Woah! something might maybe happen next week!, who took the phone?!
>Lucy with her amazing mary sue skills
>Paulo cuz he wanted mike to stop being so based
>Augustus with his 50 points in both DEX and LCK?
Bittersweet Candy Bowl BCB Thread
We already seen that
Will leak user pull through once again?
What a exciting comic! it is like im back in gradeschool all over again.
Do not read this comic.
Not him but it's to have the weekly thread still go and hope the leaker pulls through with a new page
it's too late 4me, i read it like 3 months ago in 2 days and now it's all over for me. i wish i listened to you
yeah, besides last week thread was pretty fun
That was fun
They might not have next week's page until the current page gets posted to the site. I don't know how it works since I'm not a patron, but that's how I'd set it up if I were doing it. In that case, it'll be around two hours until we get to see the page. I just hope patreon user is a Yea Forums regular so the wait isn't so bad.
I can't wait for lucy to treat mike like shit and everyone in the comic doesn't care or forgets
i don't think lucy will treat him like shit, since taeshi wants us to like her and realize mike is the asshole now kek,
i bet everyone is gonna shit on mike EXCEPT lucy, the question is...will paulo shit on mike?
He seemed pretty pissed that Mike blew up on his waifu Daisy, so yeah he won't be happy. Augustus is almost definitely the one who stole his phone, though.
Lucy will be apathetic or somewhat disgusted. Seph cat will be the one to trigger the meltdown leading to everyone ditching Mike and generally going against him. The it will cascade from.there with the breakup etc.
Would you guys forgive lucy for being a cuntt, if she honestly apologized to mike crying and saying she was a piece of shit?
She deserves hugs
WTF why did the mods delete that pic! it wasn't even lewd
Because mods do not like pretty girls, they'd rather have girly boys
Maybe after 3 months of Mike sitting alone feeling bitter. You know Taeshi is going to drag this out hard.
last time paulo touched his phone mike slammed his face on the table, is a fight scene coming up?!
is this Mike vs augustus?!
I don't honestly need her to go that far. Just an earnest apology would be better, I think, because self-flagellation seems pretty manipulative to me. It's not even Lucy's behavior so much as the way the world around her seems to ensure that she never faces any consequences that aren't entirely self-imposed.
If Augustus beats Mike in a fight it will be bullshit of the highest caliber.
Mike gave Paulo several chances to just hand the phone back. Mike will definitely be more pissed since Gus actually tried to call his girlfriend and then announced to everyone that she isn't picking up. Still, if Augustus catches hands, it'll be his own fault.
oh, right, mike does karate or tae-kwondo or some shit right?
he IS a midget tho.
He canonically has the reflexes of God. Taeshi went on record years ago (for whatever that's worth these days) that Mike could beat Paulo in a fight easily, baring a solid hit. Only David's lolXD narrative powers were superior.
That said, the Lucy dodgeball and karate chapters are probably setup for the Mary Sue to win handily, because Mike is too mad to fight properly I guess.
>lolXD narrative powers
truly the best david description
well shit, i had no idea, he does stop jordan's punch without even looking at it tho
How would you feel if this happened?
This should've happened long ago
Evil fat wizard
The better ending.
why is daisy fat now, she wasn't fat before...and she got taller too, wtf it's like they scaled her on all axis
Mom genes
12 years old Mike beat Alejandro.
oof outplayed by a 12 year old as a 14
So this is the power of ultra instinct
Here we go boys, the comic just updated. It's only a matter of time before the leak is here. Patreon user, if you're here, give us a sign.
shit like this makes me wonder, who would win in a Battle Royale everyone vs everyone
we need to raise our hands to give patreon user enough power to post
As said, David
So apparently off this board people like Lucy or some shit? Can someone explain?
I know why the creator does but she's one of the worst characters I've ever seen on Yea Forums and cannot think why anyone would like her
I'd feel hot inside
You dont like cast members persay here. You just hate ones a little less than others at certain times...
David "Natural Selection" and Mike "WRATH" when?
Shilling banner on the main site seems to give away the next page...
Weekly reminder that Mike was Right
I guess because she is the title "fuck this shit, fuck all of you, I'm out" character...and we're all a lil relatable. Stupid drama is stupid, yadda-yadda...
Also she has nice tits.
>she is the title "fuck this shit, fuck all of you, I'm out" character
If by "I'm out" you mean "I'll kill myself because a boy was mean to me after I treated him like a rag for years" than I suppose so.
She's a girl. In today's environment, anything that isn't female is toxic and problematic, so there's no way a girl could be a bad person.
