What makes one better than the other?
What makes one better than the other?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bruce is a bonofide psychopath
Nothing, they're both good in their own ways.
No father-son ass pull
People care about Spiderman
>Likes two different things
>Has to rank one above the other
You're tricking yourself into diminishing the enjoyment and quality of one if you're always going to think that there was something else better. Are you incapable to say "I like both for different reasons"?
Peter didn't smuggle his radioactive spiderjizz into Miles' mum.
That we know of
Objective truth
To be fair, batman didn't either. It was waller, the fat bitch.
he's not a cuck-clone.
>after a long and successful career, Bruce becomes too old for the part
>Peter gets shot dead in his prime, usually for a bullshit reason
>Bruce trains Terry to be Batman after Terry makes a convincing case for it
>Miles' superhero origin circumstances are literally just Peter's in an almost incredulous way, even for comics
>Bruce is alive and mentors Terry which makes for an interesting dynamic
>Peter has to die and Miles takes it upon himself to continue being Spider-Man
>Terry has his own friends, romantic interests, supporting characters, villains
>Miles literally takes over Peter's hero and private life, even his girlfriend is a hand-me-down from Peter
>Terry tells his own story, of a Batman in the future with different tech and society, and a different personality beneath the mask
>Miles tells no original stories whatsoever, everything he does is recycled from Peter, has no personality to speak of
>Terry's costume is a fairly original take on Bruce's costume
>Miles' costume is Peter's costume shoddily painted black
>Terrry usually brings along a stylized futures aesthetic and setting with him
>Miles just uses the existing generic New York street setting Ultimate already had
>Terry's story is confined to a hypothetical future timeline in which he exists
>Miles takes over as the main Spider-Man in tons of stories across all media
I wouldn't put it past Jackal.
One attempted to write a legacy into his life and the other attempted to write the legacy over it.
Terry popped up over years of writing stories for Bruce in an attempt to change the story and see where he’d be in retirement. Miles popped up because Bendis saw his fetish finally beame normalized so he immediately killed Pete to start writing black pete
Niggers aren't shway.
Terry is his own character with his own motivations that handles being the bat in his own way, Miles is black Peter.
>Miles is black Peter.
But Miles isn't interesting like Peter
Terry and Bruce had an entire series to establish how they work together and to build up their bond.
Miles and Peter have one movie which they have to share with four other spider-people.
Miles has existed for eight years now and no one even tried
this 100% this.
why didn't this get any love? Oh right because this board fucking sucks.
Pretty much 100% this Miles is just a replacement terry is a legacy
It’s because half of Miles “fans” are just here for the arguments and the other half just masturbate to the blackd fetish side of it
One is as genetically pure a copy as can be. Literally a clone. But has it's own identity and story.
The other is half nigger, half spic and tries to copy honky Spiderman.
He’s not a clone though he’s Bruce’s son I thought, the only way he could be a full clone is if they hit the mother with something to rewrite her dna as well
>no one even tried
people did try but miles was under bendis' control and he ignored any characterization other writers attempted to give
Waller basically grafted Bruce's sperm into Terry's biological dad with NANOMACHINES SON. So he's not really a full-on clone, no.
Still has more of an identity than Kilometers does.
Based and schwaypilled
Well there’s no question to that, in 8 years and maybe 90 comics miles barely has a single villain(who also stole his name) let alone a motivation or real reason to use the name spiderman
He's alternate universe spidey. So, he was alternate take on of Peter/spidey.
He stopped being that 5 years ago, literally he has been in 616 for almost twice the time he was ever in the ultimate universe. His “new origin” which bendis has never attempted to rewrite is him going up to peter and asking if he can be spiderman
Alternate takes generally actually DO something with the character.
>Alternate takes generally actually DO something with the character.
Oh he did. In his vision.
Nah, he was having identity issues, and trust problems during 616 universe. It wasn't all about Peter parker
They are both fun
>Nah, he was having identity issues, and trust problems during 616 universe. It wasn't all about Peter parker
Oop, misread your comment.
Fucking hell, saved.
This kind of dynamics are fun
Terry's retconned origin ruined him as a character
Not really but it was unnecessary.
>Miles takes over as the main Spider-Man in tons of stories across all media
Wtf, no? Almost all Spidey media is still about Peter. He's even getting a new movie this weekend.
Neat post.
>Why isn't New York radically different Peter and Miles' lifetime?
>You're not allowed to pass the mantle if you die, THAT'S CHEAP! ONLY OLD AGE STORIES PLEASE.
>Terry's costume is just a slimer Batman you retard
>Miles has his own group of friends but I'll ignore that because it doesn't fit my narrative. Every love interest is just a knock-off of MJ, remember folks.
This post reeks of bias and ignorance.
>Reeks of bias and ignorance
>comes hard with bias and ignorance
Are we even comparing both movies, I think you just kinda talked about the comics where miles is shit. Don't get me wrong I like Batman beyond but spider-verse easily beats it.
He should, tho
>>Terry's costume is just a slimer Batman you retard
Ah, yes, the classic batsuit just slimmed down, with it's primary grey color, his black bat, oh and who can forget that cape!
Only faggots like Spider-Verse
Terry isnt a nigger
Terry is unlikable nigger
>Why isn't New York radically different Peter and Miles' lifetime?
It's an alternate dimension, isn't it, why not make it unique and distinct, why not make it a setting worth telling new stories about.
>You're not allowed to pass the mantle if you die, THAT'S CHEAP! ONLY OLD AGE STORIES PLEASE.
You are allowed, but Peter never passed the mantle, Miles took it from Peter's dead body.
>Terry's costume is just a slimer Batman you retard
Evidently incorrect.
>Miles has his own group of friends
Who are they? Where are they in all of Miles' non-comic appearances?
Fresh off the press, Batman is GAY!
That design is literally Miles equivalent to his black hoodie Spiderman costume. What the fuck are you arguing.
>Miles took it from Peter's dead body.
Didn't watch the movie. Miles didn't loot Peter's corpse, Peter gave him the task as part of his dying wish.
>why not make it unique and distinct
Because that doesn't line up with helping Peter B. Parker's character where he is from a similar universe, except in his, he's a total loser. If Miles NYC was some crazy metropolis, Peter wouldn't self-insert himself into successful dead Peter's world and go, "That MJ could've been mine." Also, we got to see wildly different villain versions of characters like Doc Ock and Green Goblin.
>Evidently incorrect.
Remember how Spiderman has a hoodie and wears sneakers? Totally the same.
>Who are they?
The comic and movie are different because Homecoming stole a lot of Miles friends and was about a bunch of other Spider characters. Otherwise we would've seen more of Ganke Lee and Katie Bishop.
>Doesn't bother pointing out any bias and ignorance and wildly misuses those terms because greentext
>Antman movie gave us one of the best versions of Pym for the movies
>Interesting dynamic as it was Stark, not Pym, that created Ultron, which further changes Pym's character history
>Entire first movie is Antman Beyond and Old Man Pym is based
>Assblasted Pymfags freak out because its NOT MUH
Spider-Verse Miles makes up 5% of all Miles content and shouldn't be taken as the average depiction. The movie's success is sure to decrease that percentage even more as badly written versions of Miles swamp the market.
I quoted the post I responded to. Retard says:
>Terry's costume is just a slimer Batman you retard
And I replied with
>Actually trying to argue that Terry's is this incredibly distinct and different costume from Bruce's because it's skinnier and red
Ah yes, the classic Spiderman costume, known for its jacket hoodie, sneakers, black coloring with red finger tips and oh wait
Who said one is better than the other?
The hoodie outfit isn't Miles' regular costume, it'd be like saying it's different enough because Peter wore the Iron-Spider costume a few times and Miles' costume doesn't have iron spider legs.
One's set in the far future when the character can't be as active a hero anymore
One's set in the far future and therefore brings his own supporting cast and new villains
And I haven't watched the movie so I can't comment on this movie-verse-wise, but comics wise, one doesn't involve the hero dying only for the legacy character to be given all the hero's shit and secret identity because reasons.
Miles' origin was really bad
>He's alternate universe spidey. So, he was alternate take on of Peter/spidey.
No he isn't
Peter was the alternate universe spidey
Miles is the guy who took over after Bendis killed Pete. That's legacy, not alt-universe
And Batman has more than one regular costume, too, and I sure as fuck can pull one out from the hundreds of designs over the years that's more similar to Terry's, yet, you would probably ignore that and go, "No no, that doesn't count". Miles hoodie ensemble he sometimes wears with it is just as valid as Batman's blue cape design or sometimes his yellow logo design.
>All sharp Bat logos in the chest area
>All have pointy cowls
>All feature grey/black color with one single stark bright color as contrast
>All have sharp bat-like cape
Put please, keep trying to insist Terry's costume somehow isn't just a Batman reskin like every other superhero design because UUHHH THE MASK COVERS THE CHIN.
They have nothing in simmilar but the pointy ears and the bat at the chest. And even the bat is different in shape and color.
At wich point in (the post I responded to) (my post) or (also my post) was miles' suit mentioned?
I know. Anything doing with Miles is the drizzling shits
>was miles' suit mentioned?
The entire argument is about Miles suit vs. Terry's suit. Follow the thread.
>The logo is a different shape and color
HOW TRULY UNIQUE FROM BATMAN, like you know, the original poster I was responding to who said >Terry's costume is a fairly original take on Bruce's costume
Which is not the fucking case at all. It still follows all the same placement elements as seen , enough to the point where it can literally be used as a reskin with little effort by the programmers to have to make an entirely new model, but it's still just Bruce's costume "tweaked". That doesn't somehow make it better in comparison to Miles costume just because that user likes Batman Beyond more.
I remember that there was a lack of faith before the movie release and some infighting between the fans of Pym and Lang but after the premier, things were more calm and now I just see genuine praise for both ANTS.
>Is most divergent of all the Bat suits in that line up
>>The logo is a different shape and color
Ok you took that out of context from
>They have nothing in simmilar but the pointy ears and the bat at the chest. And even the bat is different in shape and color.
