as though Jon gets dropped in the MHA setting as is. As I said . Given that crop of characters, Jon would still be a powerhouse, but there would have been Supergirl, Connor, that had gone through before him. On top of that, you would have the Superhero community as a resource to supervise trainees, Unless you think Alan Scott isn't up for the job.

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>all in he same pic
have sex

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>Which is what I said. Do you think if he lived in society where people weren't allowed to use powers until authorized to do so that Superman wouldn't instruct his son not to do so until he was authorized? If Jon ignored his Dad, it'd only be because Damian made fun of him for not being able to, while his quirkless ass was able to do whatever he wanted to.
Jon can be kind of impulsive and reckless on his own. If someone was in danger ala what happened with Bskugou and the Sludge villain, he'd definitely ignore what was said to try and save them.

>Okay, again, you are analyzing this as though Jon gets dropped in the MHA setting as is.
That's kind of how I read your initial post. Apologies if it's not what you meant.

No, try and justify your argument that just because they had endings that automatically means that they have to have been great. That was your argument you pulled out of your ass unprompted, that Bleach and Naruto would have to be 'the best damn things in history', despite the fact that it doesn't follow from anything that anyone said.

You tried to make a slippery slope argument and you fucked it up so bad you just jumped out into empty air yourself.

>No, try and justify your argument that just because they had endings that automatically means that they have to have been great.
...That is not at all what I said.

Do you honestly have trouble reading? Are you lacking in reading comprehension? Genuine question.

>he'd definitely ignore what was said to try and save them.
And that is incredibly likely. In that case though, if Superman isn't debilitated like All Might was, and Clark raises his son with the stern but wholesome upbringing Pa Kent raised him with, similarly to how Superman gave Jimmy the watch to call him if he saw trouble, I'd imagine that in the setting where SUperman told his son not to use powers until he was authorized, he'd probably give him the means to contact his Dad, so he wouldn't get in trouble, and in the "Oh no no Superman is off world" and there was no other way, it really seemed that the emphasis of the quirk use restriction was much more related to seeking out trouble more than saving lives. If Deku and crew were able to be given a pass for their Bakugo rescue by the Chief of police, I don't think Jon would get in much trouble for trying to save a life. But you make a fair point. I do think that is a scenario that would only be written to create an exploration of the outcome of it, but if we take a step back and acknowledge that we are debating the motivation of a fictional character who only does what a writer wants him to, Best intentions aside, I don't think they would write him doing what his father instructed him not to, unless he was either urged, or was doing so in a context that highlighted the flaws of the restriction as it stood.

American ideal: you survive on your own, individual can be a hero
Japanese ideal: no man is an island, everyone needs other people

Basically, American ideal hero is more villainous type in Japanese media. I watched Psycho Pass and noticed how the villain, Makishima Shogo, might be treated as "dark hero" in American movie. But in that show, he was seen as a selfish person with childish ideals.

>This is not the East! This is the West! The sun doesn't rise here! It sets here!
Thanks Owen Wilson.

Older japanese heroes are more brutal

Welcome to nature of anonymous imagebord discussions but it’s someone trying to talk wholesome and intelligently sometimes

>tfw american superheros and their ideals will vanish from the earth once you whites are gone, because whites are the only real individualist race
I supposed you could throw jews in there too, they seem to create the same type of heroes as whites. I hate japshit, can you europeans not commit sudoku please? I like my comics.

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>this shtis covered in mecha genre if anything like tominos gundam series. or shit like evangelion. those are partly absolutely japanese.
You sounds like absolute stupid fuck who don’t know what they’re saying

Yeah they’re more like those pulp heroes

A lot of the great writers are english, scotts etc.

A japanese hero would be forced to adhere to legal restrictions, wouldn't be able to stop those that are untouchable, and would likely be culled if the government itself turned on them.

An American hero can be as daring as they wish, curbstomp those that are corrupt in power, and give the good fight if their country turns on them

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>no argument
you aint talking bout nothing

> An American hero can be as daring as they wish, curbstomp those that are corrupt in power, and give the good fight if their country turns on them
> aka: cowboy power-fantasy with superpowers to make them extra untouchable so that they can be both the underdog and literally invulnerable to harm

I think Japanese heroes tend to be more self-insert characters: average high school boy, who may be clumsy or socially awkward, but who can better themselves. In American stories you have millionaires and people who an average person couldn't see themselves as.

In general, the concept of heroes in America changed a lot after 9/11. Before that we used to have stories about heroes who save people. After 9/11 this changed and there was more focus on the victims and being powerless against something you can't control. After MCU we started getting more hero stories again, but they always have that twist of darkness in them.

The concept of bullies is different in Japanese media as well. In Japanese stories, the victim of bullying is rarely able to save themselves because an individual is powerless against the society. There always is someone (alien, robot, a transfer student etc.) or a group of people who help the victim to survive. In American stories the victim stands up for himself or herself and overcomes the oppression.

They don't HAVE to be invincible, they just have to save the day and do right

>burger heroes are renegades who can do whatever the fuck they think is right , even if its sociopathlevel, and thats a good thing ... because... freedumbs
now tbqh I think the only way of having a somewhat perfect way of having heroes would be to have a secret hero society seperated from the authorities, but in cooperations with them. Somewhat like the JL, or the jedis in clone wars. A humanitarian group with less likelihood of gov corruption, but still bound to human democracy (the heros basically having a council) and above sheer ego

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Another interesting contrast is the source of power in regards to their heroes. In Japan, sources of super-power are largely external, because that makes it easier to project yourself onto the role. If I had [X], I could be just like them.

You will never be a Kryptonian. You will never be Batman. You will never be Tony Stark or an X-man or whatever. These things are obvious, you were not born into those combinations of wealth and inherent godhood.

In japan, what do we have instead? Tokusatsu heroes have transformation devices like belts that let them turn into a super-powered form. Magical Girls have their magic rods or soul gems or what have you. Even in inherently fantastical settings you see this: in Naruto the title character gets his power from the fact that a powerful being is trapped inside him, and external source of power that has been grafted onto him. Or more thread relevant: in MHA, a world where 80% of people have superpowers, we focus on the normal kid that had a power given to him after the fact. This is not a coincidence.

Hell, even Pokemon. Kids love that shit specifically because of the fantasy that if you have your own pokedex and pokeballs (sold separately in toy form at your local shop, in case you missed the merchandising aspect of this whole thing) you too could be a pokemon trainer.

You could never have the powers of superman. But for most of the sources of power in japanese media aimed at kids, these powers are presented as something that a normal person could acquire and use if only they were real.

>Somewhat like the JL
......so burger heroes then.

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Yeah, you need some kind of cooperation and accountability with heroes, because otherwise the only thing that keeps them from being villains is the fact that the author conveniently keeps them as always being in the right.

You know what you never see? Batman dropping out of the dark and beating up some guy who wasn't doing anything wrong. Because Batman always has perfect awareness of everything thats going on, and never has to deal with any ambiguous situations where its unclear if the guy needs a beating or not. His true superpower is Justice Vision, which means he always knows exactly who is a criminal and who isn't from across the street and 4 stories up, and never beats the piss out of a 'mugger' that was just a guy having an argument with his girlfriend or something.

Get this:
the concept of a superhero society isn't limited to freedomland you mong. Thats why I only wrote somewhat like JL and not JLoA

>You could never have the powers of superman
The powers don´t make superman. They are the interesting part of him, but everyone can be superman if they decide to help each other.

>American stories you have millionaires and people who an average person couldn't see themselves as.
And then you have the Hal Jordans, Wally Wests, Steve Rogers, even Superman was meant to be a stand in for immigrants. I think Americans just have a cultural idealization of great/successful people and can more easily insert themselves as those people because of an underlying belief of "that could be me if I just work hard enough/make the right connections/find my calling/etc." I guess that plays into the whole American dream thing

>just a guy having an argument with his girlfriend or something.
That's literally raping her

Americans are conditioned to believe everyone has something innately special about them. That's why you get heroes that discover their gift at a certain age or traumatic event. The power is internal, but because culturally Americans feel like they are individually powerful. Or at the very least disdain having to depend on outside help.

Maybe that's why our healthcare is shit

Except that healthcare being shit is due to corporations being greedy assholes, but i digress.

That guy looks like a fucking monster...

>Maybe that's why our healthcare is shit
Your healthcare sucks because you let greedy people be in charge of it. But whatever you do, don't go in the other direction. Socialism-care is just as bad. You just need some regulations put in place.

Who said anything about quality? If anything, Superman's quality would be the first do die off because nobody's done anything interesting with him since Grant Morrison.

>Whites are the only real individualist race

Explains the skyrocketing suicide rates.

>spacing between text and post number

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But that's just it, nobody saw a problem with that because everyone should be able to survive on their own anyway. And if you couldn't afford it, well you just have to work harder to achieve the American Dream ™ and become a billionaire

Don't drag us down to your shitty posting standards, user.

Suicide is an individualist act of defiance against society

You really wouldn't think that an American super hero short of maybe Superman wouldn't be killed by the Government if he got in too deep on some major conspiracy?

>implying Saitama would give a fuck about such silly shit
If it's being evil it gets punched, consequences be damned. The only time he ever really gave a shit about the rules was when he was forced to fill a quota or lose the license he just got. Once he was a high enough rank to be above the quota he went right back to not giving a shit and doing as he pleased.

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No, it's just you faggots giving up because you're ronery.

desu I'd say in this context it's more against tedium than anything. People need meaning/something to do and we already, foolishly killed God.

Refute his points or continue to seethe

Maybe being part of society instead of being indoctrinated into thinking you're supposed to do everything 100% on your own would help.


You can really see this in the pulp comics that immediately predated Superman and Batman. There were a LOT of comics at the time that had obvious roots in westerns. Things like hardboiled detective stories, tales of men taming the wild frontier of space, or brave adventurers going to exotic lands to fight savage natives.

user suicide doesn't make you some noble soul fighting back against the system in the greatest way you can, it makes you a faggot that quit because you couldn't take hardship.