>Paulo takes his phone in the cafeteria
>isn't even doing anything with it
>Mike gets pissed as hell and fucks his nose up
>Paulo takes his phone now
>calls his gf in front of everybody to make a point
>Mike gets held away with one arm, looks like a scared child
I'm hoping this image takes place like a panel or two before Mike punches him in the kidney. This is just embarrassing.
Paulo you were redeeming yourself for a couple pages back there
Who has the phone though? i know many think it's Augustus but he has no relation to mike and doesn't know about his phone obsession issues
It makes no sense for neither of them. Why is Paulo doing this after Mike smashed his face for, as you say, doing LESS than this? AND Paulo apologized like a bitch over it like it was his fault. Now he's pickpocketing him and calling his girlfriend?
Threadly reminder there exists no worse "friend" group in any Yea Forums media
I'd argue there is that bitch from as told by ginger but then again its one person vs. a whole bunch of assholes.
Well indicates that it's going to be Paulo. I guessed Gus because it seemed like the kind of sneaky shit he'd be able and willing to do. Mike did just blow up on his love interest and is very much not staying away from Lucy, which is the one situation Gus is supposedly there to prevent. I figured he'd take the opportunity to make a move like this to fuck with Mike enough to get him to leave.
Worse than Eltingville club?
>hEy Sandy im Paulo Mike's BF
What about Donald Duck?
His girlfriends constantly threathen to cheat on him with his cousin
Said cousin doesn't miss any chance to remind him about his good luck
Another cousin is an earthquake in a duck form
His sister left him with three nephews who are nothing but a nuisance and bash him with their moral highground whenever he tries to get comeuppance
His uncle keeps using him as slave labour due to his debt list
Wow. Thanks user.
I can't believe Paulo found out about Tyrone
Paulo confirmed as a Chad.
Fuck Mike.
PRETTY BASED DESU mike deserves a caring gf
inb4 he didn’t actually call her
This page satisfies me greatly.
Mike should just be grateful and maybe give him a handy from time to time
should've added this to my post but hi i'm patreanon and i'm only posting these when i remember and if there's already an existing thread.
funfacts about me, i used to post BCI comics and i also revealed the cast's dick sizes since i've been a fan for way too long and remember when formspring was a thing. i have a serious love hate relationship with this comic and i've been reading for a decade now and regret every time there's an update. and yet
WOOO looking cool Joker!
This full-speed-ahead behavior is consistent with some of Paulo's characterization but not others...why is he doing this after Mike kicked his ass for just TOUCHING his phone before, let alone calling Sandy and leaving a harsh message?
Why was Mike able to thrash Paulo in the first event but now Paulo is effortlessly holding him off like a whiny child now?
Thank you based user, these threads are up every monday
>Cast's dick sizes
Could this kick in the ass get Sandy to call Mike and break up with him? Presuming she's been wanting to but hasn't had the heart or guts for it.
I'm guessing Mike yelling at Daisy gave him the strength/motivation to risk messing with the phone again.
Thank you for all you do.
Holy shit fucking based.
Paulo is Mike's only friend.
Paulo was always best boy.
A few threads ago people were acting fairly confident that Sandy breaks up with Mike in the near future so yeah I'm guessing this is what makes her realize what a shit girlfriend she's been.
Never read this comic. Is it something worth reading? Genuinely curious
Am I the only who doesn't like this? I mean yeah she should call him but damn. Stealing your bro's phone and leaving a message calling his gf a bitch and implying she's a slut is a douche move. If Mike wasn't willing to talk about his problems before, he'll be even worse now. It's pretty obvious to me he's just doing this because he's pissed at Mike.
That actually seems pretty likely. That would only make Mike's condition worse though. He might come to think it's Paulo's fault that she felt pressured to make a decision. He'll be out of his shitty relationship, but he still won't trust his friends or have any emotional support. I wouldn't be surprised if he just got better at lying about it, maybe trying to keep them convinced he's still with Sandy even after a breakup.
Thanks for enduring your suffering to bring us more content.
There are parts of it which are decent and brief flashes of cool storytelling but overall it's kind of a mess, especially for the last couple of years.
Shitposting about it has been fun enough to keep me going, though.
It's already confirmed she calls him.
So seeing Mike fly off at Daisy (him being Right notwithstanding) made him want to unclog the Sandy thing since it's making him irritable? Instead of just telling Mike off for blowing Daisy out? Unusually indirect for Paulo?
I hope Mike isn't going to attempt suicide over sandy...I can see why lucy did it over like but sandy?
This is the one time someone stands up for Mike against people using him and being shit to him. He should have done it on his own phone, sure, but it was surely justified.
Paulo's an immature teenager so I'm not surprised he jumped right to the cheating accusation but it might force Sandy to put her behavior in perspective and realize how it comes across to other people, particularly her boyfriend's friends. What is she doing that she can't occasionally text her boyfriend, even just a quick "can't talk but thinking of you"? I think Taeshi said a long time ago Sandy isn't cheating but what else are Mike's friends supposed to think?