Now let's see wich extra details you're ignoring:
>Big brown belt vs small metal pockets
>Gloves, boots and cowl vs one piece suit
>Mouth exposed vs completely covered
>2 main colors vs stark black except for chest and belt (and winfs when they appear)
You have a picture of every suit of the animated series cast side-by-side, and even though you can see that it's more simmilar to nightwing's suit than batmans, you still chose to be disingenuous.
Objectively Sinestro Corps is the most different one, because it's a completely different logo and trying to be a Lantern variant and not a Batman variant.
>Look how DIFFERENT it is from Bruce's costume because it has some color swaps
And it has a cape. The cape is shorter. The entire point is that the placement of EVERYTHING is in the same fucking place. He still has a pointy bat logo, pointy bat cowl, skin-tight dark grey/black spandex, a utility belt around the waist, pointy bat-like cape. But I guess because the cape is shorter and his mouth is covered, gosh, it's so such an original take on the classic Batman suit, how could I not see it even though it's literally being treated as a reskin.
It's like just decided to condense 's explanation into a single sentence.
>And it has a cape. The cape is shorter.
It does NOT have a cape. It has retractable wings that only appear when he glides. Your ignorance is showing.
>He still has a pointy bat logo, pointy bat cowl,
Well duh, he's batman.
> skin-tight dark grey/black spandex,
Like so many other superheroes in the industry. Way to overgeneralize. And to forget about the gloves, boots and "outside underwear" that are so classic about batman's design (and terry doesn't have).
> it's literally being treated as a reskin.
Because it's put over the same skeleton and modeled for the same character dumbass. And even then you can see that it's the suit that deviates the most from batman's other batsuits.
Miles exists in a world where superheroes are much more prevalent than when Peter started
But he still lives in generic new york
Terry and Bruce are more schway
Terry had his own personality that was different from Bruce's
Miles is just black Peter
>A retractable cape, your IGNORANCE IS SHOOOWING
>that are so classic about batman's design
If you think people consider Batman's boots to be iconic, then I have the right to say Miles' costume is equally a unique take on Spiderman's costume because the fucking finger tips are a different color from the main costume. Christ, the only part of Batman's gloves people actually would point out as being Batman is the fact that they have points at the end, which Terry STILL has.
You're trying to hype up Terry's costume so much to the point of actually thinking a retractable bat-inspired cape that glides is so much more different than a non-retractable bat-inspired cape that glides.
>No he isn't
He is. Bendis usually remix and remade events of spidey comic history. Biggest example is the clone saga
>That's legacy, not alt-universe
Are you braindead? He is alternate universe of spider-man. Which means he going to take on events of Peter life. Like bendis did with ulitmate Peter.
Do you want the city of New York to tear down all their landmarks because they had superheroes a bit earlier in Miles universe? What exactly do you want here. A steampunk NYC? A Bladerunner NYC? The entire crux of the relationship between Peter and Miles is that they're both from similar universes. Peter B. would not have nearly the same character journey if he fell into a Mirror's Edge version of NYC and then also looked at a successful version of himself.
>Still going on about terry having a cape
You're a fucking clown.
>No rebuttal
I guess you finally figured you had no point trying to scream, "BUT LOOK HOW DIFFERENT THE CAPES ARE".
>You're a fucking clown.
wanna know how i can tell youre currently browsing twitter
peter of the ultimate universe died and miles took the name
that doesn't mean he's the parallel spiderman, he's just a guy who took on the name
>missing the point this hard
Yeah, you did miss the point of the entire movie that fucking hard, I agree.
>the movie
>OP's image is of THE MOVIE
>No rebuttal
I objectively say what's different between terry's and batman's suit and you answer with "that's nothing", generalizations of the components and "it's pointy".Oh and by the way, here's a picture of another superhero with a cape by your standards.
In my defense I will say that people in my country used clown as an insult way before all this whole clownwolrd debacle.
I didn't say, "that's nothing", I said "that's minuscule" as a direct response to the poster who claimed it was a:
>Fairly original take on Batman's costume
While ALSO saying that makes it better than Miles' costume because, "eh, it's basically the same". That's a clear bias because Terry's costume is not even the most interesting Batman costume on the list, yet, user states it like it's a fucking fact because he clearly just wanted to shit on Spiderverse.
Don't give the comics ideas.
Miles' most common default costume is just a recolor of Peter's usual costume, Terry's batsuit had drastically different physical features such as being one-piece, high-tech, covering the mouth, ditching the separate belt, not having a cape in favor of retractable wings etc. I'm not sure what debate can be had about this, just because Miles once wore civilian clothes over it doesn't mean it's a different standard suit.
>that doesn't mean he's the parallel spiderman,
He is. If he got the mask and similar situation to Peter parker while being from another universe. He is by definition, another version of spiderman.
alternate dimension spidermen are all different versions of Peter Parker
Miles is a legacy character from of different dimension
>doesn't mean it's a different standard suit.
But the hoodie and sneakers are still a part of his look. A lot of people, after the movie, when they think of Miles, there's a good chance they will also think about him wearing the hoodie and sneakers as part of his look. And it's not like he's going to get rid of that for the sequel. You can't deny and pretend that isn't the case.
Not yet...
Pretty much the same can be said for Peter's school uniform and hoodie in Homecoming, it was in the advertising campaign, it was in the movie, it's still not his standard suit
>alternate dimension spidermen are all different versions of Peter Parker
You trolling.
>alternate dimension spidermen are all different versions of Peter Parker
HMM?Isn't there a movie where that doesn't happen in such way?I feel like it's really relevant to the thread?
>Didn't watch the movie
I forget that Yea Forums doesn't read comics and that's how we get retards like you.
With the massive difference between Peter Parker Spiderman has had several blockbuster movies prior to Miles while Spiderverse was his debut to general audiences. Holland's first appearance as Spiderman did not have the yellow hoodie. Why do you think MCU Hawkeye design has completely taken over the purple spandex actual Hawkeye design? That's the power of debut for a character that isn't relatively popular. It's why Logan can have two decades of no yellow spandex but STILL be known for his yellow spandex because he was just that popular even before the movies.
Miles and Hawkeye aren't the same. Miles debuts with his hoodie and sneakers, they push that design, that's going to be "his spiderman" in all future iterations.
the only one that isn't some version of Peter is Gwen
The true spiderman is peter so his counterparts are also peter
Because OP is talking about the fucking comics, which is why he posted a screenshot of the movie.
For someone who apparently reads comics and calls other people retards, you sure had a hard time looking at a fucking picture.
The OP never said that he was talking about Spiderverse specifically, he was comparing Terry to Miles and the post that started this whole debate was clearly talking about comic Miles.
>Miles and Hawkeye aren't the same. Miles debuts with his hoodie and sneakers, they push that design, that's going to be "his spiderman" in all future iterations.
If this comes true, you'll be correct, but as of right now the hoodie outfit isn't even 1% of his appearances which means right now you're incorrect.
>The OP never said that he was talking about Spiderverse specifically
No, he just posted a picture instead. I don't really recall that many Miles comics where an alternate dimension Peter Parker comes down and mentors him in a father-son relationship. OP's question literally makes no sense for the comics.
It wasn't about a father/son relationship. The fucking imagefile is called "legacy". Fucking christ I understand not reading comics, but you just hate reading don't you?
Also Ben Riley did the whole "Spider-Man with a hood" thing almost 30 years ago.
Hint: if the character you're defending has only one remotely okay appearance you have to default to when arguing, they might not be a good character
>thinking OP pictures are important to the subject of the thread and not just something you HAVE to start with because it's an imageboard
>also thinking discussing JUST a specific picture instead of its broader implications or thread posts is practical or feasible
We tourists now?
They do have a student-mentor relationship in 616 when the writers bother to acknowledge it, and if you're going to try to argue like that then Peter wasn't an old man like Bruce and he just stayed in Miles' universe for a couple of days, so the comparison doesn't make sense.
It's more fair to compare McGinnis and May Parker. Both are legacies and both have to earn their cowl.
>The filename trumps OP using screenshots of two movies where both legacy characters are being actively trained by their mentors
No, you're a fucking idiot.
>Spider-Man with a hood
Nobody claimed Miles invented Spiderman with a hood, quit being autistic.
>The true spiderman is peter so his counterparts are also peter
You're not making sense, are you so biased towards miles so much that you warp words and reality in order to fit your vision?
Batman Beyond is not a movie you fucking retard.
>Why are people discussing Terry's freaky parentage? That was a JLU episode and OP clearly posted a Beyond screenshot.
>Accidentally post movie because I was thinking about Return of Joker instead of "TV show and movie"
Oh no, I guess that invalidates everything I was saying, you are right user, OP was talking about the comics because of my typo!
You fucking retard.
He did have movie called joker return.
Not my fault that you didn't check your post before clicking submit, and where in my post am I saying that everything else that you're saying is wrong?
Not my fault you decided to be an obnoxious faggot and call out someone's typo on an image board where I have no editing power, yet, here you are, providing nothing to the discussion other than, "LOOK, HE DIDN'T SAY TV SHOW".
>where in my post am I saying that everything else that you're saying is wrong?
I assumed you were, since that would've meant you had something to say. But no, your post was less than worthless, you just wanted to point something out that doesn't even dramatically change the context of my post considering he did have a movie.
Isn't this pretty similar to what you're doing by saying that the OP was talking about the movie and not the comics?
Also, for such a worthless post it sure got you real fucking upset.
Terry’s suit is basically Nightwing with a red bat. Miles is still worse.
No, because we were talking about SPIDERVERSE'S movies, whereas other user claimed it was the comics. Me accidentally saying two movies instead of TV show and movie in regards to Batman Beyond does not affect at all the main point: OP is clearly talking about Spiderverse and Batman Beyond not Bendis Comics and Batman Beyond. Otherwise, he would not have posted Spiderverse which is practically standalone from the comics since they change so much.
>You got real fucking upset
Yes, I generally hate it when faggots waste my time with nothing to say. Replying to a post angrily doesn't mean you "win", you fucking summerfag.
I assume you think Thor is a title and not a name
>tfw Bruce nearly killed Terry by locking the suit down.
>tfw Bruce ultimately caved and let Terry use it.
