Make the longest comic possible by adding the next panel, using a panel from another webcomic

Make the longest comic possible by adding the next panel, using a panel from another webcomic.

1. You can add panels from the same series
2. You cannot use the panel that follows directly after in the real webcomic
3. Add one panel and then wait your fucking turn. Don't add 5 panels at once.
4. Try to make it vaguely coherent.

Attached: InfiniteComic2.png (1168x1130, 170K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Challenge accepted

Attached: unicorn.png (1168x1130, 245K)

Attached: 1561971108223.png (880x704, 370K)

Attached: 2346422.png (881x953, 454K)

Attached: Untitled.png (881x953, 609K)

Attached: taw3e231.png (881x953, 669K)

Attached: looks good.png (1301x953, 868K)

Attached: 4chan co.png (1528x1016, 1.58M)

Attached: 156199533304.png (1301x953, 1.13M)

well that wasn't intentional, lemmie fix.

Attached: shit.png (1528x1600, 2.02M)

Shouldn't the panel from be under the panel from instead?
Or to the right of something?

I don't know what going on in this thread. I'm just shitposting.

i was going to do under, but it covered the batmans text. if it was right the top bubble would be cut off unless i take up a lot of room.

You can't make it so there's a gap?

i worked photoshop magic.

Attached: PHHOTYOSHOP.png (1528x1600, 1.89M)

Attached: Next panel pls.jpg (1528x1600, 643K)

Expecting a good addition? Too Bad, WALUIGI TIME!

Attached: 1561997839879.png (1528x1600, 2.75M)

I'm gonna get you, Kirby.

Attached: panel too long sorry.png (1528x1585, 2.84M)

Attached: j0mnmndf.png (1528x1585, 2.8M)

Third time's the charm

Attached: Fuck all of you.png (1528x1809, 2.84M)

Solo sé que Hilda está preparada.

Attached: mandy.png (1528x2041, 3.06M)

Attached: image.png (1528x2041, 3.6M)

>Fuckin Dtiberius
Christ what next, Raylude? Prophet?

Tristan, you must chill!

for me, it's the_fear

>thread has gone this long with out any K.C. Green comics
Shame on everyone in this thread. Including myself.

Attached: 1562007953467.png (1528x2449, 3.71M)

>K.C. Green
who or what?

Attached: 1562008742065.png (1528x2449, 3.58M)

Please tell me you are not serious.

Attached: 1562011329113.jpg (1528x2449, 1022K)

What webcomic is that from?


Link please?


what a shit thread

>poster count didn't go up

Attached: 4517447800_e456c545cb.jpg (249x238, 22K)

well to be fair, user is better off not reading archie anyway, it's a waste of time.

Attached: 1562016649303.png (184x60, 6K)

Just a link to wherever that panel is from.
Learn how to use google user.

That is not a webcomic.

I didn't make the addition user, besides how the fuck do you not know Archie on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1562018228205.png (470x276, 7K)

I didn't know if there was a webcomic or not, or whether it was a real thing, or something from a webcomic, or what.

this is more amusing that the comic itself...

Same, I can only imagine enjoying it ironically, especially those weird ass crossovers it had with the Punisher and Sharknado. Yes, those are real. Google 'em if you don't believe me.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-07-01 at 6.09.47 PM.png (338x136, 15K)

And Predator.

what is?