This thread could use some Starfish Hitler.

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But I don't disagree with them. You're making the assumption that I was doing anything other than calling out his (yours probably) bad posting habits.

Yeah definitely. Whites weren't always THIS individualist, sure the potential and expressions might always have been there, but after WW2, it's a fucked game to play. You cannot win either way. Individualist society dies by being replaced/drifting into depression and collective is impossible because the moment anyone dares try, they're literally Hitler.

I think we need isolation, not just from other races, but isolation from big groups of ourselves.

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Thanks anons, this is some nice insight

>t.hasnt read comics in a decade

>I think we need isolation, not just from other races, but isolation from big groups of ourselves.

If that's the case then there is a core problem that needs to be addressed, because that's not only obviously unhealthy, its not practical or possible.

>Would rather be slaved to a rigged system than make the only real choice left to you
Look at this sheep

That's not really the thing here, the core problem is inherently biological. Whites are predisposed to individualism at a higher ratio than others, this cannot be addressed in a world as globalized/connected as ours. Something is either going to give eventually e.g. some form of racial isolation or even conflict, or whites will eventually vanish. There's no way around it short of massive global changes or fucking space travel.

Going back to the start though, if anything it would be more healthy being isolated from big groups of ourselves. Less chance for things to spiral out of control/degenerate e.g. the aforementioned healthcare falling into the control of greedy monsters. Plus it's better for the environment with less people, it's less depressing for the individual to exist in a society where he can familiarize himself with the majority faster/easier, just by virtue of their being less people.

This unfortunately ties into another of the whiets vices or strengths, dependent on viewpoint. They demonstrably want to keep "reaching for the horizon", which inevitably will lead back to the same expansion, globalism etc etc Perhaps we whites are just a self defeating accident when in the modern world...

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user, did you read that fool's original post? You're already slaves to the American dream if you think individualism is this white paragon ideal.

>Yea Forums has better and more reasonable political discussion than /pol/
Is this another version of the whole "the best place to discuss something is anywhere but the board devoted to it" meme? I swear I've had better discussion about anime either here or on /tg/ than I've ever had on Yea Forums.

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It's because people don't immediately resort to posting crime statistics or infographs on other boards.


Stop blaming not being able to understand others on your race, get off your ass and work on interpersonal relationships

You're not predisposed to it, you huge faggot. There's no genetic predisposition to individualism. Individualism is preached culturally.

White people are the last race in America 100% invested in the old fashioned American dream which has been confirmed to be bullshit in this day and age. Even the wealthiest people have connections and work in conjunction with people. Nobody does anything on their own and there are people out there working tirelessly to hamster wheel themselves into depression and suicide to meet an ideal that really doesn't exist anymore.

maybe its because everyone isn't in their field of knowledge, therefore whatever they say isn't treated as a fact? Its an interesting phenomena for sure.

>the core problem is inherently biological. Whites are predisposed to individualism at a higher ratio than others

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Yes. Yea Forums tends to have better /his/ discussions than /his/, Yea Forums has better anime discussions than Yea Forums and so on. It's the circle of Yea Forums.

Tiger & Bunny has something like that (albeit not secret), but it backfired in other ways. Government connections led to business connections, and business connections led to commercialization, which soon meant that superheroes became more like reality show stars than actual superheroes. By the time the show ends, there's only like three superheroes who are both business savvy and genuinely competent.

You fucking monkey

It's not a lack of understanding, user. It's an incompatibility of existence. You can't "understand" a square peg into a round hole and even if you do, once it is in the hole, it will no longer be a square.

>There's no genetic predisposition to individualism. Individualism is preached culturally.
Yes there is. That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read, you're just denying reality. Culture comes from race.

You guys don't have to samefag, it's unnecessary.

>Yes there is. That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read, you're just denying reality. Culture comes from race.
Post sources man. Otherwise you are lying out of your ass.

>Being this brainwashed
Fuck and I thought niggers were hopeless

I wouldn't bother, this is the most lefty board on Yea Forums. Even counting the lgbt board.

Here's a good start, and there's a fair few studies/censuses on individuality vs race, plus a few other categories you can google afterward if you're still interested.


>not explaining your point
Well here's your you.

okay now post a real source

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Yea Forums is unironically a better gay board /lgbt/.

Meaning? There are dozens of sources that get listed in those articles. You can look into them if you want.

>Culture comes from race.

I think this is the root of your problem. Culture comes from tribe. Race is one way to deliniate tribe, but its not the only one. And increasingly in modern society, its the least relevant thing to base your identity around with the exception of black americans, but they are stuck in a weird spot because black americans IN SPECIFIC have a weird cultural stigma built around them as the poster child of race relations and the focus of racial prejudice. Its fucked, but you don't have media blowouts about cops shooting unarmed Asian dudes.

But aside from that one ouroboros, for the rest of us race isn't a big deal unless you make it one. Nationality, religion, even political party has a larger tribalist impact than race does.

And remember, tribe = culture.

The link gives me doubts, but i shall read it when i have some free time.

Japan should love Hal Jordan when

>Nationality, religion, even political party has a larger tribalist impact than race does.
What are you basing this on? have you actually read into studies and such? because I have and what you're saying there is objectively false. The inheritability of political views is at least 50% and almost certainly as high as 70%, possibly even 80.

it means i'm naturally skeptical of any research compiled by a gay neo-nazi with autism

It does stem from race, yes. White people are propagating that ideal culturally because it's been a cultural cornerstone for decades and only recently has been failing.

The American Dream was once something achievable when you could own a house, support a family, and live an upper middle class life doing unskilled labor. That shit has been dead since the last housing market crash. That same mindset won't survive in this new world and suicide rates are the ultimate proof of that.

That's because Japan doesn't have crime levels the way New York (where DC and Marvel were inspired by) did in the 60s-70s. They're usually about dealing with one of a kind super evil alien/terrorist organization and finishing them off then retiring. The idea of spending your entire life fighting random criminals and an entire rogues gallery is probably not something Japan could never take seriously.

That's why I said look into the sources yourself. I did it because I thought like you a long time ago. Read into it yourself and make your own conclusions if you're so anal blasted over this one guy.

I've yet to read MHA, you guys think it's worth it? I'm a pretty big fan of supes and people won't shut up about the two of them together.

see pic

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Life, maybe? Being white only means you're more likely to be surrounded by white people. You're not genetically predisposed to anything other than diseases that run in your family or genetic problems that are common with white people.

Culture isn't something anyone is genetically presdisposed to. Even the niggerest nigger had to be born in the hood and raised by complete niggers to become one.

It's not worth it. Just read X-Men or one punch man

Every American is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire

Again, no. You're just spouting assumptions and anecdotal evidence. People aren't born blank and interchangeable, ready to be written on. Read into this stuff, man, there's so much research out there that completely contradicts what you're saying, heaps of tests that show this accounting for the environments raised in.

I can't believe you'd have such strong convictions on something you're basing off "Life, maybe". There's no point even having this discussion with you.

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It's also a contrast in the overall views of, not just government, but the ideal of cooperation in post-WW2 Japan vs Post-Regan America. Japan was always Collectivist to begin with, but the fact that they had to band together to support each on top of having to ally with and rely on their former enemy just to rebuilt their society/country heavily cemented the idea of cooperation as a good thing, and centralized organization of said cooperation as a necessary part of that ( also they recognize that said central organizational struture can, and almost inevitably will be corrupted, and focus on mitigation of said corruption and practical functionality, rather than idealistic purity in that regard.) America, on the other hand, at-least since Regan's wife got really into Rand and convinced him to get into politics, has become convinced that any form of cooperation is borderline communism/socialism, that even one individual helping another is suspect, and that rugged individualism is always, 100% of the time, better than any centralized organizational structure other than "the invisible hand." (Seriously, even the left calls Sanders "Socialist" instead of "a little to bit to the right of me economically, but still a good American New-Deal capitalist" as he would have been called by Eisenhower.) America is PARANOID of anything other than bootstrap-leverage, and anything resembling cooperation or helping others MUST be corrupt, and any corruption is too much: this is why the Justice League always winds up to have been manipulated/corrupt by villainous forces to the core THE WHOLE TIME over and over (seriously, if you add up all the time that JL was a pawn for one villain or another, is there any active time left?) and even Superman has to adhere to this "I'm not here to do things for you, I'm here to be an example/ideal to strive towards" nonsense baked into his narrative post-Reagan to keep from being accused of being communist.

Explain the USSR then, or slavs are not whites?

>BNHA has guys like Bakugou never being called out,
People really have selective memory do they?

Dr. Ingrao's class?

Their genetic makeup is measurably different than the rest of the european race, yes. Much higher asian admixture due to proximity. Christ even meme DNA tests show this. But no I still classify them as white.

It should also be noted that the entire shonen battle genre, as we know it, stemmed directly from western superheroes and professional wrestling. Hence why generic shonen protagonists are a lot closer to western superheroes than their direct takes on the genre most of the time.

>Even the niggerest nigger had to be born in the hood and raised by complete niggers to become one.
Wrong, behavior can be influence by genetic predisposition. You CAN be born smarter, stronger, more aggressive, etc.

And french or spaniards?, all of Europe is more collectivist than the US.

What are you even asking?

Most people just want some very overt and immediate comeuppance for Bakugo rather than "He's never shit upon and severely humbled for all to see" not this "slowburn that he realizes himself" shit.
Also it doesn't help that Hori still wants to use him for easy Abrasive asshole gags.

If they are more collectivist is not because race or genetics but because the societies raised them like that

Okay, your implication that
>Science has definitively proven that Nature>Nurture
is overstated and absurd. The closest thing to an agreed upon answer in the actual academic community is "why not both, but the jury is still out on which factors depend how much on which." Yes went pretty hyperbolic with his
>Nurture>Nature is self evident and obviously true
nonsense, but that doesn't obligate you to behave equally irrationally on the opposite end of the spectrum.