Overall it's trash but fun trash. These threads are what got me to read it and they add a lot of the entertainment value
you the real MVP
I don't read it outside the pages in front of me
I'm here for the shitposting in this thread
Based Patreon user, thank you for bringing us drama cats earlier
inb4 she sees it's from Mike and just deletes it
People have been theorizing that this will lead to Mike's own "December" but Lucy will show up at the last second and stop him.
Thank you P.user!
Catdick sizes?...GO ON
I'm thinking she realizes she no longer wants to be Mike's girlfriend but correctly thinks it'll hurt him if she breaks up. She's been silent because she can't stomach lying to him and pretending thing are fine.
Now that she knows her silence is hurting him anyway she's backed into a corner.
That would be awful, even for modern bcb.
Lol and the next time they talk Mike is freaking out and Sandy has no idea what he's talking about. Then Mike realizes she really doesn't give a shit about him.
Why is it always Paulo who gets shit done in this comic? Honestly, Augustus would've been better - he's just sitting on the sidelines (Because he doesnt know how to interact with anyone besides Lucy,Daisy and Jordan in this comic apparently.)
What is even the point of all the other characters being there other then to witness Mike's clusterfuck of a meltdown?
Daisy casted a Manlet spell see
david - paulo - mike - abbey
The dialogue balloon place is a little funky in the third panel.
It's higher than the other balloon segment in the panel, which indicates priority, and it's closer to the previous balloon in-sequence on the page, but it's running afoul of the usual left-to-right priority order.
I think the two segments are too close together. If the first was even higher the correct order would be more clear.
IDK why Paulo is the standard, it's not like we really see him get into fights (he almost always gets his ass kicked easily) he is as much of a pussy as Augustus.
It'd make more sense with Abbey because he is prone to violence.. but i assume with MIke it's just the gary-stu-ness coming out.
Sam had no problems controlling Mike and I assume most other adult men could handle him (lol wtf Alejandro).
>Sam had no problems controlling Mike
Mike was pre-pubescent, taken by surprise, and not interested in fighting back. It's not a very telling example.
MikexPaulo best ship
Why did Taeshi endlessly shit on Paulo for so long only revert to him being best boy and getting the plot moving?
She likes to play with out feelings
Will mike's god level reflexes be enough this time?
It's gonna go either two ways:
>Mike has a total screaming crying meltdown and everyone is just completely shocked while Lucy looks on with a tired look on her face
>he beats up Paulo again but takes it further than last time, someone calls the cops etc
>Paulo: Hmph well mike, you see, ever since you hit me against the table, i've been planning this.
you think i was actually being nice to you after all this time?! HA don't make me laugh!
Now that i gained your trust im finally going to end your relationship with Sandy!
>Mike: B-but why...
>Paulo: im going to defeat you..but first i want you to suffer! i'll make you experience my pain times 10.000 HAHAHA!!!
Round 2 is on, and Molly is getting hit hard.
Vote for the next choice to save Molly's skin
i like option 2 better, if we're going we better go all the way. i wonder how people like patreon user that read this comic for a decade would feel if mike actually almost killed paulo or something like that
wait, didn't the fight end like 2 weeks ago? i feel like this was posted and voted already
No it didn't, last thread there was a vote but the fight went on
I sadly have to bet on option A. He doesn't seem like he's in a fighting mood, and it wouldn't do any good at this point since Paulo already sent the message. I'd be pretty pleased with option B, though.
>i'll make you experience my pain times 10.000
Ten and zero thousandths? That's just ten dude.
We're in round 2 now. Progress is slow because readanon's life is suffering.
Paulo dodges in last moment and Mike hits Augustus
Instant hospitalization
>girlfriend who you've been defending to the death to your friends breaks up with you proving them right
>these friendships have been pretty shitty lately
>the girl who has the most history with you, who used to be closest to and who would've been your confidant in this situation hates you
>the authors writing you want you to suffer
I dunno, makes sense to me
>you thought Tyrone would break you up with Sandy
>but it was me, Paulo!
Is it just me or does it feels like the whole universe has shifted to hating mike and mike only?
Glad to see we all agree, the world is trying to ruin mike's existence :(
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies
It's karma for what he said to Lucy biting him in the ass.
This is actually a good event for him
damn, either a fistfight or mike running away crying next page
Which he said because years of her bullshit made him bitter and angry at someone he loved but thought didn't care for him at all. Lucy has no one to blame but herself for losing Mike's affection.
