What is the NGE of Yea Forums?

What is the NGE of Yea Forums?

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Overrated trash people like for mostly nostalgia reasons?


Literally Garfield's 9 lives

So Avatar


Invader Zim

sponge bob

Moral Orel

Your least favorite show

Watchmen for comics
BTAS for cartoons

The most legendary meme thread comes back fur more.

What would NGE be like if Garfield was in it?

In terms of influence, the NGE of Yea Forums is Batman the Animated Series.

Rick & morty

>dark character drama about people with serious, emotionally destructive issues placed in a grandiose setting

I'd say Moral Orel, but in terms of scope, nothing in the west has really touched it as far as I'm aware. Homestuck was the closest we got to a western NGE, but that shat the bed so hard it doesn't deserve the title.

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Unironically, Garfield


Lasagna Cat

Probably Sneed's Feed and Seed (Formerly Chuck's)

unironically. I could go into essays about the psychological damages these characters experience.

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Star Vs The Forces of Evil

ye. Though I will admit something can be overrated but still good

Not a bad choice.

The last Airbender? really, Evangelion is not deep not even pretentious, Japs are just fascinated with Christianity and treat it like a freak show.

Please tell us, user

Watchmen if you are talking about comicbooks. Western Animation hasn't had a NGE yet.




Tails Gets fucking Trolled

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You know Bob Chipman is right on this one, user.

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It's part live action, but Pink Floyd's The Wall is similar in theme and tone to NGE, in particular the themes of isolation, parental drama, and the mental illness that affects Shinji and Pink. Both also use symbolism or surrealism to emphasize the mental breakdown of each character,

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>Pulls out my autistic notes.

I'll start off with the easiest one.

>Ginger Breadhouse, real name Ginger Witch.
>Daughter of the Candy Witch from Hanzel and Gretel.
>Says that her mother has never tried to eat the twins
>Got bullied to a point she had to be homeschooled in elementary
>went back into Middle school, under a new name.
>Never got close to anyone because she feared that people would know the truth.
>Does not really accept herself until Highschool.

From these notes we can tell
>she is an unreliable narrator. We hear from her, since she was in daycare, that her mother has never attempted to eat anyone. She clearly love her mother, so anything she says is biased.
>But we never hear this from Candy. Instead we literally have Candy making comments that when says she is going to "swallow you whole" you don't know if it's sex or cannibalism.
>We know she hides from the truth.
>Ever after in HIghschool everyone knows who her mother is, even after accepting the fact that what her mother is, you know she never never refers to herself by her own name.
>She doesn't want to accept the truth.
>It's not her mother she doesn't believe that is a cannibal.
>She doesn't want to accept she isn't a witch.
>She doesn't want to accept the fact she may enjoy the taste of flesh.

Forgot the picture of our little cannibal.

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How are not all the answers Watchmen? Both were deconstructions supposed to showcase what would happen if you put real people in scenarios such as superheroes or mechas that all following writers ended up misunderstanding and just badly copying it.

It hurts!!! And Please forgive me!!! Aren't posted here?

I mean, it's one of the best comic about depression. And the evangelion has nothing on the it hurts ending.

how many fucking times must we go through this

Faggot with shit taste.

The difference is that Watchmen is actually good.

Get this edgy boy out of here.


Not joking. Evangelion was a deconstruction of the mecha genre that took the anime industry by storm. It created many followers who tried to copy it, most of which were pale imitations. It was an critique on the then current socioeconomic scene, Japan's lost decade, and how the genre could reflect it.

I think it is quite comparable to what Watchmen did to the superhero genre and the impact it had on the comics industry.

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Shit. And here I'd been saying it for years. Did Movie Bob just release this or was it one of his older videos? Haven't bothered with much of his stuff in some time.

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What's the Neutral Milk Hotel of Yea Forums?

12 oz. Mouse.

Nah, he said it on Twitter. Then said something weird and stupid saying Pacific Rim is Avengers.


I'd say:
cartoons : ren&Stimpy
eurocomics : tintin
capecomics : probably watchmen even thought he whole EXTREEEEME bubble happening after it lessen the influence people claims it had.

