i still dont get his plan
I still dont get his plan
It was peak narcissism.
>"I know! I'll make all matter and life ME."
There's a reason why his name is Ego.
If it made sense, he wouldn't be a villain.
Endless celestial sex. Even if he was super evolved or whatever at the end he only wanted to reproduce, so probably he loved Starlord's mom in his own autistic way. And this too
>Step 1: Fuck Quill's mom
>Step 2: Get cute bug girl
>Step 3: Awesome
He would have been every planet in the galaxy
He believed himself to be a transcendentally superior lifeform, so changing other planets into more instances of himself is improving them.
He just wanted to make every planet him, because y'know, he's a planet who can do that. It's pretty simple. Hell, they could even bring him back if they ever wanted to by saying one of those shitty little plants survived or something.
Thought he was a celestial. Thought he was the ultimate form of life. Thought making all life bearing planets into copies/extensions of himself would improve things.
>Thought he was a celestial
He was.
But then wouldn't that mean Peter would have still had some powers after all this time?
He's entire life he was looking for the meaning of his life, he didn't even remember/knew how he was created.
Eventually he would look for another life-forms thinking it would help finding meaning, but when he finally met other living beings, he was simply disappointed with what he'd seen.
So he started to think he was a perfect being compared to everyone else, and with that, he would want to assimilate the entire universe into himself, thinking that in the end it was the meaning of his existence.
You know how Thanos wanted to end half of life for reasons that don't make sense if you understand actual reproduction and population growth, under some thin veneer of "caring about life."
Ego actually DOES understand reproduction and population growth. It all starts with the given that life like him is the pinnacle of existence, however, given that he just sort of... existed, he didn't know if it was even possible to create life that was like him. If he couldn't, then destroying all lesser life in the universe would be bad (to him) because he'd be all alone, with nobody to appreciate how amazing he is. If, however, he's able to prove that it's possible to make more things like himself, he no longer has any need for lesser life forms, and can get rid of them to make room for more things like him.
Think of it this way: the only world you've ever known is a roughly house-sized lab. If you were the only human in the world as you knew it, and somehow were intelligent and not feralized, and the only other life were vermin (lizards, rats, bugs etc...) you might want to keep the bugs around for company. However, if you figured how to create more humans, you can be damn sure you'd clear out the bugs to make room for your family.
>is literally named Ego
>people STILL have trouble grasping his motivations
take the elevator down into Lo Pan's lair, drink the little drink, see things no one else can see, stop the wedding, kill Lo Pan, get his truck back
pretty sure ego isn't his actual name it's just a pronoun like if you lived alone for a billion years you wouldn't really give yourself a name you'd just call yourself "me" it's the same idea
It kills me people love this movie. The cringe of the jokes achieves levels I didn’t think were possible.
he just wanted to get his truck back
Sorry our public school system has failed you my child.
he was like the "plastic paddy" of celestials.
which is to say sure he was descended from them but he'd also spend every st. patrick's day getting black-out drunk on green beer, promising to give money to the IRA and going on about what a great catholic he was until he'd be vomiting "irish car bombs" in the street and singing "shipping up to boston" because he saw it in the departed
RIP Robin Williams
If Ego took Mantis under his care then doesn't that mean she's Quill's adopted sister?
Remember the giant, all consuming blob at the end of Evolution? Ego is that, except he can talk.
No more than your moms dog is your adopted brother.
By which I mean it isnt, Pets aren't children.
He was a mega autist with no purpose so he assigned himself one and was too much of a retard to change it when an opportunity for actual personal fulfillment arose.
No one remembers Evolution, what are you talking about