This is what perfect looks like
This is what perfect looks like
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why has nothing been done with this concept? no webcomics, no art, no fanfiction, not even any fucking blogs on shitblr.
because it isnt as good as BBTerra
Things change tho
BB is for Raven or Starfire
Post it
It's a sweet ship! Next time you post a thread I think I will make art, because I would like to see them wearily smiling for once
It's too wack even for crack
Yeah it is. Anyone got the sketch where Robin is looking at the Titans tower in the distance and Terra is telling him not to do anything stupid?
So near yet so far
Thanks! This art shows just how interesting this kind of dynamic is for these characters
your ship is fucking trash and the only thing Slade deserve, is getting his shit destroyed by the Titans.
>t. Cucked beastboy
I don't get the appeal I'm all for two broken people getting together and helping each other but they have to be broken in ways that complement each other and I just don't see it
t. Sladefag
shut up beast bitch
i'm not him and i like it
something something, touching girlfriends dads balls
It's got more substance than bbrae to he fair.
It really doesn’t. As pointed out not even crack shippers go for it.
I cringe like a motherfucker
how is this ship a thing?
>fandom bicycles
>both troubled
>both Slade's apprentices
i mean, this is the first time i even see this couple but it should be no wonder that it exists in the real of fanfiction
Never underestimate fandom
bb is for cyborg
i will after i learn to draw
im gonna draw all my ships
How does Slade punish them for failure?
by denying them "alone time"
Star SEETHING over seeing a better Cute & Perfect
The worst and most forced ship DCAU. Letter the only reason it happened was because Robin was spoken for and Cyborg was black. BBxTerra is better but still awful. BB isn't in the same league as most any female hero. BB needs either a homely hero or a hot normie. Raven needs someone with a three digit IQ and good circumstances.
Onky if you include Daddy Slade