>or slavs are not whites?
Please, /pol/ is already here, plese don't bait them with the only topic they're NOT allowed to discuss on their own board (Seriously, the only answer they can all agree on to the "who counts as white" argument is "The Japanese get grandfathered in" and that's literally it. Even the nords and germanics don't get a free pass on being "barbarian plebs from the north: no more white than the Huns or the Mongols." It is a rabbit hole you do not want this already-derailed thread to go down.

>slant eyed japs
>even getting grandfatherred in
Being honorary Aryans doesn't make them white, Chaim.

But you’re still gonna be shaped by your environment and the people you’re surrounded by.

If you’re strong and surrounded by shitty people, you’ll still be strong, but shitty.

There’s no point in talking with you. You really think upbringing has no basis on the person you are? Are you retarded?

Nature and nurture are both important, but somewhere along they lines, someone failed you at both

True, but it's not 100% nurture either. We're not even talking about individual determinism, this is on the scale of population statistics, averages, and trends.

I never said that one 100% dictates everything, stop putting words in my mouth, faggot.

Being a dirty German barbarian who, like predictable clockwork, chimps out every 100 years or so to go south to loot and pillage doesn't either. (The point is that "white" as a category only works when you don't look close, and aren't ever specific about your ancestry, because it was created by a bunch of British [race-mixing mongrels, thinking Germanic+Frank will =white] "empiricists" who unironically believed in phrenology and paid doctors for the "medical procedure" of fingerbanging their wife, and falls apart under the same amount of scrutiny as every other theory that period came up with.)


They're white when covered in semen.

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Volt Might!

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First off, damn well done. Thank you for all of that.
Secondly with respect to:
>and even Superman has to adhere to this "I'm not here to do things for you, I'm here to be an example/ideal to strive towards" nonsense baked into his narrative post-Reagan to keep from being accused of being communist.
That totally lines up. What's the line everyone goes back to?
>Why don't you just put the whole world in a bottle Superman?
Here is a being from a civilization that was able to propel him across the cosmos from their planet to ours. All he ever wants is to do what is right. Keep people safe, set an example for us to strive toward, but if you have him overthrow a dictator, or try to tell the publicly elected politician that they should do things differently than they are, the only times that ever happens most often result in the story going the way of Injustice, or Superman doing something differently inevitably blowing up in his face because Superman can only ever be the example. He can't be the force that applies change.
If he does, my bootstrap-leverage is being shown to be inferior, and my freedoms are being infringed despite the fact that there is an argument to be made that Superman's abilities open up a completely different level of freedoms that our physical limitations prohibit us from being able to tap into. But nevermind that he'd be doing this for my betterment. No. If he is doing this, and he didn't come and ask me first, who cares if it is reasonable, or likely makes things better. No! He didn't get my okay first, so he's either going to become a tyrant, or recognize the folly of his hubris, because at the end of the day, Lex Luthor is right, and if Superman does things for us, instead of us rising to do things on our own, he is just going to stagnate human progression.
Honestly, there really is a lot of "USA! USA! USA!" bullshit that we don't even realize limits our collective American storytelling, isn't there?

>anons who don't know shit about manga or comics discuss the topics of manga and comics

Many of the so-called Slavs have very little in common with each other. Czechs, for example, are pretty much Germans/Austrians speaking a Slavic language, while Russians have too many Asiatic admixtures to count.
The whole race and ethnicity concept becomes pretty murky once you realize just how much mixing and migration there has been over the course of our history.

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Fucking bullshit

Hero Academia is guilty of this too. Since it's supposed message of hard work and determination is at odds with the fact that Midoriya and the other major heroes in the setting can only do any sort of good if they have great Quirks.

Too bad Bunny was annoying.

I think Superman can still be a moral ideal to strive toward. Case in point, when Lex Luthor gets godlike power in The Black Ring that dwars that of Superman's own substantial abilities, his piss-poor personality causes him to pettily squander it when he could have done something truly great

Пoтpёшь pyccкoгo, нaйдёшь тaтapинa.


If that's really true than why are all the sjw opinions gangbanged by seething boomers?

Modern suicide rates are actually the highest in undeveloped shitholes and corrupt post-Soviet countries. For all the Western whining and hand-wringing, we're pretty happy to live on.

t. manchild who missed the point. Protip: Tiger was not right.

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It's still Yea Forums.

You sure about that? I'm sure this guy would disagree. In fact I'd wager demonstrating how hard work, and smartly determining how to get the most out of a quirk many might dismiss as a not great quirk can be what truly makes someone a great hero.

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>there's an entire subgenre of Japanese revenge on America for Hiroshima fiction

That's just sad. You don't see Italy or Germany publishing shit like that.

Dude lost his powers and can't be a hero relevant to the story anymore. I mean, fuck, Twice is a heavy hitter now because his Quirk turned out to be one of the best Quirks all along.

I don't feel racist, but I feel kind of bad that I've never heard of a number of these countries. Like irresponsibly ignorant if there's a more succinct term for that.

Japanese don't understand altruism, since they're sociopathic bug people obsessed with numbers.

It's why most japanese heroes have in-universe rankings or are paid to be heroes

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Or, in the case of the Kamen Riders/Super Sentai, are around to fight one very specific threat and not do any other form of crimefighting outside of that.

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>Japan isn't even in the top 10
>Russia is the bronze medal

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>I think Japanese heroes tend to be more self-insert characters: average high school boy
reminder that Captain Marvel was selling better than superman before DC sued Fawcett into oblivion.

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>Kazakhstan is real

Holy shit.

The real theme seems to be more about not dismissing someone because they seem weak.
The issue with the society is they tried to standardized some method of becoming a hero and just how to treat quirks in general and the fallout from attempting that has been snowballing for decades.
Mirio meanwhile trained hard to become OP so he could save millions, he lost it all but now that he's quirkless he's still trying to be a hero how he can by helping an abused little girl rebuild herself.

Honestly. Cultural differences cause a surprisingly large amount contrast between two works that would otherwise have many similarities on a conceptual level.

It's pretty underrated.

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>japs are hard workers meme
Japanese are soft fucks who cry too easily about having to work.


>“Statistics show that Americans work longer hours than the majority of other countries — 137 hours per year more than Japanese, 260 per year more than in the UK,” according to the study.

>I think Superman can still be a moral ideal to strive toward.
I wholeheartedly agree. IRL I'm the big dork who helps people when I can, even in what what would be an insignificant way compared to something Superman could do in his sleep, but I do it because of the example Superman sets for myself.
I'm not saying he can't be an example to strive toward. I'm saying that based off of what the user was saying previously, American writers and/or editors won't allow Superman to actually force a change because when allowed to do so, it would alter the status quo to a degree that runs counter-intuitive to preserving the brand to milk as many stories that can be sold forever as much as possible. On top of that, whether they realize it or not, whether they are Left or Right, we are brought up in a culture where we don't like the idea of someone who we can't stop doing things we at best, can't, or worst, don't want them to do. So Superman presents a Catch-22 because he is the greatest hero, who will always do what it right, as long as what he does begins and ends with setting an example, but not actually changing the world, because if Superman is the power fantasy who we'd all like to be, then the world being changed by him only goes to show how much weaker than him we are, which I'd wager a lot of people wouldn't like. Look at Red Sun. He is the protagonist. He fights against Batman, Hal Jordan, Lex Luthor, and "fixes" the world. It isn't democratic. It isn't perfect, hell, Lex is shown adhering to leading the United States in the democratic Capitalist way, and by the end of the story, the US is the last third world country of the world. And despite this outcome, Superman is shown to be imperfect compared to his normal self, flawed, and only redeemed when he steps away from leading the world, and gives control and leadership of it back to it's inhabitants. All I realized was that on a level, mainline Superman will never be allowed to be anything but an example.

Japan's suicide issue is somewhat overstated and as for Russia, let's just say that they've got problems.

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If there's a gene that causes the fight or flight instinct to activate when speaking in groups, there's a gene that causes a desire for individualism.

>Southern Irish are scientifically proven to be HIV-infested cavemen
Feels good to be best Ireland.

>Dude lost his powers
Crds on the table I haven't read the manga so I'm waiting for S4. As for his outcome, that's irrelevant. You went and said that the MHA world is flawed because unless you have a great quirk, you can't really do much. That dude, regardless of his outcome showed that a smart mind applied to a weak quirk can elevate that person to a level where they can possibly become the heir apparent to All Might. The entire demonstration at the end of S3 was to show that quirks don't begin and end with what they can do on their face. A person needs to explore how they can apply that quirk in ways they might not realize at first to get the most out of it, and for a show with characters you said: "only do any sort of good if they have great Quirks." That guy with his quirk that even he criticized, was able to use it smartly enough to take out that entire class of kids with quirks across the entire spectrum, and made it look easy.

Nobody missed anything I hated Tiger. Never hated Bunny just found the dude annoying. The show was good but I found myself not really liking eithe of the two main characters. Everyone else was great except for them.

Nips absolutely blown the fuck out.

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I have no idea how you've arrived from situational shyness/anxiety to genetically preprogrammed individualism. You can be the most convinced individualist on Earth and still adore public speaking.

Genetics are not definitive, that's why epigenetics exist

>I have no idea how you've arrived from situational shyness/anxiety

There's a reason Japan suffered a collective psychological trauma when their traditional worldview and society first met the full industrial strength of the West.

You still fail to demonstrate any connection with individualism. Fear of public speaking is one of the most common irrational phobias around, but so what?

its literally a genre
it's called zentai

Cyborg 009 always felt more like spy intrigue than superheroes, to me at least

Cyborg 009 deserves a good adaptation like the 2001 series and D Vs. 009 OVA (to an extent). Not that Re Cyborg and Call Of Justice CGI shit.

Sentai. The word you're looking for is Sentai.

Zentai is a fetish thing.