>tfwTerry got his revenge on the individuals who were responsible for Warren's death, something Dick, Bruce, or Tim got.
We were never talking JUST about Spiderverse, you just assumed we were because of the image used in the OP, which again didn't imply anything and had the word "legacy" as the filename.
You're also very clearly trying to discredit anyone talking about the comics because this thread is clearly talking about the movies but when I called you a faggot for saying that Beyond was a movie then all of a sudden it's not okay to do that.
>Replying to a post angrily doesn't mean you "win", you fucking summerfag.
I was just making fun of you for being so upset over what you called an insignificant post, you fucking thin-skinned faggot.
>Terry's costume is just a slimer Batman you retard
It's not just a "slimer Batman" you fucking idiot. Terry is literally wearing Bruce's last suit. Because he earned it.
>You just assumed we were talking about the movie
>Admits the thread is mostly talking about the movie
Maybe you're the one who needs to double check your posts, retard.
Amazing, you apparently also don't know what sarcasm is.
Right, and that's different from Miles how? Do you want dead Peter to give Miles his blessing? Aunt May spoke on his dead body's behalf, that should be enough.
Do you honestly think that spiderman is him? Not some made up persona that he created when he was 15 years old?
He isn't batman, he can be whatever he wants. Like bombastic bagman.
Most of the thread was talking about the totality till you started having your spergdown.
>My entire post was sarcastic
>I was only pretending to be retarded
I don't think you know what sarcasm is.
>I was the only one talking about the movies
And you're fucking dense if you think more than half the posts in this thread were even talking about anything other than calling Miles a nigger.
No, just the part about the thread being "clearly" about the movie.
Should I have made it all caps, maybe put in in parenthesis?
Maybe I should have used an image that said "The part where I say "clearly" was sarcastic, since my entire argument is based on the fact that there's no definign topic for the thread other than the legacy characters".
You gigantic bitch.
Terry earned the suit, Miles didn't.
If OP wanted to talk about legacy characters, why use a screenshot of Miles from a product that is completely different from who he is and how his story happens in the comics? That's about as stupid as saying comics Thor and Thor Ragnarok can be discussed in the same thread as "general Thor'.
>ctrl+f "nigger"
>5 results
Only three people in the thread called Miles a nigger, and the post that started this whole shit was clearly talking about shit other than the movie.
>Miles proved he can use his powers on command
>Proves he'll get back up even when pushed down
>Got his uncle killed but still overcame that
>Approached Aunt May and she said yes
If you want to get mad at anyone, get mad at Aunt May.
I don't know, maybe it's because Spiderverse is the only time that Miles was a good character and the fact that the filename is "legacy".
Or how about the people in the thread talking about shit that's clearly not just about the movie?
>was clearly talking about shit other than the movie.
And yet, posted the movie. A different beast from the comics entirely.
Comic Miles basically has nothing, movie Miles has a lot going on. Trying to include them both in the conversation is fucking stupid. Movie Miles is a fine legacy character, Comic Miles is boring. They might as well be different, so throwing blanket statements that both suck doesn't work.
>you can't criticize Miles because he's black
he would still be shit if he was white
stop using his race as a shield from criticism
See If people are going to say Miles sucks while OP uses an image of Miles from the one iteration where he's really good, then the entire thread makes no fucking sense.
If you weren't so obsessed with SJWs in your life, you would know that's not what I said. Work harder for your (you)'s.
At this point you're just moving the goalpost with the OP image.
The rest of the thread understood that it wasn't just about the movie but here you are, acting like a sperg and shutting down people that talk about the comics.
If peter isn't the true spider-man, then who is?
Back up your shit, user
what did I say about sjw?
you claimed that everyone was calling Miles a nigger as a way to defend him
Miles' race is not a shield against criticism.
Stop being racist, look beyond the colour of his skin and see the shit character he is deep inside.
Repeat because you're too dumb to get it:
>If people are going to say Miles sucks while OP uses an image of Miles from the one iteration where he's really good, then the entire thread makes no fucking sense.
You can't talk about Comic Miles and Movie Miles as one character while OP intentionally uses a Spiderverse screenshot. It'd be like me posting a thread saying "Why is Spiderman such a whiny boy?" and using Tom Holland as a photo. Does that question work with every single version of Spiderman? Fucking no, that's why people will target the Tom Holland photo.
Just because people in the thread chose to IGNORE Spiderverse in favor of saying, "Miles sucks cause Bendis" doesn't mean they're right about Terry being better than Miles on that single aspect. You can't compare a character (Terry) that was consistent in quality with a character (Miles) who changes according to who is writing him. The conversation fucking falls apart.
Shh... if you say true things on Yea Forums people will yell at you.
>State an objective fact a large chunk of early posts were just one-offs "he's black", "he's a nigger", "he's just dark Peter Parker" with nothing else of substantial value to the posts
Are you sure you two aren't black? With that fucking horrid reading comprehension, I wouldn't be surprised.
Only five posts had the word nigger before you said that the thread was just the movie and people calling Miles that.
Also what a surprise, the faggot is also the real racist here.
2 or 3 posters
it's obvious that your trying to shield Miles from criticism by trying to make this a race issue when most posts leave his race out of the conversation
Terry's suit has high heels, claws, red baby wings, mouth cover, no cape, jet boots, and an embedded belt. The only way it's remotely similar is pointy ears, pointy forearms, and a bat logo.
Work on your comprehension skills before you make a post, it's the only way I'll respond to you since you don't get it.
>Respond to retards who just spout off nonsense about being shielded by black skin and are obsessed with shouting their rhetorical the insult they see the word BLACK even if it doesn't fit with racist insult
Not surprised the irony is lost on someone who can't read.
>You can't talk about Comic Miles and Movie Miles as one character
I can and I have since the movie came out, he was better written in Spiderverse.
>OP intentionally uses a Spiderverse screenshot
With a filename that says "legacy" but every time that someone points it out you say that it doesn't matter or completely ignore it because it doesn't fill your narrative.
>It'd be like me posting a thread saying "Why is Spiderman such a whiny boy?" and using Tom Holland as a photo
But you didn't say that it was just about the MCU version, so people would call you a faggot for using him as your basis.
>Just because people in the thread chose to IGNORE Spiderverse in favor of saying, "Miles sucks cause Bendis"
No one ignored it you fucking retard, people talked about the movie AND the comics which apparently is to much for you to handle.
>pointy ears, pointy forearms, and a bat logo.
...Which are the more staple aspects of a Batman costume, on top of his bat-cape.
And stop saying he has no cape, just because it's retractable doesn't mean it ceases to exist. He still does the exact same iconic Batman glide pose with it.
He is the first spider-man, he can pass down and share the name.
Miles is a counterpart to Peter in sense that he's experience Peter parker events and share his persona. That's why he is a alternate universe of spider-man
Let's see from the first 10
Equal praise
For both
Responses, nothing about rae
Hell, let's go for 11
Lots of criticisms of Miles, none of which are racial.
So why are you lying, user? What do you have to gain by claiming that most posters were racially biased against Miles when none of the first 11 posts support your claim? Is it because you want to use Miles' race as a shield against criticism?
>gets called out on being a racebaiting shit
>pretends no one understands what he's saying
Since when is "black people can't read" not a racial insult?
>people talked about the movie AND the comics
They fucking didn't, otherwise half the comments don't make sense since Peter, Miles' family, and Mile's uncle is not nearly as involved in the comics as he is in the movie, yet, people still shouting off shit like, "Miles is a clone", "Miles doesn't have any original friends", "Peter dies and then never shows up again to pass Miles the mantle". None of that shit makes sense in the context of the movie.
No you gigantic fucking retard, Ultimate Peter was the counterpart to 616 Peter.
Miles is just some fucking kid that took the Spider-Man name after Ult. Peter died
>The sudden rise of /pol/ users who are screaming about people using Miles blackness as a shield from criticism
>Literally no one is doing that
Huh, I wonder why that's happening... Oh. it's the first official day of summer for many kids, oh, wait, everything makes sense now.
>Proceeds to not understand what I'm saying
>He is the first spider-man, he can pass down and share the name.
This never happened in the comics
Miles just took Peter's secret identity shortly after his death (Miguel did it far in the future when Spider-man was something of a cultural.legendary hero)
Then Peter from another universe said 'no, it's totally cool that you're spider-man' to validate it.
The Peter from in universe was resurrected to say 'No, it's totally cool that you took all my stuff because you're better than me an you beat Norman. I'm going to go away now because responsibility sucks." Then the universe imploded.
Miles, in comics, wasn't passed down the mantle, he took it while Pete's body was scarcely in the ground.
As far as legacy-character origins goes, comic Miles' origin lacks any semblance of decorum.
>keeps on going
you got called out user, just accept it
But wait, I thought you said that no one was talking about the comics here?
Wait, it's almost like they were talking about both and you're just a dumb bitch moving the goalpost.
>black pete
>Half of Miles fanbases are just here for black fetish
>nigger nigger nigger
But it doesn't count because ____.
Samefagging a bunch doesn't make me "called out", user. It just demonstrates how bad your reading skills are. In fact, you should underline the exact sentence you think I'm saying Miles black skin protects him from criticism so I can point and laugh at the exact moment I realize you're being retarded.
Point ears, Pointy forearms, and the Bat logo covers about 7+ characters. A cape is a piece of cloth that hangs from the shoulders, Terry’s wings come out from under his arm. Batman uses a cape to glide, Terry uses wings and rocket boots to fly.
>if the character you're defending has only one remotely okay appearance
He has two. Incidentally, neither of which are in comic books.
>resorting to "YOU'RE SAMFAGGING"
jesus christ user just give it up
You can have two counterparts, retard. Jessica drew is a counterpart to Ben reily and the original.
Gwen is a counterpart to carnage. And ther are two doctor strange walking around.
>covers about 7+ characters
...Yes? Because that's a staple of the Bat family. Doing that but with tweaks is not a different take on Batman's costume. It's just a tweak.
Only three people called him a nigger, like I said a dozen posts ago.
YOU were the one pushing this shit, calling Miles a black Peter is not the same as calling him a nigger nor is it racist and saying shit about the fans has nothing to do with the character.
