>"Remember that time Armrest traumatized Steven by turning into his dead mom to taunt his emotionally broken father and then made up for it by cleaning their garage?"
But seriously though, what was Rebecca thinking when she wrote this?
"Remember that time Armrest traumatized Steven by turning into his dead mom to taunt his emotionally broken father and...
Other urls found in this thread:
The gems knew her first so they have first dibs on what to do with her dead body.
The writing for Steven Universe isn't what I would particularly call 'good'.
Hey, Rebecca isn't the sole person to blame
All of the gems are assholes except Peridot and Garnet.
storyboarders try to tackle ambition writing without knowing how to write
The quote is from that Jello video
I always thought this scene implied they fucked while Amy was in Rose shape and Greg cant stomach to look Amy ever since.
>But seriously though, what was Rebecca thinking when she wrote this?
People with problems can do amazingly dark setups, but the endings will always seem out of place because they're basically just guessing what a happy ending would be like.
They didn't actually want to give Greg any meaningful episodes or characterisation beyond just being a cool guy. He'll run and hide as his kid gets stomped by a space monster because that's what humans would do. Connie gets a sword though so that's fun.
>But seriously though, what was Rebecca thinking when she wrote this?
When Amethyst is angsty and emotional she lashes out on the others, like when she lashed out at Pearl in On The Run, or Steven in Steven vs Amethyst.
didn't you know? women can be instantly forgiven for anything if they cry, even if they're nazi dictators who tried to destroy earth.
>tfw Lily Orchard was right all along
Just trying to make everything seem more serious and important but it doesn't work.
Is it really that fucking serious
Do they really need to waste another 5 minutes of this show's short airtime shitting on Amethyst for being impulsive and inconsiderate, when she knew immediately after Steven yelled why she was wrong
Fucking really
It was pretty good imo. To me it was implying she did that before and it just fucked him up with guilt. Amy clearly had a crush on him at some point like any kid sister does to a mothers/sisters bf. Also who knows what kind of kinky shit her and Vadalia pulled on him.
>deliberately mentally tormenting a widowed man by transforming into his dead wife and insulting him just because he doesn't want to hang out isn't serious
Could you please sit down?
HEY! You don't talk to my wife like that!
It's literally not. Steven came in and broke the shit up and she felt like an asshole.
You wanted them to fucking hang her? Is that what it would take for you to consider it 'good' writing you drama queen?
she didn't even get a slap on the wrist, kicking her back to the kindergarten she came from or sending her to a mental asylum for a few weeks might have done her some good
amy knows what a phone number on a piece of paper means. she also clearly says she's "seen Greg's junk already" which is an obvious double-meaning for penis.
even if nothing physically happened an attempt was probably made by Greg as a favor from her and it didn't work out
Better question, what was she thinking when she decided to make an arc about Pearl fusion raping Garnet?
totally. amy prolly got mad bout it cuz shes the worst gem but she touched the junk of the leaders boytoy and it didnt mean nuffin an gregs been like OK BYE ever since
It took them over a season to be together properly in the same scene again. They clearly worked over it in the interim period. What Amethyst did was fucked up and no one's denying that but people crying for vengeance are just weird.
You know, for kids!
>what was Rebecca thinking
"Heh. H-hot..."
>not recognizing the OG crystal gems, Garnet, Armrest, and Squidward
Well she is as horny as the rest of us so that's partly true.
I like armrest because she is purple.
Yeah, I think there was *implication* that Amethyst and Greg fucked, probably when Greg and her were in a bout of depression after Rose's passing.
Just kind of like the allegory of shattering= killing, fusion = gem sex and such.
Steven Universe has alot of weird sexual moments, like the Stevonnie intro episode with Kevin hitting on her, Steven's passing masturbation remarks, Pearl getting tons of girl's numbers and Rose being a total slut with humans.
Fusion is a relationship metaphor and differs from character to character. Would be a bit weird if Steven reaching into the CG's gems to wake them up and fuse with them was about sex.
She made up for it to Steven by cleaning her garage because he’s a retarded kid, but Greg never forgives her. They never interact with each other ever again.
Which one?
Well, it depends. Garnet pressuring Peridot was like Peridot was gonna pop her cherry. The sexualized dances of both Sardonyx and Sugilite, Ruby and Sapphire's first time, Rose and Pearl's first time..
