Val Zod deserves another chance. Pacifist superheroes are fascinating enough, but with him being Kryptonian as well? There’s a lot of potential with him.
Val Zod deserves another chance. Pacifist superheroes are fascinating enough, but with him being Kryptonian as well...
> Pacifist superheroes are fascinating
You mean lame.
>Val Zod deserves another chance.
Why? He got to have sex with Power Girl. That's an achievement no one else has ever got to enjoy (except Mr. Terrific, I think).
Why are there niggers on krypton
Him and Jimmy symbolize everything that went wrong with E2 so no thanks, I'll pass
He’s from the southside
I mean, we had Don Hall, who was fucking pointless so there's that.
>Val Zod
guess someone in the zod family got BLACKED
So enlighten me, what has he done that makes him a hero? As a kryptonian all I can think of is just being a bullet shield.
>I'm sorry, I don't believe in violence, I'm sending you my thoughts and prayers, though.
Better question is, why aren't they all black... or any dark color really. Their skin absorbs sunlight... that's literally their thing. Green would make sense. Black would make sense. Dark blue would make sense, LITERAL Black (as opposed to the race) would make sense. White is literally the only color that necessarily does NOT absorb our sun's radiation.
Considering Red Sun radiation is harmful to Kryptonians and Krypton orbited a Red Sun, not having a particularly light-absorbing skintone is probably for the better.
Except for the fact that the entire premise of their power based on absorbing solar radiation. Honestly green would make the most sense, because photosynthesis, but still.
Kryptonians didn't have powers in Krypton, my guy.
there are no pacifist heroes
Yes, but what is it that gives them their superpowers? Literally absorbing yellow sunlight. Hell, since red sunlight de-powers them, it makes sense that they absorb that to, and it just has a negative effect.
>Pacifist superheroes are fascinating enough
No they're fucking not because most of their stories boil down to them letting situations get out of control because muh pacifism and then breaking their vow. Rinse and repeat.
>Species evolves in a planet where absorbing sunlight harms them
>Develops less-absorbing skin tone
It's really not that complicated.
Explain humans
Humans don't get fucked up by our Sun's radiation nearly as much as Kryptonians did by theirs.
Him being a pacifist literally turned earth into a hell planet.
The degree to which the power difference is from simply not having yellow sunlight to empower them, or red sunlight de-powering them is wildly inconsistent, but that's capeshit.
I liked his design, that’s about it
He was built upon the desecrated remains of the original Superman, hamfistedly retconned to be a vital part of a major character's past, and essentially "rewarded" with Power Girl like she's a prize to be given and he was meant to have her, which is a disservice to Kara, a much better character. He's a Marvel-tier example of doing a legacy character the wrong way. If he were to ever come back he would need a complete rework, on a level even greater than Silk needed to cleanse her of the Slott taint.
What? It was the N52 pretty much EVERYTHING was retconned, so why a t like this is such a hamfisted idea when next to things like Earth2 GL and Solomon Grundy being elementals like Swamp Thing is for the main Earth.
Why do you think it exploded?
>help black superman, that guy is about to detonate a super cosmic darkmatter nuke and blow up the entire universe
>a universe isn't worth saving if it's saved through murder
Because it shat all over the original writer's plans for the comic.
It's a great design. He just needs something on his legs to indicate boots.