>The same posts all using the same wording about "don't use Miles skin to SHIELD him from CRITICISM" all happen one after the other
>"I'm not samefagging, I swear"
you guys are aware you can walk away from a bad convo, right?
Because when fucking people on Yea Forums just say he's a black Peter, they're totally saying it with zero racist implications. Great delusion, user.
Your whole arguments falls apart because Ult. PETER PARKER was the counterpart to 616 PETER PARKER.
Miles is not a counterpart to Peter in the fucking slightest.
counterpoint, if it's easy then... why did you post? curious.
>State an objective fact a large chunk of early posts were just one-offs
>objective fact
>large chunk of early posts
>5 examples
>1 of which is 50 posts in
1/10 posts is not a large chunk. Quit using race as a shield
Yes, you can in fact point out that Miles was just a recolor of Peter without being racist. Just like I'm doing now.
Mind you, I'm not the one calling people niggers in this thread nor am I the one saying that the entire thread was filled with people calling Miles that when that's a lie.
>The majority of my posts talk about OP and OP's intentions and how he cannot start a thread about general legacy while using a very specific version of a character's legacy
>Some user, probably you, had a meltdown because I said "two movies" instead of "TV show and movie"
>After awhile, enough posts in the thread were mine where I started saying "we" since most of my posts were about the movie in direct comment to the version of Miles OP chose to use to represent this thread
No goalposts were moved, you just can't follow the thread.
>The same posts all using the same wording about "don't use Miles skin to SHIELD him from CRITICISM" all happen one after the other
maybe because that's what you're doing you paranoid fuck
>Because when fucking people on Yea Forums just say he's a black Peter,
They're saying his character is nigh indistinguishable from Peter, other than his skin colour.
>they're totally saying it with zero racist implications.
What's the racist implication? They're not saying he's Peter who steals bikes, they're saying he's Peter with black skin.
>Quit using race as a shield
Stop using phrases you don't understand what they mean. The entire point was to shit on the level of quality of a typical Yea Forums thread implying that this was somehow some great thread talking about the merits of Miles Morales and not just general shitposting mixed with nigger, nigger, nigger with five or six good posts.
Terry and Bruce are fine if you ignore the JLU bullshit about Waller overriding Terry's father sperm DNA with Bruce's DNA. It's ridiculous. But their stories definitely are more intereating that Spider-Verse.
As far as relationships go I think both are good but Spiderverse Peter and Miles was just more wholesome.
>he cannot start a thread about general legacy while using a very specific version of a character's legacy
He can and he probably did, you're the one faggot arguing otherwise.
>had a meltdown because I said "two movies" instead of "TV show and movie"
I called you a retard, nothing more, nothing less.
>>After awhile, enough posts in the thread were mine where I started saying "we" since most of my posts were about the movie in direct comment to the version of Miles OP chose to use to represent this thread
That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
I'm beginning to think that you're just shitposting.
>they're saying he's Peter with black skin.
The racist implication is that sentence since Miles is nothing like Peter. They see a black legacy character, think nothing of him as a character, and say, "He's just black version of ____" despite being untrue.
In fact, Comic Miles is boring, I've admitted that many times. But he's not just black Peter.
Again, barely anyone called him a nigger and the thread was relatively free of shitposting.
You are trying to push an angle that wasn't there in the first place.
Except you know, the powers, the name, the location, and their enemies,
>He can and he probably did, you're the one faggot arguing otherwise.
And you have yet to refute how retarded it is to try and argue about legacy characters while using two different versions of a legacy character matched up against one consistent version character.
But then you would have to actually have a point to do so, and I think you just want easy (you)'s.
> was relatively free of shitposting.
>Early on thread talks about Peter's spiderjizz on top of black Pete, niggers are schway, and cuck-clone comments
C'mon, user.
you created a non issue to defend your position
no one cared about the race shit until you tried to pull some "every is calling him a nigger" shit
>Say that half the thread early on was low quality shitposting involving some people just wanting an excuse to call out Miles being black
Holy fuck, read.
>But then you would have to actually have a point to do so
How about the fact that the filename says legacy? How about saying that the character is the same but one version was better written?
So to summarize,
>Hilary Bader and Butch Lukic were good writers
>Bendis is a complete hack
The dynamic of Pym seing Scott as an expendable mook that wears the suit and a true succesor to the hero name that becomes part of his family is great. I want to see more of them.
You just keep ignoring the fact that Ult Peter existed.
>Stop using phrases you don't understand what they mean.
That's quaint coming from someone who seems to lack basic reading comprehension
>The entire point was to shit on the level of quality of a typical Yea Forums thread
So not this thread, but some imagines typical thread you've made up in your mind?
>implying that this was somehow some great thread talking about the merits of Miles Morales and not just general shitposting mixed with nigger, nigger, nigger with five or six good posts.
user, you've been shown to be a liar on that count. You claimed that every was bashing on Miles purely for the colour of his skin, but the data doesn't back it up.
Defend Miles on his mertis, don't use race to deflect criticism.
All of those were just single posts, not the entire thread that has been on-topic until your retarded ass showed up and derailed the thread.
>How about saying that the character is the same but one version was better written?
Except only three or four people are doing that. They're saying he sucks because Bendis sucks, but they're saying that while staring at a picture of Spiderverse, a picture I chose to use as the basis for the argument since it would actually bring up some discussion and since OP posted it. Again, note several times, I said "OP" here.
That's partly why this thread is fucking stupid when people are saying Miles sucks while choosing to ignore the one most recent and very prominent time he was good.
One of them wasn't written by Bendis
>excuse to call out Miles being black
this is wrong and your paranoid
and now your playing semantics
There's those words I never used again. Disregarding your posts until you can at least quote me right.
See It's not semantics when it's the difference between some and all. That's just basic fucking communication.
Your entire argument is based on the premise that Spider-Verse is actually a good treatment of Miles which in itself is a very debatable opinion. Most of the complaints I had with Bendis' Miles were also present in the movie.
>That's partly why this thread is fucking stupid when people are saying Miles sucks while choosing to ignore the one most recent and very prominent time he was good.
No one is ignoring it you retarded fucking faggot, when 90% of the character is terrible people are bound to talk about that shit instead of the fucking 10% where he wasn't dogshit.
And even then Miles was one of the weakest characters in the movie.
Batman Beyond beats Spider Verse. Terry killed all his rogues and still had time to head to schway parties, with exhaustion being his only concern.
Put him in SpiderVerse, and he'd drop bantz on the Kingpin, while crushing Gwen.
>when 90% of the character is terrible people are bound to talk about that shit instead of the fucking 10% where he wasn't dogshit.
But when that 10% is literally going to be the future direction of this character and has had more of an impact than any of the 90%. Spiderverse has much greater value on Miles as a character than Bendis comics do. Saying it's just 10% of Miles appearances doesn't negate that.
>And you're fucking dense if you think more than half the posts in this thread were even talking about anything other than calling Miles a nigger.
You know what, you didn't say any of those.
You did say that more than half the thread was calling Miles a nigger which is a fucking lie, you cunt.
Stop deflecting, you've been humoured enough.
Defend Miles on his merits.
it is semantics when everyone knows I don't mean "literally every post"
Disregarded until you can quote me correctly.
>But when that 10% is literally going to be the future direction of this character
It literally can't be since Spiderverse was an origin story and Miles has been in 616 for 4 fucking years.
>Spiderverse has much greater value on Miles as a character than Bendis comics do
No, as much as I like Spiderverse it fucking doesn't. One good movie doesn't undo 11 years of shit.
>Disregarded until you can quote me correctly.
Here you go, a proper Yea Forums quoting.
Now defend Miles based on his merits.
That's purely speculation, until we actually see Miles turned around as a character in most of his appearances, his average will remain negative
Did I say that ulitmate Peter parker isn't a counterpart too?
616 Peter can have 2 or 3 counterparts in the ulitmate universe.
Miles has no merits or arc to his character. I blame it mostly on Bendis not being a good writer and trying too hard to make him a street level hero, and Marvel throwing him in crossover events without actually establishing him.
>No, as much as I like Spiderverse it fucking doesn't. One good movie doesn't undo 11 years of shit.
That "one good movie" is literally going to be the jumping off point for this character since this is now the version of the character people recognize.
What now cunt?
>It's semantics when I didn't actually mean every single one
What was that about semantics again?
But that's not speculation. That's literally how this business works. The one popular movie is going to completely take over this character's identity. Look at the entirety of Avengers and how much MCU versions of the characters are now "the standard".
Not all of them. A lot though. A couple or more ended up crippled too.
Miles isn't a counterpart to Peter, not 616 Peter and not to Ult Peter.
You could say that he's a counterpart to Spider-Man, but not to the fucking character of Peter Parker.
>inb4 that's what I said
No, you were arguing that he was a counterpart to Peter.
>Tells user to quote me
>Quotes random posts
I guess that's kind of funny.
learn how people speak user
saying everyone or everything doesn't always mean "EVERYTHING"
are you literally autistic?
You can literally say a character is "just a token minority version of X" without being racist you fucking dipshit. And even then, even if by some slim chance the anons were being racist, so fucking what? It isn't illegal to be racist, it's just poor behavior.
Everyone start ignoring this cunt, he's clearly shitposting.
learn how people speak user
saying half the thread as a response doesn't mean literally HALF THE THREAD
are you literally autistic?
Not really
So even after being quoted properly, you have no defense of Miles as a character?
You would rather keep saying that the majority of the thread was racist (which has been proven to be false) and thus you are somehow absolved from defending Miles from the legitimate criticisms his character has received that were not racial?
You have nothing to say except 'racists' and 'I'm being misread'?
>Not really
>Posts a game that is using what looks like bootleg versions of MCU actors
What? Are you trying to imply this game ISN'T using MCU more as a visual point reference?
Stop replying to him.
Alright, (You) earned that one for being such a good baiter.
I am not going to say it because he is a counterpart to Peter parker in a strange way.
Like peni parker is a counterpart to Peter even through she isn't the first sp//der.
