muh politics in comics !!!!
Muh politics in comics !!!!
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This one always gets me.
Just another page proving why Ennis sucks.
>These two faggots got cucked by their girlfriends so they turned gay
>As soon as that mentioned they immediately feel the need to act all gay and flirted with eachother
>That faggot in the front seat acting all smug for some reason
>This somehow amused not Batmyn
Wait, so is it genetic or not?
If it is, the exact opposite would happen as designer babies become commonplace it weeds out anything not generally desirable. "Do you want your kid to be gay", is going to be an actual question. And unless you are yourself gay you are likely to answer "no". And since Gays are already a minority of a minority of the population their numbers will only shrink, not increase.
>his somehow amused not Batmyn
He's gay.
Didn't you read what they said?
Why are comics allowed to be cringe?
I think the 'gay gene' thing is debunked and that it's a preference thing. It's just that people thing 'preference' means it's something anybody can easily change.
Because you're cringy
>muh free healthcare!!
fuck off
What a bizarre page
The moment a woman flashed a vagina in front of Midnighter he'd open a door and get the fuck out of there
So it is a choice.
it's not even that. everything feels good, for everyone. your skin doesn't know the genetic makeup of other skin touching it. it doesn't care about sex, age, species, living or dead or inanimate.
The only real modern plague is the misonception that what you feel means anything, that it matters, that it somehow defines you, and that you can bully other people into different behavior based on how you feel.
There's a natural set of god-given behaviors, and then there's doing whatever random shit occurs to you. Anything you can say about sex you can just as easily say about food, prove me wrong. Nobody makes a dietary disorder part of their identity, but you do have objectively wrong people like vegetarians.
Why would a man who legitimately has a gender-based sexual preference find that so amusing?
why not
>Americans still defending their broken healthcare system when other countries without free healthcare are still much cheaper
There’s a reason why you sad fucks rank so low despite pumping in so much money into your corrupt system
>what you feel means anything, that it matters, that it somehow defines you
If a group of people that have certain feelings are treated significantly negatively different due to those feelings, then it makes sense to internalize that struggle as a part of who you are.
Ennis isn't that bad.
Yeah, there is a saying that we're all essentially bi/pan and any 'identity' is just lines in the sand. I think it's important to note that preference should be respected though.
Well it's not like they're forcing him to fuck a woman. I'm sure people there are free to pick what they like.
>t.Middle Class American “””Commie”””
I love in a Socialist Shithole. All that happens is a bunch of hard working people paying taxes so that the rest of the trash can live off by mooching. Fuck “””free””” healthcare.
I bet that your healthcare is still better than america’s as long as your country is considered developed. I’m not even american, btw, I moved out
And yes, Americans still pay for other’s healthcare, except their money goes down a black hole of nothing
No it’s not you fucking nigger. We pay so that mooching trash can keep on coasting off our taxes. America’s healthcare is bad because of niggers.
>I think the 'gay gene' thing is debunked and that it's a preference thing.
I hear they have found a bunch of genetic stuff linked to being gay but it's not quite "This means you're gay" it's like "If this is active it means you love the cock."
So it can be active in a woman and that woman will be prettier than average and she will also likely be sluttier than average.
If it's active in a man he will also be prettier than average and he will be attracted to dicks.
A lack of the "dick-lover gene" can leave women uglier than average and lesbian or not as desiring of men as normal.
>We pay so that mooching trash can keep on coasting off our taxes
Americans do that too, they get even less out of it though
>American healthcare is bad because of niggers
Didn’t know “niggers” are the ones jacking up essential medicine prices becuase of fucked up laws and wasting money by throwing it at the wrong place
I know racists have lower IQ but damn your ignorance still impresses me
>This thread.
I'd be careful about speaking of ignorance. *One* of the reasons the US healthcare system is fucked is you have this rule that basically anyone can walk into an ER and the hospital has to treat them.