He's totally gonna right away flailing kermit style
lol i actually want to see that
run away*
Yeah but to pretend Mike doesn't have flaws on his own is just wrong to do. He DID basically say Lucy had no real friends, the group was actually his friends and they would choose him over her but now he's starting to learn that just because his toxicity isn't as blatant as Lucy's doesn't mean he's a constant ray of sunshine in other people's lives either.
>It's ok for me to obsess over my girlfriend who doesn't talk to me to the point of physically assaulting people because at least I'm not Lucy!
Lucy's a terrible person (which Tae has seem to have forgotten) but so's Mike.
Am I the only one who thinks Augustus would tell them to knock it off and leave the kid alone? Dude always seems to have a level head on his shoulders, almost like he doesn't belong in the fucking comic
Augustus doesn't care about anyone but Lucy's mom
He's Lucy's new bitch boy to be a parasite on so no.
>Knock it off
Augustus saw what Lucy went through when mike was resenting her and made that green eyes of envy comment. He's not on mike's side
Which the comic is not doing a good job expressing. His hang-up on Lucy seems more to do with guilt over her suicide attempt rather than wanting to have his cake and eat it too (to slag her off but not get slagged off by her) and he shouldn't feel guilt for her actions. Most times he's been yelling at his friends lately he's been quite correct about how shitty they are.
>things are a mess aren't they?
The first time I saw that image I remember expecting to be disappointed whenever the actual line made it into the comic. But Mike's face at the end definitely had a "brb, hanging self" look on it
And the next time they talked Daisy threw a fit over him talking abut how Lucy was a shit for half a minute.
i miss rachel
Is Jess Lilith?
She's got the chest for it.
Wait, was that intentionally supposed to be a double-meaning?
I thought it was just because all of Alejandro's crew called him that, which is what tipped Daisy off during the first carnival chapter.
Not saying you're wrong, I just never thought about it that way before.
Mike didn't want to deal with Lucy but he still got noticeably jealous when she spoke to Paulo or augustus.
I always figured it will go like this
>Mike's life in shambles, Sandy finally gone, friends all chased away or disgusted from his breakdown
>All signs point to December II: The Quickening
>Lucy finds Mike alone on a roof, guesses he's ready to do it
>Not exactly there to brag but sure as hell not there to console, more like "Now you know how it feels so get down from there"
>Mike actually has no intention of jumping, just wanted to be alone
>Acknowledges his shittiness and apologizes simply and directly, no antics or drama
>Denied her moment and furious that Mike for whatever reason isn't going as far/low as she did, Lucy finally snaps, overwrought cat drama ensues
>Shit gets hashed out, UNDERSTANDING reached, relationship reset at 0
even before the comic started mike was miserable
years of feeling sad and being nice to everyone, since many character just talk about how much of an awesome guy he is. all this time he actually felt like THIS
ugh...if the comic ends liks that after a decade of reading this im the one who's jumping of a roof
I'll start by saying that I agree that Mike isn't perfect but disagree that he's a terrible person. He's choosing to protect his ego instead of acquiescing, but I don't think he's under any delusions that everybody will stick with him no matter what he does.
All they have to do is not bring up Sandy and not steal his shit and the majority of his outbursts no longer have a cause. This is the second time I can remember off the top of my head that he entered a situation upset because he felt like he was losing his friends to Lucy but the conversation was immediately twisted into being about Sandy, further upsetting him. His friends don't really think about why exactly he's clinging to her so hard, they just treat him like a dipshit for not having it solved already. Honestly they just don't respect him as a person. Mike seems to be aware of this and it's stopping him from opening up fully about what bothers him, which makes everyone else stick to the Sandy scapegoat.
He's level headed in that he's able to stay calmer than most, but he's not a nice enough person to do something like that.
Mike in the next chapter
>Bullied since kindergarten
>Couldn't even say he has a gf because of a stupid yoshi ripoff
>everyone hates him
>his gf is a self-centered low key bitch
>gf is gonna break up with him soon cuz she's fucking a tyrone
>he's gonna try to kill himself
Fuck goblins.
Based Patreon user and based Paulo
she has EVERYTHING for it
Why did Lucy reject mike when he said he like her?!
and don't give me that shit oh she just can't into feelings!
she clearly had the hots for him and it's not like she was unsure of what she felt. Lucy told him to leave and to wait for his mother downstairs, cold as fuck. not even a proper reply and never brought it up WTF and when mike rejected her she acted like a little bitch
>>he's gonna try to kill himself
With a BANG
>Why did Lucy reject mike when he said he like her?!
Remind me again when this happens? I remember it happening but I forget where it is on the timeline. the answer is probably because she's tsundere
>She can't into feelings
>Drama's sake
>She simply a bipolar nutjob
Take your pick
Do we need to bust out the pasta again?
Whip it out, babe.