>that 10% is literally going to be the future direction of this character
since when has marvel ever been able to capitalize on the success of the movies?
>So even after being quoted properly, you have no defense of Miles as a character?
I said to quote me about where I said "every" or "entire" in the thread in regards to racist comments. You have yet to do so and continue to say "majority of the thread" when you can't find a post of mine that says that.
Also, as for my stance on Miles, I've said repeatedly that Comic Miles is boring. Like, more than enough times for you to have read it once even accidentally. I like Movie Miles. I like that he's artistic, tries hard, actually learned from Peter. But I assume you don't give a shit.
You mean the character that has Parker in her name is a counterpart to Peter Parker?
Fuck off you baiting cunt.
This is Sony "Holy shit, LEGO Movie did well, let's make ten more" Animation. Spiderverse 2 is already in the works, they're going to crank this shit out as their own MCU and it'll pretty much erase anything in the comics in the general public's perception, if they were even aware of the comics to begin with.
>Telling me what to do
How was his identity in Spider-Verse any different from the comics? It was the exact same thing just more tolerably written, and the entire core of the worry is that he'll remain badly written like in the decade since his inception.
That has nothing to do with what he said about marvel.
That's a lot of assumption, mate. Sony only has a few ties to Marvel, unlike Disney who literally own the company and have the majority of the rights. Pretty sure the ones with majority control will be the ones who do any changes to the comics to reflect the historical film franchise they also own.
Peter didn't alienate everyone who ever cared about him.
But he wasn't exactly like his comic book origin, there were plenty of changes that actually made him engaging as a character instead of "what if Spider-Man were a black kid?
>Actual relationship with actually fleshed out Uncle
>Interaction with a version of Peter Parker means we got to see a lot more of how Miles deals with situations and actually get a proper passing-of-the-mantle
>Different and better relationship with active father in the story
>Built up enough throughout the movie he actually has personal shit to relay to Kingpin
Slott would like to have a word with you.
But he has, just not intentionally. Bruce shunned people so that he wouldn't have to worry about them or add more guilt if they were to die on his watch, whereas Peter rather unintentionally shoves people away by always being late because he's out saving the city and then lying through his teeth that he was "just running late" or whatever.
Yeah, exactly like in the comics but better written. The movie version didn't take out Peter being killed as part of his origin, it didn't give him original villains, or a new suit, or a significant premise, or anything really, none of his core problems were addressed, just written better and hidden behind other characters and flashy presentation. It didn't do for Miles what e.g. TAS did for Freeze.
I didn't say it was Marvel. In fact, I specifically said, "This is Sony". And I never mentioned Marvel before, I always talked about general appearances and general public perception.
If I said anything about the comics specifically, then I misspoke, but I'm pretty sure I was entirely talking about the future of this character (At least until this money train dies) in regards to what the general audience is familiar with. Similar to how MCU Black Panther is the "default" Black Panther to most people who now are aware of this character, even though his movie is a drop in the bucket compared to how many comics he's had.
I'm not talking the next 100 years obviously, but right now in the future of this superhero craze, Spiderverse Miles is the only one that "matters".
Yeah but Pete's friends and family forgave him or were willing to listen to his explanation, he also had the excuse of being a poorfag photographer.
And again, that has jackshit to do with what that user was saying about marvel.
In the comics, she have nothing in common with Peter parker and was legacy hero to another sp//der
(), in your opinions, she isn't Peter parker. Because she doesn't share anything with him beside having a dead parent.
I don't know why you're quoting random posts to try to prove a point.
And? The point is that Marvel has the greater say in what would change within the comics if they were to overwrite everything with film-based characterizations and aesthetics. Most Sony can even hope to do is make some memorable versions of Spidey, and that's probably not going to go much further than Toby/Garfield/Tom since if the current version of Peter bombs enough to require yet another reboot, Sony will probably have the IP taken from them for good.
But they got to have Peter die and still live to train and sort of give Miles a blessing to be the next Spiderman, which changes his arc a big chunk.
>it didn't give him original villains
I would argue this version of Doc Ock was very different from the Doc Ock we know and might as well be original, just with the same name. And she was prominent. Prowler's context also changes a shit ton and is important, only realy similar in name and sort of design. Green Goblin was just a big monster. That's at least two villains who were more than just Spiderman's original villains that we know of. And we still have a second movie to see what else they might do, if anything new at all.
The really close ones like MJ and May, sure. But plenty of his other friends have wound up either walking out because they can't stand his excuses, and we know that some end up leaving because of actions taken as either Peter or Spiderman.
Except, you know, literally having the SURNAME PARKER. She's basically rule63 Peter, just not a blatant gender swap where it's just "this dude, but with tits"
>Billionaire playboy gets a high school student a highly tech suit that can track him and accepts him as his subordinate.
On the general 'Miles had a good run in a movie, therefore he's good forever'
Harley Quinn, Powergirl, Gwenpool, Carnage, Kaine Parker
1 good run does not save a character in perpetuity.
But it wasn't fucking everyone like BTAS Bruce, he couldn't even keep his sons from walking away from him.
I understand the point that you're trying to make but I don't think that it's a fair comparison because it's fucking BTAS Bruce.
In what way she is a genderswap? Do you read the comics or watch the movie?
>Kaine Parker
You take that back.
Scarlet Spider under Yost was amazing
New Warriors... nah (or whatever shitty team they dumped him on)
I dunno about Harley Quinn, her B:TAS role still kind of defines what people think about her even though all the rest of her shit has sucked. And I think people still want more BTAS Quinn.
>But they got to have Peter die and still live to train and sort of give Miles a blessing to be the next Spiderman, which changes his arc a big chunk.
Happened in the comics, movie handled it better
>I would argue this version of Doc Ock was very different from the Doc Ock we know and might as well be original, just with the same name. And she was prominent.
It's a different spin, but it's still the same character premise, and not a fully original character.
>Prowler's context also changes a shit ton and is important, only realy similar in name and sort of design.
Prowler/Aaron is Miles' uncle in the comics as well, in the Ultimate line that is.
>Green Goblin was just a big monster.
Literally Ultimate Green Gobiln.
I said she was more than just a genderswap, learn to fucking read.
This reads like a fucking edit.
Except DCAU Bruce didn't alienate everyone, not successfully at least. He was clearly still good friends with Supes, though he would certainly lie to himself and say that he had nobody in the world to turn to, even in his old age. As for Dick, Tim, and Barbara; those three all had varying feelings towards him. They knew what he was playing out, and it seems that Dick and Barb pretty much just pretended to let him "win", whereas Tim was certainly more sour about it after being taken off the team. Which you think the poor guy would have appreciated after being mind raped as a kid. Hard to say what the rest of the league was like once Bruce gave up the cowl, though that's mostly because we never got to really see the full outcome of things like his romance with Diana or how he cut ties with the league as his age caught up to him.
Weird, he kind of looks like Flynn from Tangled at that angle
Then she isn't Peter parker if she doesn't share any similarities with him.
That's like saying Hawkeye is basically Peter without powers, just not a blatant copy where it's just a "this dude, but without powers"
No it isn't, idiot. She's got the last name, but just isn't a simple genderswap where it's "Peter with tits", it's not like to be a counterpart she has to look like him, but with tits.
>his romance with Diana
In the comics Diana ended up with the Bruce from the Justice Lords.
So do may parker, and she isn't a counterpart to Peter parker.
Heck, peni parker is more of a counterpart to miles and may than to Peter parker.
Oh yea, he was the only one who didn't get drained and exiled. Kind of odd though, but are the comics entirely canon with the DCAU or just extended stuff? Never really bothered with anything after they canned JLU all those years ago.
Now you're just being retarded. She can't be Peter's counterpart despite literally having his last name and basically the same origin sans the powers and using a robot proxy to fight?
She doesn't have same origins as peter
Her powers work differently than Peter.
When did he ever used a robot?
We're talking about the movie, idiot. She has the same fucking last name, the same spider-bite origin, that makes her a fucking counterpart. Stay the fuck wrong.
Miles Morales Ninja Spiderman when lads?
Then miles is counterpart too because he was bitten by a spider as well.
Well, Peter B was a subversion since he failed to really teach Miles anything. You could take him out of the story and it wouldn't change much. I'm not sure he won any major fights.
And yet he doesn't have the same SURNAME, you dense retarded fuckwad.
nigga that's not how it works
Spiderman isn't a parallel of Thor because he picked up the hammer once
Of course not, cause he is future spiderman not a alternative universe spider-man
Yet, he shares more in common with Peter than peni parker.
Except he taught him how to swing competently
>Peter than peni parker.
I mean miles
he's just some guy using Peter's super hero name
Except he doesn't. Miles has a loving family, and a largely privileged life. Peter's only family is ever May and Ben, and we know how that turns out. Peni appears to have nobody aside from the spider that lives inside the robot, and the same fucking last name.
I just wanna say,
>What's wrong? I thought the Joker wanted to make Batman laugh?
What a kino moment. That cemented Terry as my favorite Batman in the DCAU. On top of him not having any of Bruce's weaknesses, ie his crippling autism.
I think he's on to something. I mean if you get down to it, aren't all Spiders aspects of the Cosmic Web? The Inheritors go after everybody's Spider Totem, not just Peter's. So maybe it's that Peter and Miles are both counterparts to Spider-Man.
>I think he's on to something. I mean if you get down to it, aren't all Spiders aspects of the Cosmic Web? The Inheritors go after everybody's Spider Totem, not just Peter's
Don't you bring that fanfiction in here and try to pass it as facts.
Shame on you user.
you are one schway dude
>largely privileged life.
Middle class life, he just went to above average school (only by luck).
>Peni appears to have nobody aside from the spider that lives inside the robot, and the same fucking last name.
She have friends in the comics. She was just anti social.
I mean, don't they? To be fair, both Spider-Verses were pretty forgettable events.
Shame user, shame.
>she has friends in the comics
And? So does Peter. What does that have to do with anything?
>nobody aside from the spider that lives inside the robot
>fuck her uncle
>fuck her aunt who ends up dying inside the venom mech
>fuck daredevil
Again, retard, we are talking about the movie. Goddamn, keep up with the fucking pace. And even then that's still parallels to fucking Peter. Why are you so goddamn autistic about this? All of the characters but Gwen were fucking counterparts to Peter in the movie. Stop being so stupid.