Blacks, beaners and low IQ whites have "low time preference" and were unlikely to have medical insurance so what they'd do is just walk into the ER and be seen there and then they'd never pay their bill.
So what the hospital does is makes up the difference by charging people with money a fuckload for services that literally anyone could do.
I mean they have "high time preference." Low time preference is the good one.
>I live in a Socialist Shithole
Everyone, look! A venezuelan with internet!
Nigga your entire post is a symptom, not a cause. Why treating people is so expensive and why Hospitals have to pass the cost around in the first place has nothing to do with whether they strut into ER or not, because hell, other developed countries without socialised healthcare and the same laws do much better
Not even touching other stuff like the opoid crisis, which pretty much the peak of everything that is wrong with American healthcare
>there are people actually offended by this
>there are people that can't accept there are characters that might have different views than the reader
Well I'd keep talking to you about it but it will likely get me banned (again.) Jannies were merciful and gave me a temp one.
Not sure why this whole thread is still up, seems like a sting operation.
Just an example, 70% of Singapore’s ER cases are non-emergency, and their healthcare quality ranking is 30 places above US’. I have no idea why anyone would defend America’s healthcare system
What? Any link to a paper or science news website? A trustworthy one.
Defending it was not my position.
You say that, then you get angry that The Angry Birds Movie and Doom Eternal dare to not follow the cultural zeitgeist. (Angry Bird apparently referencing immigration and Doom Eternal making the joke about Earth being a Melting pot of culture when inciting Demons)
Face the facts. You and your enemies aren't that different. You BOTH don't like it when the other side's views gets acknowledge in media. You just want YOUR side to be the ONLY voice and no one else.
Can I please get a quick rundown about the Doom Eternal thing?
wasn't that Dixon?
I don't get it, what's political about crowd funding your superhero activities?
No, that page was Ennis. Dixon wrote the Midnighter/Grifter comic, though
Tl;dr Doom Eternal made jokes abut corporate political correctness like the UAC saying "don't call them demons, call them "mortally challenged" and stuff like "Earth is a melting pot of culture". SJWs thought they were anti immigration so started getting their panties in a twist.
Is this actually real? I mean the official comic? And then people say there is no agenda? I'm not anti-gay, but WTF? Stop doing this. You are a genetic minority, this will never be normal. There are even much more guys attracted to underage girls than to guys. So the future will be more like: Much more males than females, all with fembot, 30-40% of which will look underage.
It sounds like the SJWs have the right of it. They know they are in a precarious position so they have to curb-stomp people making fun of them in any way.
>I'm sure people there are free to pick what they like.
>"There's no gender-based sexual preference at all?"
And your point is?
Do you not understand what a preference is?
For much as I'm informed, it's better for wealthier people than the one in European countries. Don't look to much on the average. Mixed societies with huge wealth gaps don't work like more or less ethnic national states.
Yeah but why would it matter to him. He's obviously not anti-bi and it would be weird to be told you have to partner with somebody you're not interested in.
>my sexual identity no longer exists in the future
>but lol at least that'll make the bible belt mad
>Wait, so is it genetic or not?
>So it is a choice.
Literally who cares? Is a preference for olives and mushrooms on pizza due to genetic predisposition, environmental development factors, or active choice to start liking mushrooms and olives. The answer is who gives a shit... yeah it's gross as fuck, but that's just more evidence you should probably stop paying so much attention to it.
Sure, he'd be considered 'old fashioned' by their standards but unlike the bible belt, he's chill with everybody just being pan.
Exclusionary gay people are pretty shitty.
>I like it when comics think like me!
>this is what faggots actually believe will happen
>There are even much more guys attracted to underage girls than to guys.
Well, that's because it's natural and AoC if artificial. Throughout most of human history men married girls as soon as they got their periods.
Hoby Brown has always been tied to politics.
Nobody likes SJW politics.
It's not fucking complicated.