The tsundere trope exists for a reason besides being a lazy, overused personality trait. It's to represent people who are so scared of their vulnerability they'd rather stick to the safety of keeping everyone including the ones they love at an arm's length in order to maintain full control at all times.
Lucy's fatal flaw was assuming Mike would just automatically understand that and ignored all the warning signs. And of course, her fears became a self-fulfilling prophecy because by the time she DID open up because she reacted when it was way too fucking late and got burnt badly for it.
The chapter was Lucy's sleepover party. Timeline wise, it was in middle school, one or two years before the comic started
i believe it was during the sleepover in Daisy's birthday, lucy has a flashback about it...
>White Kitty is one of those bipolar attention whore tsundere psycho bitches
>Kermit Cat was her best friend
>A sort of romance was forming at one point but she shut it down before it could start because she can't into feelings well
>She continues to "comically" hit him and such constantly
>Kermit Cat's current girlfriend goes "Yknow what the fuck is this bitch hitting you? That isn't funny. That's fucking bullshit."
>Kermit Cat goes "Huh I never thought of that" and starts getting salty at White Kitty who continues to be bitchy
>Eventually boils over at the worst possible time where White Kitty wants for things to be cool between them and Kermit Cat tells her to go fuck off
>White Kitty doesn't take this well and attempts suicide because she's a bipolar psycho bitch
>White Kitty is sent away, people are salty at Kermit Cat for telling her off but don't know he is the reason she tried to kill herself
>A couple months later she chooses to come back to the same school because attention
>Gives everyone the cold shoulder when really she just wants to make Kermit Cat feel even shittier
>Starts hanging out with Sephiroth Cat who was the one who saved her when she tried to kill herself by calling 911.
>Now there is perpetual drama between Kermit Cat and White Kitty
>Problem is the entire friend circle almost always takes White Kitty's side because she has to always be right, further alienating Kermit Cat and making him feel worse when originally he was the voice of reason for the group
>On top of that his current GF is a going nowhere long distance relationship that won't work and he refuses to admit it to himself
Long story short. Sephiroth Cat saved White Kitty's life when she tried to kill herself when Kermit Cat rightfully told her to go fuck off after she constantly acted like a bipolar bitch to him.
here it is boys
i love that pasta
You have to remember that they were both fucking 12 years old at the time, of course Lucy was going to be flabbergasted over the thought of having a serious relationship with Mike at that age.
she changed personalities or something lul
A bit more than biased, but still funny
"i'll wait"
Wait, wasn't the original comment "we can't keep doing this, you know" ?
Why the change?
Thanks, so yeah it's because she's tsundere and is a good point too
>wasn't the original comment "we can't keep doing this, you know" ?
It apparently isn't
was it? i don't remember that...
Yo Suit, fix yer shit
Holy fuck based Paulo
in b4 he proceeds to assravage Mike too
This comment from the past even indicates the original comment, so I don't know whats going on, but its pretty spooky
>assravage Mike
At least then the gay plotline would have a payoff
Has got it going on
I suppose at that point Taeshi didn't want to shine Mike a bad light by making it seem like he was trying to pressure her or something. Changing the line made him sound a bit more mature about it. Still disappointed, but patient.
Y'know, back before the comic used every opportunity to make him look like a sperg.
oh shit,is this the new BCB conspiracy?
also Who said "we can't keep doing this, you know?"
was it mike?
>new BCB conspiracy
Most old stuff was edited
Even the volume 3 pdf I have (which is the same as the book they printed back in the day) has the "I guess I'll wait until you're ready" line. Maybe the comment you posted is referring to another line, or is part of a bigger discussion and shouldn't be singled out like that
It is a bit funky that a 12-year-old would say "we can't keep doing this" like a world-weary 30-something.
This is probably far enough back that it was mandatory for Mike to be portrayed badly or I might suggest it's more of that (he said he'd wait but he didn't).
Taeshi met Suit when they were 13, made it SUPER SERIOUS e-dating then Taeshi got salty when he gave another girl attention for awhile. They stay in contact, meet,date and eventually get married but still mourn the shit they did when they were 13 online.
BCB is just a wish-fulfillment and retelling of that but with Lucy and Mike instead.
Yeah, I remember it was Mike who was saying it to Lucy, to kind of "warn" her about what will become of their relationship if she keeps pushing her feelings away.
Unfortunately, they were both 12 at the time, Mike was the type of optimistic kid who would promise Lucy they would get married, have 2 children and he'd take care of her, while Lucy was just an insecure 12 year old girl going through some nerve wracking puberty.
All considering that may end up being the least shitty option at this point.
>his gf is a self-centered low key bitch
Not really. She goes to plenty of effort to keep Mike happy during their one and only date. She clearly doesn't want him to feel bad because of her.
I never thought to look into the archives of BCB's website.
