Superman chose a slutty reporter instead of this

>superman chose a slutty reporter instead of this
Why does supes have such shit taste

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She cucked him for some limp-wristed sissy merman and died. He's better off without her.

did the writers know that all of Supes love interests have the initials LL or was it just a big coincidence?

She doesn't even have a vagina

It was intentional at least after a while. There's silver age stories about him noticing how many important people in his life have the LL thing

Lois is just Batman but without the damage and also a woman.

How many? I know Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, merchickerand Lana.

A lot. Granted a lot of these are recent as writers want to be quirky and run with the theme
Linda Lee, Supergirl's secret identity.
Linda Lang, another secret identity used by Supergirl.
Lana Lang, Superman's first girlfriend.
Laura Lang, Lana Lang's mother.
Lewis Lang, Lana Lang's father.
Lois Lane, Superman's main love interest.
Lucy Lane, Lois' sister.
Alexander "Lex" Luthor, Superman's frequent foe.
Lex Luthor, Jr., Lex's son
Lena Luthor, Lex Luthor's sister.
Lena Luthor II, Lex Luthor's daughter.
Lori Luthor, Lex's niece.
Lionel Luthor, Lex's father on Smallville.
Lillian Luthor, Lex's Mother on Smallville.
Leticia Luthor, Lex's mother post-Rebirth (Superwoman #6, 2017)
Lillian Luthor, Lex's aunt post-Rebirth (Superwoman #6, 2017)
Lachlan Luthor, Lex's grandfather on Smallville.
Lutessa Lena Luthor, Lex's half-sister in Smallville.
Lenny Luthor, Lex's nephew in Superman IV.
Lucas Luthor, Lex's half-brother on Smallville.
Lori Lemaris, Superman's college sweetheart.
Lenora Lemaris, Lori's sister.
Lyla Lerrol, Superman's love affair on Krypton.
Letitia Lerner, Superman's babysitter.
Lara Lor-Van, Superman's biological mother.
Luma Lynai, one of several characters to have used the name Superwoman.
Linda Lake, a reporter on Smallville.
Lesla Lar, a Silver Age foe of Supergirl.
Liri Lee, member of the Linear Men (uses the pseudonym Liesel Largo).
Lyrica Lloyd, from Superman #196 (May 1967)
Lola-La, a member of a Neandertholic people on a remote undiscovered island (with dinosaurs) whom an amnesiac Superman nearly married.
Lupé Leocadio, a Metropolis police officer.
Leslie Luckabee, posed as Lex Luthor's son in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman.
Lisa Lasalle, Superman's love interest in Superman: Earth One Volume 2
Lee Lambert, Clark Kent's neighbor.
Laney Lan, Primetime Shanghai reporter (New Super-Man)
Luo Lixin, heir to Chinese Southeast Airline (New Super-Man)

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he tried man, she left him for a mermaid doctor.

aside from Lois Supes has got zero luck with the ladies

Cat Grant was pretty thirsty for him but he didn't want any of that single mom puss.

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Superman is honestly too good and pure for anyone. Lois is a lucky woman. If Superman wasn't as pure he'd could pick any lady because a lot of women want Superman. Like this slutty police officer.

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This scene is cute.

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>Lutessa Luthor
Years later and this asspull still makes me laugh

Lois is just Aquaman without the water and also a woman.

very cute, any other Zatanna/Clark content?

Think the first one is Encantadora.

Maybe he doesn't like the fishy smell...wait...

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So she's perfect?


...he didn't hear who was at the door?

Most Superman writers keep forgetting about his various powers when he's not fighting.

The climactic scene of Justice.

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Lois Lane is just Martian Manhunter but not a Martian and also a woman

Lois Lane is just Wonder Woman but... uh... not a foreigner?


one leg
zero vagania

She has no pussy bra. You always go with the pussy.

Thats is a lot of LL initials, also why do they change the name of Lex's mom? is it because the writer never had the chance to read the old stories?

someone post Lois in the Hellmom armor.

Man I can only imagine the level of shenanigans a LL marking on the wall makes.

Superman has good taste, alliteration is a fantastic fetish.