Reading this comic is like reading "politic for retarded children" i wonder why so many of you retard go apeshit over it
Like, they literally have several arcs concerning politic and the outcome / solution is straight up fairy tale kind of retarded. Hell, they even have a fucking villain whose plan revolves around "AHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHU U DA HERO HAVE TO DO DIS THING 4 ME OR I LL TELL EVERY1 UR FRIND IS GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY AHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE"
Are you faggots brain damaged?
The problem is mostly that nobody thinks like you, you dumb tranny.
Politics in comics used to be about dabbing on our enemies, but now it's about open borders and chopping your dick off.
>Yeah, there is a saying that we're all essentially bi/pan and any 'identity' is just lines in the sand.
Literally just the ravings of gaycels that literally can't stop desperately wanting the straight man's cock.
My dick knows what it wants, and it is not your hairy asshole.
Wasn't that issue released AFTER election day?
"Politics for retarded children" just about covers it.
>there is a saying that we're all essentially bi/pan and any 'identity' is just lines in the sand
And remarkably recent lines, at that. The concept of sexual identity, like much of modern identity politics, is dysfunctional for its adherents, so it is unlikely to persist over the long term. That said, most people are attracted to people of the opposite sex, and those are the ones that typically have children. That's kind of important.
What the other person said except with the very large caveat that it was maybe a literal dozen people on twitter expressing mild skepticism about the jokes, each of whom had a half dozen likes (with some exceptions).
The amount of content made by people like Sargon and the like actually ended up being more prominent than the fake controversy itself.
This would be less lame if it was about the 26th century and not the 96th
In a way, it didn't really blew up BECAUSE of that. If there was NO pushback, it would have been Cyberpunk 2077 all over again.
Huh? How is pic related to the OP
But that's wrong. Almost every single game site was doing the typical SJW eyeroll and "Seriously it's current year grandpa" shtick in the same way they tried it with Cyberpunk 2077 TWICE now.
Stop trying to pretend the low test faggot brigade known as games journalism isn't a hotbed for political injection.
I don't get your point. You're saying the left didn't blow up because some of them commented, but if none of them commented, it would have blown up (like Cyberpunk)?
That makes no sense, if that's what you mean
IIRC They had this conversation because the woman was hitting on him and he shot her down saying he was gay. The woman was confused as to what he meant and then he tells her he only fors guys. She then tells him in her time there's no gay or straight and essentially people just fuck whoever they want and being bi is apparently the norm.
It's pretty ridiculous, since not everyone will be attracted to both genders.
You wanna give us a link to the sites doing that?
I only found one site even slightly doing that. The rest were going "libtards owned in Doom"
So there was still one website that did it, dozens of people on twitter at jokes nobody should be outraged at.
Maybe you should probably just fuck off tranny.
Apparently wanting a good healthcare system is political. Burger are delusional.
I mean, yes, there was one website that did it. There was also many more websites that said it was a great joke against anti-immigration.
Which, I do have to wonder... isn't that injecting politics into the game? Or is it only bad when it's politics you don't agree with?
Why is this acceptable but the questioning the joke not?
>since not everyone will be attracted to both genders.
Sex isn't always about attraction. Male prisoners for example fuck other men when they're in jail despite not being gay because it's about other things besides sexual attraction and pleasure. It's not completely out of this world to suggest that in the future men would be willing to fuck other men in order to get off if they can't hook up with a woman. Since the evolution would be the thinking that if you just want to fuck, it doesn't matter if you fucking a man or a woman's asshole. A hole is a hole as long as the other person gives consent.
>those sources
Well Americans do insist having basic healthcare isn't a right, it's "luxury"
Because it's a good joke, and if you need to "Question" it then you're probably a horrible person.
>A great joke against anti-immigration.
You mean a joke against Immigration.
No, I mean if nobody was making fun of them for it en masse.