Have you never seen one punch man

I like the hero ranking and hero organizations but I feel like it shouldn't be to the level with that and those shows it should be like a background thing something characters mentioned off handedly every once in awhile

>And those
I meant in those shows

In defense of My Hero Academia that was part of the premise, and it has it's charm.

What the FUCK am I reading?
Western capes deal with disaster relief and rescuing people FAR more than Jap capes.

Japan doesn't like to criticize others so that's why 90 percent of the time the bad guys are aliens/monster people instead of other humans.

Dude the BNHA world is a shithole where kids fight public bloodsports to look like more of a hero than their classmates to their corporate overlords because the meaning of hero in the setting has been corrupted and the superhero culture is focused on power worship.

>Japan doesn't have that
Yes they fucking do. The Yakuza is the world's largest and most influential criminal organization. Abe is in bed with them and has creepy ties to pedophiles and ultra-right kindergartens. Autopsy rates are abysmal because potential homicides are constantly shuffled off into "suicides." Japan's rate of human trafficking is that of a 3rd world country.

They absolutely DO have problems that superheroes could tackle. They just don't because in Japan you don't make noise.

That was actually a point of the big Kamen Rider vs movie.

Goddamn, I know Yea Forums doesn't read comics but this thread is seriously uninformed about not only comics but the real world.

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Read the first book or two and see if it grabs you.
I've never been a fan of fighting manga, and I love MHA.


To be fair, Japanese workers log a lot of off-the-book hours because that's what's expected of them. They're that cucked by corporations and the government.

The Japanese are so enslaved by the west we keep military bases in their country and they print english words on stuff to make them look cooler. Fiction is really the only place where they can even pretend to have a leg up against the west.

>We're pretty happy to live on
No no no Honda. Your suicide rate is the US suicide rate + homicide rate. That's fucking embarrassing. So you aren't the worst. Big deal. People are still willingly checking themselves out of your culture at a higher rate than ghetto kids shooting each other. What the fuck kind of country is Abe running?

Billy also had a sly self-awareness and heart of gold that battle high school inserts lack.

A wall of garbage. Infantile.

No retard. It just means that western capes don't cuck to corrupt power structures while japanese capes do.

A japanese hero in this scenario would have given Father Time a furtive bow and said "excuse please."

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>Ignoring the influence of detective, crime fiction, science hero, and pulp adventure genres
>Ignoring how Western heroes CONSTANTLY save people from natural disasters to the point that Superman punching a world-ending meteor to death is a now a cliche.

Superheroes since JSA have been police+first responders+social crusaders. Gardner Fox had the JSA shill for UNICEF and tackle childhood delinquency

Japanese capes have always been hard-core paramilitary. It's why sentai have uniforms, mecha heroes have giant warmachines, and why battle high school shows like BNHA are basically a more violent version of JROTC.

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Sweet argument bro. Do you have anything to offer other than your tears?


Japan has giant social problems its capes don't address (outside SamFlam) because their culture is cucked into deference to authority figures.

The fucking Yakuza put their sighs up in public and no one gives a shit. They don't even have a RICO equivalent to fight organized crime.

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N-No Yankee-san...excuse please...

Japanese media is critical with the goverment, but not blatantly like in the west. Superhero culture is power worship in the real world. The largest and influential criminal organizations are the CIA and MI6. American superheros don't deal with banksters like Superman when he was created.

Superheroes absolutely butt heads with the Feds. I agree its been toned down since Golden Age superman but its still there and it still happens.

For the DC set. The Marvel guys have been good little feddie cucks since the Avengers started taking marching orders from Gyrich.

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Man I appreciate your guys being critical with the government, but you guys got to do more. Trump hasn't even done shit and people are in the streets baying for his blood. Your boy Abe takes money from the Yakuza and it looks like no one is doing anything.

Yeah, but they don't mess with US geopolitical interests.

I personally struggle to see how phasing through matter is a weak quirk

They have before. Like with Superman vs President Lex in Adventures of Superman.

Yea Forums somehow also has good Kamen Rider and Kaiju discussion, and every now and then some great horror threads(those horrorverse threads were fun in the beginning)

Yea Forums Has better superheroes than Yea Forums. That's an undeniable fact.

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Thank you for that, user.

>Jap heroes show women their place
Based and redpilled


hey buddy

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Ratman, try it

I love that movie
They don’t have Green Lantern, so no, as even they do Shonen better

Saitama (and maybe genos) is an exception in his own setting.

That article was not as mind blowing as it’s title sounded but that religious/ political movement that they linked in there was a crazy story

i just realized her left arm in this pic is unreasonably long

>abrasive Chad bully never gets called out and instead is praised by his peers, tolerated by his elders, and accommodated to by society because he's macho and assertive
So...just like real life?

In Japan and China yeah. That shit doesn't fly in US.

It has its ups and downs, a while into the manga the students themself start getting dull especially due to 1-2 mediocre arcs that ran last year, the Pro Hero/Villain related stuff is pretty good though.

Fuck off Bernie Bro.

>that shit doesn't fly in US
How did you arrive in our reality, dimension hopper???

Yeah, you got a shitload of anti bullying campaigns now.

Twice quirk was confirmed bloody insane ever since he explained it has a infinite clone loop. That was all just a question of him getting mentally stable enough to use it to that degree, and now that he's gone full on hero for the villains its paying out.

>Focus on mitigation of said corruption
Which largely amounts to ignoring the issue at hand for band-aid solutions. Endeavor being the biggest, but not the only example of why their society is fucked to the core.

>The JL is constantly manipulated and corrupted by villainous forces
Name 3 times or you're CNN.

You're high if you think bullying is as tolerated in the west as it is in Korea and Japan.

The Japanese Mango industry currently understands superheros much better than the American comics sector.

Yeah, I mean the dude’s psychologically scarred his wife and had his son as a science experiment, that shit’s messed up.

literally you

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You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. I can't even argue against this because it's like arguing against a faggot who will adamantly insist that a four-sided polygon is called a triangle, and has always been called a triangle, and anyone who wants to point out reality to him is delusional. I really want to live in your version of America it sounds a lot comfier.

There is literally nothing wrong with salaried superheroes. It’s the most sensible addition to the genre in years.

Okay fag keep enjoying your gender bent or tranny heroes LOL

Pic is unironically correct.

It sort of takes away from the idea, even if it does logically make sense, superheroes give and ask for nothing, that’s like basics, take that away, and they’re just a guy with powers

No that’s stupid. Most supers aren’t pure altruists anyway and from a storytelling standpoint the school+work+hero moonlighting thing always stretched my suspension of disbelief. People giving Usagi shit for being ‘lazy’ when she’s fighting monsters till 3 am on a school night.


Heroic group like the Avengers been getting paid / sponsored since the dawn of time. Or do you prefer mooching off some of the better well off member? Super headquarter doesnt just grow on tree

Personally, the idea of space magic itself sort of alreadyleads me okay with that, but I guess I’ve never been a big fan of teen heroes, at least the ones who go to school.

Yeah but his point is nobody cuts Spider-Man a check for being Spider-Man. My point is they absolutely should be.

>You say on Yea Forums

Even Batman does it. Oh he runs a business and charities and has a prolific playboy social life and fights crime and studies, trains, and improves himself constantly and watches Sailor Moon to see through J’ons disguise and any new Riddler riddles based on mid-2000s memes.

Teams are a horse of a different color because that’s just finding, I was thinking more like Peter Parker and Hal Jordan, they don’t get paid or ask money to do their shit, they just do it and have jobs on the side.

I'm not into superheros, only sometimes. USA is not the whole west, European comics are also not so much into superheroes. This overpowerment can be a bit boring, also to much good vs evil. I hate the combination of moralism, rightousness and violence. In a way it's also very repetitive. Watching live action movies and shows is even more of a problem, because they prefer stories which push a few specific narratives again and again.
I also like science-fiction or something with such elements like robots. Related to that, the idea of technological empowerment is something I like more than mythical randomness. Sometimes more realism, like in the eurocomics is also great.

Also, anime heroines are prettier and cuter.

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Still sad to see how one man's desire to fuck kids can ruin a manga so much. Wonder how long we're going to remain on loli witch island.

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Funding, not finding.

Vigilantes is way better than the original MHA

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Oh, thanks to you I have found a manga to read.

Dumbass casual.

JLA keeps a satellite/hall of justice/watchtower through donations from Wayne and Tylerco and others. Members don't actually get a paycheck, the money goes to pay toward the base and the staff that manages the base.

Avengers operate the same way. Tony foots the bill for the quinjets and training rooms but everyone works pro-bono. There IS a check offered to members, but everyone declines it unless they're really hurting for money or if they're Tigra who took it to show the readers that she's a useless bitch not cut out to be on the Avengers.

In what way?

The idea is that you make an effort to be a normal person with a normal job to keep yourself grounded and humble.

Considering how the heroes of BNHA, OPM, and Tiger and Bunny ended up being selfish pricks I think they were on to something.

Pedos get the bullet.

the difference between jap "superheroes" and western superheroes is that jap capeshitters tend to not associate gov in them because no matter what happens the gov will always be superior than the strongest freak they got in nipland.
while western superheroes tend to have the ability to conquer all of the western hemisphere if they're evil enough since they got the power to do so.

put it into perspective guns in MHA are a big fucking deal, theyre treated like nukes while guns are pea shooters in all western cape.

Reminds me of Kingdom Come

>In western capes, Booster Gold is a marginalized fool often rebuked and made fun of for being a greedy bastard obsessed with his brand.

>In Jap capes, Booster Gold is the ideal that children are taught to emulate.

Collectivism becomes strangely egocentric when the question of competition and hierarchy comes into play.

That's because "collectivist" culture actually isn't about the collective. It's about subordinating yourself to the desires of whoever is higher up on the hierarchy than yourself be it a parent, older sibling, or someone that just has more power than you.

In Western countries, the strong defend the weak. In Eastern countries, the weak defend the strong.

the japanese still cant break that political barrier in their media. no matter what happens they have to pay full respect and admiration towards their country because in asia, government = supreme unquestionable protector of all citizens.