Peni parker is still debatable, since she STILL isn't first one to the pilot robot.
And we don't know what's going on with her universe. You only assume she is lonely.
>since she STILL isn't first one to the pilot robot
In the comics, sure. But the movie she is the first one who uses it, given how she treats it as much of a friend as the spider inside. And so what if we don't know if she's lonely? She's still a fucking counterpart to Peter.
Only in the spider part.
And the same surname. You can stop being wrong now, kiddo.
By that logic, gwen stacy isn't a counterpart to peter. And yet, the machine still choose her.
I'm still a fan of Miles and I agree with this. But didn't Peter pass the mantel in the movie? Or was that a line my mind made up.
Depending on which you mean, one has the benefit of building up on a ton of existing continuity in a straight line, the other benefits from having much less grating high school drama.
>people hate Miles so much they pretend Into the Spider-Verse is bad
it's a great movie but Miles wasn't the reason
Never said all of the Spiders were counterparts. But Peni literally is one by the simple fact that she has the same goddamn last name. To say she isn't when that fact is so obvious is beyond disingenuous.
Except it is in part because of Miles, he wasn't shit in it like nearly all of his animated appearances and comic book incarnations. Second best Miles would be the one from the PS4, and that's being generous since he didn't really get to do much but be another normie to sneak around as other than MJ
Miles was bland in this movie
Except he wasn't.
he was
middle age Peter stole the show, he was fantastic
Eh, he was the appropriate amount of bland for an audience surrogate, not piles upon piles of unintentional blandness. He has some personality traits but none so defining that he would prevent any sort of teenager from identifying. Basically he was 80s Kitty Pride bland, not Warren Worthington bland.
She isn't and there is no proof that she is.
Only way, you could say she is peter parker is only in the name or kingpin machine (which doesn't means much). It is also already been proven she wasn't first one that pilot the thing
No, he wasn't. He had a talent for art, and was humble enough to just want a regular school life instead of the super private one. That's hardly bland in the least. But hey, just be contrarian for no reason.
>It is also already been proven she wasn't first one that pilot the thing
In the comics, but this isn't the fucking comics. And even if she were proven to be the second in the movie universe that doesn't change the fact that she's got the fucking surname and therefore a counterpart to Peter you goddamn moronic dipshit and a half.
those are extremely common and boring character traits
>disagreeing with me means your a contrarian
PS4 Miles was better because they chose to write him into peters life and not over it. Miles was created out of spite of peter, that’s it he’s there to kill him off and take his name. And the little nigga has done nothing to justify that, all of his character interactions in costume are pretty much just peters. He has no villains he has no motivation to be spiderman and he has no connection to the story bendis destroyed to write him into. If you want me to accept Miles either get him out of the 616 or properly write him in. Until then he’s just another cuckolds(bendises) fetish that’s gone to far
You know who else has extremely common (at least among heroes) and arguably boring character traits? Steve Rogers, and people love him.
God... I forget how bad Bendis speech bubble placements are sometimes.
I felt bad, it looked like you wanted a response. How ya doin', user.
Are you confusing 616 and 1610?
Because Miles in 616 has barely affected Peter at all.
still more interesting than Miles
Because you're clearly being contrarian. And those are hardly boring traits.
Because reasons.
That's hardly the case with Spiderverse Miles though, moron. He wasn't there "to steal Peter's legacy", the fucking movie makes it clear that he's not Peter's cheap replacement, he's his own Spider-Man. As for PS4 Miles, while he's not exactly bad, we barely get to know enough about him beyond his dad getting blown up and him receiving powers and later lessons from Peter.
>universe that doesn't change the fact that she's got the fucking surname and therefore a counterpart to Peter you goddamn moronic dipshit and a half.
Which it is already been proven that you don't even need to have similar name to be counterpart to peter.
Now do one for Spiderverse Miles.
>not finding the character I like interesting means you're a contrarian
jesus christ just give a real example on why he isn't just bland
Not him but how about you explain why you think he's bland instead?
Because as is it seems that whatever user says you'll answer "that's bland".
People did though. And you just waved them off as "no but bland though".
>peter dies
>miles becomes spiderman
Literally it’s all spelled out in the movie, the entire thing is a lesson in having your cake and eating it to. How do we kill peter off like a bitch but also completely emasculate him to build miles? Seriously once you get past the references and the constant ADD like bouncing between “characters” that’s all it is
I did, you fucking retard. If anyone needs to give examples, it's you and how he's quote/unquote "bland"
And yet she's literally got it, as do most of the other Spiders who appear in the film. Yes, even Spider-Ham counts even if his name is Porker. Christ alive, you are being one dense shit by pretending this doesn't make someone a counterpart because they aren't physically the same in appearance, but with tits.
he has nothing unique about him
he's just a kid that likes art
and I gave reasons why that doesn't change how bland he is
liking art and being humble is not unique, these are very common character traits
>Literally it’s all spelled out in the movie, the entire thing is a lesson in having your cake and eating it to.
No it isn't, retard. They didn't emasculate that Peter either, the fuck are you even on about? And what fucking ADD? Fucking hell, your post is just one of those word salad rants.
Still doesn't make him "bland", you idiot. But hey, keep saying he's bad because you can't actually come up with a genuine argument for why SV Miles is as bad as his comic book original.
like a bitch? emasculate?
You're gonna have to explain yourself, that sounds like an incel's steaming pile of shit
>personality is extremely common and done to death
>offers nothing new to said concept
he is boring and bland
get over it user
>no counterpoint to this
Milesfag-kun confirmed for movie-watching non-comic-reading casual
He's a kid who enjoys graffiti and tag-based art. He enjoys listening to music and singing along to it. He's much more focused on his creative traits, considering he didn't even pack for school but spent who knows how long on a drawing. He is intelligent but is clearly uncomfortable in a high-class setting, evident by the way he made bad jokes and couldn't fit in. He's very awkward around girls he likes. He's determined and willing to sacrifice himself to help others. Very family-oriented. Doesn't run away from his problems.
Hey, call him bland as much as you want, but these traits describe about 80% of fucking superheroes, so maybe capeshit just isn't for you if you're looking for Sephiroth-tier edgelord shit.
Your post is boring and bland.
>they didn’t emasculate peter
>he lost every fight in the movie
>he was an emotional bitch
>a ducking teenage girl is shown to have more composure than him
The ADD is part of the constant stream of references filling every panel. It’s a movie built entirely off of nostalgia for spiderman while absolutely shitting all over it.
I never got the humble part, when the fuck was he ever humble? He didn’t want to leave his friends at his old school, that’s a fine reason to not want to go somewhere new
Says (You)
I remember that great character moment of Miles listening to that new song from Sony music on his Sony brand headphones. What a great character moment
Is your attention span really so small, you were unable to watch past five minutes of the movie in order to reference something that makes you mad?
>lost every fight in the movie
Where? We only see the one fight with Green Goblin, and he still managed to do some damage to the machine before getting injured and offed by Kingpin, that's far from fucking emasculation you goddamn idiot.
>constant stream of references
So what? They aren't intrusive, and the film was clearly a fucking homage to everything Spider-Man, that's not "ADD" you memeing dipshit.
>Remember how Spiderman has a hoodie and wears sneakers?
Ah yes, the beyond costume is totally the same with its full face mask, collapsible wings, active camouflage, jet boots, built in HUD, strength enhancements, collapsible batarangs, built in non removable utility belt, and finger linked audio recording device. Totally the same as a hoodie and sneakers that were worn for like ten seconds. Thanks for outing yourself as a fucking idiot user.
>He's a kid who enjoys graffiti and tag-based art. He enjoys listening to music and singing along to it.
most people enjoy art and music
>He's much more focused on his creative traits, considering he didn't even pack for school but spent who knows how long on a drawing finally someone actually comes up with something good
I still feel like he's bland but this actually adds more to it
>He is intelligent but is clearly uncomfortable in a high-class setting, evident by the way he made bad jokes and couldn't fit in
common among most main characters in movies
>He's very awkward around girls he likes
truly unique
>He's determined and willing to sacrifice himself to help others
almost all super heroes
>Very family-oriented. Doesn't run away from his problems.
something not as bland seeing as most super heroes usually deal with some kind of problem involving these 2
I still find him bland but at least this user gave better reasons to like the character
Other people did too, but hey, sure. Just ignore them because you couldn't even say why Miles was bland and just go "those examples are boring"
You sound like such a fucking child.
>Responding to hours old discussion nobody cares about anymore
How heavily did you scrub the thread to find something to seethe at?
By that reasoning nobody is unique. Peter is just some kid who likes science.
>inb4 he also has this and that character trait
Miles has a conflicted relation between relating to his father, a good man who's somewhat boringly safe, and his uncle who's dangerously cool and a pretty shitty person.
He's a smart kid who doesn't seem to like school. He has ambitions but is unsure of his ability. He has trouble making new friends and is socially self-conscious. He's eager to learn but not confident enough to apply what he learns properly. He's just a teenage audience surrogate in a movie, he's not any blander than Ferris Burler or Max from a Goofy Movie.
I can understand having issues with the character but the way you're going at it is retarded.
What is it with you literal autists and this imaginary statute of limitations for when someone can reply to a fucking post?
>seething that some rando scrolling throw the thread decided to point out your retardation
Stay mad. There's no time limit for when someone can point out that you're a dumbass.
their example were terrible
Name 5 characters with the same personality, preferably those you feel add something new to it.
>Who gives a shit that was hours ago everyone has moved on and doesn't care anymore
Both Pete’s user, neither one won a single fight in the movie. They were there to do nothing but help miles and Miles was there to do nothing but drag them down, it’s a pretty solid metaphor for America. Maybe this movie really is red pilled, just destroy our institutions because they’re problematic then replace them with the same exact thing, but in the right color this time
it's actually harder to find characters that don't have a love of art and are humble
You don't see me trying to desperately shut down a valid argument with "hurr, that post was old". Not all of us have the luxury of entering a thread as soon as it pops up and shitposting about things we clearly don't understand. Either prove me wrong or come up with an actual argument as to why a color swap is the same as an actual upgrade.
