Interpretations of characters that you like

For me it Jeremiah Arkham from Arkham Asylum: Living Hell
this version of Jeremiah is just an old man whose stuck with a horrible job that he hates but doesn't know what else to do
he treats his employees fairly well and tries to help the inmates but knows it will never work but he despite all of that he still tires to run the Asylum the best he can

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Other urls found in this thread: Gauntlet Issues Animal Batman - Miraclescans!_Vol_1_2


Honestly most versions of Bizarro are great, as long as they do the opposite biz.

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Any time Batman's shown as a nice guy.

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Anytime Batman interacts with kids is usually wholesome, then sad when you remember what the reason probably is.

This so much

What reason?


>Peter B. Parker - Spider-Verse
Easily my favorite version of the character. Now that I'm older, I appreciate a character that noticbly ages and changes as the years go on. Sometimes in positive ways, other times in negative. The fact that despite he is in no way/shape/form even close to his prime, he is still the most competent Spider-Man ever and manages to pull off everything he sets his mind to with minimal difficulty. Seeing him memorize that key sequence nearly instantaneously and then proceed to nimbly navigate around the room was just icing on the cake.

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The way his voice breaks when Aunt May says he looks tired is devastating.

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God damn this movie is so good.
I really hope it makes people see that you can still do animated films that are more than just the overdone regurgitated kids movies now-a-days.

Batman lost a lot from one bad moment as a child, so he tries to keep the same thing from happening to them.

I liked Green Scar Hulk but I'm not sure if that counts since "interpretations" exist literally in the canon as alternate Hulks.

Poison Ivy is a crazy bitch but because of the world she lives in she's also kinda right.

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Which run was this I need a palate-cleanser from King's shit.


This is a good balance between completely inhuman plant elemental and sympathetic femme fatale.

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Why did I post that image?
(Yet I do like this Skids, though.)

I'll never understand how Dan Slott managed to write this book. It's was fucking great.

That's what i figured but wasnt sure if that was what was being alluded to.

That page would've been better without any of the dialogue in the first two of the final three panels.

>Joe Casey - SUperman
Casey takes the world's superhero strongman and turns him into the world's greatest EMT. He's taken a stance of pacifism and hopes to solve all of his conflicts non-violently despite the fact he would more than likely win if he resorted to that. Young me thought this was lame as shit. Me now finds it absolutely inspiring and something we should strive for, even if it isn't necessarily feasible.

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All pages of anything would be better with all of the text removed.
As Yea Forums and Yea Forums's retarded memes have apparently told you.

No need to stawman.
I think the joke would simply work better with a pause into punchline rather than putting in unnecessary words.

It's edited by Dan Raspler.

Skids was my favorite character in MTMTE. Fuck Roberts for killing him off to shill his NuMale OCs.

Medusa going full mom mode in Fraction FF. She was always shown to be good with Ahura to counter against Black Bolt being the worst father.

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God I wish Superman comics like these are more popular than they are.

>Green Goblin - Paul Jenkins
I know there are many good renditions of the Green Goblin with some truly fantastic writers bringing their A-Game, but Jenkins is one of the few that manages to balance Osborn's absolute batshit insanity, his business prowess, and his weird bizarre relationships with his family and most importantly Peter. Anyone can write a cackling psycho, Jenkins brings layers to his madness and makes him a "somewhat" sympathetic character. Again, emphasis on the somewhat. He's still a fucking monster.

Gotcha senpai

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>Red Hood - Judd Winick
Judd Winick was the writer to introduce Jason Todd back into the DC Universe (I don't count his appearance in Hush) and I maintain that no other writer comes close. Most writers tend to portray him as someone massively unstable to the point of being psychotic, a Punisher knock off, or a different character entirely (Morrison). Winick on the other hand portrays a young man with severe abandonment issues and a desire to "clean up" Gotham afer realizing the futility of Batman's crusade and his absolute refusal to kill the Joker. The original Batman: Under the Red Hood storyline may have had a few story moments that were kinda garbage, but Winick managed to trim the fat and fix basically all of his prior issues with his script for the movie Under the Red Hood.
>It's also worth mentioning that Jensen Ackles fucking killed it in this role.

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Robin hunting.

Winnick is really an underappreciated writer of the 00s. He basically created the Exiles, had a decent Batman run and did alright on Outsiders. It's really a pity that DC didn't go for him being ongoing writer on Batman after Morrison and instead went for Tony Daniel of all people.

>instead went for Tony Daniel of all people.
Ug don't remind me. At the very least we got Justice League: Generation Lost which was better than I could have ever expected.

