What was the Yea Forumsnsensus on Jessica Jones overall? I know I'm a bit late. I liked it better than Luke Cage and Iron Fuck S2, and I guess Punisher S2 since I couldn't even finish that, but it still paled in comparison to S1. Hellcat was about what I was expecting, considering the Netflixverse budget and tone of the show.
Jessica Jones S3
Congratulations. You’re the one person that actually watched it.
Jessica Jones was always shit and I'm glad it's finally dead.
This. After that godawful second season, I knew not to bother with this one. Seriously they dropped the ball with all the last seasons save for Daredevil and parts of Iron Fist.
have sex
Do people only hate Punisher S2 because the villain is alt-right? Fucking /pol/crybabies.
Netflix is a propaganda op, I'd recommend weaning yourself off of it.
This. Any good conservative alternatives?
For comics and books there's Arkhaven comics and Castalia House.
For TV and movies you're shit out of luck besides a a few that get through with unusual messaging.
I liked it. It was nice that Hogarth and Trash got what they deserved. Malcolm's character arc was good.
No, it's because nobody cares about Russo and his shrink or about Madani
Jessica Jones is the story of the worlds biggest dumbass with superpowers fumbling against villains that even normal people with guns and a bit of smarts could easily defeat, and through her complete and total failures to think about anything for two seconds people close to her end up getting killed while she ineffectually tries to put the bad guy away before they're killed at the end of the season, the exact same thing three seasons in a row.
Oh but its okay because at the end of every season she looks like she's going to quit and move on but then she has an epiphany, turns to the camera, and smiles. This never once changes despite how many dead people and ruined lives she leaves in her wake.
I truly believe this could have been a brilliant character study of someone who has the desire to do good but is utterly incapable of doing it thanks to their own lack of ability and talent, but instead they had to keep this stupid story going by having her turn around and do it all over again. Last season sucked, they forgot they had a villain for half that whole season and I didn't even notice.
have sex
Better than season two, but still eh. I hated what they did to Trish in these past two seasons.
oof, not sure if serious
Half-serious. That's about as good as you're going to get.
how sad
That villain was the weirdest choice ever. I seriously do not know what was the line of thinking here, outside of 'we know we're cancelled, fuck it. I'm not putting in effort here." I'll give season 1/2 credit, the villain was at least tied into JJ personally and there were some emotional stakes there, but this was just a guy who hated her for a badly tacked on reason that didn't seem to really matter. They tried to make him like hannibal lector but they didn't actually put any effort into making him smart? Or really do much of anything besides monologue. Did they really put in a scene of her taunting him just because? It makes no sense with his character, what little he had, because he knew she was stronger and 'cheated' for it? What was this supposed to show us, that he's right? That she's showing him that if you get a boost through science magic, you're stronger than normal? Was she implying he should take steroids? I mean its not like she's not well known, so if she's humiliating him the kids can look up she has superpowers and probably wouldn't think less of the guy. I have no idea what this villain was supposed to be outside of a coffeebreak and a hashed out script to end it before the mouse consumes them like Unicron.
Also for the other part I think Jessica is supposed to be damaged with a heart of gold but she just comes off... kinda dumb. Like she's a legitimate stupid person, and maybe that's intentional? She didn't study a lot, maybe the writers just accepted that hey, she's not a smart person and ran with it. I dunno.
The Terror season 1 is about as conservative as you get while still being a good story.
It would've been forgivable if the villains were intelligent and careful, but Kilgrave is so idiotic he pretty much gifts opportunities to catch him on multiple occasions (best villain ever my ass) and escapes only because other characters are fucking idiots as well.
When your villain relies on your hero being so dumb she punches the people who have captured you in order to keep being a villain, you're probably not a very smart person.
...I legit remember nothing about season 2, not a single goddamn thing besides the villain was Jessica's mom, did she do anything really egregious? This is bugging me because I usually remember something but now its just blank.
From your description it sounds like that Captain Marvel thing where she steals the guy's motorcycle.