Considering you're literally going "why are you responding to an old post?" yes, you are indeed autistic.
>Either prove me wrong or
Wow my grasp of English is failing tonight. *So prove me wrong and
Technically they both win fights in their "let's do this one last time" introduction montages.
Miles wins all of 1 fight, in a movie where he's the protag. He gets bitchmade by Prowler.
No. Lol.
108465419 (You)
Try harder, kiddo.
You provide no evidences that she is counterpart to Peter parker other than she got similar names to peter.
Most of your arguments is incorrect or just assuming things from her.
>I have no argument so I'll just project my hyterical breakdown onto some random assholes because the post was old
So you're admitting that you're wrong then, got it.
Holy shit, I understand why you responded to an old post everyone stopped discussing hours ago. You want to be "right". You're so desperate to be right, you responded to literally a dead conversation so no one else could be right.
God, that's just sad.
Why aren't you naming 5 that do then?
Again, I'm just some guy that popped up and started scrolling through the thread like ten minutes ago. The concept of an old post means nothing here until the thread archives. As long as it's up I'm free to call anyone here an idiot regardless of when they decided to be an idiot. Me actually being right is just a bonus.
I-it's okay, user! You're totally right, sure are. Okay, now that someone said you're right, you can leave the thread and go to bed now. It's okay, you're right! You can feel good tonight!
Why would I argue with someone who thinks art and humbleness aren't common character tropes
Hey even if it's done sarcastically in what I assume is some desperate attempt to downplay your mistep so long as you're willing to admit your wrong that's what matters here.
He won the fight that mattered the man who killed his uncle and that bitch he met at the beginning of the movie.
Prove me wrong
It's okay, user. I agree! You're completely right.
It's okay to leave the thread now, user. It can't hurt you. You can feel good about being right.
I liked Miles a great deal in ITSV but this is all still largely true. Some things like the setting being in New York aren't a big deal but the part of Miles just getting a lot of hand-me-downs both as a hero and in his personal life is accurate.
>Listing a bunch of non-visible design elements as part of the visual design
You know that discussion is about character design, right? Things you can see on the surface.
Why would I leave when you're still feeding me (you)s?
just wait until the Miles defense force steps in and says you're wrong
Hey, I think ITSV was a big step in the right direction for Miles and is one of those times where I wouldn't mind if the comics changed a bit to synergize with the movies.
Like killing peter off for good? Or making him Batman in a sham marriage?
Give me (you)'s:
I'm this guy here.
I mean for Miles having a hobby for starters.
Except they are visible and on the surface you can see him use most of the gadgets and upgrades. The finger audio and camo are his bread and butter for espionage, the hud has been visibly displayed and fucked with, the wings and boots are shown all the time when he zips around Gotham, the strength enhancements are shown when he's lifting heavy shit or punching someone out, the batarangs are shown plenty of times, and the belt is in clear view. It's a visible upgrade from the old bat suit.
I'm not saying they aren't user, I'm asking you to prove you're not absolutely pathetic at making a point.
I can name a list of "teenage geek who gets bullied" longer than my arm but that doesn't make Peter inherently bland.
Hey we can feed each other (you)s, I'm not a greedy man. Just don't do some weird shit like try to slip a finger in my mouth while you feed me mine.
>Like killing peter off for good?
Grow up user.
>Except they are visible and on the surface
If you WATCH the show, but when talking about character design, it's not about that the character starts talking to an ear piece you can't see. It's about just posting the character and the audience goes, "Oh, I can see this and that".
By looking at pic related or OP's pic or any other pic of Terry in this thread, someone who doesn't know about Batman Beyond would have zero clue he has a built in HUD or strength enhancements. That's not part of the design, that's part of his costume's abilities.
>I'm not saying they aren't user, I'm asking you to prove you're not absolutely pathetic at making a point.
it's a point I shouldn't have to point out, like saying the sky is fucking blue
>I can name a list of "teenage geek who gets bullied" longer than my arm but that doesn't make Peter inherently bland.
true Peter has more to him now
he used to be bland when he was first created but writing has improved and we should expect more personality from our main characters
I’m only calling out the original point of the character. Whole sale replacement, he’s not there to add anything (as evident by the 8 years worth of nothing comics) just to remove peter
>By looking at pic related or OP's pic or any other pic of Terry in this thread,
Nice cover going for the hud and enhancements rather than the blatantly obvious wings shown in
You're only proving my point by getting so mad over a post that wasn't even yours getting a response, retard. Who fucking cares if it was "hours old" or whatever?
It's not incorrect, it's literal fact. She has the same last name, ergo, she is a Peter counterpart. Stay wrong.
The sky isn't blue, it's black but appears blue because of sunlight diffraction.
So yeah it's very much like that, an empty statement that you can't back up.
>writing has improved
No it has not. People have been telling the same stories forever.
Don't have to, you're literally wrong about the Peters and their fights and how they were just tools for Miles.
...What? user listed several things, me talking about how his costume doesn't demonstrate several of those points like the camouflage, audio recording devices, HUD, etc, doesn't mean I was refusing to acknowledge the wings. I was saying half his list is not visible in the character design.
are your literally autistic?
you don't have to back up a statement that is obviously true
but since you're a fucking smart ass lets try this again
Humans need Water and Air to live
RIpete died losing against kingpin never really getting any good blows in against him or prowler and Pete B lost his fights against doc ock pretty savagely so he could be saved by miles. They literally were only there to fluff Miles
>Who fucking cares about....
Why even bother to an hours old post. There was a good chance you weren't going to get a response by the person, what's to gain other than shitposting?
I'm the user that made the list in the first place. A still frame can show a lot of things about the suit if you find the right one. Case in point: Camo.
Except for the fact that miles is a shitty character who still has bad traction. Miles is nothing more than an alternate universe spider-man.
But that's still not showing off the CHARACTER DESIGN because when we talk about the costume design of Terry's outfit, you don't post a screenshot of him half-invisible. That's part of his abilities, but that's not his character design. It's no more his character design than a Pikachu using thunderbolt is part of his design.
Built in suit multi tool
before you start posting all the things you want to post.
>That's part of his abilities, but that's not his character design
It's a part of the SUIT's abilities which is intrinsically tied into the design of the character.
First Peter still defeated Goblin and stalled Kingpin's plans for a few days. And Peter B held his own fine against Doc Ock.
No, they weren't there to fluff up Mile, retard.
Absolutely pathetic.
Maybe ulitmate Peter parker, but not Peter parker.
Bendis or marvel isn't interest in replacing Peter parker. They wanted to sell more spidey products.
It's a board for discussion, you fucking autistic newfag. There is no goddamn time limit to when someone can respond to a post, no matter how much you fucking sperg out like a tard because someone replied to a post that wasn't even yours.
Here's one for the strength enhancements by the way. Unless you expect me to believe he can casually lift steel beams.
But these abilities do not consistently show up, which makes it not part of the character design when we talk about Terry.
That's like posting a picture of Storm and saying the lightning bolts are tied to her character design. Batman holding a Batarang is not part of his character design, because the Batarang is not always visible and not glued to his hand.
what aren't you going to demand a source that humans need air and water?
>Board for discussion
>But I wanted to point at some hours old post and laugh and call the user an idiot
If you want to shitpost, fine, but don't hide behind the bullshit that you were doing it for "discussion". If you can point out someone being idiotic hours later, I'm just as free to point out you're fucking retarded for replying to posts no one gives a shit about anymore.
My point was that comparing the design of the bat suit to that of a hoodie and sneakers is retarded because the suit can be shown as being a clear upgrade. It's not a palate swap, it's a whole different animal to its predecessor.
You're mistaking that user for me chief. As far as I'm aware that user isn't a filthy phoneposter like I am.
RIpeter didn’t defeat the goblin it just died in (or was knocked out by) the explosion. Literally they built kingpin up to be defeated by miles, that’s it the movie showed no love to the peters just tore them down to build miles up
Didn’t bendis want to kill pee in civil war two? I remember hearing it but I never saw any confirmation. Though the only thing left affected by secret war is miles inclusion in 616, shunt the little nigga back to ultimate it’s the only solution to make him palatable
And you could prove that point without using elements that doesn't add anything to your point. Inflating the post by adding four or five elements and say it's part of his character design doesn't help. I'm only pointing out the difference between character design and character's abilities.
I liked both, but I still think batman beyond's take on this dynamic was better
And yet the designs that aren't immediately visible can still be shown by a bit of googling.
That's still part of his abilities. If I undressed this character and pointed at his boxers, I wouldn't say the boxers are part of his character design.
Shit that'd be a cool place to take him. Electric ninja Spider-Man. Let him meet Daredevil and Iron Fist and junk.
>Didn’t bendis want to kill pee in civil war two? I remember hearing it but I never saw any confirmation. Though the only thing left affected by secret war is miles inclusion in 616, shunt the little nigga back to ultimate it’s the only solution to make him palatable
We both know there is no chance in hell that he going to kill off 616 Peter and his three ongoing books.
It's not his abilities though, it's the suits. Miles is also capable of camoflauge but that's an ability he physically displays without the suit be necessary. You strip terry down and you get a buff teenager that can punch good, you strip miles down and you get a person that can stick to walls, blast you with electricity, camoflauge, and yank your head off with a soft tug.
Also he can explosion.
Again, it wasn't your post. So you're freaking out like an autistic spergburger for no reason other than "reeeee, stop replying to a post I don't like!"
Christ, the shortbus can't get back fast enough for your dumb ass.
Thats what I meant by the electricity since iirc the venom blast is electricity based. I could be wrong on that though.
>Literally they built kingpin up to be defeated by miles
So? He had to inherit a big threat to justify him taking over the mantle that was thrust onto him. That's not a sign of disrespect for either of the Peters, dipshit.
>Stupidity is allowed only when I do it
And the post you were responding to wasn't an argument you were involved in, yet you jumped in.