See In individualistic cultures people are very critical of those in power. At any time at least half the country hates whoever is president. In Japan they can't do anything but kiss Shinzo Abe's ass because he's the alpha dog even when everyone knows he's corrupt as fuck and in bed with the Yakuza.

I want to say that Japanese capes tend to have an overall lower level of power. The average JLA member can swat supernovas. All-Might is what, around the level of The Thing or She-Hulk?

>Dragon Ball
>*Insert other popular franchise that will eventually be revived to be milked when the industry gets on crisis*

>Guns are a big deal in MHA

I resent Bernie for setting back the cause of a return to New Deal Capitalism in the states by at-least a decade by actually calling himself a Socialist, further illustrating that Americans don't know what the words "socialism" or "capitalism" even mean.
>Which largely amounts to ignoring the issue at hand for band-aid solutions. Endeavor being the biggest, but not the only example of why their society is fucked to the core.
If the option is "society in imperfect and corruptable" or "anarchy, but we call it the free market" I'll take the former. If you want to live free of society, move to America or Aus, there are more than enough tracts of 100% unused land to build your homestead/bunker on, and the last time an auditor came to collect on a homesteader was never... unless you can't survive on your own, in which case stop flexing like your Conan, and admit that you need to return to your soft cities.
>Name 3 times
President Luthor
Maxwell Lord
Brother Eye
The League Within The League who brainwashed Batman
Crime Syndicate infiltrating the universe
Most of the things Waller ever did.

That's just off the top of my head. If we did an actual google search, there are almost certainly ones I'm forgetting.

Look how many loops Pokemon is on.

That there are more internationally recognizable manga out there than comics, but that's not saying much. Comics are stagnant nowadays. Say what you will about manga, but at least most manga aren't completely ruined by cooperate dickery like Marvel and DC have been since 2011.

>President Luthor
Did fuck-all, especially when it was revealed Superman and Batman staged being captured by Hawkman and Billy.

Not a manipulation

>Maxell Lord
Not a manipulation

>Brother Eye
Not a manipulation

>Identity Crisis
Not a manipulation, literally everyone was okay with it but Batman because he has Bat-autism

Not a manipulation

Poor batman

What the fuck does the free market have to do with Endeavor being given a pass when it was an open secret he beat his son and drove his wife insane?

>In Western countries, the strong exploit and prey upon weak. In Eastern countries, the weak defend the strong.
FTFY. Neither works. Rugged individualism is inevitably used by those already in charge as an excuse to prey upon those weaker, and collectivism is inevitably used by those already in charge to get the weak to band together and defend them. In both cases, the same small collection of families use the system to cement their existing control.

>Comics are stagnant
Compared to what? Dragon Ball Superduper, One Peace the Undying, and Naruto the Next Generation?

if you read the comics actual guns are treated like superweapons. there is this villain that uses a revolver that fires an actual .357 round and its treated like something super deadly and super serious.
other guns in the comics fire modified low power rounds that fire darts and the characters show huge relief that theyre not the real thing.

its so weird.

Capeshit comics are truly and purely out of date. It actually can't survive anymore without getting SJWd and being niche unless it adopts manga.

>beat his son and drove his wife insane?
Are you replying to the correct post? WHo are you talking about?

You replied to a post mentioning that Endeavor was emblematic of how corrupt Boku's world is.

Not them but your post was a repsonse to the user mentioning Endeavor’s corruption

>Kids with superpowers freaking out over a .357
>"It's okay, they're dart guns!"
What the actual fuck?

If you aren't bulletproof and just a kid in tights why would a dart gun be less of a threat than a "real" gun? It's like getting knifed from a distance. That's dangerous.

Dragon Ball Z and Naruto I agree with, but One Piece has more to do with it's author being that much of an autist and less to do with corporate meddling.

Like the guy regularly calls back to chapters that date back 8-9 years ago.

It helps that the gross majority of manga are finite bar some internationally acclaimed titles like Dragon Ball. What good is a comic when all it takes is one writer with a hateboner to completely wipe out 30+ years of canon?

I've only recently finished s1 so I can't speak for the rest of the show, but there's a situation where the young heroes in training are split into teams wherein they must either protect a large dummy bomb or incapacitate the other team and secure the bomb. It's mentioned at one point, briefly, that it was essential to treat the situation as if it were real, and to take seriously the threat the explosive would pose if it were real.
There's a point near the end of s1 where a super-powered character is shot several times and is completely incapacitated by it. It's treated very seriously.

Personally, I like characters who aren't gods capable of destroying/taking over half the planet. It makes them more believable and capable of empathizing with.

Because the next writer restores that canon. Otherwise John Byrne would have been the status quo forever.

This is the chain of threads as far as I've been involved
>they recognize that said central organizational struture can, and almost inevitably will be corrupted, and focus on mitigation of said corruption and practical functionality, rather than idealistic purity in that regard
>Which largely amounts to ignoring the issue at hand for band-aid solutions. Endeavor being the biggest, but not the only example of why their society is fucked to the core.
((Realizing now that I read this to mean "The Whole Endeavor being the biggest, but not the only example of why their society is fucked to the core."))
>f the option is "society in imperfect and corruptable" or "anarchy, but we call it the free market" I'll take the former. If you want to live free of society, move to America or Aus, there are more than enough tracts of 100% unused land to build your homestead/bunker on, and the last time an auditor came to collect on a homesteader was never... unless you can't survive on your own, in which case stop flexing like your Conan, and admit that you need to return to your soft cities.

Truth be told, I haven't been able to get very far in MHA and didn't know there was a character named "Endeavor"... because I don't think it's very good, but the broader concepts of how American vs Japanese society treats the concept of cooperation and organisation, and how it relates to their interpretations of capeshit is still relevant. I AM up to date on ONE's stick-figure version of OPM.

They should at least be able to handle "man with gun"

meant to reply to

Until some huge ass editorial mandate like the New 52 happens.

They are children, to be fair. I'm an uncultured moron, so I don't know much about Japanese culture, but surely gun culture is not a thing there as it is here in the U.S. People are most likely very unaccustomed to seeing people other than the military with guns there, so wouldn't it make sense that that unfamiliarity would bleed into media? Particularly media that's marketed towards teens and young adults?

Like the bare minimum for superheroes is that you can walk into a room with a bunch of thugs drawing on you and floor them all.

Yea Forums is simply the most delusional board on Yea Forums as proven by your post.

Maybe read/watch the relevant bit instead of looking it up in a wiki, so you pick up the drawbacks of how his Quirk works and what he had to do to compensate.

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And /fit/ is the gayest board, not /lgbt/

Fuck, /lgbt/ shits on legbutts more than /pol/.

these kids are supposed to be superheroes. if they cant deal with a single guy with a gun how are they supposed to protect anyone?

I dunno but Archer is an incredible japanese hero.

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Drawbacks or no he can PHASE THROUGH MATTER. That shit is leagues better than say, deku's mom floating small objects slowly. That he figured out how to work beyond the drawbacks and basically become a teleporter only emphasises how powerful the core ability is.

I feel like this world doesn't acknowledge the difference between a weak quirk and a handicapped one when there is demonstrably a massive difference..

>no longer number 1
I want to die
t. Lithuanian

>Tfw Guyanese
My parents used to joke about how much Indian farmers beat their wives and killed themselves

It's obviously Eastern culture is extremely conformist and obsessed with the maintenance of bureaucracy and the concept of "face" and the idea of putting society before yourself.

Western culture is the exact opposite, a culture that celebrates nonconformity and exceptionalism and the cult of the self.

It really shouldn't be that surprising that Eastern capes are registered and strictly regulated government agents making salaries and doing promotional events while Western capes are lone vigilantes walking their own path above the law and above society's rules.

You should post this on Stormfront or somewhere like that

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I wrote I don't know what any of what I posted has to do with any kind of political ideas. I'm about as far left as you can reasonably get.

"Japanese culture is different from western culture" is not a political idea

buddy did YOU read those articles? cause i just did and its hot fucking garbage. you must be illiterate if you thought that was any sort of legitimate

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Not that guy but whats garbage in them? Explain it for me.

Why you so mad. Its obvious this perspective shares something with boring polack bullshit like "Lol at Chink insects. Lol at SJWs". Its nothing like a reasonable social scientific view. He didnt use a buzzword but context-wise, its practically full of modern buzzwords.

Im anti SJW but wont support old conservashits like gators either. inb4 that shit "Im not an SJW but" image. Im just a weeb-leaning person.

>it's obvious that post is going "lol fuck chinks"
I wrote that post and I think the Eastern philosophy is far superior, Western culture is selfish.

Go back

Yea Forums tends to have better superhero stories, but Yea Forums has more fun with super powers.
I would like it if mainstream western media explored more uses of super powers that went beyond cape fights.

>implying Saitama can be taken seriously

That someone thinks you're being racist against asians when you share your ideas on western vs eastern philosophy should probably make you reassess your ideas.

Also LOL. The west is so obviously the best Japan gladly copy+pasted our culture onto their own after WW2.

One-For-All also has the drawback of ruining the body if the user is not strong enough naturally. Doesn't stop it from being super OP (And it has other quirks too, just like AFO)

>That someone thinks you're being racist against asians when you share your ideas on western vs eastern philosophy should probably make you reassess your ideas.
Yeah, nah, pretty sure "eastern culture is very rigid and self-sacrificing" is pretty much the easiest most obvious observation one could make and you and are the only ones trying to bring racism into it.

Dilate. Trump will win 2020.

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>muh trump?!?

Still no actual answer yet

Orange man is good. And Orange Man will win 2020.


Die late


what kind of newfag meme is this now?

It's been a forced meme for a while now, /stormfags/ started it because trannies are a good wedge issue and screaching toddlers latched onto it because they'll latch on to literally any forced meme.

it doesn't convey anything though, what kind of moron would repeat nonsense?

It's a response to the unironic transsexual discord group that organizes to bomb threads among other things.