Well its not that, the guy is a serial killer instead of a white-male-who-exists, but it makes no sense in the context of the story because currently this guy is accusing her of assaulting him, and he's in the middle of a place with a bunch of kids she has no business being outside of his presence. He could just have her thrown in jail for stalking him and then kill someone if he really wanted to stick it to her, but for some reason he invites her to wrestle knowing full well she has magic-boosted muscles that make his psychical strength irrelevant, and his whole thing is that he knows that and hates them because... I don't think he ever gave a reason, just because.
shout out to luke cage 2 for having the best danny rand out of any of the shows or seasons
>class dismissed
>kids cheer
>bitch didn't even do any wrestling moves, just super strength
I can't believe that scene was real.
Dude, right? He showed up, gave support and broke some jaws. That's how you do it. Luke Cage S2 was really fucking well done. 10/10 Daredevil-quality season.
It just all felt very tension-less. How can you take a villain seriously as a threat if you almost effortlessly take him out by episode 5 and keep doing that over and over?
I mean it sounds like it's just a out of place scene where a woman humiliates a man because they wanted to have a woman humiliating a man because social justice.
Funny how both shows Rosenberg worked on end up with "highly intelligent psychopaths" as final antagonists and both of those villains are just godawful.
The fuck? No, the villain was possibly the only good thing about the season but he wasn't even the focus, just that ridiculous, completely hackneyed bullshit with Jigsaw and the shrink. It had no reason to take so much screentime but it did.
>Jessica Jones is the story of the worlds biggest dumbass with superpowers fumbling against villains that even normal people with guns and a bit of smarts could easily defeat,
That's why I dropped S1. When she couldn't get three dudes off of her who were using stun batons despite her [admittedly poorly defined] meta powers I just couldn't get behind how ineffectual she was being written. And I didn't want to get through her abrasive emotional/mental trauma without having to watch her take L's unnecessarily.
Best Jessica Jones scene was her ending in The Defenders with her conversation with Luke. Her team-up dynamic with Matt also wasn't bad. I legitimately would like the two of them specifically to do more in the future on screen because the characters played off of one another well. More cerebral than Danny and Luke while being a less-powerful Heroes for Hire with a focus on the back-room detective work is the kind of crap I go for.
The only reason I've got to disagree with that is because Luke Cage was forgotten about for a worryingly large chunk of the show and was completely inconsequential in the majority of the Black Mariah and Bushmaster war. Luke Cage didn't feel like he belonged in the majority of his own show and as a result his character growth felt very forced, and his acceptance of Bushmaster just felt downright terrible considering all the stuff he saw the guy do. I mean he fucking cut off an innocent guys head and stuck it in a tank and by the end of the series he's just chatting away with him like they respect each other, holy shit was that character development badly handled. Couple that with everyone just trying to shoot him again despite knowing it won't work, and they even retconned out that the Judas could kill him and it just felt hollow.
Which is a shame because the rest of it was fantastic. Bushmaster was an interesting opponent, the hand to hand fight scenes were pretty well done, Luke Cage being just fed up with all this fighting was well established and believable. There was a lot of good, I'd even put it over daredevil season 2 for sure, but it really wasn't Daredevil season 1 or 3 level. Just having Luke not be able to swim probably would have made it a ton better.
She is huge now that she's preggers.
Didn't know it even came out
Hogarth didn't get what she deserved, not even close. She fails to obtain her overall goal of getting Kith, but in the last scene we see her she hasn't lost anything that she had at the start. Yes, her firm took a hit but it's still standing and still hers, and she has ALS which sucks for her but that was established at the start of the last season and even at the end it barely affected her physically, and ever since the diagnosis she has only used it to be an even worse person than she already was in season 1.
If she had gotten what she deserved she would have had a serious injury after one of her fits, leaving her effectively bedridden for what is left of her life, giving Zaya the opportunity to steal the firm, THEN Kith would show up to break things off.
Pretty much the end of netflix marvel
The guy felt like a Dexter villain and not even a good one like Trinity Killer. I just couldn't escape the feeling that he's yet another "dark Dexter reflection". Wouldn't be surprised if it's Rosenberg's unused and redone concept for that show.
Punisher S2 is shit because Jigsaw is still a major part, the show spend half its time on women who are without exception psychos bitches acting without a care in the world, and Frank doesn't even kill the mass murderer at the end.