Pearl getting salty about Rose and Greg 'potentially fusing'.
Sometimes its pretty platonic, but it has some undertones of sexuality mixed in.
too much anime.
*until season 2 where Amethyst has started to actually grow the fuck up
Cleaning the garage is just a metaphor for removing mental baggage anyway.
I agree, it can be very sensual at times. That's why it pushes the consent thing so much, but even in platonic relationships trust is extremely important.
She was thinking it's okay to play with mens' emotions because they don't really have any.
That Amethyst is more messed-up than she lets on. She misses Rose.
I really would have liked to have seen more interaction between Rose and Amethyst.
We never did see Rose shapeshift.
>Giant pink lion playing with purple kitty
I don't think Amethyst has ever had sex.
But she probably did come closest with him,
Amy always thought Greg was cool. And then he took Rose away.
>Taking your mother figure away whom has been in your life ever since you were born and now you will never hear her voice or have her hold you in her arms again is nothing serious
It's amazing how little attention this gets. How messed-up the gems have to be. All things considered, Pearl's reaction is perfectly natural.
Steven as the best thing to ever happen to them.
Wait isn't Steven her dead body
Does that mean they can rape Steven guilt free.
nah, garnets an asshole to, peridot is the only good one
>I don't think Amethyst has ever had sex.
With Greg? Maybe not. In general? I'm willing to bet she sucked a hundred dicks over the years.
I bet she bit at least one off too
>Amethyst are hanging out in a club
>Some douchebag keeps hitting on them despite them being clearly not interested
>Eventually, Amethyst complies, goes with him to the bathroom to such his dick
>cut to vidalia and amethyst running away, chased by security
>"What can I say, I love eating garbage"
>Star closes around Amethyst's face
>Credits roll
It's almost like
Hear me out here guys
It's almost as if
Now I know it might sound crazy but
I think that maaaaybe
Just maaaaybe
It's just a possibility
Merely a shot in the dark
But I think
That Steven Universe
May just be
A poorly written sh
*were assholes
He has an episode in the third season where he stops being a manchild and starts working at the carwash. Pretty fun one too with a good song and decent Rose angst youtube.com
that episode was a flashback though.
Well yeah, Greg's like 40. He's gone through most of his character development for the most part.
and the gems are thousands of years old.
Gems don't grow as individuals (for the most part) without outside assistance like Steven. It's why Pearl was pining for Rose for so long.
when we talk about "character development" people dont usually mean single flashbacks to something that happened decades ago. greg has had no actual development in the series proper.
It's not really 'written' at all.
I would take that bet. She's not good with intimacy.
Or, the human kind; apparently Quartzes are intimate the way big dogs are. Rough-and-tumble.
Thank you. If I ever feel bad I can reflect on the fact I am at least not you.
and humans can go through changes in personality and belief even when their middle aged.
What would Greg have to adjust to? He's lived in the proximity of the gems for years. He's a guy who has his shit together.
14 years is not very long to pine for someone who has been the most important thing in your life for 6000.
>Or, the human kind; apparently Quartzes are intimate the way big dogs are. Rough-and-tumble.
exactly, just slather your dick in some peanut butter and you're set
he barely knows shit about gems, just cause he lives near them doesnt make him all knowing. someone can have their shit together and still go through changes in personality user.
It is when every day is like a dagger in your non-existent heart and you gotta raise the son that survived the birth.
Provide examples then. You keep asking the question, so give us the answers.
>"You keep asking the question, so give us the answers."
the fuck are you talking about? i never asked any questions, did you respond to the right user?
That's what is usually called good writing. You know, making characters multidimensional with deep issues and complicated personalities.
better make it a few decades
Don't do it user, you know saying SU has good writing is forbidden around here.
It absolutely does, what cripples that is the 11 minute pacing that the network forced on them
the problem is the shows pacing is god awful, so instead of being " multidimensional with deep issues and complicated personalities." everyone just feels bipolar and constantly swinging moods.
>steven universe has good writing
oh, I didn't realize that idiot plots, unresolved non-endings, and backwards fucked up morals counted as good writing these days.
Not a single objective flaw. Impressive.
I take local opinions with a grain of salt. Mostly buzzwords and muh SJW agenda.
>"the crystal gems are tolerant of people with different beliefs."