It's comparing your behavior to that of an angry trannie and calling your manhood into question. It's like calling you a faggot, sissy, or pussy.

>it's a response to fucking retarded discord drama that has nothing to do with Yea Forums
Or you could NOT be a gigantic nolife faggot

Not discord drama, you illiterate. Did you even read the post? They (you, probably) organize there and then come here to ruin threads.

>nothing to do with Yea Forums

Attached: 5f3.jpg (680x695, 34K)

>not discord drama
>It's a response to the unironic transsexual discord group

Assuming that is an actual thing and not something retarded you think exists because of random mspaint screenshot collages, you're saying that you're responding to someone pissing in a sea of piss by shitposting yourself.

I have never seen a "tranny raid" destroy a thread. Not ever.

I've certainly seen a lot of faggots spam "dilate" and trump memes, though, always derailing threads and acting like obnoxious cunts.

Pic related.

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>gladly copy+pasted our culture onto their own after WW2.
We literally forced them to. Reformed their government, schooling system, economy, everything. America raped Japan hard enough to induce mindbreak

Lol I just pointed out its as extreme as steamfags bullshit. Im not Chinese btw

You should talk about it referring to an actual show or manga at least then. Im just curious, what show/manga is "obsessed with the maintenance of bureaucracy"? I dont think the "extremely conformist" mindset can produce characters who have personalities that fascinate world-wide audience.

Also as someone on this thread said, this is more about Japan vs USA. Cause no other country has any original superhero figures.


>unironic transsexual discord group that organizes to bomb threads

so another boogeyman that doesn't really exist just like Gaia Online

it does nothing

>Lol I just pointed out its as extreme as steamfags bullshit.
Is this English?
>what japanese show is obsessed with bureaucracy
Is that a fucking joke? Ignoring that I said it's their culture that's obsessed with bureaucracy and that that shines through in their shows, but aside from that:
Hero Aca and One Punch Man are the obvious ones to bring up since this is a cape thread. Literally any animu you care to name idealizes large highly-structured organizations and government agencies.

>I dont think the "extremely conformist" mindset can produce characters who have personalities that fascinate world-wide audience
What do the two have to do with one another at all?

I'm kinda praying you're ESL and this is all just you misinterpreting my words.

We still have military bases on their soil. They're basically our bitch.

>it does nothing
>looks at the multiple posts crying about it
Whatever you say, mate. Dilate.

oh an australian now it makes sense, there's no one worse than australians online, well maybe they canadians, shouldn't your worthless ass be range banned?

>we post "dilate" because these people ruin our threads!
>only WE can ruin our threads!

Attached: myfinalform.gif (335x237, 1.81M)

>what japanese show is obsessed with bureaucracy?
Meanwhile in Hero Aca:

Attached: comeonnow.jpg (600x375, 45K)

>absolutely S E E T H I N G
Do you trannies have nothing better to do?

>australians are the only people who use "mate".

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Given this is the same setting where people think the guy that went around in a autistic rage, killing heroes because they dont rescue people and all that for 100% altruistic reasons made sense, is that even a surprise? OPM atleast did it right by making Garous whole reason him bullshitting himself ultimately.

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it's time you to become an hero

>Given this is the same setting where people think the guy that went around in a autistic rage, killing heroes because they dont rescue people and all that for 100% altruistic reasons made sense, is that even a surprise?
It's just a difference in cultural values, user. Western culture values individual liberty too highly to tolerate the kind of government regulation and registration we're talking about regardless of its possible positive outcomes (see: Civil War), whereas Eastern culture values the common good over the individual so much that acceptance of such measures in a nearly-utopian society is a given.

>only response is "kys"
absolutely pathetic

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>the world's largest and most influential criminal organization.
Even compared to Triads and cartel?

it has everything to do retard but such a simple mind like yours could never connect the dots

because they are perfectly happy of being superhero stories, without the need to reinvent the wheel.
They also don't add cynism to feel "mature"

The Yakuza is more influencial because they're part of the culture and freely operate as if they were a legitimate organization. They make videogame where they're the heroes

>dark blue trunkless costume superman
>symbol of peace

>They also don't add cynism to feel "mature"
Except when they do

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>, but at least most manga aren't completely ruined by cooperate dickery like Marvel and DC have been since 2011.

>Except when they do
except that's not cynism

>when all it takes is one writer with a hateboner to completely wipe out 30+ years of canon?
Fans need to take a tougher stance on rogue writers

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>Fans need to take a tougher stance on rogue writers
and then retards would accuse them of "fear of change", "having nostagia", "being a hater" and some other stupidity to justify the new shit... and gone ist the character/series

Stain did make sense. The only way for the writer to make him a badguy was to make him a psychotic serial killer.

Are you high? Roving gangs of monster-men make paramilitary superheroics such a viable profession that international colleges are devoted to training generation after generation of them. People are scared shitless that if the head muscle man dies, the monster men will be embolen to rape society like they did a mere generation ago.

MHA is FARRRRRRR from a utopia.

Murdering cops because they are paid for performing the role of law enforcement is psychotic.

That doesn't change just because they are wearing flashier uniforms.

Yes actually.

That's what I said. He was right about superheroes but he's a serial killer so he's evil.

When does Superman actually deal with people traffickers and pedophile rings, despite being able to hear it all with his vaunted senses.

Neither Western nor Eastern superheroes will become truly mature until they tackle the subject of gang rape.

No superhero has ever been gang raped, to my knowledge. It's grossly unrealistic.

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He wasn't right, he was just a

If anything the characters give him too much credit in-series.

Bruce Banner was gonna be raped by a couple of dudes in the YMCA showers

JLA dealt with muslim slavers in Priest's JL. That's just off the top of my head and it's pretty recent.

Now tell me when eastern capes have dealt with "real world" bad guys?

Kid Miracleman.

It's not just in the comics that superheroes fight traffickers. They do so in the real world.

Ones whos plots involve dealing with such things?
See, the difference between manga and specifically the capeshit of DC and Marvel, is that manga tend to have a point and single overarching storyline they follow.
While the neverending universes of "The Big 2" are just a neverending cavalcade of different writers being brought in to pump out whatever random bullshit to keep the kettle boiling.

He was complaining that their culture is broken and creates people like endeavor or bakugo, which it does. His solution was just Thanos levels of retarded

Wow! Just look at those goalposts go! Where or where will he deflect the conversation to next?

Honestly a "NOT MUH ALL MIGHT" Stance seemed to be correct. All Might was keeping their society running. If every hero isn't ready to step into that position, there's a dire problem.

I don't get what your point is honestly.

You might be somewhat right, but you generalise too much

Way to move the goalposts

One Piece had Slave auctions. But honestly, Jap superhero stuff is generally more for kids and doesn't try to stuff edgedark stuff into it.

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You know those two Westerns that absolutely define the Genre, Fistful of Dollars and the Magnificent Seven? Yeah, those are based on Samurai movies. user's a goddamn moron.

>prison school

nice taste

and Godzilla came from an old Superman cartoon. If you wanna do this by the numbers, the japs have pulled far more from the west than the reverse.


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>If you want to live free of society, move to America or Aus, there are more than enough tracts of 100% unused land to build your homestead/bunker on, and the last time an auditor came to collect on a homesteader was never... unless you can't survive on your own, in which case stop flexing like your Conan, and admit that you need to return to your soft cities.

That's not really freedom. Freedom is about cooperation with other people, but without or minimal governmental interference.

I'm not a fan of cape-comics, but nothing is ever outdated these days. It might just be to much of it.

>let me tell you what freedom is
Okay comrade.

>If the option is "society in imperfect and corruptable" or "anarchy, but we call it the free market" I'll take the former. If you want to live free of society, move to America or Aus, there are more than enough tracts of 100% unused land to build your homestead/bunker on, and the last time an auditor came to collect on a homesteader was never... unless you can't survive on your own, in which case stop flexing like your Conan, and admit that you need to return to your soft cities.

Sadly this is not true in America. I own 10 acres of land that I would have to occupy illegally if I didn’t want to go to the zoning board and get stuff changed. It’s illegal to camp on your land most places, you have space requirements etc.

All of this is fixable with lots of money but America takes elimsting affordable housing very serious to keep property values up

Why is it that whenever Japan is mentioned, everyone has an explanation that is based on broad generalizations and/or info from over a decade ago

This thread was clearly created just for shitposting.

>My thing good
>Other thing bad

Stop samefagging.

welcome to Yea Forums newfag


>all might is seven foot two
Christ I know the japs overcompensate, but that's just absurd

My point was quite different than his, I’m just telling you the reality. I want to live off grid but the government makes that incredibly hard to do is all I’m saying.

The idea that you can just buy land and live on it isn’t always feasible because you have a very real chance of pissing off your neighbor when they feel like you’re bringing down their property value, them reporting you and you being forcibly removed from your own property

That didn't answer the question.

>Spaghetti Westerns define the genre
You stupid asshole. You had western films going back to the 1920's with Hell's Hinges.

I can't believe you'rse such a dumbass that you're trying to claim Japan invented the lone gunfighter genre.

Have Gun Will Travel was 1957--years before Yojimbo.

Dumbass, DUMBASS weeb.

Stop making false claims. I'm even not American and have never been there, I just sound like one. But please let's keep politics out of this here as much as possible.

Might be different from state to state, I recall Texans saying this doesn't matter here, but in California it seems to be completely different. However, really OT!

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That's not The Searchers and Rio Bravo...

That’s Spaghetti Westerns, Lone Ranger existed long before them

>Hell's Hinges
1916 actually, and it did the "lone gunfighter vs town controlled by criminals" thing. So user-kun is totally full of shit and sucks Jap dick like its pocky sticks.

Don't quite a few of the characters from MHA have powers that are capable of being lethal, though? If it weren't for a "no kill rule" being one of their biggest things, it wouldn't exactly be hard to take an approach of responding to lethal force with lethal force, the universe just seems to take moral issue with it.