Makes for a good laugh
lul, enjoy it while it last.
They already put robot.txt on their candybooru and old forum, and the main site is the only thing visible throuhg the wayback machine, for now
If he said that, it was in another occasion. I'm positive that that specific line wasn't changed since its first instance.
There was a short period where a bunch of websites archives had become open again, even somewhereindeepspace.com/bcbnsfw had posts showing, though only with blank thumbnails.
ah, nevermind, I was wrong and Mike was _old
Is it turn for Mike to try an Etika?
>that pic
>still holding onto MikexLucy but I may have to let it go
Honestly speaking, how in the hell could BCB make Mike and Lucy work without their relationship feeling incredibly bitter, angry, and just overall unpleasant? It really feels like at this point that them getting together would be an absolute disaster more than anything.
Lucy mellowing out like she was in Fork in the Road
Jesus how the fuck does mike keep getting smaller? how is Taeshi not bothered by it?
Mike is like, at eye level with paulo's nipples at best.
I seriously can't recognize the guy who was supposed to be the crush of every single girl anymore.
That being said, this page (as well as the page from last update) is pretty interesting this time around, shit's finally happening! drama! thank fuck!
That page where Mike and Lucy are fighting, transitioning into passionate kissing and entwining tails off panel before the "reader" says "Cat sex?" with a wide eyed grin and in the corner it says "NO ;_;" comes to mind.
Almost certainly removed from the comic these days tho.
Post FitR
It would seems like a defeat and subjugation for Mike.
Reminder that there are people who still ship them
>Post FitR
Unfortunately, I don't have it saved, but it was storytimed several times here before. Maybe some kind user can post it right now?
>the guy who was supposed to be the crush of every single girl anymore.
That was back in middle school. Now everyone else went through a growth spurt but he got stunted by emotional trauma
Only way it can work is if there's a time skip epilogue where they start to reconnect. There's no way they're gonna fix everything between them in time for junior prom.
I ship them, as friends who recognized their own faults and decided to forgive each other and are NOT involved romantically
You know what, I can believe that explanation.
maybe minus the emotional trauma stunting growth, but yeah, I completely forgot a whole bunch of time passed.
>I seriously can't recognize the guy who was supposed to be the crush of every single girl anymore
But that was Paulo's fault, remember? He rounded up all those high school girls to beat the shit out of Mike, because they were disgusted over the fact that Mike was crushing on Lucy while he was ""dating"" Sandy.
>He rounded up all those high school girls to beat the shit out of Mike, because they were disgusted over the fact that Mike was crushing on Lucy while he was ""dating"" Sandy.
Christ, how long have I been reading this, I'm having trouble recalling past chapters.
That was in volume 1.
>He rounded up all those high school girls to beat the shit out of Mike, because they were disgusted over the fact that Mike was crushing on Lucy while he was ""dating"" Sandy.
Based orange boy, teaching Mike about faithfulness
Honestly she should've rebooted the comic when she decided to make the tone more serious. It's hard to really think Mike deserves all this because of what he said to Lucy when you remember she really did used to beat him.
And one of those people is the creator
Those aren't really friends as much as family and love interests, definitely up there for worst family
Donald's actual friends are a whole lot better
I like how Veronica completely stopped bothering with backgrounds for this page
There's a fog rollin' in!
Haven't been here it in half a year, why's he dressed like a frog
Cat sex and two headed ghost are the forbidden BCB pages
Can you imagine having to explain shitposting to older people? "Yeah I'm just discussing this comic online about teenaged animals causing drama." "You enjoy that kinda thing?" "No not really."
It's Halloween and so all self-respecting 16-year-olds are out trick-or-treating.
you trick and treated at 16?
The cool kids wouldn't invite me to their risque costume party.
Hence living vicariously through cartoon cats.
you got back just in time the drama has just started 2 pages ago
nigga I trick and treat at 26
no one is gonna keep me from my free candy and opportunity to dress like a jackass
>two headed ghost
What are the reactions? Do they give looks? Do you bring someone along like cousin/sibling?
let's just say its the one time of the year that I'm happy everyone thinks I look somewhere between 16-19 as opposed to turning 27 in a month.
Someone, I believe one of the pets, brings up the topic of whether or not cats in the bcb world have spiky dicks, cue Mike imagining plowing Lucy and her not letting him pull out after because of spines, (maybe Taeshi thought they only appear post nut like a knot does she was only a kid at the time) the solution to this, put a sheet over the two of them and claim to be dressed up as a two headed ghost, still joined at the hip.
Its honestly one hell of a trip and I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it.
The fuck? I need to see that now
a classic. too bad it got wiped from the internet.
Reminder that the height differences are only fucky because the heads are huge.
as well as posting Anon232 meme that shit gets you insta Warned RIP old pal :(
i was taking a shit, what was it?