Cyberpunk 2077 had nobody mocking the transexuals for attacking for perceived slights but that blew up.
Yeah, sure. Just yikes when somebody actually provides evidence for their points when you're unable to back up your own claims.
The fact is, the sources are obscure because the controversy was only covered by obscure fringe people on both sides (though more so the right as the amount of articles prove)
Yeah, I do. Sorry. Point remains.
>politics in /comics/
>Yea Forums - Comics & Cartoons
I think you should stop trying to obscure the issue was it's the twittersphere vs slightly more traditional media here.
A bunch of global marxists get angry on twitter is about the same as a bunch of people making replies about it.
Fact remains there are far more global marxists whining in the game industry than the reverse.
Again. If it was like Cyberpunk 2077 where nobody mocked them for it but instead tried to explain nicely that the game isn't an Alt Right fantasy brouhaha, but all that did was made them angrier and double down on it.
The Doom thing didn't catch on due to the widespread mockery.
Comics have ALWAYS been political. Get the fuck over it.
Politics used to be less shit.
Sure, as long as you don't get mad over "alt right" messages in comics then.
No? Then shut up.
It’s not though. The twitter comments didn’t catch on and only have a half dozen likes. The pages themselves have far more than that. And if you look at the page you see they actual had to go searching for the tweets to find them because they wouldn’t have gotten coverage otherwise. They manufactured a straw man that looks bigger than it is for the sake of clicks and views to show the way the stereotype of an SJW hates anything that doesn’t agree with them (even though some of the tweets still expressed excitement for the game itself).
And the funny part is it worked. People like you look at it and get convinced it’s an agenda, even though they weren’t the ones that had to go dig to find obscure tweets to try make a statement.
There is a difference between political themes and ideas and outright political properganda.
X-men being an alagory for minorities of every stripe is political theming.
Putting Hilary Clinton in your comic book is Properganda.
So? It sounds like you're mad that they used the same tactics your side does.
You wanted a media war? Well you've gor obe. I hope you're happy.
>"alt right" messages in comics
if only
It'd be nice if more comics (and media in general) would embrace the idea that character should guide the politics, not politics guide the character.
We think it's an agenda because the same sphere of crying marxist retards go after every single video game not pushing their agenda.
Like a previous user said, Doom Eternal was jumped on hard and completely and utterly mocked for getting angry at a joke.
Yet the same people are again trying to jump on Cyberpunk, to the point of insulting and misquoting the fucking creator of the TTRPG.
There is 100% an Agenda behind video games, because all of gaming media is ran by Californian hacks desperate to bring about their socialist welfare state because they utterly lack skills outside of blogging.
No, you just used to be a child who didn't understand politics so it didn't yet trigger you.
There's a reason why I put "Alt Right" in quotations.
>Putting Hilary Clinton in your comic book is Properganda.
So DC's Legends was propaganda because Ronald Reagan was in it?
Coming fron the guy getting triggered over Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk
No, if "politics in comics" were the same as they used to be, Captain America would be genociding muslims.
Or at least, throwing pigs at terrorists.
No. I’m just saying the controversy is manufactured. Get annoyed when the other side does it to. Don’t have a particular dog in the fight, though you got me in that I am slightly left leaning. Literally only started this to point out the fact that it really should be considered a controversy though. Just like I think Cyberpunk shouldn’t be and “my side” took that one and overblew it a bit.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t buy into the Marxist conspiracy agenda like mentions, but I do understand the intolerance that crops up on the left can lead to people buying into it. I get why. I just think sometimes the same intolerance is also apparent on the right, and when it crops up there it can ultimately be slightly more dangerous.
Course, feel free to dismiss me as a SJW Libtard if that makes you feel better. By this point I feel like our ‘sides’ in this conversation have a pretty strong line in the sand
>If a group of people that have certain feelings are treated significantly negatively different due to those feelings
>oh no ,I'm being called the gay, time to shove dildo up my ass and parade it on the streets so that everyone can see how much faggotry and retarded it is
>why do they persecute me?