>No superhero has ever been gang raped, to my knowledge.
Well there's lot of rape stories for both male and female heroes

>but at least most manga aren't completely ruined by cooperate dickery like Marvel and DC have been since 2011.
You can't ruin what is fucked up by the start.
Mangakas with weekly series work more than 90 hours a week, with low pay. Which deteriorates either phisical or mental health, thus most long running series' story falls apart around the end.

capeshit is totally dying. sjws hate traditional masculinity of capeshit and old fags hate manga type capeshit

checkmate. i kinda feel bad for the shogun of marvel comics even though hes a soi infused cunt

jesus christ. what happened to this thread.
there was some actual insightful discussion going on yesterday. now its just fucking namecalling and diLaTe spamming. cant even fucking sleep for 5 hours without you shitters ruining a thread

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Because no one here is Japanese, so either people heard something that they think is pretty true or they're weebs who want to believe something is true.

There are some good infos in this thread, next time I'll read something like this I might collect the threads and post the links in an extra posting.

I have a theory that it has something to do with the upcoming election in US, and the plan is to pitting groups on such boards against each other, to disrupt any meme production and spread.

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kys fag

I know your trolling but isn't Hellboy considered good?

It's meant to bait you.

God I miss Tiger and Bunny.


>That he figured out how to work beyond the drawbacks and basically become a teleporter only emphasises how powerful the core ability is.
But user, at it's core we're still my referencing Mirio goes back to the declaration:
>Since it's supposed message of hard work and determination is at odds with the fact that Midoriya and the other major heroes in the setting can only do any sort of good if they have great Quirks.

When Mirio is explaining his quirk, Froggy said herself that Mirio's Permutation is a Strong Quirk, to which Mirio responds:
>No, I made it into a strong quirk.
On it's own his quirk just lets him fall into the ground. Everything that Mirio has shown he can do with it is the product of his effort and hard work that lines up with the message the user said the show presents but contradicts.

Hell, as much as we love Deku's mom, how do we know that her quirk couldn't have become something more had she put in comparable effort?

I think the Showa-era Kamen Riders spend their entire lives fighting various iterations of Shocker. They don't really have a rogue's gallery, because they tend to kill their opponents after the final battle.

Almost none of them have a power that acts as a defense against guns. If you have the ability to control planets with your mind, or the ability to shoot fire from your hands, or the ability to command animals... none of that shit saves you from being shot in the face by a handgun.

Most western comic heroes are not immune to bullets either, their plot armor is just so high that they never have to worry about it unless the writer says otherwise. Despite the fact that Batman has no powers at all, the idea that a guy with a gun would be a threat to Batman is almost unthinkable at this point, when logically it really shouldnt be.

They have free shelter, food and healthcare right?. They don't need a paycheck if they can live from the organization.

The Liberation Army is kind of a testament to that too. While they're getting the business from the villains they're significantly stronger than your average civilian.
It's kind of the point, Society just tells people "you're not cut out for this, don't waste your time" and very few try afterwards and even fewer are recognized as worthwhile after THAT.

Mirio acts as the perfect counter-example to Todoroki.

Mirio's quirk is, on its own, almost more of a hindrance than a help, but by learning how to use it to its full potential it becomes really strong.

Todoroki, on the other hand, has a quirk that is so obviously overwhelmingly powerful that he has never really had to learn tactics at all. He mostly just shits a fuckton of ice everywhere and the battle is over in an instant, but because of that the moment he ends up in a fight where that opening move isn't effective he is IMMEDIATELY in trouble.

For JLA, it doesn't really come up as no one lives on base (unless its JLU). Everyone has their own headquarters--Superman has his Fortress, Batman has his cave, Wonder Woman her barn, Hal just tramps around like the polyamorous space tomcat he is.

It's more complicated with the Avengers as lodgings are offered, but its generally understood as a temporary thing. Its unusual for someone to live at Avengers mansion.

user, wasn't that from pre-New 52? If you're gonna stan Hal, update your references. I mean this is from the Rebirth lead in, but still, 2016 is more recent than 2011.
As I recall, Hal joined the Rank of Alan Scott in the sense that only they have crafted their own rings.

Attached: Hal Makes His Ring.jpg (2664x2048, 2.58M)

No, that was well after Nu 52. I think it came before Hal had his Renegade phase.

>polyamorous space tomcat
A man of taste.

Except Mirio's quirk IS incredibly powerful, it just has drawbacks and strange utility that needed development.

I don't care what you or Mirio says, fucking intangibility is godlike power that has the potential for powerful applications to begin with. Telling someone whose power is "I have a long tongue and a cloaca" that hard work is what matters when you have GODDAMNED MOTHERFUCKING INTANGIBILITY as your power is total fucking bullshit.

Dude, Hal killing Krona specifically lead into Renegade

Negative, anons.
It's when he killed Krona, which got his ass tossed from the Corps, because Lanterns aren't allowed to harm Guardians, which is what led to losing his ring, which is why Sinestro had to and pulled his ringless ass off of Earth in New 52 GL.

Vendetti’s run was pretty kino

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Good news: Season 2 is in production right now. Same studio and lead writer.

Yeah yeah hard work makes you better and all that shit, but he's still working conceptually very useful in almost every aspect of his job, and arguably most of existence. I'm sure Deku's mom could do some useful things with her quirk too; she'd probably be an amazing surgeon. But this is a show about punching people, so the guy who can phase through punches and missile launch himself through the earth seems more important.

Sorry man.

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>No, I made it into a strong quirk.
No, he minimized his handicaps to allow his quirk to function unhindered. His quirk has never changed, never enhanced or even become more controllable, he's just become smarter about how to use it. Saying the quirk is weak is like saying fire is useless because it burns you. Learning to use something better is not the same as "making it strong"

You know, I really didn't like much of it pre-Renegade, but Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps was pretty damn great all series long.

Attached: Hal vs Paralax Sinestro.jpg (3976x1528, 2.97M)

Japan capes are mostly imitation of american capes. Assasins, mercenaries and goverment agents deal with them, just in edgy series like Mahou Toshuken Asuka they deal with IRL "baddies"

What are the limits of inko's power anyway? The size/speed of the object hardcoded into it, or is it just so weak because she never trained it? Does she need to see the object or just know it's there? Because if either is true she actually has an extremely OP power and that no one recognized this unbelievable

>I don't care what you or Mirio says, fucking intangibility is godlike power that has the potential for powerful applications to begin with.
user, < this guy right here with Permutation would do absolute shit with it, because potential is just that: potential. If you don't combine that potential with intelligence or effort, you will do nothing, but you'll have a shit load of potential. Give credit where it's due. He isn't where he is just because of his quirk.

Nothing you said is different than what he said, you're just putting your own spin on it.
Therefore, nice rant, but it's his quirk, and the creator's interpretation of his quirk, and his perception of what it is on it's own, and what it is because of the effort he has applied to it, and frankly that holds more water in my book than an audience member saying that a creator's fictional character's perception and motivation is wrong because.

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No sweat, brother. Great minds and all.

Potential is not equal across the board. Some people simply have more, regardless of whether they make use of it or not. To rate a power with great potential poorly because it hasn't been actualized seems irrational, especially for a system designed to train people to achieve their maximum potential

>To rate a power with great potential poorly because it hasn't been actualized seems irrational

Its perfectly rational.

Lets take a look at Momo's quirk, for example. In terms of POTENTIAL, her quirk is absurdly strong and the only think preventing her from rolling atomic bombs out of her arms like an assembly line is a lack of desire to do so.

But in terms of practice, the list of qualifiers and drawbacks to the power is enough to fill a book. Momo can make anything, but to make it she has to understand. She has to know exactly how it is built and how it works. She needs to understand the chemical structure and physical shape of every individual piece of what she is making, and how all of those pieces go together, FROM MEMORY. Usually on the fly in the middle of a fight.

Making even a simple object under those conditions is an accomplishment. Making something like a radio or a gasmask from memory is fucking impressive. The fact is that Momo can only make a few things because the timesink cost to learn to make something new is fucking high, so while in theory her quirk lets her make anything she will never be able to make more than a handful of things. Its just not practical, or even realistically possible, for her to use her quirk to its full 'potential' without perfect memory and functionally unlimited chemical and engineering knowledge.

>In Western countries, the strong defend the weak

Hahahah like what?

I don't even understand why Momo is running around in the streets punching people. She would be revolutionizing materials manufacturing as a scientist. Her potential is squandered as a hero

That's shonen. Most teenagers don't understand shit about any supporting role for the fighters

Trump is defending America from migrant locusts.

>To rate a power with great potential poorly because it hasn't been actualized seems irrational
So Mirio has a form of intangibility. In a world where 80% of the population has a quirk, do you think he's the only one? There are almost assuredly many, and just like someone could levitate things on a level like Jean Grey, there would be others who could only do it like Deku's mom. So applying that, just because intangibility has potential you are applying a degree of potential to it consistent with our reality where if someone could do that they would be the only one. In their world it is very likely that is not the case, and there might be someone who can run through walls and short circuit things by occupying the same space, like Kitty Pryde, but that isn't what Mirio does. So you have a Kitty Pryde, and a kid who can go intangible but just falls into the ground, before getting tossed back up by it. Compared to Kitty Pryde, there might be a basic similarity, but that probably seems simpler, not as impressive, and something without as much potential, therefore, you don't press him. His teachers don't press him. No one presses him. But he has a good head on his shoulders, and he starts thinking, and questioning and considering, and after awhile this kid that seemed unimpressive, learns the potential in his quirk, and proves everyone wrong, and at that point if they try to mentor him they need to catch up, because they are barely asking question he's known the answer to for years, and seeing the potential he's recognized, and pursued, and developed, and surpassed.

>implying cowboys aren't basically samurai.

>Warriors encouraged by Bushido to think of themselves as already dead and to hold their lord above themselves and even their own family
>Lone drifters motivated by their own sense of right and wrong

Yeah they're basically identical aren't they?

