We're four seasons in and we haven't gotten an aged-up episode yet.
We're four seasons in and we haven't gotten an aged-up episode yet
Luis Brooks
Lucas Scott
Owen Jackson
God, I hope not. But you know the goth life. It's either fat or frail.
Josiah Wright
Sorry but all Goths will naturally grow up to be cute tubbies meant for holding onto and hugging and fucking their fat
Ethan Rodriguez
she seems like she would go through a lanky phase
Logan Diaz
So, which is better? Op's version or this.
Juan Watson
In season 5 they’re all aging up by a year, be patient.
James Adams
Or this? Personally, I think they've all got flaws in some regard.
Ethan Morgan
Landon Clark
This one because it doesn’t have a hideous adult Lincoln