How would the Xeelee fare in the marvel universe?

How would the Xeelee fare in the marvel universe?

Attached: 660px-View_of_the_xeelee_ring_by_steve_burg-d4kvuvu.jpg (660x342, 33K)

If I see another "how would x fare in marvel/DC universe" I will leave this board for good or until summer is over

kill yourself you fun sucking faggot

No fuck you it's worse than power level superman vs goku threads. Its retarded.

What a fag

What can they do?

Throw galaxies at people, use galaxies to build holes to other universes, have complete acausal time travel, set up temporal loops, mass produce multiple ships from single fighters, use unfathomable tech to break stars and reality like a fucking toothpick, consider entities capable of burning all human history in every timeline as being little threat, etc.

The Xeelee are only under the Time Lords and Downstreamers in terms of crazy sci-fi powerlevels.

Cry more.

Thryre also made of blackholes.

In which case they break Marvel over their fucking knee. It'd take insanely high-tier reality warpers to even stand a chance.