Fun fact--Kurosawa was a westaboo who studied John Ford westerns like Searchers and Stagecoach.

Samurai films owe a debt to westerns, not the other way around.


Samurai films are actually split into two subgenres in Japan, jidaigeki which are period dramas, and chanbara which are specifically about the actions and lives of samurai.

Momo does have a powerful quirk though, and I would say the people of the setting rating her power as weak because it doesn't have amazing combat applications is the exact flaw in their society the story is trying to get at. They're tunnel visioned and obsessed with this competitive aspect of heroism and success, instead of trying to find where each quirk would best flourish even if it's outside their hero worship bullshit.

imagine believing Stain has any point at all
Hey, remember the Yakuza arc in MHA speedreader?

If intangibility is common to any degree, especially intangibility even better than Mirio's, then the world would have to change drastically. That physical barriers are completely ineffective against even 5% of the population would mean we'd have to overhaul how we look at basic security.

I really doubt there are many people with intangibility of any kind let alone Mirio's up to full body intangibility.

You mean like the generic gangsters Superman and Batman beat up weekly? Wow, I'm so impressed.

It's a redpill to know that the Japs basically steal all their culture going back to stealing culture from the Chinese.

we wuz anime n kurosawa n sheeeeit


Hey speed readers, I don't think you know what corrupt heroes mean in MHA. Superheroes jobs are to beat bad guys and saving civilians from them, Endeavor actions make him an asshole human, not a corrupt hero. Learn the difference.
Define selfish pricks you casual
Sign, stop being speed reader god dammit. In Japan you are highly unlikely to find any kind of firearms that is not own by the police. So guns is something the kids rarely meet. And the dart gun is dangerous because inside it is a power destruction bullet
Stop speed reading you moron. That's not how it work
Ok, just because the society has a bad egg or two doesn't mean that it was wrong, clear? Stain shit is really: If you are not Allmight, you are not a real hero, only American moron actually believe what he said
Society never said that, speedreader-kun

Then what the hell is a " real world " bad guys? Because they are dealing with corrupt politician and businessman right now

>proved every one of Cap's concerns unwarranted
Except how Nana's husband was murdered because her identity was public knowledge

Legally, she can;t use her power without a hero license. Hero training in how to use your power, and how to use that power safely, is in MHA's Japan the only legal way to acquire the certification that you can use your power without being a threat to society with it.

A scientist that used their quirk to do revolutionary research would be, technically speaking, breaking the law. While its unlikely that any police officer is going to break into their lab and say 'hey, stop that!' on any given day, publishing their findings would draw attention to the specific fact that they have been breaking the law and provoke a response.

It all stems from the very unhealthy but nonetheless true fact that MHA's world doesn't know how to deal with the fact that everyone has superpowers now, and the best solution they have to return to normalcy after global chaos is to, as a culture, do their damndest to pretend that quirks don't exist at all. Anything you do that draws attention to the fact that you have a quirk is frowned upon by the law, with heroes only getting an exception because someone needs to deal with villains (read: quirk abusers) for the system to function at all.

Well, just doing your job might be enough to be a hero in MHA, but everywhere else, abusing your family for science experiments means you’re not a hero,

Do you know what " hero " mean? People in real life have done worse than that and they are still called hero. This is even more true in MHA where the word " hero " actually mean " superhero ". The only reason they don't call people with that is because marvel and DC are holding the copy right for that word

Everyone you disagree with isn't a speedreader ESL-kun

Yeah, but being a superhero literally has the word hero in it, so if you don’t have that, you’re just super

Shut the fuck up Nip.

>The Japanese don't know what real heroism is
Explains a lot.


you know in japan they abbreviate it as MHA?

Modern society generally doesn't consider psychopaths striving for glory heroic anymore

Endeavor did not striking for glory either. If glory is what he wanted, he would have pay attention to the press.

I find a solid way to see if someone is a hero or not is to see if Ben Grimm would approve of them

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>Society never said that
>Dr. Robotnik flat out tells Deku to give it up when
>All Might told Deku that you need a quirk to be a hero
>Hero School entry is determined by arbitrary standardized tests and depending on what year you're coming through you could be shit out of luck
>Anyone who isn't a hero and uses their quirk is deemed a villain.
Society is totally dismissive of quirkless or seemingly weak quirks and has built itself so that there's no way to explore the extent of your power without jumping through their hoops.
He wanted a different type of glory, not to be beloved by all but to be recognized as the strongest, and when he realized that wasn't possible he sought to do it vicariously through his son.

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Wow, that’s dark

Most of the villains are nowhere near forward thinking or organized enough to do things like organize reprisals against heroes. They whole goal is to avoid the attention of heroes entirely, because a single villain making too many waves will get dogpiled by increasingly higher rank heroes until they lose. The longer a super-fight goes on, the more and more inevitable it becomes that the villain loses.

All For One is not most villains. He is perfectly willing to strike back at heroes and make their personal lives hell, especially where One For All is involved.

You forgot the part where his superpower is sleep gas

Based and Greenpilled

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The whole system of BNHA is fucked up, not sure why people support it

>The whole system of BNHA is fucked up
Care to explain why?

It's like the one on the incredibles, but way more shitty.

So your primary grievance is tied to the degree to which capes aren't allowed to operate independently?

For me, it’s the whole competition shit they have with quirks they got going on, you get kids think they’re hot shit like Bakugou, kids who get told to off themselves if they don’t have any like Deku before All Might, you got a guy doing eugenics with his own kid just for a powerful quirk, and that’s not including the fights that go on in sports festivals, you got kids who are literal bombs and can mind control others and you’re teaching them to beat the shit out of each other

In the story, after the troubles the government and a ton of citizens were desperate for the semblance of stability and safety. So they basically legislated normalcy in a hopes it would work. But ultimately it only "worked" for a relatively short time and even then it was a band aid, all the same issues were festering beneath. After AllMight fell they knew it was alright to reveal themselves again.

>it’s the whole competition shit they have with quirks they got going on, you get kids think they’re hot shit like Bakugou, kids who get told to off themselves if they don’t have any like Deku before All Might
Take out quirks. You think that doesn't happen with other things IRL?
Also, what is the first thing that All Might tells Deku? There is no shame in being quirkless. There are honorable professions that one can pursue. It is only told to off himself by a guy who eternally gives him shit. That isn't demonstrative of the system.
>you got a guy doing eugenics with his own kid just for a powerful quirk
Neither is that. Again take quirks out of the system, and is the same type realm of fucked up shit people get away with IRL because they're protected by their affluence. An asshole had consensual sex with a partner, the two had a child, and he ended up being a piece of shit to his wife and kid.
>and that’s not including the fights that go on in sports festivals
I wonder if you mind High School sports this much. Between Wrestling, and Football, and to a lesser degree the other sports, children are compelled to compete against one another, often directly against one another, often to the point that doing so causes injuries and harm to themselves.
With respect to the festivals however, the is the first thing you've mentioned specific to BNHA. Those festivals are combination tournaments and job fairs, because remember that the kids are showing off their abilities for future consideration within hero agencies. They are encouraged to compete, reassured that the nurse is on site to heal any injuries they have, and only instructed not to take things to a degree where Midnight or the Concrete need to intervene to diminish destructive capacity.
As for the bombs and mind controllers, remember that its best to spar against allies you trust, and that these kids being taught how to make the most of their quirks were vetted before being given access to their education.

Not the same user, but the people in the MHA universe aren't even permitted to use their abilities in self defense, if they aren't licensed. That sounds like a dystopian nightmare.

>That sounds like a dystopian nightmare.
Oh no! How spooky. I'm going to go buy a gun and not have a license for it because if I get one of those I'm living in a dystopian nightmare. I'm gonna go drive a car, because if I get one of those I'm living in a dystopian nightmare!

>I'm gonna go drive a car,
and not get a license to do so
>because if I get one of those I'm living in a dystopian nightmare!

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Those are not innate abilities. That’s like you getting mugged and getting in trouble for pulling a punch

>comparing an innate ability your born with to a car/gun

>restrictions on weapons ownership is somehow good
I take it that you don't live in the United States? What gives you the right to tell me I am not allowed to defend myself with the best that I can afford?

Well, yes and no.
On one hand, they have access to something no one else does, so the comparison to seems flawed to such a degree that in your hypothetical, they probably could punch the shit out of someone trying to mug them. Alternatively, don't the enlisted suffer fiercer penalties if they beat the shit out of someone even in defense, because their training?
Finally, in this system, the heroes are everywhere, so kids probably shouldn't be using their abilities before they've been licensed to use them responsibly, because not only might they hurt someone with them, but there is probably someone around them more qualified to do so, statistically the majority of the time.
>What gives you the right to tell me I am not allowed to defend myself with the best that I can afford?
The Constitution, bitch.

>The constittution says I can infringe on your rights
>Implying it doesn't say the exact opposite
Wew, that aside, retards like (You) are why I think that even if superpowers were real, there'd still be tyrannical faggots trying to push them around.

>The constittution says I can infringe on your rights
I didn't say that. I just said the Constitution gives me the right to tell you you're not allowed to defend myself with the best that you can afford without registerring it under your name, and carrying a license for it. But thanks for keeping up.
Now as I asked the first time shoo shoo off so you can stick another shotgun shell up your ass.

>I have no argument so I'll just tell people to go away
I find it sad that marvel civilians are seeming to be fairly realistic.

too tough, boomers will whine it's, not like in that 78 movie they saw and people like Fortress of Solitude or Kaptain Kristian will cry they DC doing it wrong, but there were social issues like wife beater and repercussions of Superman acting as hot head in Crisis at Hand, or illegal immigration in Superman Grounded. Or Superman flying into shithole country giving it's local "hitler" into hands of locals like in new52 Superman Earth One volume 2.

>rebirth costume
Based weebs.
At first I didn't even like it, but now I think it's best modern substitute for red trunks.

it is

Based Marvel

Shame Bendis didn’t get the memo

World outside your window, I guess