I cant believe they actually put this scene in far from home.
I cant believe they actually put this scene in far from home
Other urls found in this thread:
I cant believe your parents let you on the internet this late.
I can't believe it's not butter!
not OP but this scene is briefly referenced before a swarm of Peters jumps on the original in a Mysterio illusion
here's the scene
Okay you got to admit that's some Grade A Mysterio fuckery right there
Like many things, Into The Spider-Verse did it better.
I fucking hate MCU Spidey but this is some top tier Mysterio stuff.
I don't see it. Is it when he was reaching for the mirror? If so, saying that was referencing the meme is a reach in and of itself.
yeah i'm not seeing it but that whole scene with misterio's mindfuckery was cool except for the final part with fury
Go eat a fucking dick!
If the jannies would actually allow people to post comics on the comics board, they could have their own thread
Is this loss?
Id fund that.
Is this really how Mysterio is defeated or nah? Cause the illusion sequence is cool but a lame way to go out
So what happened here to trigger the stonetoss faggot?
I guess it realized that it'd be easier to just hijack a thread than make a new one.
are they gonna put that scene in every single spiderman movie now
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
Which would not be an issue if you could make threads about comics, on the comics board, even if the trannie jannies didn't approve of them.
We're not even using the right buzzwords now.
So basically your stealth /pol/ thread got deleted and you're taking your butthurt out on this thread for no reason
Don't respond to that thing. It doesn't understand reason, all it knows is shitposting. Just report it and move on.
My comic threat got deleted on the comic board.
Good luck with that, I'm a phoneposter.
I will continue to post comics on the comics board, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
I don't get it
from a mexifag, this is actually pretty funny.
Posting in a dead thread
Based. I wish it was true
what do u guys think of my art
wait, that's not redpilled
Why is Memetoss being posted
Why would memetoss not be posted?
its fake. mysterio pretends to be fury to find out who peter told.
mysterio gets shot by his own drones
Some autist from reddit is upset that their subreddit was banned or something. Probably. Autism doesn’t need a reason, it’s like the sun. Irritating and ruining everything it touches.
Magic dirt is the belief that if you step into another one's country, you are associated with said country. (e.x. a dude from Sierra Leone moves to Sweden, he's now a Swede) when I say associate, I mean that their previous identity is gone.
>muh feefees!
This is gonna be a fucking good day
So what's Mysterios motivation in this movie?
Carpe diem, my friend.
>spams unfunny r/thedonald tier comics
>knows even the larping shitfest that is /pol/ would tell you to fuck off
>after shit thread gets rightfully nuked has to hijack a fucking spiderman thread of all things to shill shitty comics
God you're pathetic.
Like Syndrome in the Incredibles
so we're just posting untagged spoilers right in the catalog now?
go fuck yourself
I didn't know about that, but did you know they put this scene in the last issue of Spider-Man/Deadpool? They just replaced the two copies of Spider-Man with copies of Silk.
That tire makes her look like she's got a huge ass.
So, I understand that Stonetoss has about three jokes:
Leftists are delusional hypocrites
Ethnic people, sexual minorities and women are dumb, weird and probably evil.
Jews, am I right?
All of those are true.