Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous

Previous thread
Recently a new Jurassic World t.v show as been anounced for a 2020 release on Netflix. With a 40 second trailer. With a simple plot as kids trying to escape Isla Nublar. The Animation looks like those Dinosaurs documentaries on the Discovery Channel I get mixed singles since the trailer and the target audience seem to contradict each other. Maybe it'll be kinda spooky? In a Goosebumps or Are you Afraid of the Dark kind of way? I dunno but I'm curious since I and my younger realities like The Jurassic World/Park movies and animation. (I am a amateur animator myself.) But besides the plot, target audience, and this Trailer what do Anons think about this new Jurassic World Netflix show coming out later in 2019 or 2020.

/VG/ thread.

Attached: Jurassic World.jpg (1000x550, 375K)

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Eh, its usually good form to wait a while between threads like this, particularly with so little actual info on the show out
Last one only died what, a few hours ago?

OP from the /vg/ thread wants the Jurassic talk from here and /toy/ to move there so they can keep making more threads.

>netflix shill

Not really about the show at all and more an excuse to talk about Jurassic Park somewhere other than Yea Forums.

>Yea Forums
There's no threads on /tv so it's here or /vg/

kill yourself

>2/3 of the three boards for possible JP talk are in use.
>Both have little activity.
>Both bound to die in a 1 to at most a few hours.
Poor OP's.

I-It's just a slow night.
It'll p-pick up in the morning...

Why are you log op.

It's a mix of the word logo and the name OP, since I used to be the one starting the JP gens on /toy/ with a custom thumbnail.
pic related

Attached: 2019.jpg (4069x4069, 2.83M)

Big girl (for you) will be best character, calling it

What’s the in Lore reason people still go to that shitty murder park?

They fell for the "better security" meme.

They got it up and actually functionally running. It doesn't matter if the first park failed and even if a Rex got loose in a major city
You get a theme park with dinos up and running and people WILL come and see that shit. And they had it working smoothly long enough their scientists were worried about needing to make freakshow specimens to keep people and companies interested
Mazrani's park only failed because Wu and Hoskins' little corporate deep state built a literal weaponized abomination and nobody used common sense when dealing with it

Jurassic World lasted from 2005-2015.

The first park never opened, so the hype for real dinosaurs was real. Like you know how fucking hyped children were during the 90’s when they started talking about cloning mammoths?

Seriously do me a favor. Imagine our world without Jurassic Park, the film. Imagine if 20 years ago someone had actually attempted to make a dinosaur zoo and it failed because the head of the IT department sabotaged it during a hurricane. You are going to sit their and tell me if someone rebuilt the park you wouldn’t be saving every fucking penny to go? I would literally spend 1k dollars right now if I could stare at a real T-Rex for five minutes.

I seen so much raptor porn in the last few years, all following Jurassic World.

I wanna be an asshole and say. "Humaniztion doesn't count." but there's alot of actual scaley and straight up raptor porn.

Ajin's piece is the best btw.

Nigga I don't seek that shit out I just run into like a car accident or a tragic accident I don't wanna fuck my childhood nightmares.

They lowered the prices

thou are a weak nigga
I'd post more but the jannies apparently don't appreciate raptor pussy

>weak nigga.
Excuse me for valuing my childhood and having self control.

Self control should be used wisely, and sparingly.