>Joker - DCAU
It came down to either this version or the Arkham series. Both versions are extremely similar even down to Hamill's voice, but the sheer abundance of stories associated with the DCAU version along with his sendoff in Return of the Joker nudges this one to the top.

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Peter B's aunt may died, right?
I'm surprised they didn't draw more attention to that. Seeing my mom again after her being dead for a few years would positively ruin me, Peter takes that shit pretty well in stride.

Wonder if just before that Norman used the dolls to simulate him pumping his pumpkin seeds into Gwen.

While it wasn't as heartfelt as it could have been, you could hear the pain in Peter's voice. When May said he looked tired and then he said he was tired, his voice noticeably breaks and you can tell he's trying his best to hold it back. It's a small moment, but absolutely beautiful.

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I like that it used the tower of wisdom, and showed what they do their. Karnak's low self esteem which it a decades on plot line. Karnak's method of speaking the involves saying his own name a lot. His dislike terrigen from right of birth, building off of what happened to Triton and his parents not letting him use it.

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tom kane as ultron. i think his performance in next avengers was better than emh.

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>Rhino - Joe Kelly
Not going to lie, I had absolutely no interest in the Rhino until I read his two parter in The Gauntlet (Amazing Spider-Man 617, 625). Not going to lie, I legtimately teared up when reading this. I was destroyed by the end of the second issue It fucking tore right through me.

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Was this the one where he literally just beats down Peter and then is gladly taken away by police just because he's happy he has a victory over the webslinger? Because even if it isn't I still need this. Rhino doesn't get the attention I feel he deserves.

>The Lizard - Zeb Wells
I know that I've read only a few Lizard stories (Torment being a favorite), but like the prior Rhino story Curt's arc in Shed is fucking devastating. We get old school Lizard, a finality with him and his family, and a new and improved version with weird ass pheromones/psychic powers. I cried shame.

It was the one where, Rhino has retired and is happily living his life with the woman he loves. A new Rhino challenges him and instead of resorting to his prior behavior, he decides to let Spider-Man/the police take care of it. Naturally this does not go according to plan and he resorts back to being The Rhino. I know that story may sound basic, but I legitly can't read it without tearing up at the end. I kills me. I decided to upload the issues for ya. HOpe you enjoy. Let me know what you think. Gauntlet

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Bless you, user.

>Flash Thompson (Venom) - Rick Remender
I remember reading stories where he was Peter's bully, then Peter's friend, then a vegetable, then back to a friend, then a veteran, and then Agent Venom. It may have been the most recent version but Remender gave depth to a character most people din't care about and made him someone that I looked forward to reading more than Spider-Man at the time (and this was when Slott's Amazing series hadn't nozedived yet). I was sold on this Venom after the issue where he had to face off against Kraven and it just got better and better.

What is this version from? Looked up Next Avengers and am having issues. His design is sexy as hell.

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>Luke Cage - Thunderbolts (Jeff Parker)
I have no idea why but I significantly enjoy this version of the character more so than other renditions I've read. Even his appearance in Ewing's series felt like a fucking stereotype and I find Bendis' version insufferable. I admit, I need to read more of his earlier titles but in the meantime I'm going to settle with this version. Maybe it's seeing him in a leadership role which forces him to grow the fuck up and stop being an overconfident douchebag. Maybe it's seeing him interact with other powered people than the Avengers. In any event, I love it.

You may have already read it, but I decided to upload the "Shed" arc as well. These issues uploaded way too fucking fast so if you can doublecheck it would be appreciated.

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Gotham Penguin is Best Penguin.

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Goddamn I need to rewatch this movie again

I'm onto #625 right now. Man you ever take a step back from a comic page and really reflect on life? The art isn't my cup of tea but this writing is really resonating with where I am in my life right now. I'm


Thank you for sharing this with me, Yea Forumsmrade.

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My favourite of the Goblins is Jason Macendale as Hobgoblin. It's probably mostly cause I grew up reading that version, but beyond that he's just an entertaining character. The pettiness, his desire to always be better, his relationship with Demogoblin, it's all so good.

We need more of Batman being nice to balance out the asshole most writers portray him as nowadays.

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Batdad is always nice when it's written well and doesn't involve Damian.

This JSA run is probably my favorite superhero team book of all time and a big part of it is the relationship between Rex and Rick Tyler. Rick took up the mantle so he could feel closer to his dad who neglected him so he could play superhero. Rex grew to wanting to spend more time with his son and when his son switched places with him, Rex became determined to save his son's life and when their hour came up and an Hourman had to go back and fight Extant, Rex naturally was going to go so that his son could live his life but Rick decided to try and sacrifice his life so that his mom and dad could finally be back together and might rekindle the love that they lost. It gets me every time. Johns wrote the shit out of this little arc and it's probably the most underrated part of a fantastic run.

