If you could smell the underwear of any fictional Yea Forums character you wanted, who would it be?

If you could smell the underwear of any fictional Yea Forums character you wanted, who would it be?

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forget underwear

I wanna smell her vajayjay

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Pic related

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No question, i imagine it smells of that sweet artificial sugar in gummy worms

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But she a little girl. Why would you?

Remember youre on Yea Forums user

probably smells nice.

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Welcome to Yea Forums newfriend

Whos the 4th one?

Luna Maximoff, daughter of Quicksilver and Crystal.

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Just... nestle my snuffler in that muff and huff til' I've had enough.

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I don't even think it'd smell nice. I kind of just want to know how bad it gets.

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I always wonder what happens if I fucked Mary Marvel and she got pregnant but reverted to a kid.

Pregnant kid.

You'd have to sniff her normal form panties as well, to test the aromatic differences.

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Does Mary menstruate in her adult form? Does she gets horny in that form?

shuma gorath

I love that art style wheres it from, it makes her super cute and fuckable

t. Giggles McDimples

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...Guy cornered and bad touched by a sexually confused Mary Marvel when?

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I for one will post the correct answer so everyone else can go home.

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Yes I'd read that in a heartbeat.

Peter Griffin

They would smell lemony.

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Fucking tumblrcucks