Explain this to me.
Explain this to me
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Indians are bitches.
>this cartoon character is more important the culture he influenced
>why do you assume i'm racist?
You know what I'm going to ask what's with the random as hell combination of characters to the left. What's the link?
What’s wrong with Stewie and the Belchers?
Characters doing accents of characters not of their nationality, or characters voicing characters who don't match their race/gender. Which was the primary reason why that Hari guy didn't like Apu: a white guy doing an Indian accent.
Other than Bob's Burgers none of those other shows are on air today and if they are they don't have the huge viewership as Simpsons
Samurai Jack has a last season recently. Family Guy is still on air. Bumblebee Man is still in Simpsons. Rocko's Modern Life is getting a TV movie. Spongebob is still airing.
I'm assuming Stewie's in there because of the British accent and the Belcher's are Italian descendants.
>Mexicans are cool
>All the rest are irrelevant
>Not sure about the Girls from Bob's Burgers
It's because of white liberals with a guilty conscience that write shocked and outraged letters and twitter feeds, and it will never stop.
Indian's MO is to come into your country and work their way into your government and positions of status by means of trickery and nepotism like cheating to get credentials and hiring your family.
Part of getting into the Elite is to signal Elite Values. In Anglosphere countries this basically means being an SJW. That is why Indians and Chinese are increasingly being SJWs in our countries even though India does things like maintain a caste system.
They cried about Apu because they wanted to be cast as Apu's voice actor.
Wasn't the one complaining about Apu Indian-American though?
How do they feel about Baljeet from Phineas and Ferb? He's a stereotypical Indian who's voiced by someone of Indian descent
There's not much reason to cry about that because there's no money or status in it: that show finished years ago.
So there will be outrage when the Disney+ movie comes out?
>literally every single character in the Simpsons is some form of stereotype poking fun at a specific group of people
>it's not okay when it's Apu because Indian feelings are more important than anyone else's
>explain dumb old texas
Maybe? The thing about Apu is that guy clearly thought he could either get clout by publicly making it a big deal in itself OR he could get them to say:
>okay will we not be racist if we cast YOU to play him?
They were crying about how it wasn't an Indian playing him.
>hand over the money
See the thing is, these people are just brown Americans.
What happened to Speedy is so sad. Mexicans loved him but white people softbanned him because it was cultural appropriation.
>in our countries
Nice try.
I'm not sure what you think you're unmasking my dude. I was basically hinting that this is the problem.
Anglosphere countries are dominated by people that want Anglos humiliated and dead.
>America dictates on what another country should like
This is neo-colonialism
Ironic or intentional method of erasing minority characters? The plot thickens.
Ever heard of the golliwog? There was a study a while back where they attempted to shame white people by showing that white children picked white baby dolls over black ones to play with.
But there was a time when white children were given golliwogg dolls and loved them.
I believe the TL;DR of the dutch dolls and golliwogg story is they meet this scary looking black doll but he's actually nice so it's about not judging people on how they look.
And THAT is what has been banned since, like, the 70s.
Once again, oppression and social justice is all about how white people feel.
>Doll looks creepy as shit
Glad they banned them
Give it time, OP. A TV channel will eventually give another random comedian nobody has heard of, they'll complain about any or many of these are problematic, and they too will be gone. Oh yes, they will erase them from shows that already ended too.
a failed poo in loo comedian through a hissy fit
Ever read league of extraordinary gentlemen?
Black Dossier has this character in it.
What the heck is the big guy from Fosters’ meant to be a nation parody of?
It's okay to be white.
I'm a sopa de macaco and never watched Xiaolin Showdown in english, does Raimundo had brazilian accent?
lol all these ugly faces. american cartoons are truly worthless
Excuse me, but none of these are okay, you are a racist.
Mexican-dubbed speedy also didn't have a stereotypical accent
Even Samurai Jack, who's voiced by a black man?
I don't watch Bob's Burgers but I always assumed the characters in the show are all American. Are they not?
Stewie talks like a stereotypical fag and has a fake british accent. The Belcher chicks shown are females that are voiced by men doing a silly impression of what women sound like, the same way that most of the characters on the left are played by white people doing silly impressions of accents they don’t have in real life.
Outrage culture.
People find a thing to be outraged about and it becomes a bandwagon that more and more people start joining. It's just random what people choose to be outraged at.
My gramma got me a mammy golli when I was little as a souvenir from her trip to aruba. I miss it. I wish it were one of the toys to survive to my current small collection I’ve got in storage, but I have a feeling my mom might’ve thrown it out when I wasn’t looking because she was embarrassed I owned it.
His name is Eduardo and he has a hispanic accent.
it's slightly noticeable. kimiko has perfect english.
>Interviews Indian-Americans to ask how they feel about Apu
>"I was BULLIED" is evidence of Apu being a bad character
>Never interviews Indian people, which is who Apu actually is
>Never interviews white people who have watched The Simpsons to ask how they feel about Indians, to see if they truly are brainwashed racists
In fact, he fucking has to tell white people Apu is voiced by a white man and not only are white people surprised, they shrug it off. They don't give a shit.
I stopped caring about Simpsons past the 10th season like a normal person.
I kinda wish the rumors of them removing Apu was real though. The absolute chaos and fighting that would create would've been funny.