No. Everyone's just more politically sensitive now days. The constant threads on this board proves it.
Well given by what's happening in Portland atm with journalists, I think that ship has sailed.
Your utterly retarded "healthcare" system doesn't contribute much to the field and industry of medicine at all.
spoken like a true leech.
why should I bust my ass 24/7 at my job so that an illegal who doesn´t want to work can get healthcare for his 12 kids?
>Didn’t know “niggers” are the ones jacking up essential medicine prices becuase of fucked up laws and wasting money by throwing it at the wrong place
Man, you libtard retard really are blind when it comes to reality.
I don't, personally get mad about alt-right comics. I don't give a shit what puerile nonsense you fucks want to print. I'll certainly critique them but I'm happy for them to exist. I'm not so insecure in my beliefs that colourful pictures being enjoyed by other people would cause me to question them.
Well , tell your buddies that when they're not trying to deplatform everyone who even remotely tries to do so.
>Sure, he'd be considered 'old fashioned' by their standards but unlike the bible belt, he's chill with everybody just being pan.
You retards can't have one day without bitching about viewing trannies as some sort destroyer of any gender identities.
>Captain America would be genociding muslims.
Under what logic? We are not at war against an entire religion. If we were, we couldn't possibly be allies with several Muslim majority countries.
>Comics have ALWAYS been political. Get the fuck over it.
All those golden and silver age comics where heroes fight aliens and robot aliens sure taught me a lot about the politics of that time.
> to fuck other men in order to get off if they can't hook up with a woman.
Only if their culture doesn't allow fapping.
> Since the evolution would be the thinking that if you just want to fuck
Something pretty, which men aren't. No, none of us are, even not boys.
>A hole is a hole as long as the other person gives consent.
Yeah, or not. Like probably in prison.
You forgot something which I already mentioned: There will be fembots in near future.
Not like that. Also: And:
It literally is you dumb Eurotranny
>Under what logic? We are not at war against an entire religion.
Could have fooled me.
Holy projection batman
The only reason Prowler got into the game because he was fired by a racist asshole and was tired of being on the bottom of the rung his whole life
Oh. Hadn’t heard that. According to my quick five minute googs, that sucks. An obvious statement, but personally a fan of protesting without violence.
Love that the discourse of debate has fringe groups doing that and getting focus so a qualifier like that is needed though :/
It's oky to cheer you know. CNN, MSNBC and the Democrat politicians have.
Nah. Believe it or not I’m not a fan. Reading what I have about Ngo I don’t like him, and I haven’t cared much for Quillette. I would like him to go away probably, though I’m also not informed enough to say for sure.
But regardless, I think he should be able to be critiqued without violence or threats of it. Same as I think people like Sarkeesian or Clementine Ford should be able to be criticised without violence or death/rape threats.
"Crybully" is a term you should familiarize yourself with.
I dismiss you as a libtard because you're defending an obvious agenda that is pushed forward by the big tech companies in California to spread the california ideology of corporate marxism.
It's most likely not a specific gene, but rather balance of hormones during pregnancy affecting the development of the fetus.
So you're literally approving of Antifa, you just find the actions a little to strong for your whitewashed middle class preferences.
Someday I hope you're beaten to death by a group of fringe radicals, you brought it upon yourself.
Imbalance of hormones.
Current likely theory is a lack of testosterone in the womb.
>Man, you libtard retard really are blind when it comes to reality.
Enlighten me then, especially when compared to other countries where ER or welfare rates are far higher
>I think this guy should go away
>But you should be able to critizise people
The cognative dissonance of your text makes me laugh heartily.
it'd be nice at least if the stances on violence and threats would be consistent across the board. I don't think you can expect it to ever go away, but it'd be a good start if it'd not be excused or endorsed when it's convenient. This climate of political discourse is such a fucking shitheap.