Forgot pic related

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This, writers forget it

Nice to see you around Professor Bro, I'm sure the good named people are around still but you guys are always a welcomed sight.

The best part of that Rhino story is when Rhino shows up a few issues later in Origin of the Species and Peter appeals to his humanity.

>The New Rhino is dead
>Aleksei Sytsevich is dead
>Long live the Old Rhino

It's pretty cheesy but I love how Johns writes Arthur and Mera. While Mera may not understand the surface world or even particularly cares for it, she continues to live there because she loves Arthur that much and loves how goofy and heroic he is.

Lol I've had to take some time off from Yea Forums due to mental health issues, but I'm glad to see peeps enjoy the comics I post. Need to purchase a new Yea Forums pass and start uploading soon. Just need to find something that won't burn me out and something people would enjoy.

God dammit. Now I gotta post that as well. I believe it starts with #641 Issues

I like you.

When I last was a semi frequent lurker on Yea Forums I remember people looking back on most of the stuff post OMD as being pretty bad but I honestly think that everything from BND up to Origin of the Species was great. And hell, Grim Hunt gave us a couple of fantastic moments too so I may as well toss that in there too. It wasn't until Big Time where I started feeling it was starting to go downhill.

Stop reminding me of amazing titles!!!!! STOP IT!!!!
It's now in the folder. #634-637. I am fucking shocked at how fast this is uploading. I upgraded my internet but this is insane. Issues

Hopefully everything has been going better, taking a bit of a break from Yea Forums might help me out a bit. I've been meaning to ask, did you storytime all of Ultimate Spider-Man around a year and a half ago?

Now, Morrison's run was my introduction to Doom Patrol, and it's a very good comic, one that Arnold Drake himself praises as the only run that really got the core of the team. Which is, a surrogate family of freaks and weirdos who will save the world.

But I still like Drake's run better. There's just something about a family Sitcom/Superhero Group therapy that really speaks to me.

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I actually don't like Grim Hunt very much, it's a lot more serious and, well, grim than I prefer my Spider-man stories. It's also got this weird sense of mysticism that kind of worked in JMS' run but generally I don't enjoy. I only included it in my list because it's what The Gauntlet was all leading up to and it has a few powerful moments like I mentioned earlier. If I was going to mention amazing titles I'd probably talk about
the story in Extra #2 with Logan and Peter meeting up in a bar.
the two part storyline in 555 and 556 with the snowstorm. The first issue of course also featuring Wolverine.

I'm actually done now though, I'm going to bed. Good on you for being passionate enough to share good stories with your fellows on Yea Forums. I downloaded a few issues I wanted to Storytime later this week too and I'm looking forward to it.

My memory of BND was that a lot of the early stories were more hit or miss rather than hated. Once The Gauntlet hit, everyone was digging it because Kelly was in charge of it. Even Slott's early stuff when he was the solo writer for the main title was decently well-liked. It wasn't until Spider-Island or right after it that people started to sour on him.

No.......but that is an amazing title and I have recently collected all the TPBs (Peter - Miles) and would be more than willing to storytime all of that. That's actually something I would look forward to doing. I was thinking either that or Simone's Secret Six. Got a few others waiting but USM sounds enticing.

Links to other titles I've posted for those interested.

Young Animal Titles. Password should be included. If you have any issues let me know. Animal

>Password is: Kirkman

Morrison Batman Epic
>Password is: Morrison Batman - Miraclescans

If you can pinpoint the Peter/Logan issue I'd be more than happy to post. In the meantime, here are the Winter Spidey issues you were mentioning. It was a fantastic arc. Issues

The Peter/Logan bit is from Extra #2!_Vol_1_2
I believe it was printed in tandem with BND and sort of teased the upcoming storylines.

>Scott Lang - Matt Fraction
For a while, Geoff Johns was my only real exposure to the character and then Bendis blew him up. When he came back, Fraction attempted to grow him as a character/scientist and had him progress Pym Particles in a monumental way....then Spencer came along and made him an embarrassment of a human being. You can't go from man-handling Doom to holding a Bank for hostage during a job interview and then having multiple people get King Midas'd because you're a colossal fuckup. It's funny(ish), but shit character work. Then again I might just have a hatred towards writers regressing their characters for the sake of story.

Not the best copy but I do have a version in the folder. Issues

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MCU synergy is always awful but I'm glad you liked Johns' take on him, I always thought he wrote him pretty well.

For context. This was many issues ago at the start of Morrison's run.

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that's next avenger ultron. i think the difference is in the way his voice was processed. he sounds more intimidating. yeah, i wouldn't recommend the movie. it's suited for children.

Yeah those two would've been better without his death hanging over them..