So assuming Sandy breaks up with Mike at the end of this chapter, what happens next? Will everyone find out immediately? Does his relationship with his friends actually improve?
Truly, he was based
Nothing got posted, they were just talking about an old comic that I think used to be in the graveyard.
>tfw you will never experience halloween cuz you live in a shitty country
I'd gladly take a bullet for our fallen hero
>tfw love the atmosphere and feel of Halloween
>tfw Halloween and Trick or Treating basically died in my area a few years ago
>Nobody does anything anymore
It's less that the heads are huge and more that the rest of their bodies resembles that of toddlers.
Plot twist: Paulo was Chad all along.
it has been dead in our neighborhood for a decade, but kids/new families moved in so hopefully the vibe will be back this year.
Trunk r Treat and mall trick or treating ruined the whole thing. My parents give out candy every year and they've got less and less kids every year. I think last year they got like three groups. And they live in a pretty good neighbor within blocks of like three schools.
It's sad.
What's so bad about this?
Redpill me on Anon232 what happened to him?
>can't just quit after 8 years
See? i told you, that shit gets insta deleted....
No one knows. As I remember it, he was basically the head of the part of the fandom that isn't approved by the creators. He had a blog where he posted art (smut included) and posts he liked from Yea Forums, and a good time was had by all. Dude ran the old discord, too, iirc. Really friendly dude in every sense. And then one day, he just vanished. No explanation or anything.
Why do the mods delete everything that is posted about him? do they hate him?
i know nothing about the creators but i did read all the daily comics taeshi made and suitcase acts like a bit of an asshole desu...i know taeshi hast that BPD or something but suitcase doesn't sound too stable either kek..hope it's just the comics...
>Post FitR
>Maybe some kind user can post it right now?
Just for you guys
>mfw you can tell the clear influence from SU
>mfw you cant tell if its stylistic incompetence to tell a goddamn story or taeshi and baglad's inability to attempt another revenue stream
No wonder these threads always get deleted before they get steam
They're trying to distract us with free BCI!!!
If she didn't want to get pregnant she shouldn't have advertised her fertility with her child bearing hips
N-no way...they found me out...they see the real me now!
I'm not even gonna read it this time, it never fails getting me depressed
This but for the entire canon comic as well
>Not a single BCI in the whole thread
>Someone mentions Suitcase is killed Anon232 as a joke
>Thread gets filled with BCI all of sudden
Makes you think...
H-holy fuck...it's happening in real time...THEY TAKING THEM AWAY!!!!
>Gets called out for trying to distract people with BCI
>Suitcase: Q-quickly Delete them!
>Mods: B-but sir they'll get even more susp-
we're onto you
>sell BCB books because drug addiction
>immediate regret
>get paid
>go back to the bookshop to see if they're still there, its fucking indiana who the fuck would pick up BCB within a week
>theyre gone
At least I got to expose someone else to its weird glory.
>tfw got “””temporarily blocked”””” for trying to storytime a BCI comic
What the fuck just happened
Which volumes?
I wonder if Daisy's heart races with guilty excitement when she thinks about a guy wanting her enough to assertively kiss her
the BCIs werent deleted, you nonce. They're still there
Well, there's this one BCI where he somehow manages to fuck her in some bushes within like a minute of starting to talk to her on the sidewalk. This is while she's still with Abbey, too. Daisy really has no shame.
which drug?
was it good at least?
still best boy
I had the first three. Hit upon... hit upon hard times before the next couple kickstarters started up. I might have the book they had for ask roseville still around. and i know I have that bonus comic they mailed to BCI people a?couple years back.
If anybody remembers when I posted about being in jail, hey~
This is the same Daisy that fantasizes about Mike in her dreams giving her “””back rubs””” and has Augustus as her second choice in her personal “choices” poster, she would gladly throw Abbey under a bus when it involves boys more attractive than him.
>is a cuck
>is a pussy regardless of taeshi's headcanon
>also a small dick
Hot damn, Paulo, she should be dating him. Why is Mike such a cunt to everyone but loses his spine when his GF comes into play?
>Sandy breaks up with Mike for Paulo
Based as always pk
>pic not on tumblr or candybooru
>only here
Y-you're special to me too
>If anybody remembers when I posted about being in jail, hey~
I do remember you, user, wasn't that more
than a year ago? have you stuck around in these threads for that long?
It will work out in the end, the ship is pushed too far and too long for it not to be some cheesy shit like that. Daisy x Paulo is endgame too.
Mike will be crawling for Lucy's pussy as soon as Sandy dumps him.
Again though, this is all just a wish-fulfillment story..
bcb has a lot of drama i don't really understand so prefer not to post anything related about it on other sites only here
love his type character getting shit on and that's why he's my favorite
>Small Dick
Is it confirmed?
