Watches Teen Titans in English

>Watches Teen Titans in English
>Hears Raven's voice
>Raises an eyebrow
I mean everyone sounds lighter, but Raven sounds like she's half asleep or drugged. What the fuck, this is what you call "voice acting"?

I can't believe I prefer the dubs version from most of my childhood shows, simply because the voices automatically sound thicker. The eastern european Raven also tried to do a careless half-asleep voice, but she didn't sound so fucking annoying, she actually sounded brooding and serious.

Let's compare dubs.

Attached: DglcyRiVQAA3QfJ.jpg (1020x1200, 186K)

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the worst is beast boy, his mexican street trash talk is insufferable.

Are you from Russia?

Did you take a look at Tara Strong? Her Raven sounds tired because she's tired.

>watches Teen titans go in English
>one of the worst cartoons
>watches Teen titans go dubbed
>it's great
English is such a bad language

English automatically makes everyone sound lighter. Have you heard the Mexican or Spanish dub for El Tigre? he sounds like Kick Buttowski.

I love children characters which sound like adults rather than adults doing a forced child voice.
Children voices can be good, but only when they're actual good actors and have good sounding voices.

Sad thing is he's suppose to be a red headed South African.

>English automatically makes everyone sound lighter.
>What is Dragon Ball

Classic taconigger dubfag delusion

>English automatically makes everyone sound lighter.
That isn't true at all

Well i mean she sound like a sterotypical emo goth.Thats Raven character

>mexican street trash talk

My dub doesn't make her sound like an even weaker version of Wednesday Adams. She sounds intellectual and angry.

The cartoon wasn't made for you, ass cunt.
Cartoons are mostly in English cause American and Chinese consumers are the only ones who matter.

Try buying Transformers with Pesos sometime and maybe you'll get a legitimate say about how characters are portrayed.

Or you could be cantonese or whatever. I don't care. English or go Shonen Jump off a bridge.

You sound like an hipster turd

Nobody fucking cares
You Germans do this all the time. Nobody gives a fuck about the German dub, it's totally irrelevant.
Do it again Bomber Harris

>She sounds intellectual and angry.

>character constantly suppressing her emotions
>sounds subdued
Well I never

Caм ты pyccкий , пиндoc мaлocoльный

Shocked, I say, shocked am I!