Tails Gets Trolled is actually good though

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I just rewatched EoE again Bros, last time was when I was 23

It’s still so fucking good, everything from sound design to editing to cinematography, and it’s a pitch perfect conclusion to every character arc in a satisfying way

Are the rebuilds any good? I have to have more

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Watchmen did NGE so much better than NGE did itself.

Broken clock is right twice a day


There not quite as good, but 3.33 is a pleb filter.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy

A bunch of giant fighting robots with an dumb pretentious story? Transformers. Particularly Bayformers.

Between Ever After High and Descendants, there's so much generational trauma it hurts.

>Evangelion was a deconstruction of the mecha genre

>What is the NGE of Yea Forums?
the equivalent big hack in comic/cartoon history?

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I want to see if 4.0/4.44 somehow soars or dives spectacularly.

Golly I want to be as smart and cool as you when I grow up.

Third Impact happens on a Monday

Sadly you were born too dumb

Animal Man

>marketed out the ass
>has marketing for pretty much anything
What is the equivalent?

Ah, so Ducktales. Shame that NGE isn't based on a superior manga/comic series that served as an inspiration for the grandfather of anime.

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>all following writers ended up misunderstanding
I hate this retarded meme.

Unironically this

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NGE Is not pretentious it’s literally a mentally ill person getting a lot of funding and a whole team to flesh out his craziness. You would get something similar if you took a random crazy hobo and give him those types of resources.

Bayformers wasn’t anywhere near that ,it was just a shitty cash grab

Only correct answer in this thread

Gravity Falls

More like Adventure Time in a few years time

I think this thread is forgetting another reason why nge is "iconic", people over analyzed nge to death.

Reading all the posts in this thread makes me realize that Yea Forums has no equivalent.

We should call ourselves lucky.

lmao are you 12?

it's true though. doesn't make it deep nor intelligent, but deconstructing mecha anime is what it does.

This. Evangelion came out in a time when Gundam was getting super pretentious (Wing) and most robot shows had all the nuance of a brave little boy befriending Not-Transformers to fight evil aliens or what have you. And sometimes that's fun just as it is to watch campy Adam West Style Batman pound on some thugs. But in comes Eva, which had at it's basis a message that *maybe* it's not such a damn smart idea it leave the fate of the world in a child's hands, and used the story to deconstruct giant robot norms (in particular that its main character utterly fucking fails, and alot of this can be blamed on how broken of a person his father and society made him.) That was the point. Also the show had to get subtle and throw shade at some of its points because standards and practices and lack of money bit them in the ass. But then everyone else tried to copy cat it once it became huge and anime got really fucking pretentious for over a decade. No fucking wonder One Piece was such a hit when it turned around all this fucking angst and pretentious thought pieces that don't hold up to scrutiny by having a merry pirate adventure.

Watchmen, while it came out when other cape comics were starting to break free of the CCA's shackles and really delve into serious fair, still took the whole shebang farther along. Love it or leave it, part of Watchmen's entire point was to deconstruct things by showing how out of place super heroes could be in a "real world" and the fallacy of using them to try to solve every problem nations faced. And like Eva's imitators, this lead to alot of tryhard wannabes who attempted to make things SERIOUS and realistic, but not understanding nor trying to replicate the intricate thought and hard fucking work put into Watchmen's process. They just saw "gritty realism" and missed the forest for the trees.

"Overrated" is what you say, when you have nothing to actually say, but feel like being a contrarian faggot anyways.

Honestly eva is more ultraman than mecha especially with how the evas work, but everyone just goes mecha deconstruction so whatever.

Everything eva did was done by previous shows but eva is the most popular mecha series even with the message of stop being an Otaku in the background.

Ducktales isn't that liked as you're making it seem

Johnny Test

The situation between Gendo and Shinji was a direct reference to Mazinger Z and already riffed on in Mobile Suit Gundam. But even then Amuro stepped up and saved the day with his giant war machine. No one had ever taken it to the total extreme and mixed it with random religious imagery that Anno thought was cool.

Unironically 100% right