Britbong here.
The NHS is collapsing because Immigrants use ER like a GP and the sheer numbers of genetic dead ends from the muslim world have crippled it.
Yet people like you won't let us make non citizens pay for their healthcare.
This is what happens when you start allowing Communists and Socialists to have a foothold on discourse.
They are as violent and evil as Nazis.
And here I thought it was because the past ten years of austerity measures and unwillingness to fund the NHS properly.
Who the fuck do you think pays for this shit, you retard?
NHS works fantastic when you have a competent population who pays a shit ton in taxes.
It collapses when you don't.
I wish I was so optimistic as to believe that it was just socialists and communists, and not just anyone who would benefit from or has a vested interest in changing the status quo.
The ones who usually think they're changing the world for the better tend to be useful idiots for the ones trying to accrue more power.
The austerity doesn't help no. But coupled with the dramatic influx of immigrants we have had who have become a massive weight around the NHS's neck, it's effectively fucked from both sides.
The NHS works when it's used properly, to provide the basics of medical aid to the citizens. Not as a free health clinic to everyone able to cross the channel.
Ah yes, I too remember when the Panama Papers revealed those immigrants and their offshore tax havens.
Anyway this thread is a disaster Op and barely Yea Forums related. Can we go bacl to talking about comics and cartoons?
Not approving of them or endorsing their violence. I think there are far better ways to discourse. When I say I’d like him to go away I mean in the way of fading into obscurity, because people no longer give his, what seems to be at a cursory glance, “trolling” (for want of a better word) no real credence. Again. Don’t think he should be beat up for “trolling”. Just don’t care for it myself and think discussion would get along better without it. But hey, he probably isn’t as bad as I’m being lead to believe anyway, which makes me think violence is still definitely wrong.
Fuck off with that shit.
Sure. Watcha reading? Giving Hawkeye another go h
there is no gay gene.
but there are theory that gayness occurs if certain hormones are out of balance during fetal development.
they did a test on labrats.
In rats (and im guessing humans have a form of this) they have cells in the brain that determine sexuality. the bigger the cells the more they are attracted to females.
they found that if less testosterone was introduced to a rat fetus during development their sexuality cells in the brain were smaller and they had an attraction to males.
with the lab rats they found that the size of these sexuality sizes were irreversible once the rat was born. so being gay is irreversible... in rats at least.
if a women has many sons the youngest is the most likely to be gay because the fathers testosterone (produced by the feotus) is attacked but the mother immune system.
in short. If your having a boy stop drinking the onions.
i personally believe that being gay is a form of having an intersex issue. if an intersex issue is because the genitalia is ambiguous/does not match their chromosomes, often times because the wrong hormone is introduced during fetus development, then shouldn't being gay, if caused by the wrong hormone effecting a gendered part of the brain be considered an intersex condition.
They're changing it to free-healthcare for non-citizen. Technically, America would still not have free-healthcare, but all the illegals and visitors are eating from the system, which was the whole point.
Remember, the Democratic plan is to create more debt, so the working class families can never save enough cash to stop working. The market will stagnant and no one can threat the dominating market forces.
reddit spacing
People will spend less in a gov run healthcare. Leading to fewer people living with debt. People without healthcare cannot bargain prices the same way countries or health insurance can leading to them spending more on the same treatment.
You mean ILLEGAL immigration.
No, actually, I'm not paying for your healthcare, you dumb spic.
Ain't a spic boy. Also how do you think insurance work?
>why should I help someone in need when I can let the corporation fuck me over to my literal death
It means that healthy people pay for sick people.
And spics are even more morbidly obese than amerifats.
Not that hyped for FFH but it has given me the urge to go on a Mysterio binge.
Instead you're busting your ass for someone who literally sees you as disposable ants. So much better
Played your hand too soon, /leftypol/ tranny.
This comic takes place in the "Our Love is Real" universe.