Chad Gumball
Chad Gumball
They tried to have a plot and the later seasons did not feature diverse jokes at all, one of the most annoying problems was their reliance on two, the faces (which also got less varied in the form of T mouths) and explanation humor, the kind where a character does something, someone asks what they're doing, and they explain it. Gumball did Fortnite dancing in its final, plot related, cliffhanger finale. It does pop culture.
Also they made Nicole the spokesperson for shit like on the left about halfway in and it was insufferable. This image really only works for the first 2 or 3 seasons and not the series as a whole.
Personally I can't really see the differences between those two.
Do you realize Gumball is one of the most "blue-pilled" SJW cartoons, right?
Fuck off reddit shit meme
And parody/satire are shit, you don’t create anything new, just shit on the established
Didn’t really like how as the show progresses it just resorted to wacky faces/pop culture and the whole cynical take on everything
It was like watching internet shitposting in animated form
The best form of parody is always one where the people actually love the thing they're parodying. You can tell they actually give a shit about the jokes they're writing.
Did you forgot the episode called "The Blame"?
Watch "The Blame"
That was season 4. Everything went to shit in season 5.
You can always smell the underage in Gumball threads.
I Ment "The Best"
The pro-SJW episode? Yeah, I remember it.
>still missing the point of that episode
The moral was if you complain about SJWs and PC culture, you are the bad guy. Carmen was the SJW.
There's a scene in "The Possesion" where Doughnut Sherrif tells Mr. Small that he (cop) didn't crash down a tree with his car few seconds after it happened. When the Mr Small doesn't comply, the cop takes out the taser and comments how he tried to give him an out.
The Episode basically Mocked SJWs
>moving goalposts
I feel like people saying Gumball is "chad" are literal kids.
Sometimes I wonder if the later seasons where an apology for this joke.
That was in the later seasons and that was actually proving a point and wasnt mocking them.
A joke where the SJW girl wins and Gumball who was just defeding himself lose? Wow
The joke is that most SJW just want to win arguments and don't really care about the things they talk about.
That wasn't the "joke".
Carmen told Gumball that "using those powers just to win a petty argument only ends up hurting people who really need help".
>Carmen was the SJW
Excuse Me, Gumball is a Radical SJW because Gumball gets Triggered
oh god imagine the smell.
That wording gave me cancer.
>british accent
In what world? Some phrases they use sound kind of British, but they all have American accents.
Gumball has become that cartoon I only ever hear people talk about because they just had an episode or joke that flew right over their target demographic's heads
Because they are. They don't see how Gumball is a selfish jackass who's in the wrong most of the time.
I like the show and actually see Gumball as a dumb kid who has poor decision making.
>Going full sjw strawman to mock Carmen
>Is what sjw believe they are
Gumball is supposed to be the guy that makes the helicopter joke. Congrats, you missed the point.
Do you dumb niggers have to bring politics into everything?
Gumball said "SJW". SJWs don't call themselves like that because it was a term invented by people who are against PC culture. The point of that scene was "anti-sjws" (represented by Gumball) are angry assholes who misunderstand and misuse their ideas to attack people who only want to help (Sjws represented by Carmen). In brief, Gumball was /pol/ and Carmen was tumblr. Even the writers confirmed this
they made fun of trump on no less than 3 occasions. Very funny cartoon. Very original.
Tumblr is Very Offended
>no Chad bulge
A Chad (Fake)
>SJWs don't call themselves like that because it was a term invented by people who are against PC culture.
They do user, the irony was lost in them from day one.