No the disrespect came from the movie demeaning peter throughout so the audience would like miles better. Hence why neither Pete won any fight through tour the movie
>n-no u
Ok kiddo, whatever. Big bad user man responded to a post that was old, so that meant you had to chase him away with your angry posting. Want a cookie for it? Hmmm?
>Gets called out
They didn't demean him at all. And no, Peter B having trouble with most of the fights is hardly demeaning, considering his whole fucking arc was getting over his insecurities, you absolute brainlet.
And Miles whole arc was accepting how awesome he was and how the universe literally split in order to show he’s the chosen one. what a great character dynamic
He won the fight with doc ock while teaching miles how to fight/swing webs.
You didn't call out anything, dipshit. You flew into a rage for no reason, and when people told you to chill out, you just doubled down on raging like a tard. But hey, fine, keep at it. It's hilarious that you think it's doing any good to the discussion to be so uppity over someone responding legitimately to a post that was old.
>chosen one
Except they did no such thing in the narrative. He wasn't any more special than Gwen, Peter B, Peni, or Porker. How about watching the movie and paying attention, eh?
>he wasn’t more special than any of them
>Gwen literally states that her spider sense lead her to him
They're both good though.
All of their spider sense allowed them to sense each other, it's clearly a gimmick that'll be played throughout the series for however many movies they manage to milk.
She sensed him before he got his powers user
So? Doesn't mean he's some kind of one of a kind chosen one, just that he was going to become a Spider person like the others. The whole fucking movie runs off the idea of Spider-Man being a concept rather than just one single person.
One is more live-action
Yes it turns the idea that a schlub from queens who learned what happens when your frivilous with your power and turned it into a universal constant. I can’t wait for annual spiderman movies from Sony
But they're both animated.
Doesn't matter. One felt more like live-action, so I voted for it.
That's hardly Sony's fault, the whole Spider-god thing or whatever was one of those shitheads in Marvel.
That makes no sense at all.
Fairly certain that the concept of spider gods predates marvel.
>it isn’t Sony’s fault they didn’t want to write a movie where peter and Miles actually worked together
Come on son. Though Anansi is a solid name Miles should use it, or shadow spider or literally any other name so he can establish his own legacy and not just poorly ape off of others
>Fairly certain that the concept of spider gods predates marvel.
He's clearly talking about the retarded Spider Totems in the comics.
I meant using a Spider-God to justify the existence of Spider-Mans across universes, Anansi didn't create any avatars with spider powers in any mythology or fiction prior to Marvel. Doesn't help that DC basically did the same with Batman becoming his own God/Ancestor or whatever. As for Miles' moniker, it could work, but it's hardly a problem with him just being Spider-Man, especially since he is picking up for the original that perished.
Then what’s the point of writing peter and Miles together if miles causes peters death? Why bother making that happen when miles clearly can’t stand on his own as a character?
He's still his own character, he's just accepted the job that Peter left behind due to his untimely death. It's hardly a bad thing for a character to inherit the title and role of another.
That’s just what I want, spiderman to grow to forget peter. Kill him off so we can see all the unforgettable character interactions Miles has with all of those villains he’s spent years fighting and establishing rapports with. I’m just gushing with all of those great individual moments in remembering after almost a decade of stories with real feelin characters.
Fuck he’s going to replace my favorite character forever isn’t he?
>Fuck he’s going to replace my favorite character forever isn’t he?
Fuck no.
One isn't a nigger
No? It's not like Miles is in every single continuity, dude. And even the few that he does share with Peter he's not taking the role away at all. PS4 and the current cartoon Miles certainly aren't replacing their respective Peters.
He is in every continuity though, I can’t think of a single marvel thing with spiderman in the last that doesn’t include him. The fucker is an anchor dragging him down until Miles can over take him in popularity to kill him off for good.
He's not in the Spider-Man Noir universe, or in the universe of Spectacular, Raimi trilogy, or Amazing. So no, he's not in every continuity, or an anchor.
*last five years, I guess I forgot the five
But he’s been in every cartoon since the buyout
Big whoop, two shows. Doesn't necessarily mean he'll always be in every cartoon.
Come on user, Miles won a fucking Oscar. There is no separating the characters now, every god damned cartoon is going to be high school Pete meeting high school Miles. It’s a weight dragging him down
You don't know that for sure. And even then, so what if his origin is always meeting Peter and possibly becoming the new Spider-Man? Every iteration of Peter is him losing Uncle Ben, and I doubt we're ever going to see them pull a reversal and have it be May that dies and Ben gets to live, or have both live and Peter never having his tragedy. Same goes with Batman, Bruce is always going to lose his parents.
But it isn’t a tragedy for miles, it’s just something that happens on its own then miles is suddenly spiderman no emotional attachment or full justification. Just a story only created to end another prematurely
But it is a tragedy for Miles in some cases. Spider-Verse made it one given how torn up Miles is over the death of his Peter since he feels some responsibility for what happened. He was plenty attached to that Peter even if they only knew each for like 10 minutes. And how was Peter ended prematurely? He had been Spider-man for over a decade in his world, maybe not quite as long as Peter B, but it was still far from short-lived.
He didn’t have a kid, he’s just killed and forgotten in the span of 72 hours. Ten years of fighting for a city that forgets him the moment someone else shows up
They didn't fucking forget him. Did you even watch the goddamn movie? There's literally a party in his honor in the building above Kingpin's reality warping machine.
Yes an his wife showed up for the party, to run elbows with her husbands killer. Literally while his body is still warm in the ground, what devotion
It's not like MJ knew who killed Peter, at least not then, probably after Kingpin's arrest. Even then, she was showing support for the people who appreciated what Peter had done, which is something she knew he would want. Goddamn, it's not like she was sleeping with him you fucking mongrel.
It didn't happen in the actual series so it's non-canon in my eyes.
Of aunt may knew who he was why wouldn’t his wife?
Jesus fucking Christ man, she went to a party in her late husband's honor, which was full of people that wanted to celebrate the memory of Peter and all he had done.
I guarantee you that almost all the people at the party had no idea that Kingpin was the one that murdered Peter, they probably knew that he was a bad guy but it could've been seen as a PR move.
How was it an ass pull? They had laid hints like Terry and his brother having darker hair than either of their parents, and not like Cadmus hadn't done cloning shenanigans like fifteen times before that episode.
>Miles literally takes over Peter's hero and private life, even his girlfriend is a hand-me-down from Peter
Yeah that was the shittiest thing Bendis did and it was really forced and rushed in how it happens in the comics. Even after the transition to mainline it didn't really stop being the case for him.
She might have had her suspicions, but again, she was there for the people of the city, not Kingpin. Goddamn, why do you fucking idiots make such ridiculous reaches to discredit the film. This is just inane.
It’s because as decent as this movie was it’s not going to be enough to justify the fucking endless stream of shit to come. One movie shitting all over peters name was enough now we’re getting a whole line of them
>One movie shitting all over peters name was enough now we’re getting a whole line of them
I don't know how you got that impression from the movie.
I don’t know how you don’t.
>Miles' Peter was seen as a hero loved by all of NY
>Peter B Parker kept being a hero even after his life falls apart
>Miles respects Peter B even though he's a washout
>Peter B works over his fear of having a kid after spending a couple of days teaching Miles how to Spider-Man
>Miles wasn't shoehorned into being Spider-Man like in the comics
>The Spider-cave was filled with suits from the comics as references
Yeah, I don't know how I missed this whole Peter bashing from the movie.
>the spider cave was full of references
Yes it had 3 armors and a stealth suit that Pete should not have been taken down by such a small threat
>peter b Parker kept being a hero after his life fell apart
Because he tarnished his own name attempting to franchise it what a Nobel hero
>miles wasn’t shoehorned into being spiderman
No he was explicitly created to replace him, not add to him or bounce off him. To kill him and while sake replace him
>RIPeter was loved by NYC
And promptly forgotten in days
Yes user I should trust Sony, they’ve given me such cause to believe in their abilities to make quality movies for artistic purposes and obviously not just desperately farming for franchise opportunities. They have such reverence for the spiderman franchise, they’re not just either waiting for a hit or attempting to drive it into the ground to hurt a major competitor, no sirree
Good job for making me reply.
And sequels user, plural. We’re getting a spider Gwen movie where we finally get to see her peter go all columbine on us and we’re getting a direct sequel rumored to not have Pete in it. I’m betting a version of him will be the villain
And don’t forget some memorable characters getting there own live action film, Keaven vs tombstone, black cat, silver sable and morbious all characters who will only be improved by removing there connection to Peter
Oh yes, because it's totally Sony's own original thinking to make movies where some characters aren't tied to Peter and not the fact that the IPs for many characters are so wrapped up in legal bullshit because of Disney snatching up nearly everything Marvel-related. Nope. Totally not because of that. No, it's somehow Sony being totes original thinkers or whatever.
>bad in some cases
Ghost buster
amazing spiderman
Angry birds
Charlie’s angles
Fucking Holmes and Watson
Wow with hits, both critically and commercially, like these it’s astonishing they’re even using such a lil ol property like spiderman
>They did bad, so they can't ever be praised for the few good things they've done
The absolute state of (You)
They literally had the opportunity to snatch up daredevil years ago, they could’ve gone to fox for X-men or FF crossovers hell they could’ve tried to use any of the other properties marvel made into hits on there own. But they held there ground to shit all over spiderman for a decade after they lost the only good director they’ve ever had for him
>Terry isn't a diversity legacy character
>Miles is Bendis' fictional black son
>Terry's closest analog is Spider-man 2099
>Miles' closest analog is fucking Batwing
Yea right, they're all fucking idiots and probably would have just made a collective mess.
So all in all Miles USA terrible character who is only around because of editorial quotas, he’s never had a good book or character arc and his best qualities are those stolen from peter. He’s the death keel of an industry that will be gone in 10 years
>or character arc
He did in Spiderverse and the PS4 game.
Yes not in the comics, the little fuck is going to drag everything down until he’s the only spiderman in a dead franchise. Thank you bendis and thank you comic “fans” who only seem to enjoy these arguments. The little fuck has taken away the most interesting aspect of peter and he’s killed him.
Christ, you must be a fucking hit at parties.
Depends on the party