Since we're on the subject, what's the word on Amethyst's latest form? I like it a lot. Bringing back the black shirt from her 2nd form helps a lot and she's actually showing off her full gem now which is a nice character development touch.
Since pearl kept the secret of rose being pink diamond for all those years. Does that make just as much of a piece of shit as steven's mom?
its ok, i liked her first form the most. using costume changes to signify character development is one of the most retarded concepts ever
No since she basically had a password protection forced on her.
Why? How a character dresses says a lot about them without saying anything at all. It's a basic writing trope.
all that skin, I want to feel her thighs.
because its one of the lamest and heavy handed ways to show character change
>"look! you can tell this person underwent radical change because they where a different colored short now!"
it being a basic writing trope doesnt mean its good, its a lazy way to show development and easy to fuck up.
None of these changes are addressed in show though, it's all subtext. How is that heavy handed at all?
are you being a retard on purpose?
Are you being neurotic on purpose? Why is this an issue to you.
i already said here
all the redesigns were shit
Stop writing episodes like this to make it seem especially dark and deep. SU fags always do this.
And you crit fags are always showing how fucking scared of thinking you are.
Kill yourself already, you add nothing to these threads and your neurotic brainletness is the cancer of Yea Forums.
holy shit dude, why are you so obssesed with defending this show,its embarrassing to watch, you just ignore posts that point out flaws in the writing. just stop.
Hard light construct, user. Probably feels like touching plastic
why would hardlight feel like plastic?
Rose managed to make a good imitation of flesh for Greg.
Or did she?
One of my favorite episodes, honestly.
holy shit dude, why are you so obssesed with
this show,its embarrassing to watch, you just ignore posts that
the writing. just stop.
why are you so assblasted user
why are you so assblasted user
Episodes where Steven watches other people interact without having to save face in front of a kid were really interesting. I wish we got more of them before the writers decided to make Steven "mature" into an undeserved leadership role.
You guys don't have to keep replying. You're all anonymous. There is no shame in not having the last word in an online internet fight.
here anons, some relaxing music to cool all y'all down
>hes wearing a diamond arm band
was WWII a homeworld plot?
an idiot plot is a plotline that only works if everyone involved has brain damage, because if anyone had any semblance of sense, the entire plotline would be avoided.
a non-ending is a cop-out where the writer doesn't know how to end a plotline and chooses to avoid dealing with any lingering questions or bringing anything to a real conclusion.
there are numerous episodes of the show that feature mixed messages or outright disgusting/dangerous messages about relationships and friendships that show the writers either don't understand the subject matter they're writing about or are very delusional about it.
these are all examples of objectively weak writing that could only be called "good" if they were being used either to establish a particular theme (which s
SU doesn't) or to lambast other media that feature these elements.
>Peridot is not an asshole
Now, I like Peridot, but I'm not going to pretend she hasn't been an ungrateful asshole for 90% of her screen time.
its no use user, the user your replying to is willfully blind to anything negative about the show, just look at the rest of the thread.
but shes less of an asshole than the rest of the gems,shes only kind of a jerk compared to normal well adjusted humans. shes super nice compared to the CG's
These new looks are over shadowed by the fact that they could chnage their looks at anytime they wan into anything they want.
and armrest does it all the time
Garnet constantly destroys and steals private property and gives zero fucks about it or the livelihood of others .This is my main problem with her .And it makes it funny when you realize she is "black coded" .
Except when she goes on her "Andy Republican" and "Everything is Fascism despite me not knowing what the word means" tirades
The difference being that Greg is an adult .The Gems are not .
yes they are, their born as adults.
dont forget the 40 minute long star wars analogy that goes on so long you forget what the point was even supposed to be
The Diamonds orchestrated the Holocaust and the Holodomor to make sure Humans slaughtered each other instead of them .
Pick one
Didn't greg fuck Amythyst when she was shapeshifting as Rose? Sugar draws underage Ed, Edd and Eddy porn, she is degenerate.
that sounds pretty accurate to real life.
That fascism is inherently flawed?
That you can write fascism competently?
That people tend to stick to their beliefs?
was that the point of it? that entire segment really should have been shortened. it really says something when you reply to that 2 hours after the post was made, that star wars tangent was way too drawn out.
sug and zuke were freks