How does hulk feel about his cousin?

how does hulk feel about his cousin?

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Horny and lonely.

that comic isnt canon

She's Banner's cousin.

Hulk Feel nothing for bimbo knockoff.

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Deep down hes jealous of her freedom, being accepted , not being hunted down by the govt etc

Currently, she's lost her way, and needs to get to her old self.

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Why she not thick snoo snoo woman? What is this? Immortal Hulk?

Tried to bang her once.

Shes the same way in the current Avengers run

Techinically she's been fucked up being a dumb ugly brute since Civil War II. Tamaki briefly fixed it and got her back to normal, The Jason Aaaron imediately undid and refucked her up. Last issue he and marvel doubled down on this version of of her for sex negative misandrous reasons while bashing the old Jen and all her fans. Things don't look good. May be this thing will be a flashback and love letter to classic jen and if it does well they''l come to their senses, take her away from aaron and fix her.

and yeah it's Immortal. Based Ewing taking a shot what they've done to her.

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Well, I mean I guess you could have gone for some other strong superheroine

And she's jealous of his freedom to be ugly and hated by everyone.

>her grey hulk run ends with her dealing with her emotional trauma and becoming the Shulkie we know and love again
>Avengers has her immediately regress into unga bunga mode with no explanation as to why
Aaron is a fucking hack.

Pretty sure its Old Man Logan, the original run.

'Old Man Logan'.

With his hands

As of current, Hulk sees her as pretty much himself

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Fuch Aaron. Jen is suppose to be smart, witty, sex-positive, self confident empowered woman. What the fuck is marvel's problem that they let him get away with this.

Too bad, all of that is cis white heteronormative misogyny now, women should be ugly and violent.

He wanted to fuck her a while back and got pissy when she rejected him.

the radiatiated sperm would kill anyone else


Hey, Mary Jane's still kicking around.

forgot image

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Funny thing is a temporary change where She-Hulk is permanently stuck in her ultra rage unga bunga mode would have been fine, where her overcoming it and going back to her classic form being seen as a triumph and character growth. Instead Aaron goes the other way and basically flat out says Shemale Hulk is the real progressive direction for the character and that she hates her old form. It's bullshit.

gama radiation .
isnt a mj version that died of cancer for having sex with spidey ?
what kind of radiation that spider had anyways ?

She was cute in current Captain Marvel, as drawn by Carmen Carnero. Though granted, she was there very briefly in her She-Hulk self, but better than McGuinness.

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Her body looks ok,She still seems to be being written with reduced intelligence.

Fuck......dat feel.

Got the page where she says this?

Indeed. But afraid not, not all writers and artists in Marvel agree with Aaron's portrayal. I noticed Sean Izaakse (the artist of Avengers No Road Home) liking tweets voicing disapproval of the new She-Hulk, and he did say she's one of his favorite characters and loves to draw her like this.

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>She still seems to be being written with reduced intelligence.

That's nothing to do with her Hulk mode.

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Instead, they raped him. So where's your God now, bitch?

Funnily enough, her original form was the progressive stance. She was a strong woman with no setbacks. In the marvel universe, so many male superheroes have trade-offs for their powers. But She-Hulk has nothing like that. When, for centuries before, women would always have setbacks for their powers, She-Hulk was just free and liberated.

They did not rape him. Or even really defeat him.

That was my problem with it. Mahkizmo was not portrayed as the inhuman monster than he is, but as an annoying, entitled fuckboy,

Another problem is that Jennifer encountered Mahkizmo before and knows what he is capable of. For her to make fun of the situation - which essentially is that she is trapped in a basement with a super-strong sociopath who wants to make her and all other women there into rape cattle, and her friends can't come in to help them - is fucking retarded.

They should have killed him. Ripped him apart as a group. This? This was feeble.

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And then he stretched her green cunt as she pleaded for mercy and moral correctness. The End.

Stop user, I'm getting a boner.

>She-Hulk rejecting sex
That's not She-Hulk, that's some kind of Skrull or LMD!