>don't really understand
Like what?
>love his type character getting shit on
Like because you dislike him or because it's sympathy porn for lack of a better term. Depending on your answer I may have to declare you unbased.
I hate to say it but his peenor is canonically smaller than Paulo and David's, but bigger than Abbey's. Canonically as in word of god, not in-comic stuff.
Eh, 4-5 inches isn’t so bad assuming David and Paulo are 6-7
as in Taeshi said it? like toriyama when he talked about vegeta having the smallest weenie?!!
kek abbey
had to translate inches to cm cuz im a dirty foreigner
Dude...5 inches is12.7 cm...that's..that's pretty bad
isn't the average 15 cm?...or 6 inches?
the whole Yea Forums threads and the artist of the comics drama, discord and everything the only thing i recall is the discord server being taken down
mike was an edgelord and now everything is coming back to him and it's funny i have no sympathy for him
>David has the biggest dick
>David is coded black
FUCK i hate to use that tumblr term but anyhow
>niggers are dogs
Is Taeshi secretly redpilled?
Average in america is about 5.5 inches.
Yeah anything below that is ah... not ideal.
Does this mean suitcase has a smol penor?
Nope, 5 inches is considered average so Mike is doing fine.
Abbey however is a dicklet, it’s no wonder why Daisy was so unsatisfied
>bcb has a lot of drama
Makes me laugh that I can't tell if this means the comic or the fandom.
Soft boys are for bully
Via Formspring; David > Paulo > Mike > Abbey. There was also at least one page of "non Canon" comic where they talk about their relative dick sizes and David shows his ding dong to Lucy, who then confirms Paulo isn't biggest boy.
>Yea Forums threads and the artist of the comics drama
Gotcha. Keeping your distance from all that is smart.
>mike was an edgelord
>i have no sympathy for him
Damn, this hurts. You're still one of my fav bcb artists though so I'll try to let it slide. Thanks for replying I honestly didn't expect that.
Being half an inch off average doesn't seem so bad honestly, but regardless I'm pretty sure that 5 inches was just a number pulled out of thin air by that user. All we know for sure is relative size, I'm fairly certain. Just like the characters' heights.
good for you user, and good luck for the future. Nice to hear you managed well, keep it up
OH HELL YEAH DUDE, IM 7 INCHES I HAD NO IDEA too bad im a fucking antisocial asshole and don't have a gf, rip.
>post deleted
was it anon232?!
the server is still up, if you know where to look
Eh, discord just split the shitposting in half. I've been really enjoying Monday afternoons recently. Bittersweet Yea Forums bowl is the way to be.
Lucy knows the truth
Got a link?
Thank ye kindly
That, she does.
How am I doing, 232?
You still like everybody. Cherish what you have now
So I only come in these threads every now and then, but I've noticed it's been in this Halloween arc for a while now. How long has it been going? Are we on Namek now?
The Halloween arc is ending on Halloween, so this chapter is going on for another 4 months. Then the author will resume her usual 3 times a week schedule
It's been Halloween since January and will be until it's actually Halloween.
I was like that but i managed to break free. If i can do it, you can do it too, user
No user...you don't understand...i don't want to break free, i like this suffering.
well to be honest i taken a liking to the weekly Yea Forums threads they're usually fun, like today, i found out Suitcase killed Anon232 Fun Stuff
>Yea ForumsYIM
i keked
He doesn't have a cellphone. It's 2008 and he's a poorfag.
Wow, for once I'm pleasantly surprised. Didn't think this comic still had that in it. And holy shit, at last the plot creaks forward.
It was because there were criticisms on how it was unrealistic for a 12 year old kid to say that apparently, and Taeshi agreed
It's a fair call.
how about david?
So how do you think the chapter will end?
With everyone sad except augustus and a really sad mike
Endshot with the GF getting the message
all the characters of bcb and the author will stand in a circle around scarf cat, and throw rocks at him while he cries and cries
Goddamn and we still have 15 pages left. Gonna be one fantastic shitshow of anger and tears from Mike.
What if she just calls to break up with Mike?
If you've got it, flaunt it.
>the worst combination of western and Eastern animation corrupts people with unreasonable character acting and shitty visual design.
Not surprised.
>at last the plot creaks forward
Paulo's been doing an alright job grabbing the wheel of this shitshow and driving the plot somewhere.
I almost lost hope for him after the last chapter but he's been solidly his classic self so far. I know it won't last but I'll enjoy it as far as it'll go.
Jokes aside what could Suitcase have possibly done?
Maishul blue screen of death when?
He is free of drama
Perhaps he unraveled Taeshi's cat penis code in regards to Suitcase.